Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
You've been disappointed with pretty much every ruling the court's made regarding gay marriage. And Kennedy doesn't sound terribly supportive of your 'religious belief trumps all discrimination laws' rationale.

Get that fainting couch ready.

Kennedy? LOL! Any ruling Kennedy is involved with regarding this issue is illegitimate, given his 'proclivities' in that area. Same with the booze hound Ginsburg and Butch Kagan.
Further confirmation that you're a ridiculous idiot.
Like most on the right you ignore facts of law and instead attack with inane lies.
What about when Christians are being attacked, where are you then? No where to be found huh.

What Christians are being attacked in the U.S.?

In regards to this thread, Christians are expected to follow the same law as everyone else.

That is not an attack.
Phil Robertson comes to mind quickly, and the lady who was a former Miss. America contestant, and the Chic Filet CEO. Your kidding me that you don't know these things right ?
Yeah, we're not dismantling Public Accommodation laws because you don't like gay people.

Agreement with you isn't a standard of objectivity. As you aren't objective.

So what else have you got?

Is this the part where you offer up your fantasies of civil war and the collapse of society unless we start persecuting gay people?

Or the part where you tell us if gays don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be subject to a war that 'will make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

Alas, your ilk only want to hurt people when it costs you nothing and there are no consequences. And your 'war' involves consequences. Which is why both you and gay folks will remain pristinely safe from one another.
Isn't it the gay's that are attacking if people as individuals don't go along with them as being based upon their religious beliefs? What did they do, reveal their motives if people don't cave or go along with them?

How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.
Not aware of the attacks you speak of, and how can you be sure they were Christians who were allegedly attacking them ? Now a protest of an issue is different from an attack, so just be sure that you are clear on that difference........ Can you be more specific maybe ? Now keep it current as we don't want you to go back to the beginning of time in order to make your points.

You say that Christians demanded boycotts of businesses that were treating gay's equally ?

Yes- that is exactly what I am saying.

Southern Baptists calling for a boycott of Disney for being too gay friendly.
Million Mom's - a Christian right wing organization calling for a boycott of well pretty much everybody- including the cancelation of a TV show for daring to have a gay character,
and trying to be Ellen Degeneres fired for daring to be a lesbian spokesperson for JC Penney

The Catholic League has a number of boycotts going
Bill Donohue Of Catholic League Urges Beer Boycott Of Guinness, Heineken, And Sam Adams For Supporting Gay Equality

The Christian right wing American Family Association boycott of Home Depot for being too gay friendly

SHARP: We’re glad to report that we are suspending the boycott of The Home Depot. After monitoring the company for several months,we’re satisfied that the company has withdrawn its major financial contributions to gay activist groups and to their activities. […]

We certainly do expect The Home Depot to deny that they have turned back their contributions to gay activist groups, but AFA has monitored the company – and actions speak louder than words.
American Family Association Ends Home Depot Boycott With Nothing To Show For It ThinkProgress

A Christian pastor is
asking customers to boycott Starbucks due to the company's support of a bill to legalize gay marriage in Washington state, King 5 News reports.

"Christians are upset with Starbucks for turning against God...Starbucks can follow Satan if they want to," Steven Andrew, and evangelical pastor and president of the USA Christian Ministries in California, said in a statement. "However, pastors are to help Christians. Are you on the Lord's side? Will you help the USA be blessed by God?"

The Christian "Family Research Council"
On Thursday, Tony Perkins, founder of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., called upon listeners to his daily radio commentary to join the organization in its boycott against the company.

“At Betty Crocker, the only thing they’re mixing up is their priorities,” he stated. “If you ask conservatives, Betty Crocker’s latest promotion is a recipe for disaster.”

Perkins then pointed to a
website providing additional information on the boycott against Betty Crocker and its parent company General Mills, which includes a letter that supporters can sign to express their disappointment.

“I never thought that by eating Cheerios for breakfast I would be supporting gay marriage. Your decision to pander to same-sex marriage activists has forced me to choose between your food products and my conscience,” it reads. “As long as food is produced by other companies my conscience is going to win out over the desire for another bowl of Lucky Charms.”

How many more examples would you like?

You've been disappointed with pretty much every ruling the court's made regarding gay marriage. And Kennedy doesn't sound terribly supportive of your 'religious belief trumps all discrimination laws' rationale.

Get that fainting couch ready.

Kennedy? LOL! Any ruling Kennedy is involved with regarding this issue is illegitimate, given his 'proclivities' in that area. Same with the booze hound Ginsburg and Butch Kagan.
Further confirmation that you're a ridiculous idiot.
Like most on the right you ignore facts of law and instead attack with inane lies.

LOL! Would you bet you life that Kennedy has never had a cock on his ass? And I seriously doubt that Kagan has not gone more than a couple of weeks without a throughly flossing.

Why is it that Conservatives can think of nothing but sex?

Keyes is clearly obsessed with wondering about who has had a cock up his ass......

He isn 't a conservative...he is just a kookburger.

He is both.
Kennedy? LOL! Any ruling Kennedy is involved with regarding this issue is illegitimate, given his 'proclivities' in that area. Same with the booze hound Ginsburg and Butch Kagan.
Further confirmation that you're a ridiculous idiot.
Like most on the right you ignore facts of law and instead attack with inane lies.
What about when Christians are being attacked, where are you then? No where to be found huh.

What Christians are being attacked in the U.S.?

In regards to this thread, Christians are expected to follow the same law as everyone else.

