Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I mean look at the devastation they are causing in this nation in so many ways, and all the while they are constantly claiming to be the victims or rather they are always claiming that they are helping the so called victims while doing so ? Kidding me right ?

Please, be so kind as to cite this "devastations" "they" are causing "in this nation in so many ways". Be very specific.
When Chic-Filet, Phil Robertson, the cake baker, the Mrs. America contestant etc. were attacked, well don't you think that it most defintnitely caused un-needed stress and/or anguish in these peoples lives over such a thing ? I mean we might not see upon the surface these things in which people suffer from afterwards, and this is because it may be months or even years before it could affect a person in a negative way, either in their health or in their minds yet all depending.

Now is that specific enough for you ? The same also goes for others who are struggling in life all the same or just trying to live their lives all the same without incident, so it mainly rest on who did the attack, and then what the goals were in the attack otherwise when anyone attacks anyone over an issue or over a belief on something in this nation. There are many issues all over the place now, but the main thing is to wonder why someone needs to attack another persons liberty, freedoms, their religion or their religious beliefs as we see so much of going on now in America ?

Yes, that was very specific hyperbole. Chick-Fil-A, Phil Robertson, Miss America, etc all said things that were offensive to gays. Do you think Free Speech only applies to bigots? You think bigots should be free to say whatever they and nobody gets to say anything back?

As for Public Accommodation laws, they protect Christians in all 50 states against discrimination for being gay. The gay person must serve the Christian in all 50 states. Such the victims. :lol:
Yes, that was very specific hyperbole. Chick-Fil-A, Phil Robertson, Miss America, etc all said things that were offensive to gays. Do you think Free Speech only applies to bigots? You think bigots should be free to say whatever they and nobody gets to say anything back?

As for Public Accommodation laws, they protect Christians in all 50 states against discrimination for being gay. The gay person must serve the Christian in all 50 states. Such the victims. :lol:

The hyperbole I was referring to was that poster's projection "from thin air" that somehow limiting marriage to man/woman means the next step is taking kids away from gays. Since gays and single parents are structurally the same (depriving the kids of one of the vital genders as role model 100% of the time) and kids of single parents in the tens of millions haven't been "taken away", the posters comments were hyperbole.

However, individual christian bakers, florists and photographers HAVE ALREADY been sued by the LGBT faithful. (Pay attention to the logical deduction here, because this is how lawyers argue successfully in court). ERGO, since a church is merely a congregation of the faithful come to "retune" their religion once a week at a building, and WHEREAS the real meat of religion is in day to day life "in the trenches", and WHEREAS individual christians "in the trenches" are being forced to abdicate their faith, THEREFORE a church is not immune to a forced abdication to accomodate gay marriage...just like it's individual components are being forced to..

THAT isn't hyperbole. That is mundane deduction from events that HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED.
I mean look at the devastation they are causing in this nation in so many ways, and all the while they are constantly claiming to be the victims or rather they are always claiming that they are helping the so called victims while doing so ? Kidding me right ?

Please, be so kind as to cite this "devastations" "they" are causing "in this nation in so many ways". Be very specific.
When Chic-Filet, Phil Robertson, the cake baker, the Mrs. America contestant etc. were attacked, well don't you think that it most defintnitely caused un-needed stress and/or anguish in these peoples lives over such a thing ? I mean we might not see upon the surface these things in which people suffer from afterwards, and this is because it may be months or even years before it could affect a person in a negative way, either in their health or in their minds yet all depending.

Now is that specific enough for you ? The same also goes for others who are struggling in life all the same or just trying to live their lives all the same without incident, so it mainly rest on who did the attack, and then what the goals were in the attack otherwise when anyone attacks anyone over an issue or over a belief on something in this nation. There are many issues all over the place now, but the main thing is to wonder why someone needs to attack another persons liberty, freedoms, their religion or their religious beliefs as we see so much of going on now in America ?

Yes, that was very specific hyperbole. Chick-Fil-A, Phil Robertson, Miss America, etc all said things that were offensive to gays. Do you think Free Speech only applies to bigots? You think bigots should be free to say whatever they and nobody gets to say anything back?

