Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

You are not a church, Silo. You're not a mosque. You're not a synogogue. So any awkward attempt to equate yourself with a church is nonsense.

You're a person. And as such, you're subject to the same laws that everyone is subject to. You're not special and you're not exempt. Nor does your religious beliefs exempt you from the law.

If you're going to conduct business with the public, you'll need to meet minimum standards of conduct with the public: namely, treating all customers fairly and equally.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? .


Still waiting for you to prove your claims that American Christians are under serious attack.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual, putting words in other people's mouths to prove your strawman..

Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". One has clear legal leverage (so they think) over the other currently. One does not. The more aggressive group is the cult. The more passive one is the religion.

Cults have as their hallmark above all other things that differentiate themselves from religion: aggression.
boo hoo if a "gay"wedding is held in your church.....your church gets money which your church can use to pay the electric bills buy food for the homeless and help with all the functions your church does....or money to spread more hate about gays....I know terrible isn't it.
You speak of something that is also forbidden in the church.
To sell the churches principles and beliefs out for money, well that is a big no, no or it should always be a big no no if you ask me.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ?

That would be the dictionary:

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous

Cult - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I'd say extremists Christians that call for gays to be legally prohibited from every having children, or laud Putin's crackdown on the free speech of gays, or calling for a war against gays if they don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' or trying to justify such violence with the claims that 'even Jesus went on a rampage' would qualify as being part of a cult. A splinter version of Christianity that is hyper violent toward homosexuals.

And we have such posters on this board. Who have participated in this thread. Most Christians aren't like that.
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

You are not a church, Silo. You're not a mosque. You're not a synogogue. So any awkward attempt to equate yourself with a church is nonsense.

You're a person. And as such, you're subject to the same laws that everyone is subject to. You're not special and you're not exempt. Nor does your religious beliefs exempt you from the law.

If you're going to conduct business with the public, you'll need to meet minimum standards of conduct with the public: namely, treating all customers fairly and equally.
A person is made up of what ? Beliefs and such right ? Now what makes the person, and then what makes up that church ? It is the people who come into the building and have church, and not the church building itself. The Church building is only a place of worship in order to get together and practice one's beliefs in life. People carry their religion with them in life, and they have the constitutional protections to have these beliefs and practices. The Christians must be able to practice them in freedom there of also, but not be aggressive towards others whom don't agree to believe in what they believe and vice-verso . We must all obey the laws of course, but we must not be asked to betray our beliefs nor our faith in life by these laws or views in which would be unjust if they demanded for us to do so. We must refuse this when it happens or we are not Christians at all. The same could be said for the nation, where as if we allow others to trash our constitution, then we are not Americans but instead we are traitors.
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

You are not a church, Silo. You're not a mosque. You're not a synogogue. So any awkward attempt to equate yourself with a church is nonsense.

You're a person. And as such, you're subject to the same laws that everyone is subject to. You're not special and you're not exempt. Nor does your religious beliefs exempt you from the law.

If you're going to conduct business with the public, you'll need to meet minimum standards of conduct with the public: namely, treating all customers fairly and equally.
A person made up of what ? Beliefs and such right ? Now what makes the person, and then what makes up that church ? It is the people who come into the building and have church, and not the church building itself.

A spark plug is not a car, Beagle. A person is not a church. These are cartoon simple axioms that completely confound your argument.

And as a person, you're subject to the law. The same as everyone else. You're demanding that we offer you special exemptions from the law. That based on whatever you choose to believe, you should be able to ignore any law.

Um, no. That's how a theocracy works. That's not how a democratic republic does. While we can have no laws that explicitly target religion, its perfectly reasonable to have laws that apply to everyone. Including the religious.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? .


Still waiting for you to prove your claims that American Christians are under serious attack.
Just ask the former Mrs. America contestant who was attacked after she had been asked a question, and then ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty next. Then on to ask Chic-Filet about what they had went through or the cake baker, the photographer and so on and so forth. I bet I am just scraping the surface of this stuff.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? .


Still waiting for you to prove your claims that American Christians are under serious attack.
Just ask the former Mrs. America contestant who was attacked after she had been asked a question, and then ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty next. Then on to ask Chic-Filet about what they had went through or the cake baker, the photographer and so on and so forth. I bet I am just scraping the surface of this stuff.

That is your 'proof'? Seriously?

What 'formers Mrs. America'- you can't name her or what question- or how she was attacked- did someone throw acid on her? Beat her up? Break one of her fingernails? What harm did she suffer exactly?

Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Chic Filet- what harm did Chic Filet suffer exactly

The Cake baker- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Want examples of 'serious attack'?

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

Texas dad killed daughter, her lesbian lover because he disliked that she was gay: mom
James Cosby, 46, is behind bars and may face murder charges after evidence linked him to the deaths of Britney Cosby, his daughter, and Crystal Jackson. The women, both 24, were found dead, left near a Dumpster in Port Bolivar, Texas.

Want me to go on?

You want to compare the 'serious attack' that Christians are undergoing with the attacks that homosexuals suffer?

Fine- once again- show me the examples and tell me exactly what harm.

I have the murder of two homosexuals simply for being gay as my examples of 'serious attacks'
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

You are not a church, Silo. You're not a mosque. You're not a synogogue. So any awkward attempt to equate yourself with a church is nonsense.

You're a person. And as such, you're subject to the same laws that everyone is subject to. You're not special and you're not exempt. Nor does your religious beliefs exempt you from the law.

If you're going to conduct business with the public, you'll need to meet minimum standards of conduct with the public: namely, treating all customers fairly and equally.
A person made up of what ? Beliefs and such right ? Now what makes the person, and then what makes up that church ? It is the people who come into the building and have church, and not the church building itself.

A spark plug is not a car, Beagle. A person is not a church. These are cartoon simple axioms that completely confound your argument.

And as a person, you're subject to the law. The same as everyone else. You're demanding that we offer you special exemptions from the law. That based on whatever you choose to believe, you should be able to ignore any law.

Um, no. That's how a theocracy works. That's not how a democratic republic does. While we can have no laws that explicitly target religion, its perfectly reasonable to have laws that apply to everyone. Including the religious.
YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? .


Still waiting for you to prove your claims that American Christians are under serious attack.
Just ask the former Mrs. America contestant who was attacked after she had been asked a question, and then ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty next. Then on to ask Chic-Filet about what they had went through or the cake baker, the photographer and so on and so forth. I bet I am just scraping the surface of this stuff.

That is your 'proof'? Seriously?

What 'formers Mrs. America'- you can't name her or what question- or how she was attacked- did someone throw acid on her? Beat her up? Break one of her fingernails? What harm did she suffer exactly?

Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Chic Filet- what harm did Chic Filet suffer exactly

The Cake baker- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Want examples of 'serious attack'?

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

Texas dad killed daughter, her lesbian lover because he disliked that she was gay: mom
James Cosby, 46, is behind bars and may face murder charges after evidence linked him to the deaths of Britney Cosby, his daughter, and Crystal Jackson. The women, both 24, were found dead, left near a Dumpster in Port Bolivar, Texas.

Want me to go on?

You want to compare the 'serious attack' that Christians are undergoing with the attacks that homosexuals suffer?

Fine- once again- show me the examples and tell me exactly what harm.

I have the murder of two homosexuals simply for being gay as my examples of 'serious attacks'

A homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.
Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.

Keith Lewis, the director of the Miss California USA Pageant, is an open homosexual and obviously very insecure. After Carrie said on national TV on April 19 that marriage is only for a man and a woman, Lewis said he was personally offended. For weeks, he campaigned unprofessionally, publicly and continually attacking Carrie and aggressively lobbied Donald Trump to fire her.

Lewis’ anti-natural-marriage campaign showed its venom on May 11. That’s when Lewis and then-co-director Shanna Moakler (who strongly believes in homosexual “marriage” and was a Playboy centerfold) held a Beverly Hills news conference blasting Carrie for “unauthorized” speaking engagements at her church and at a traditional marriage news conference, as well as Carrie’s lingerie and swimsuit photos, and called for her to be fired.

The next day, May 12, pageant owner Donald Trump directed everyone to “make nice” and said Carrie would keep her crown. But what does oil have in common with water or light in common with dark? The 12-page contract Carrie signed is horrible and gave Keith Lewis so much power over her.

The day after the “unity event” in New York, Moakler and Lewis came back to California. That same day, Moakler resigned from her pageant post to protest Carrie keeping her crown. And Lewis began “keeping a file” ((Something illegal to do)) on Carrie in an effort to eventually fire her himself.

Then Phil was asked a question, and then when he answered it they attacked him also, and if they could have they wanted him FIRED and the whole show taken off the air.

