Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Really- cry me a river.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

Christians in early America were quite discriminatory- most communities required church attendence, and payment of a church tax of sorts- enforced by secular authorities.

And your religion is how much better than Christianity again? The cult of LGBT.

God you are stupid.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

I have no religion- I don't believe in any god or any religion- but I do believe in accuracy.

Early Christian communities, other than the one founded by Penn, were rife with discrimination against other Christians and Jews.

That was in response to the post saying American Christians had 'offended no one'- American Christians have done great things in America- but to claim that they have 'offended no one' is just ignorant nonsense.
I have no religion- I don't believe in any god or any religion-

Accurately, sure you do. Your dogma is "avoiding the opposite gender completely and utterly". It is a narcissistic religion where only your own gender (self) can be seen as desireable. "Other than self" (as represented by males) is a non-issue for you.

Your God is Self-Indulgence. Your Messiah was Harvey Milk. Your religious festivals are deviant sex parades in public (in front of kids "in pride"). You evangelize to children in the form of "gay education" in sex ed in to do "fisting".....parties and events that invite "bi-curious youth" to attend. You punish heretics like Anne Heche; making her name synonymous with "traitor" in your colorful vernacular.

You are quite religious Syriusly.
Really- cry me a river.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

Christians in early America were quite discriminatory- most communities required church attendence, and payment of a church tax of sorts- enforced by secular authorities.

And your religion is how much better than Christianity again? The cult of LGBT and the old punitive ways of puritan christans are two wrongs that don't make a right. I suggest if you want to sue churches (congregations merely of individual christians) into obedience, first make your religion official. At least have the decency to do that...

Serious question, Silly: do you have all of your BS saved in Word documents? That would seem to save time when you regurgitate the same tired old BS for the thirtieth time in the same thread.

"Silly". Why didn't I think of that one?
I have no religion- I don't believe in any god or any religion-

Accurately, sure you do. Your dogma is "avoiding the opposite gender completely and utterly". It is a narcissistic religion where only your own gender (self) can be seen as desireable. "Other than self" (as represented by males) is a non-issue for you.

You realize that Sy is married to a woman, right? That you're completely talking out of your ass?

If not, consider yourself informed.
I have no religion- I don't believe in any god or any religion-

Accurately, sure you do. Your dogma is "avoiding the opposite gender completely and utterly". It is a narcissistic religion where only your own gender (self) can be seen as desireable. "Other than self" (as represented by males) is a non-issue for you.

Your God is Self-Indulgence. Your Messiah was Harvey Milk. Your religious festivals are deviant sex parades in public (in front of kids "in pride"). You evangelize to children in the form of "gay education" in sex ed in to do "fisting".....parties and events that invite "bi-curious youth" to attend. You punish heretics like Anne Heche; making her name synonymous with "traitor" in your colorful vernacular.

You are quite religious Syriusly.

Does it HURT to be this stupid?
Yes, so the question is how does one separate themselves from their religion and faith, and become enablers of things in which the Bible speaks against ?

Nope. PA laws explicitly exempt religious corporations. If you're not a religious corporation, you're not exempt.

The question is....why do you keep ignoring this crystal clear distinction? Surely you realize that the law doesn't change just because you ignore it.

Oh, and the Bible says nothing about selling wedding cake.
No one is ignoring anything, but rather just challenging the rational and validity behind the laws at hand. Do you think that man isn't or can't be falable in life? Judges and lawmakers are men and women, and yes they can make huge mistakes when making rulings, interpretations, or laws.

I think that the law should apply the same way to everyone. And that Christians should be treated with the same respect and consideration that everyone else receives under these laws.

If you don't like PA laws, change them.

Once the Christians were free and offended no one, but now their religion and faith is offensive in America ? Now the President is on the bandwagon against the Christians in America as well ? !

Really- cry me a river.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

Christians in early America were quite discriminatory- most communities required church attendence, and payment of a church tax of sorts- enforced by secular authorities.

And heaven forbid you were the 'wrong' kind of Christian- look at the history of the early colonies and it was rife with stories of people being driven out of the colonies for not being the right kind of Protestant- let alone be a Catholic.