As for Public Accommodation laws, they protect Christians in all 50 states against discrimination for being gay. The gay person must serve the Christian in all 50 states. Such the victims. :lol:

It doesn't violate the religious beliefs for gays to serve Christians because gays don't have any. It doesn't violate their morals because gays don't have morals. How many asymmetrical comparisons do you want to come up with?
Another day and another church not forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source because we would be energy independent from this thread alone.
Blathering foolishness from a non-Christian like Sil and from one who threw it away like stmike.
Another day and another church not forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source because we would be energy independent from this thread alone.

Meanwhle back in 2009...they were saying...

"Another day and another christian baker/photographer/florist not forced to participate in the marriage of any couple against their wishes..."
Another day and another church not forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source because we would be energy independent from this thread alone.

Meanwhle back in 2009...they were saying...

"Another day and another christian baker/photographer/florist not forced to participate in the marriage of any couple against their wishes..."

I am pretty sure in 2009 people could not use their faith as an excuse to violate civil laws. Muslim cabbies violate PA laws and lose which is seen as fight against creeping Sharia. A few Christan business owners violate PA laws as well and when they lose you hypocrite whine and cry about religious liberties being stripped away. Spare us all your hypocrisy and slippery slope fear-mongering
As I keep pointing out, prohibiting gay marriage just ensures those children will not have married parents. Of course the next step by your kind would be to start taking children away from their gay parents.....leading logically to demanding that pregnant lesbians get abortions.......Next think you know, Christians will be suing lesbians to have them sterilized.....all to protect the children....

Wow, hyperbole much? Not one child has been taken away from any gay parent because they were gay. Conversely, many rights have been taken away in courts from christian bakers, florists etc. Churches are nothing more than congregations if individual christians...

Seriously are you this ignorant? It used to be very common for children to be removed from the custody of one parent because that parent was gay.

Infamously, in 1999, Mississippi’s Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that David Weigand could not have custody of his 15-year-old son because Weigand was living with a male partner. Weigand’s ex-wife had married a convicted felon, and Weigand sued for custody after his son called 911 to report that his stepfather was beating his mother and threatening to kill both of them.

The court found that Weigand’s son would be better raised by his stepfather — who had an established record of domestic violence — than by two gay men. As the dissent wrote in the case, “The majority believes a minor is best served by living in an explosive environment in which the unemployed stepfather is a convicted felon, drinker, drug-taker, adulterer, wife-beater, and child-threatener.”

No rights have been taken away from any Christians- as business people they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists. There is no special law for Christians.
Wow, hyperbole much? Not one child has been taken away from any gay parent because they were gay.

Its hardly outside the realm of possibility. Forced sterilization for gays and lesbians was policy for quite a while in our country. While taking children away from gays is being debated in other countries...

Frontal lobotomies and bleeding with leeches were popular here too. As well as slavery. You don't have a point in the real world. We can only look to our current legal climate which includes actual real examples of gays legally forcing individual christians to abdicate their faith in order to promote the LGBT one as dominant. A church is nothing more than a congregation of individual christians.

Gays actually insisting that Christians follow the same laws that Jews, Muslims and Atheists are required to follow.

Oh the tragedy.
Offender....I wasn't aware praciting religion is an offense, for passively refusing to do something that is forbidden by your faith.

Is it possible that the reason why you don't understand anything is because you just don't understand the written word?

If you don't think that a law is correct- it is your right is to file a lawsuit.
If you think someone is violating a regulation- your right is often to file a lawsuit.

And it doesn't matter what religion either the person suing or the person being sued is.
That's the answer always isn't with the left, hey just file a LAWSUIT, File a LAWSUIT, file a LAWSUIT, and this instead of just getting a consensus on everything that people do feel important to them, then just let them vote on it. How about we all leave the lawyers and their LAWSUIT pimping alone for a change. This is the problem right now in America, where as people have been taught that to get what you want just FILE A LAWSUIT. Next what they have learned is that they will usually get money out of it even when they are wrong, and that solves everything to them now doesn't it ?