Then the CEO of Chic-Filet was asked the set up question also, and when he responded they wanted him to step it back and apologize or they wanted Chic-Filet to be boycotted. Chic-Filet has been so prosperous since then, that it just isn't funny. You can't even get into the parking lot hardly anymore. Not sure if it was because of all of that, but it sure seems like it was.

Then it is the cake baker attempted to be shut down and on and on it keeps going. Now all these people are confessed to be Christians, so is there an agenda to harass and continue to attack the Christians ? Umm I would say so.

It's unfortunate that you have people who are ignorant and violent in America, because all these things or hang ups people have, should never resort to violence in any of these things, but it's just that ((space)) is what is needed by all in these things, and then respect for each other as human beings is needed next in life. SEX needs to get itself back into the bedroom where it belongs, and then the problems will subside for the most part, but you will always have the sick and/or twisted minds in society without a doubt, and for whom want to commit either violence or abusive actions against another in all sorts of ways, and especially when they don't like something someone stands for or says in which contradicts their ideology or positions on life.

The best way is for people to not be after one another, and to leave each other alone like it was in the past, but this is now and not the past anymore, so things will get worse by all indicators.

Marriage to me is between a man and a woman, and it is sacred in that sense, but that is just me.
Last edited:
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

You are not a church, Silo. You're not a mosque. You're not a synogogue. So any awkward attempt to equate yourself with a church is nonsense.

You're a person. And as such, you're subject to the same laws that everyone is subject to. You're not special and you're not exempt. Nor does your religious beliefs exempt you from the law.

If you're going to conduct business with the public, you'll need to meet minimum standards of conduct with the public: namely, treating all customers fairly and equally.
A person made up of what ? Beliefs and such right ? Now what makes the person, and then what makes up that church ? It is the people who come into the building and have church, and not the church building itself.

A spark plug is not a car, Beagle. A person is not a church. These are cartoon simple axioms that completely confound your argument.

And as a person, you're subject to the law. The same as everyone else. You're demanding that we offer you special exemptions from the law. That based on whatever you choose to believe, you should be able to ignore any law.

Um, no. That's how a theocracy works. That's not how a democratic republic does. While we can have no laws that explicitly target religion, its perfectly reasonable to have laws that apply to everyone. Including the religious.
You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? .


Still waiting for you to prove your claims that American Christians are under serious attack.
Just ask the former Mrs. America contestant who was attacked after she had been asked a question, and then ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty next. Then on to ask Chic-Filet about what they had went through or the cake baker, the photographer and so on and so forth. I bet I am just scraping the surface of this stuff.

That is your 'proof'? Seriously?

What 'formers Mrs. America'- you can't name her or what question- or how she was attacked- did someone throw acid on her? Beat her up? Break one of her fingernails? What harm did she suffer exactly?

Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Chic Filet- what harm did Chic Filet suffer exactly

The Cake baker- what harm did he suffer exactly?

Want examples of 'serious attack'?

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

Texas dad killed daughter, her lesbian lover because he disliked that she was gay: mom
James Cosby, 46, is behind bars and may face murder charges after evidence linked him to the deaths of Britney Cosby, his daughter, and Crystal Jackson. The women, both 24, were found dead, left near a Dumpster in Port Bolivar, Texas.

Want me to go on?

You want to compare the 'serious attack' that Christians are undergoing with the attacks that homosexuals suffer?

Fine- once again- show me the examples and tell me exactly what harm.

I have the murder of two homosexuals simply for being gay as my examples of 'serious attacks'

A homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.
Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie..

To summarize- Carrie Prejean said she was against gay marriage, which upset one judge- and may have cost her Miss USA crown. She didn't say anything at the time about being a Christian- nor was the criticism directed at her based upon her faith- but her statement against same gender marriage.

So you think criticism by 'gay activists' is an attack on a Christian?

Well then what about this criticism by Christian anti-gay activists?

“Since April, JC Penney's has not aired Ellen DeGeneres in one of their commercials until now. A new JCP ad features Ellen and three elves,” writes OMM. “JCP has made their choice to offend a huge majority of their customers again. Christians must now vote with their wallets. We have contacted JC Penney's several times in the past with our concerns, and they will not listen. They have decided to ignore our complaints so we will avoid them at all costs.”

They were attempting to get Ellen fired- simply for being gay- and being in an ad.

Would you agree now that Homosexuals are as much subject to 'serious attack' as Christians then?
Then Phil was asked a question, and then when he answered it they attacked him also, and if they could have they wanted him FIRED and the whole show taken off the air.

Duck Dynasty - A E


Doesn't look canceled to me.