And if you were Jewish? Christians in early America had quite a few laws against Judaism.

Christianity is still the dominant religion in the United States and is still protected- like all religions- by the Constitution.

And no- President Obama is not against 'Christians' either- why would he be against himself, his wife and his daughter?

Obama a Christian ? LOL... I see you have drank the coolaid also. This tells me that you might believe or go along with just about anything these days.

As is with any thing in this nation over time, it has progressed from the more crude forms of man's many mistakes being made through out history, to a more peaceful and far more knowledgeable understanding of how things should be, and how they should have been when they were wrong through out history during certain time periods. They (man and woman) should work in life much harder and more better always when applying the teachings or wisdom in which they have learned from their mistakes over time, and also from the word (the Bible), in which told them of their mistakes prior to, but they refused instruction while going about it on their own, therefore their folly was then known of them, and the mistakes were then made. Just like we have had for so long here in America, men and women should keep their faith active no matter what, and they should be truthful always in their faith and about their faith.

Man has got to get over his miss-understandings, and he is to be careful with his worldly knowledge about the things in which he doesn't understand, and in which he has struggled with in his life. Man needs to get his act together in so that he can help others along with himself to reach a far more better understanding of life in general on these things. He should do this all while keeping the faith while in his present world just as it should be.

Many men have hopefully realized that they need spiritual guidance and help in order to see for themselves their folly in life, and this would be in order to help them through to a more enlightened plain, where as they could become the men in which they needed to become finally or in the first place, and it is to help others as they are then charged to do once they are schooled in such things that enlighten them along with many countless others on the Truth.

It's just like the Old testament in which had led into the New testament (progressed), and how Jesus had come to place man back into favor after he had fallen off the wagon yet again and again and again. See how that works ? However there are individuals and groups who refuse the knowledge of the truth, but they do this as they work for the evil one who has duped them over and over again through out time in their lives.

You would think that people would learn someday finally.

You all keep trying to go back to the past in order to cancel out the future with it (or) you are trying to justify something that is strange now because of what you can dig up in the past, but people aren't fooled by this game or strategy being used. I mean it is so transparent, and many are finally catching on to the game. Obama is trying to use this same game strategy just as well, and it is really an hilarious yet sad thing to watch because he is so bad at it.
Nope. PA laws explicitly exempt religious corporations. If you're not a religious corporation, you're not exempt.

The question is....why do you keep ignoring this crystal clear distinction? Surely you realize that the law doesn't change just because you ignore it.

Oh, and the Bible says nothing about selling wedding cake.
No one is ignoring anything, but rather just challenging the rational and validity behind the laws at hand. Do you think that man isn't or can't be falable in life? Judges and lawmakers are men and women, and yes they can make huge mistakes when making rulings, interpretations, or laws.

I think that the law should apply the same way to everyone. And that Christians should be treated with the same respect and consideration that everyone else receives under these laws.

If you don't like PA laws, change them.

Once the Christians were free and offended no one, but now their religion and faith is offensive in America ? Now the President is on the bandwagon against the Christians in America as well ? !

Really- cry me a river.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

Christians in early America were quite discriminatory- most communities required church attendence, and payment of a church tax of sorts- enforced by secular authorities.

And heaven forbid you were the 'wrong' kind of Christian- look at the history of the early colonies and it was rife with stories of people being driven out of the colonies for not being the right kind of Protestant- let alone be a Catholic.

And if you were Jewish? Christians in early America had quite a few laws against Judaism.

Christianity is still the dominant religion in the United States and is still protected- like all religions- by the Constitution.

And no- President Obama is not against 'Christians' either- why would he be against himself, his wife and his daughter?

Obama a Christian ? LOL... I see you have drank the coolaid also. This tells me that you might believe or go along with just about anything these

From all of the evidence we have- I have much, much more evidence that Barack Obama Jr. is a Christian than I have that you are.

What evidence do I have that you are a Christian?

Nothing but your unsubstantiated, and anonymous declaration that you are. Do you go to church? Who knows. Were you ever baptized? No one here will ever know. Are your children baptized? We don't even know if you have children.

The world is full of 'Christians' who are all too ready to tell me who 'real' Christians are- and some of them would tell me that you aren't a real Christian.

