Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Well good for you.

Homosexuals are getting killed just for being homosexuals.

Which is a 'serious attack'- a lawsuit for violating the law- or getting murdered for being gay?

No murder is excuseable. Neither is suing someone to force them to abdicate their faith to accomodate gay lifestyles. .

Wow- so you think that murder is the same thing as filing a law suit?

You are even more delusional than I thought.
Then Phil was asked a question, and then when he answered it they attacked him also, and if they could have they wanted him FIRED and the whole show taken off the air.

Duck Dynasty - A E

View attachment 35702

Doesn't look canceled to me.

Meanwhile- once again- Christian Activists call for a show they think is too gay friendly to be canceled:

A premiere date has not been set, but One Million Moms wanted to sound the alarm about this new series. It will be airing on the network soon unless we do something about it. They are in the beginning stages.

ABC Family reported the comedy-drama pilot, working with the title The Fosters, is about two women raising a “21st century,” multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids. While foster care and adoption is a wonderful thing and the Bible does teach us to help orphans, this program is attempting to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. One Million Moms is not sure how the explanation will be given on how the biological children were conceived. None of this material is acceptable content for a family show.

Hollywood is continuing to push an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when scripture states clearly it is a sin. As Christians, the Bible also says that we must speak up against sin. If we remain silent then we are guilty of sin also.

Since you consider crticism of Duck Dynasty to be a serious attack- you would agree then that homosexuals are also under serious attack?
Well I guess that It is an unwritten cultural war that is going on according to what you suggest or say here, and who knows where all that will ultimately end, but hopefully it will remain peaceful as it should always remain peaceful in the nation, and this in regards to such things as this and/or so many other issues as well that the nation faces or deals with daily now.

What may result from it all though, is the separation of the people along cultural and religious lines in this nation, because people are going to teach their children about what they think is right, and what they think is wrong in life, and the government won't stop them from doing this no matter how much those idiots at MSNBC talk about the children don't belong to the parents anymore, but rather that they belong to the state or village now. So as the boundaries or lines continue to shrink around the people who see something wrong with this kind of stuff, then the verbal attacks by various groups will probably remain on the increase be it against a religious way of life or many other ways of life. If trying to be a Christian it will get worse in the future I think, and it will get worse for all in the nation I'm afraid. The various groups will clash and seek space from one another when the boundaries shrink more and more between them, but what will they do in order to resolve these issues that have been created recently or is on the increase in America ?

The main thing is everyone should remain peaceful and calm about it all, then everything can be worked out as it should be in life. Like I said before, there is enough room in this nation for everyone, but it must try and deal with the culture clash to the satisfaction of everyone involved and it can be done... The nation must continue to feed and promote freedom and liberty just as it should be doing here in this nation, and to not instead be divisive like those within this administration has been over so many issues now.

All this stuff has become a huge distraction from what is important in life, but the ones doing the distracting could care less about that, because they have their agenda, and it comes complete with a goal in mind, and this goal is to be reached regardless of what happens to others who think differently in life or maybe some are just innocent bystanders in it all, where as I guess somehow people just get caught up in it all, yet it is a distraction is what it is, because people have to much time on their hands is what I think these days.

I mean these people that I mentioned were just minding their own business when the questions were asked of them right, and then they responded honestly to them right ? Now should people be targeted in this way, otherwise when a person don't like an answer someone gives them after they had asked a question while the defendant being asked was just minding his or hers own business ? I mean otherwise weren't they minding their own business when all of a sudden BAM a mouth goes off on them, and the next thing you know their livelihood is being challenged as a result of ?
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"All this stuff has become a huge distraction from what is important in life"


Seeking one's comprehensive civil liberties is of the utmost importance.
A homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.
Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.

Her horrible answer prevented her from winning. As regardless of your take on the issue, her job is to be diplomatic and charismatic.She was released from her Miss California contract because she posed for partially nude photos, a breach of her contract. And Prejean masturbating on video, another breach of her contract.

Now....lets compare that to Alexander "AJ" Betts Jr..

Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide, Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates

An Iowa community is reeling after a teen's suicide, the fifth to rattle the local high school over the past five years.

According to his mother Sheryl Moore, Alexander "AJ" Betts Jr. was subjected to intense bullying at Southeast Polk High School because of his sexuality (he came out as gay about a year and a half ago) and his mixed race background, the Des Moines Register is reporting.

Calling her 16-year-old son's death "the most painful thing I have been through in my entire life," Moore has since vowed to help educate people on how "words hurt."

Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates death. Compared to losing a contract because she violated said contract by doing porn.

These are orders of magnitude apart. Yet you consistently try and portray yourself as the victim. While ignoring the horrible consequences of the actual persecution of gays.

Then Phil was asked a question, and then when he answered it they attacked him also, and if they could have they wanted him FIRED and the whole show taken off the air.

Phil is a multi-millionaire working as an entertainer. And he alienated many of his audience. He didn't lose his job. And he made millions more.

Now, lets compare that with say......increased depression and suicide among children due to persecution of gays.

THURSDAY, May 16 (HealthDay News) -- Students targeted because they're believed to be gay -- as many as one in seven young teens -- are much more likely than others to be suicidal and depressed, a new survey finds.

More than 10 percent of eighth-grade boys and girls reported that they're victimized because of perceived sexual orientation, according to a large survey of students in Washington state.

Anti-Gay Bullying Tied to Teen Depression Suicide - US News

So a multimillionare entertainer being criticized for offending much of his audience.....and NOT losing his job. Compared with depression, misery and suicide for our children caused by persecution of gays.

And yet you ignore the misery and death....and focus on the multi millionare, casting yourself as a victim. You may want to consider reevaluating your priorities.

Then the CEO of Chic-Filet was asked the set up question also, and when he responded they wanted him to step it back and apologize or they wanted Chic-Filet to be boycotted. Chic-Filet has been so prosperous since then, that it just isn't funny. You can't even get into the parking lot hardly anymore. Not sure if it was because of all of that, but is sure seems like it was.
More accurately...
January 2011, the media reported that the American fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A was co-sponsoring a marriage conference along with the Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI), an organization that had filed an amicus brief against striking down Proposition 8 in California (see Perry v. Brown).[3][4][5][6][7][8] The PFI lobbied against a state effort to ban discrimination in Pennsylvania on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.[9] Responding on its official company Facebook page, Chick-fil-A said that support of the PFI retreat had come from a local franchisee, stating "We have determined that one of our independent restaurant operators in Pennsylvania was asked to provide sandwiches to two Art of Marriage video seminars."[10]

Chick Filet actively worked and spent money to deprive gays of their rights. And it Chick Filet that is being 'persecuted'?

Lets compare that with say, Jamie Hubley. A teen who commited suicide after years of relentless abuse for being gay:

Jamie Hubley, a gay 15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.

The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.

Jamie Hubley Gay 15-Year-Old Ottawa Canada Teen Commits Suicide Cites Depression School Troubles

See the pattern here?
So are you blaming the Christians for all these incidents in which you have listed ? Can anyone take on some personal responsibility in their life anymore (or) is it just a blame game for the overall agenda that is reached for by a group or by groups these days ? Can you bring us proof that all these cases were ever involving Christians and them being against the gay lifestyle when these incidents happen to take place or had happened ? The Christian brothers and sisters I know generally mind their own business in life, so what are you saying here really ?
So are you blaming the Christians for all these incidents in which you have listed ? Can anyone take on some personal responsibility in their life anymore (or) is it just a blame game for the overall agenda that is reached for by a group or by groups these days ? Can you bring us proof that all these cases were ever involving Christians and them being against the gay lifestyle when these incidents happen to take place or had happened ? The Christian brothers and sisters I know generally mind their own business in life, so what are you saying here really ?

Beagle, they always reach for "gay teen suicides" when the chips are down. It means they're nervous about something that has come up in debate: (post 151) 11th Circuit Gears Up For Gay Marriage Case SCOTUS Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So are you blaming the Christians for all these incidents in which you have listed ? Can anyone take on some personal responsibility in their life anymore (or) is it just a blame game for the overall agenda that is reached for by a group or by groups these days ? Can you bring us proof that all these cases were ever involving Christians and them being against the gay lifestyle when these incidents happen to take place or had happened ? The Christian brothers and sisters I know generally mind their own business in life, so what are you saying here really ?

Beagle, they always reach for "gay teen suicides" when the chips are down. It means they're nervous about something that has come up in debate: (post 151) 11th Circuit Gears Up For Gay Marriage Case SCOTUS Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes the environment that children grow up in is definitely of a very huge importance for a society, and especially so when it comes to leading the world on the moral fronts in which we have done or tried to do in the past. As our society changes, then so goes the world to either be for us or against us afterwards. I think that we must remain a moral nation to a large extent or we will end up paying a huge price as we slip beneath the waves with a talent (huge stone) being added to us and then weighed in around our necks as we sink to the bottom.