Meanwhile- once again- Christian Activists call for a show they think is too gay friendly to be canceled:

A premiere date has not been set, but One Million Moms wanted to sound the alarm about this new series. It will be airing on the network soon unless we do something about it. They are in the beginning stages.

ABC Family reported the comedy-drama pilot, working with the title The Fosters, is about two women raising a “21st century,” multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids. While foster care and adoption is a wonderful thing and the Bible does teach us to help orphans, this program is attempting to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. One Million Moms is not sure how the explanation will be given on how the biological children were conceived. None of this material is acceptable content for a family show.

Hollywood is continuing to push an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when scripture states clearly it is a sin. As Christians, the Bible also says that we must speak up against sin. If we remain silent then we are guilty of sin also.

Since you consider crticism of Duck Dynasty to be a serious attack- you would agree then that homosexuals are also under serious attack?
A homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.
Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.

Her horrible answer prevented her from winning. As regardless of your take on the issue, her job is to be diplomatic and charismatic.She was released from her Miss California contract because she posed for partially nude photos, a breach of her contract. And Prejean masturbating on video, another breach of her contract.

Now....lets compare that to Alexander "AJ" Betts Jr..

Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide, Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates

An Iowa community is reeling after a teen's suicide, the fifth to rattle the local high school over the past five years.

According to his mother Sheryl Moore, Alexander "AJ" Betts Jr. was subjected to intense bullying at Southeast Polk High School because of his sexuality (he came out as gay about a year and a half ago) and his mixed race background, the Des Moines Register is reporting.

Calling her 16-year-old son's death "the most painful thing I have been through in my entire life," Moore has since vowed to help educate people on how "words hurt."

Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates death. Compared to losing a contract because she violated said contract by doing porn.

These are orders of magnitude apart. Yet you consistently try and portray yourself as the victim. While ignoring the horrible consequences of the actual persecution of gays.

Then Phil was asked a question, and then when he answered it they attacked him also, and if they could have they wanted him FIRED and the whole show taken off the air.

Phil is a multi-millionaire working as an entertainer. And he alienated many of his audience. He didn't lose his job. And he made millions more.

Now, lets compare that with say......increased depression and suicide among children due to persecution of gays.

THURSDAY, May 16 (HealthDay News) -- Students targeted because they're believed to be gay -- as many as one in seven young teens -- are much more likely than others to be suicidal and depressed, a new survey finds.

More than 10 percent of eighth-grade boys and girls reported that they're victimized because of perceived sexual orientation, according to a large survey of students in Washington state.

Anti-Gay Bullying Tied to Teen Depression Suicide - US News

So a multimillionare entertainer being criticized for offending much of his audience.....and NOT losing his job. Compared with depression, misery and suicide for our children caused by persecution of gays.

And yet you ignore the misery and death....and focus on the multi millionare, casting yourself as a victim. You may want to consider reevaluating your priorities.

Then the CEO of Chic-Filet was asked the set up question also, and when he responded they wanted him to step it back and apologize or they wanted Chic-Filet to be boycotted. Chic-Filet has been so prosperous since then, that it just isn't funny. You can't even get into the parking lot hardly anymore. Not sure if it was because of all of that, but is sure seems like it was.
More accurately...
January 2011, the media reported that the American fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A was co-sponsoring a marriage conference along with the Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI), an organization that had filed an amicus brief against striking down Proposition 8 in California (see Perry v. Brown).[3][4][5][6][7][8] The PFI lobbied against a state effort to ban discrimination in Pennsylvania on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.[9] Responding on its official company Facebook page, Chick-fil-A said that support of the PFI retreat had come from a local franchisee, stating "We have determined that one of our independent restaurant operators in Pennsylvania was asked to provide sandwiches to two Art of Marriage video seminars."[10]

Chick Filet actively worked and spent money to deprive gays of their rights. And it Chick Filet that is being 'persecuted'?

Lets compare that with say, Jamie Hubley. A teen who commited suicide after years of relentless abuse for being gay:

Jamie Hubley, a gay 15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.

The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.

Jamie Hubley Gay 15-Year-Old Ottawa Canada Teen Commits Suicide Cites Depression School Troubles

See the pattern here?
Then the CEO of Chic-Filet was asked the set up question also, and when he responded they wanted him to step it back and apologize or they wanted Chic-Filet to be boycotted. Chic-Filet has been so prosperous since then, that it just isn't funny. You can't even get into the parking lot hardly anymore. Not sure if it was because of all of that, but it sure seems like it was.