Why? I don't know- there is always someone ready to declare that someone else is not a 'true Christian'.

But here is what I know about Barack Obama- he has publicly- and not anonymously declared his faith in Jesus multiple times. We know he has attended church- we know he is married to a Christian woman, and that his children are baptized.

If you can come up with a better measurement of who a Christian is- other than their own personal declaration, with examples of what would normally be associated with Christian behavior- such as going to church, getting baptized and having your children baptized- feel free to enlighten me.

Because so far from what I have seen- the only one who seems to have 'drunk the koolaid' here is you.
Would you require muslims to perform gay weddings? I keep looking for a muslim baker, florist or photographer getting sued by gays but for some odd reason I cannot find them anywhere.

Links anyone?
..Just as a matter of basic human decency and respect for others' beliefs, why don't gays just use the many liberal churches and secular businesses that would be glad to host or service their sick little ceremonies?

Because the legal system allows them to force people to particpate in their cult. If you discard the premise that LGBT is a cult, then your wonderings make sense. If you embrace that LGBT is a cult that seeks to replace common mores with their own bacchanal-think, then you understand quite clearly why LGBTs are trying to force others who reject their dogma into participation. That's what cults do, they assimilate force if this case, using the courts to accomplish that goal..

They will force churches to provide gay weddings as soon as any ink is dry on their hope for a federal mandate of gay marriage across the 50 can set your watch by it.

You are a strange creature, Sil.

Would you require muslims to perform gay weddings? I keep looking for a muslim baker, florist or photographer getting sued by gays but for some odd reason I cannot find them anywhere.

Links anyone?

I am still waiting for links where any person is being forced to preform gay weddings in this country, Muslim or otherwise. Links anyone?

If a business owned by Muslims refused service to gays in a state that covers gays under PA laws they would also be in violation of the law. They are treated no differently. Sorry if that doesn't fit your whiny pattern of victimhood.
Would you require muslims to perform gay weddings? I keep looking for a muslim baker, florist or photographer getting sued by gays but for some odd reason I cannot find them anywhere.

Links anyone?

I am still waiting for links where any person is being forced to preform gay weddings in this country, Muslim or otherwise. Links anyone?

If a business owned by Muslims refused service to gays in a state that covers gays under PA laws they would also be in violation of the law. They are treated no differently. Sorry if that doesn't fit your whiny pattern of victimhood.
Excellent point. Couples who can't get married because of archaic laws that violate basic civil liberties are the victims, not folks like Sil.
Nope. PA laws explicitly exempt religious corporations. If you're not a religious corporation, you're not exempt.

The question is....why do you keep ignoring this crystal clear distinction? Surely you realize that the law doesn't change just because you ignore it.

Oh, and the Bible says nothing about selling wedding cake.
No one is ignoring anything, but rather just challenging the rational and validity behind the laws at hand. Do you think that man isn't or can't be falable in life? Judges and lawmakers are men and women, and yes they can make huge mistakes when making rulings, interpretations, or laws.

I think that the law should apply the same way to everyone. And that Christians should be treated with the same respect and consideration that everyone else receives under these laws.

If you don't like PA laws, change them.

Once the Christians were free and offended no one, but now their religion and faith is offensive in America ? Now the President is on the bandwagon against the Christians in America as well ? !

Really- cry me a river.

Christians in America have offended plenty. I have nothing against Christianity or Christians- but I do have something against ignorance and revisionist history.

Christians in early America were quite discriminatory- most communities required church attendence, and payment of a church tax of sorts- enforced by secular authorities.

And heaven forbid you were the 'wrong' kind of Christian- look at the history of the early colonies and it was rife with stories of people being driven out of the colonies for not being the right kind of Protestant- let alone be a Catholic.

And if you were Jewish? Christians in early America had quite a few laws against Judaism.

Christianity is still the dominant religion in the United States and is still protected- like all religions- by the Constitution.

And no- President Obama is not against 'Christians' either- why would he be against himself, his wife and his daughter?

Obama a Christian ? LOL... I see you have drank the coolaid also. This tells me that you might believe or go along with just about anything these days.