The bible says that we are to teach the children right, and if we don't it will be better that we place a talent around our necks, and to sink ourselves to the bottom of the ocean. Even then we won't be able to hide from his wrath that will come against us, and this is so if we teach these children to SIN.
Yes the environment that children grow up in is definitely of a very huge importance for a society, and especially so when it comes to leading the world on the moral fronts in which we have done or tried to do in the past. As our society changes, then so goes the world to either be for us or against us afterwards. I think that we must remain a moral nation to a large extent or we will end up paying a huge price as we slip beneath the waves with a talent (huge stone) being added to us and then weighed in around our necks as we sink to the bottom.

The bible says that we are to teach the children right, and if we don't it will be better that we place a talent around our necks, and to sink ourselves to the bottom of the ocean. Even then we won't be able to hide from his wrath that will come against us, and this is so if we teach these children to SIN.

The Bible is nice, but what do you say about the secular position that a single-gender parent home is not the best formative environment for children that we find represented in both genders? Not from a moralist standpoint, but from one of sheer child-developmental psychology? How many studies do we have already on the detrimental outcomes of homes where children grow up with just one gender represented?
"All this stuff has become a huge distraction from what is important in life"


Seeking one's comprehensive civil liberties is of the utmost importance.
Speaking of comprehensive...

How would anyone leave monosexuals (single parents also depriving children of the complimentary gender) and polysexuals out of the marriage equality discussions? If homosexuals gain marriage equality as a right, how is it again that we can leave other alternative sexual lifestyles out of the word "marriage"? A right is a right. Remember, those are available to all, not just some. Currently marriage is a state-granted privelege. Once its a federally mandated right, you know that means it covers every conceivable combination of consenting adults...
And once the status of privelege has morphed into a "right", won't churches then be in violation of "civil rights" for refusing to marry homosexuals, monosexuals (to themselves so their kids don't suffer "immediate legal harm") and polysexuals?
Yes the environment that children grow up in is definitely of a very huge importance for a society, and especially so when it comes to leading the world on the moral fronts in which we have done or tried to do in the past. As our society changes, then so goes the world to either be for us or against us afterwards. I think that we must remain a moral nation to a large extent or we will end up paying a huge price as we slip beneath the waves with a talent (huge stone) being added to us and then weighed in around our necks as we sink to the bottom.

The bible says that we are to teach the children right, and if we don't it will be better that we place a talent around our necks, and to sink ourselves to the bottom of the ocean. Even then we won't be able to hide from his wrath that will come against us, and this is so if we teach these children to SIN.

The Bible is nice, but what do you say about the secular position that a single-gender parent home is not the best formative environment for children that we find represented in both genders? Not from a moralist standpoint, but from one of sheer child-developmental psychology? How many studies do we have already on the detrimental outcomes of homes where children grow up with just one gender represented?
I'd say that I agree with you Sil, and many these days should agree with you also, because they have lived it. They should know better than anyone about what a dysfunctional situation is or can be in which they lived through, but for some reason many are brainwashed and/or work for the devil on these things... They hide the detriment that had come as a result of what you speak here in many ways, and that has become a problem in and of itself these days.
And once the status of privelege has morphed into a "right", won't churches then be in violation of "civil rights" for refusing to marry homosexuals, monosexuals (to themselves so their kids don't suffer "immediate legal harm") and polysexuals?
Well they say that the churches will have and keep the right to refuse these things right, but how long will that last for the churches, and especially since they are the main supplier of marriage services in the nation?

Then we have many people whom claim to be Christians or other religious types in the nation, and they do this even if they are not living a lifestyle that represents being Christian or any other religious type when making the claim these days, so will it be that if they might claim to be Christian or any other religious type, then by doing so they would demand they have access to a church wedding under that claim ?

Could the Church refuse them if they claim to be of the religious family in which the church represents, even though they don't attend a church as a member ? There are so many ways to break something down, that it just isn't funny anymore. The only way that standards and traditions are held up, is if people stand together and up for what they believe in.

If they don't then they will just fall down into the fog with everyone else is what will happen to them. They just better hope that it isn't the fog in which the horror movie depicted way back in the day.
So two delusional individuals hold a confirmation bias conversation.

You two: listen up.

Associate with those who feel like you.

Understand marriage equality will become the law of the land.

Hide in your corners and be astounded no one attempts to make churches marry folks they don't want to marry.

Then slowly fade away into history as a dusty footnote of little import.
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Well they say that the churches will have and keep the right to refuse these things right, but how long will that last for the churches, and especially since they are the main supplier of marriage services in the nation?