So you mean Americans should never file lawsuits?

Do you think Christians should not file lawsuits if they think their rights are being violated?
I mean look at the devastation they are causing in this nation in so many ways, and all the while they are constantly claiming to be the victims or rather they are always claiming that they are helping the so called victims while doing so ? Kidding me right ?

Please, be so kind as to cite this "devastations" "they" are causing "in this nation in so many ways". Be very specific.
When Chic-Filet, Phil Robertson, the cake baker, the Mrs. America contestant etc. were attacked, well don't you think that it most defintnitely caused un-needed stress and/or anguish in these peoples lives over such a thing

Chic-Filet made more money because of the issue. Phil Robertson started as a millionaire and hasn't lost a dime.

How do you feel about the devastations caused by Christians who have attacked Homosexuals- as in the case of Ellen Degeneres? Or Starbucks for being too gay friendly?
(Pay attention to the logical deduction here, because this is how lawyers argue successfully in court). ERGO, since a church is merely a congregation of the faithful

Victim-hood works I guess, but who wants to live their lives claiming to be a victim all the time ?

Christians opposed to equal marriage in this thread, apparently.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians" as evidence for this highly unlikely outcome with churches and gay marriage. Literally minutes before you made this post, you made another where you posted a list of attacks on Christians. Despite the fact that 80% of Americans believe in God, and despite the fact that atleast two of your examples were flashes of slightly negative press followed by money hurricanes.

So don't throw yourself on the cross and then tell me you aren't claiming to be a victim.
You want a logic fail? Here you go..

Another day and another church not forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source because we would be energy independent from this thread alone.

mdk postulates that because TODAY no church is being forced to perform gay weddings, that this congregation of individual christians is somehow safe from future lawsuits to do just that.

Like I said...Meanwhle back in 2009...they were saying...

"Another day and another christian baker/photographer/florist not forced to participate in the marriage of any homosexual couple against their wishes..."

Gee, if you could go back in time 6 years you'd be able to tell those people how wrong they were...
Victim-hood works I guess, but who wants to live their lives claiming to be a victim all the time ?

Christians opposed to equal marriage in this thread, apparently.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians..."

That's not just false, it's absurdly false.

Recognizing abnormality as normal is delusion.

There's no upside to normalizing delusion scamp... nothing good can possibly come from it.

Now, maybe you would like to disagree with that.

Please, pray tell... what are the potential cultural upsides of normalizing delusion?
Victim-hood works I guess, but who wants to live their lives claiming to be a victim all the time ?

Christians opposed to equal marriage in this thread, apparently.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians..."

That's not just false, it's absurdly false.

Recognizing abnormality as normal is delusion.

There's no upside to normalizing delusion scamp... nothing good can possibly come from it.

Now, maybe you would like to disagree with that.

Please, pray tell... what are the potential cultural upsides of normalizing delusion?

None at all. So if you want to help me tear down some normalized delusion, let's start with this thread and the delusion that Christians are under attack and it won't stop until the government is forcing churches to marry homosexual couples.
Victim-hood works I guess, but who wants to live their lives claiming to be a victim all the time ?

Christians opposed to equal marriage in this thread, apparently.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians..."

That's not just false, it's absurdly false.

Recognizing abnormality as normal is delusion.

There's no upside to normalizing delusion scamp... nothing good can possibly come from it.

Now, maybe you would like to disagree with that.

Please, pray tell... what are the potential cultural upsides of normalizing delusion?

None at all. So if you want to help me tear down some normalized delusion, let's start with this thread and the delusion that Christians are under attack and it won't stop until the government is forcing churches to marry homosexual couples.

This thread is about evil... which must attack good.

Are you suggesting that there's some exception being played out here?

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality had a glimpse of power... and they used it precisely as nature requires they must. Don't sit there and try to pretend that they were not lawyered up suing everything that even hesitated to stand up and salute their perversion and declare it NORMAL!

This thread came about as a result of those lawsuits and civil authorities moving to force Christians to accept Sexual Abnormality as normal.