As is with any thing in this nation over time, it has progressed from the more crude forms of man's many mistakes being made through out history, to a more peaceful and far more knowledgeable understanding of how things should be, and how they should have been when they were wrong through out history during certain time periods. They (man and woman) should work in life much harder and more better always when applying the teachings or wisdom in which they have learned from their mistakes over time, and also from the word (the Bible), in which told them of their mistakes prior to, but they refused instruction while going about it on their own, therefore their folly was then known of them, and the mistakes were then made. Just like we have had for so long here in America, men and women should keep their faith active no matter what, and they should be truthful always in their faith and about their faith.

Man has got to get over his miss-understandings, and he is to be careful with his worldly knowledge about the things in which he doesn't understand, and in which he has struggled with in his life. Man needs to get his act together in so that he can help others along with himself to reach a far more better understanding of life in general on these things. He should do this all while keeping the faith while in his present world just as it should be.

Many men have hopefully realized that they need spiritual guidance and help in order to see for themselves their folly in life, and this would be in order to help them through to a more enlightened plain, where as they could become the men in which they needed to become finally or in the first place, and it is to help others as they are then charged to do once they are schooled in such things that enlighten them along with many countless others on the Truth.

It's just like the Old testament in which had led into the New testament (progressed), and how Jesus had come to place man back into favor after he had fallen off the wagon yet again and again and again. See how that works ? However there are individuals and groups who refuse the knowledge of the truth, but they do this as they work for the evil one who has duped them over and over again through out time in their lives.

You would think that people would learn someday finally.

You all keep trying to go back to the past in order to cancel out the future with it (or) you are trying to justify something that is strange now because of what you can dig up in the past, but people aren't fooled by this game or strategy being used. I mean it is so transparent, and many are finally catching on to the game. Obama is trying to use this same game strategy just as well, and it is really an hilarious yet sad thing to watch because he is so bad at it.

Um, yeah. We're still not letting Christians ignore any law they don't like. We're still treating Christians like anyone else.
Christians don't get a pass because they are Christians.
So what you are saying, is that a christian is not allowed to be a christian in certain settings in America?

No. What is being said quite plainly is that you cannot use your religion as an excuse to violate civil law. Satanists wanting to practice human sacrifice can't do that either. Tyranny!!!!!
Christians don't get a pass because they are Christians.
So what you are saying, is that a christian is not allowed to be a christian in certain settings in America?

What we're saying is what we've always said: Christians are subject to the same laws as everyone else. They don't get special treatment. They don't get special exceptions.

You're demanding one special, more lenient set of rules for Christians. And a second, stricter set of rules for everyone else.

Christians don't get a pass because they are Christians.
So what you are saying, is that a christian is not allowed to be a christian in certain settings in America?

No. What is being said quite plainly is that you cannot use your religion as an excuse to violate civil law. Satanists wanting to practice human sacrifice can't do that either. Tyranny!!!!!
You compare satanist wanting to practice human sacrifice with Christians merely wanting to opt out of participating in something that the Bible tells them is sinful activity or the promoting of sexual immorality if they do participate in it ? In your world, can a Christian even own a business any more, and somehow remain a Christian ? How does a Christian separate oneself from his or her faith, and to somehow keep from promoting the things in which the Bible says is sin ? A Christian is not to partake in such things as is written right, but to instead help those for whom want help if they ask for it, but not force it upon them right ? Will America soon get to the point that a Christian becomes an outsider who will have no rights what so ever in this nation, and so they will have to go underground in order to practice the faith when it is all said and done ? Will the Christians in this nation be treated like the Christians in other nations, where they are being persecuted and killed for being Christian ? Will all these wants of a new generation, now make this nation a new non-Christian unfriendly nation for Christians to live, and otherwise make it a nation of evilness and sorrows that will soon become the new norm or has become the new norm ?

It appears that this nation is on it's way to that level just as fast and hard as it can go. Again no one is fooled by any of this, but it is interesting to actually see it unfold right before our very eyes finally. For so long the youth figured that these things would not come in their life times when they were spoken about, and that is what their hopes were when such things were spoken about to them, but here it all is, and here it all comes, so be ready always for the signs of the times are being revealed to all in these latter days in which we all do live.
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