Its lasted since interracial marriage bans were lifted, so nearly 50 years without any sign of changing.

There's zero indication of any change otherwise.
s no matter how much those idiots at MSNBC talk about the children don't belong to the parents anymore, but rather that they belong to the state or village now.

See you start of sounding kind of reasonable and then you just drop this crap into your post.

Prove it.

See I think you are just reciting crap you have heard from Conservatives- crap spread by Conservatives to incite their more gullible base.

I am a liberal- I am lucky enough to be a father of a child- and she is part of our family- she doesn't 'belong' to us like a dog or a car. And I am lucky enough to live in a city and state and country that we are all part of.

Why do you repeat this crap if when you appear to be trying to have a reasonable conversation about a completely different conversation- because I will call you out on it.
So two delusional individuals hold a confirmation bias conversation. You two: listen up. Associate with those who feel like you. Understand marriage equality will be come the law of the land.
Hide in your corners and be astounded no one attempts to make churches marry folks they don't want to marry.
Then slowly fade away into history as a dusty footnote of little import.

In your "perfect" world Jakey... :lmao:

When you say "marriage equality" Jakey, you're talking I assume about a "right" which will be afforded for the first time federally to alternative sexual lifestyles such as monosexuals (singles who deprive children also of the complimentary gendered parent/role model 100% of the time), homosexuals and polysexuals (polygamists)?

Rights cannot be arbitrarily disenfranchised once they are in place, from any other person. So once and if marriage equality becomes a federally mandated right, all are welcome to enjoy it, correct? Please explain how when it comes to the legal discussion of a right, I am wrong?
Yes the environment that children grow up in is definitely of a very huge importance for a society, and especially so when it comes to leading the world on the moral fronts in which we have done or tried to do in the past. As our society changes, then so goes the world to either be for us or against us afterwards. I think that we must remain a moral nation to a large extent or we will end up paying a huge price as we slip beneath the waves with a talent (huge stone) being added to us and then weighed in around our necks as we sink to the bottom.

The recognition of rights is quite moral. While there's nothing particularly immoral about gay marriage. Quite the contrary, I'd argue that monogamy would probably tip more toward the moral side. Or at the very least, safer and more stable.
So two delusional individuals hold a confirmation bias conversation. You two: listen up. Associate with those who feel like you. Understand marriage equality will be come the law of the land.
Hide in your corners and be astounded no one attempts to make churches marry folks they don't want to marry.
Then slowly fade away into history as a dusty footnote of little import.

In your "perfect" world Jakey... :lmao:

When you say "marriage equality" Jakey, you're talking I assume about a "right" which will be afforded for the first time federally to alternative sexual lifestyles such as monosexuals (singles who deprive children also of the complimentary gendered parent/role model 100% of the time), homosexuals and polysexuals (polygamists)?

Rights cannot be arbitrarily disenfranchised once they are in place, from any other person. So once and if marriage equality becomes a federally mandated right, all are welcome to enjoy it, correct? Please explain how when it comes to the legal discussion of a right, I am wrong?

Dunno. The court isn't addressing 'monosexuals' or 'polysexuals'. Its addressing gay marriage. The specifics of which you seem increasingly reluctant to discuss.
And once the status of privelege has morphed into a "right", won't churches then be in violation of "civil rights" for refusing to marry homosexuals, monosexuals (to themselves so their kids don't suffer "immediate legal harm") and polysexuals?
Well they say that the churches will have and keep the right to refuse these things right, but how long will that last for the churches, and especially since they are the main supplier of marriage services in the nation?

Then we have many people whom claim to be Christians or other religious types in the nation, and they do this even if they are not living a lifestyle that represents being Christian or any other religious type when making the claim these days, so will it be that if they might claim to be Christian or any other religious type, then by doing so they would demand they have access to a church wedding under that claim ?

Could the Church refuse them if they claim to be of the religious family in which the church represents, even though they don't attend a church as a member ? .

Do you even belong to a Church? Have you ever attended a wedding at a church?

I am no expert on religion, but from what little I know, getting married in the Catholic Church has many requirements- among them that both persons must be Catholics in order to get married.

Yet no one is fearing that somehow Episcopalians will be 'forcing' the Catholic Church to be required to marry there.

Churches cannot be forced to marry- or forced to include any persons for whatever reasons- in any Church ritual.

The Mormon Church excluded blacks from the priesthood until about 30 years ago- the Church didn't change because of lawsuits- they changed for their own (complicated) reasons- but they were not forced to open the church to blacks.

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