Homosexuals called for a boycott of Chic Filet- and it failed.

Christians called for a boycott of Disney- because it wanted Disney to discriminate against homosexuals- and that boycott failed.

Now- do you hold Christian activists to the same standard that you want to hold homosexual activists to?

You have provided a few examples where homosexuals attempt to use public opinion to change things- who do you think that they learned this from?

Christian organizations have been boycotting or threatening boycotts of business's for years and years for being too gay friendly- Starbucks, Sears, Disney.

Are those serious attacks also?
It's unfortunate that you have people who are ignorant and violent in America, because all these things or hang ups people have, should never resort to violence in any of these things, but it's just that ((space)) is what is needed by all in these things, and then respect for each other as human beings is needed next in life. SEX needs to get itself back into the bedroom .

I didn't see anything about that dad killing his daughter because she wasn't having sex in the bedroom- he killed her- and her GF for being homosexuals.

You speak of serious attack- that is a serious attack.

That is the kind of serious attack homosexuals actually face- for being homosexuals.

Does it happen often? I am sure I can find as many examples of physical attack as the number of examples of public criticism that you identified.

How many Christians fear for their safety when they tell their parents that they have become born Again?
How many Christians are beaten up for being Christians in high school?
Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide, Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates

An Iowa community is reeling after a teen's suicide, the fifth to rattle the local high school over the past five years.

Desperation-time...Know how I know? LGBTs ALWAYS trot out/exploit teen suicides when they feel their back is against the wall in any debate. There's nothing more shocking than a child's suicide death...except of course those who exploit those deaths to promote a type of marriage that insures more psychological harm to kids; depriving them of both complimentary genders vital to the best formative environment..
Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide, Was Allegedly Bullied By Classmates

An Iowa community is reeling after a teen's suicide, the fifth to rattle the local high school over the past five years.

Desperation-time...Know how I know? LGBTs ALWAYS trot out/exploit teen suicides ..

You are delusional.

The claim was made that Christians were under attack.

That post was a response showing how homosexuals suffer real attacks- not getting their nose bent out of shape by criticism.
You are delusional.

The claim was made that Christians were under attack.

That post was a response showing how homosexuals suffer real attacks- not getting their nose bent out of shape by criticism.

No gays I know of are being sued by Christians to abdicate their lifestyles in favor of Jude 1 of the Christian New Testament.
You are delusional.

The claim was made that Christians were under attack.

That post was a response showing how homosexuals suffer real attacks- not getting their nose bent out of shape by criticism.

No gays I know of are being sued by Christians to abdicate their lifestyles in favor of Jude 1 of the Christian New Testament.

Well good for you.

Homosexuals are getting killed just for being homosexuals.

Which is a 'serious attack'- a lawsuit for violating the law- or getting murdered for being gay?
Well good for you.

Homosexuals are getting killed just for being homosexuals.

Which is a 'serious attack'- a lawsuit for violating the law- or getting murdered for being gay?

No murder is excuseable. Neither is suing someone to force them to abdicate their faith to accomodate gay lifestyles. Murder of the body or soul is an equally abhorrent crime. Also inexcuseable is using someone's random, non-common death as a platform to force the agenda of a lifestyle-group onto people who do not want that new-religion..

Like I said, no gays I know of are being sued by christians to abdicate their LGBT lifestyles.. Ever been sued? It's the same as getting beaten up...or financially-killed.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual, putting words in other people's mouths to prove your strawman..

Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". One has clear legal leverage (so they think) over the other currently. One does not. The more aggressive group is the cult. The more passive one is the religion.

Cults have as their hallmark above all other things that differentiate themselves from religion: aggression.
boo hoo if a "gay"wedding is held in your church.....your church gets money which your church can use to pay the electric bills buy food for the homeless and help with all the functions your church does....or money to spread more hate about gays....I know terrible isn't it.
You speak of something that is also forbidden in the church.
To sell the churches principles and beliefs out for money, well that is a big no, no or it should always be a big no no if you ask me.
What commandments are a gay person breaking? And where does it say gays can't be married? Think about that and if you realize they are not breaking any commandments according to Christian tradition what is wrong? I bet you break a few of commandments yet you still go to church and were probably married in one. What makes you better then a gay couple? Or are sinners not allowed in your church? I thought Christians were not allowed to judge...I mean come on man you are not a very good Christian at all according to your rantings, I mean you seriously need to repent!

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