Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
If you couldn't interject race into these threads somehow, and for what ever reason that you do so, then I think you would fear losing the argument if you didn't or couldn't interject race so easily into it, and with government back up also if it is needed.

Now the funny thing is, is that it has nothing to do with the issue of another peoples struggle in which they feel that they have once lived in life, but opportunity knocks right, and now you all want to come forward with every excuse under the sun these days it seems..

Gay lifestyle marriage for sure is not about a race of people. A race is a noun. A lifestyle is an action.

Gay is a noun.

Marriage IS a lifestyle- whether it is marriage between two Jews, two whites, two teachers or two homosexuals.
The First Amendment doesn't read "Freedom of Church". It reads "Freedom of religion". And religion is, for a FACT, in the heart of a man.

And you're more than welcome to practice your religion. But it doesn't exempt you from commonly applied laws.
And since the question is are churches required to conduct gay weddings against their will, the answer is no. Because you are not a church. You can tell me that you have a building lodged in a ventricle all you like. You're not a mosque either. Nor a synagogue. You're a person. And if you do business with the public, you're required to meet minimum standards of fairness and equity with the public.

Just like everyone else. You aren't special. And you aren't exempt.

Well churches are made up of individuals, aren't they?

Churches are not taxed.

Individuals are.

Just because you are a member of a church doesn't mean you can refuse to pay taxes.

Just because you are a member of a church doesn't mean you can refuse to obey the law.
Well churches are made up of individuals, aren't they? So I can see where you're eventually going to build up your argument towards...which everybody knows is the case and when you deny it, you are lying through your teeth..

You aren't a church, Skylar. You aren't a mosque. You aren't a synagogue. You're a person. These simple facts obliterate your pseudo-legal gibberish.

You cannot guarantee a man freedom of RELIGION and then tell him "oh but if we want you to, you have to abandon key elements and edicts of that religion, like Jude 1, which will damn your soul to hell for an eternity."

There's nothing in Jude 1 that says anything about selling cake. Nor condemns those who sell cake to 'hell for an eternity'. You've imagined it.
There's nothing in Jude 1 that says anything about selling cake. Nor condemns those who sell cake to 'hell for an eternity'. You've imagined it.

What kind of cake? Birthday or wedding? Because wedding means the promotion of a lifestyle at the bedrock of a society. A birthday is a random event that only applies to one person on that particular day. It affects society not in any way.

See the difference? Yes, I know you do..
There's nothing in Jude 1 that says anything about selling cake. Nor condemns those who sell cake to 'hell for an eternity'. You've imagined it.

What kind of cake? Birthday or wedding? Because wedding means the promotion of a lifestyle at the bedrock of a society. A birthday is a random event that only applies to one person on that particular day. It affects society not in any way.

See the difference? Yes, I know you do..

There's no mention of any cake. Of any variety. See, that's where your argument breaks down. First, you're not a church. You've imagined it. Second, the prohibition you lament about violating doesn't exist. You've imagined it.

See the pattern?

And your imagination doesn't exempt you from any law.
I'm not imagining that LGBTers are about suing christian bakers to make them a "gay wedding cake".
I'm not imagining that LGBTers are about suing christian bakers to make them a "gay wedding cake".

Yeah, but you are imagining the biblical prohibition against selling cake to gay people. It doesn't exist.
Nobody said the bible prohibits selling gakes.

Try another tactic. This one is a miserable failure.
Nobody said the bible prohibits selling gakes.

Try another tactic. This one is a miserable failure.

Then what about selling a cake will lead to eternal damnation according to Jude 1? What exactly is the sin involved with selling cake to gay people. I've got the 10 commandments right here and there's no mention of cake.
It might or might not be sinful.

But that's not the topic, and I'm fairly certain that nobody has said there's a specific commandment that makes it particularly sinful to sell gakes.
A wedding cake is a cake. A birthday is a cake. The bible has many dietary restrictions but nothing about cake.

More intellectual dishonesty and a blatant strawman. You're not even trying anymore Syriusly.

The WEDDING part you left out. And that is a promotion of a deviant lifestyle into the core of society...forbidden to the faithful in the New Testament, Jude 1..
A wedding cake is a cake. A birthday is a cake. The bible has many dietary restrictions but nothing about cake.

More intellectual dishonesty and a blatant strawman. You're not even trying anymore Syriusly.

The WEDDING part you left out. And that is a promotion of a deviant lifestyle into the core of society...forbidden to the faithful in the New Testament, Jude 1..

When you sell a product to a customer, you're promoting the product. Not the customer. Another logical and rational fail.
God's admonitions regarding the intermarrying between races had NOTHING to do with skin color and everything to do with religion.

He told his chosen people not to marry outside their own faith. It's sound advice, the same advice I give my children.

And yet there were- and probably still are- people who believe that God does not want people to intermarry between races- and any church could refuse to marry an inter-racial couple if it chose to do so.

Churches are under no obligation to marry any couple it does not want to marry- and never will be.
I'm sure you think you made a point here.

That religious justification for restrictions on marriage don't always hold up legally, or make much sense rationally?

It makes a lot of sense, and in this country, since just about anybody can get married by someone somewhere, it holds up perfectly fine legally as well.

A church is under no obligation to marry anyone if they don't want to.
OK so the church (meaning those who make up the churches and the church doctrines within this nation) are not going to be required to marry anyone it does not want to right, and so that is what you and others here want to keep saying in this thread right ? OK, so we get that from you all now, but where is the church or what is the church in your opinion, and then who holds the belief of this religion outside of the church walls ? Millions do as they carry it with them once they learn of these things in life....The church is only a gathering place or a building right ? You see the religious hold within themselves a belief in which is practiced inside and outside of the church walls or even within a building in which they use as a church or place of worship that is accepted by all as well, and that is A-OK with these things..

They do this as they freely carry the message in which they believe within their personal lives daily onward, and just as well they do this where ever it is that they take their beliefs and religion into the world or into the nation that accepts them and their ways in which they have on this. The nation has always accepted the Christians and their practicing of their religious beliefs just about and/or almost everywhere they went in the nation once upon a time, but as times seem to be changing or the generations are changing & failing us all left and right, the practice of Christianity as it has always been known in this nation, is now under siege by various groups who don't like it or they don't like the message it conveys unto the masses..

Example : The Billy Gram crusade has always been accepted or wanted by the masses, and they were always alright with this situation as I once recall in life growing up...

The Christians only want others to respect them, and to accept them in peace while they practice their beliefs just as any other does the same also in the nation. Now where it is that they (the Christians) have acquired land, property, buildings, businesses, homes and etc. it is to them a part of the Gospel or message of what Christ can do, and that all things are possible with him having our backs always Amen.

All they want is for these places in which they dwell, to always represent them or to accept them as a people, and as a peaceful people who mean no harm to anyone. The Christians just want to be respected as to who they are, and as to what they believe in life, that's all.

In summary, all the Christians ask for is to be respected and their privacy be respected, along with their beliefs being respected also, and their freedoms to be respected just as they respect others out in the world, and within this nation all the same.

However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

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