So please... what is it that you're tryin' to say? That it didn't happen?

LOL! Friend, that's delusional. And you've just admitted that there's no upside to that, so... what are ya after here?
Christians opposed to equal marriage in this thread, apparently.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians..."

That's not just false, it's absurdly false.

Recognizing abnormality as normal is delusion.

There's no upside to normalizing delusion scamp... nothing good can possibly come from it.

Now, maybe you would like to disagree with that.

Please, pray tell... what are the potential cultural upsides of normalizing delusion?

None at all. So if you want to help me tear down some normalized delusion, let's start with this thread and the delusion that Christians are under attack and it won't stop until the government is forcing churches to marry homosexual couples.

This thread is about evil... which must attack good.

Are you suggesting that there's some exception being played out here?

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality had a glimpse of power... and they used it precisely as nature requires they must. Don't sit there and try to pretend that they were not lawyered up suing everything that even hesitated to stand up and salute their perversion and declare it NORMAL!

This thread came about as a result of those lawsuits and civil authorities moving to force Christians to accept Sexual Abnormality as normal.

So please... what is it that you're tryin' to say? That it didn't happen?

LOL! Friend, that's delusional. And you've just admitted that there's no upside to that, so... what are ya after here?

Level with me. Are you some false flag guy posting here to make opponents of equal marriage look silly? If you are, write another outlandish post about good and evil and PM me a winky face.
No I think Christians just want to keep traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and they want to keep it sacred in that way. Now they don't have a problem with people wanting something new and then calling it something new, because their job is not to control peoples lives or minds at all, but to freely accept those who have lived a hard and confusing life, and that might be ready to give their sinfulness up freely, and to join a good Church where their lives can be changed hopefully forever. I think that their are many Christians who are afraid of the slippery slope that these things are all sitting on now, and so they are asking for marriage to be preserved to a man and a woman in the traditional sense is all. The reasons the Christians feel they are under attack as in victims now also as you put it, is due to the heated debate that has caused people to go out and to try and set people up over the situation.

The Christians on this thread, including yourself, have made their own victimhood a core pillar of their argument. You've all spent nearly 700 pages arguing "lots of bad things are happening to Christians..."

That's not just false, it's absurdly false.

Recognizing abnormality as normal is delusion.

There's no upside to normalizing delusion scamp... nothing good can possibly come from it.

Now, maybe you would like to disagree with that.

Please, pray tell... what are the potential cultural upsides of normalizing delusion?

None at all. So if you want to help me tear down some normalized delusion, let's start with this thread and the delusion that Christians are under attack and it won't stop until the government is forcing churches to marry homosexual couples.

This thread is about evil... which must attack good.

Are you suggesting that there's some exception being played out here?

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality had a glimpse of power... and they used it precisely as nature requires they must. Don't sit there and try to pretend that they were not lawyered up suing everything that even hesitated to stand up and salute their perversion and declare it NORMAL!

This thread came about as a result of those lawsuits and civil authorities moving to force Christians to accept Sexual Abnormality as normal.

So please... what is it that you're tryin' to say? That it didn't happen?

LOL! Friend, that's delusional. And you've just admitted that there's no upside to that, so... what are ya after here?

Level with me. Are you some false flag guy posting here to make opponents of equal marriage look silly? If you are, write another outlandish post about good and evil and PM me a winky face.

First, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

With that said... you can't tell me what your goal is here? And because of that, you need to trot out some feckless attempt to demean me?

Let's try it again...

This thread is about evil... which must attack good.

Are you suggesting that there's some exception being played out here?

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality had a glimpse of power... and they used it precisely as nature requires they must. Don't sit there and try to pretend that they were not lawyered up suing everything that even hesitated to stand up and salute their perversion and declare it NORMAL!

This thread came about as a result of those lawsuits and civil authorities moving to force Christians to accept Sexual Abnormality as normal.

So please... what is it that you're tryin' to say? That it didn't happen?

LOL! Friend, that's delusional. And you've just admitted that there's no upside to that, so... what are ya after here?
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