That is not an attack.
Phil Robertson comes to mind quickly, and the lady who was a former Miss. America contestant, and the Chic Filet CEO. Your kidding me that you don't know these things right ?
Isn't it the gay's that are attacking if people as individuals don't go along with them as being based upon their religious beliefs? What did they do, reveal their motives if people don't cave or go along with them?

How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.
Not aware of the attacks you speak of, and how can you be sure they were Christians who were allegedly attacking them ? Now a protest of an issue is different from an attack, so just be sure that you are clear on that difference........ Can you be more specific maybe ? Now keep it current as we don't want you to go back to the beginning of time in order to make your points.

You say that Christians demanded boycotts of businesses that were treating gay's equally ?

Yes- that is exactly what I am saying.

Southern Baptists calling for a boycott of Disney for being too gay friendly.
Million Mom's - a Christian right wing organization calling for a boycott of well pretty much everybody- including the cancelation of a TV show for daring to have a gay character,
and trying to be Ellen Degeneres fired for daring to be a lesbian spokesperson for JC Penney

The Catholic League has a number of boycotts going
Bill Donohue Of Catholic League Urges Beer Boycott Of Guinness, Heineken, And Sam Adams For Supporting Gay Equality

The Christian right wing American Family Association boycott of Home Depot for being too gay friendly

SHARP: We’re glad to report that we are suspending the boycott of The Home Depot. After monitoring the company for several months,we’re satisfied that the company has withdrawn its major financial contributions to gay activist groups and to their activities. […]

We certainly do expect The Home Depot to deny that they have turned back their contributions to gay activist groups, but AFA has monitored the company – and actions speak louder than words.
American Family Association Ends Home Depot Boycott With Nothing To Show For It ThinkProgress

A Christian pastor is asking customers to boycott Starbucks due to the company's support of a bill to legalize gay marriage in Washington state, King 5 News reports.

"Christians are upset with Starbucks for turning against God...Starbucks can follow Satan if they want to," Steven Andrew, and evangelical pastor and president of the USA Christian Ministries in California, said in a statement. "However, pastors are to help Christians. Are you on the Lord's side? Will you help the USA be blessed by God?"

The Christian "Family Research Council"

On Thursday, Tony Perkins, founder of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., called upon listeners to his daily radio commentary to join the organization in its boycott against the company.

“At Betty Crocker, the only thing they’re mixing up is their priorities,” he stated. “If you ask conservatives, Betty Crocker’s latest promotion is a recipe for disaster.”

Perkins then pointed to a website providing additional information on the boycott against Betty Crocker and its parent company General Mills, which includes a letter that supporters can sign to express their disappointment.

“I never thought that by eating Cheerios for breakfast I would be supporting gay marriage. Your decision to pander to same-sex marriage activists has forced me to choose between your food products and my conscience,” it reads. “As long as food is produced by other companies my conscience is going to win out over the desire for another bowl of Lucky Charms.”

How many more examples would you like?
OK so basically their protesting these companies, because they are empowering the gay culture and their activist/activities in which are doing just what they had expected them to do, and that is to attack Christians if they don't get their way about taking their culture more into the mainstream. I wonder who keeps striking first? The Christians aren't changing or trying to change society, so it is that they are the ones who are on the defence instead of the offence.
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I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?
Kennedy? LOL! Any ruling Kennedy is involved with regarding this issue is illegitimate, given his 'proclivities' in that area. Same with the booze hound Ginsburg and Butch Kagan.
Laws which serve to promote mental disorder are illegitimate, as such undermines the objective public interests. So, where PA laws serve to promote such, they should be dismantled.

Yeah, we're not dismantling Public Accommodation laws because you don't like gay people.

Ya see, for law to be valid, it must be objective... and there is no means for a law which promotes chaos to serve the objective interests of the collective. Just as normalizing abnormality cannot serve the interests of those afflicted with such perverse reasoning and by extension, such cannot serve the whole of the community.

Agreement with you isn't a standard of objectivity. As you aren't objective.

So what else have you got?

The harm such brings to the individual is devastating, the harm such brings the community is profound, the potential for such is catastrophic. Tolerating such is something well beyond foolish.

Is this the part where you offer up your fantasies of civil war and the collapse of society unless we start persecuting gay people?

Or the part where you tell us if gays don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be subject to a war that 'will make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

Alas, your ilk only want to hurt people when it costs you nothing and there are no consequences. And your 'war' involves consequences. Which is why both you and gay folks will remain pristinely safe from one another.
Isn't it the gay's that are attacking if people as individuals don't go along with them as being based upon their religious beliefs? What did they do, reveal their motives if people don't cave or go along with them?

How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.

Christians aren't attacking the Sexual Deviants... . And without regard to the idiocy that claims otherwise, noting that a professed homosexual is a sexual deviant is not an attack, it is quite simply, a medical fact.

I will not do business with anyone who openly caters to the Sexually Abnormal and that is because such businesses promote the increased likelihood for children to be harmed either in their facilities or as a result of having been to those facilities... . I cut Comcast out of our home nearly 3 years ago because of its pro-sexual-deviant policies, I haven't eaten at Burger King since they introduced the Gay-Whopper and Target will never get a dollar which was earned by me until they take an adult position on sexual deviancy.

But as far as I'm concerned, homosexuals are human, thus they possess the same rights as everyone else and with those rights they're bound to the correlating responsibilities of each and every one of those rights.

The problem is that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, being wholly relativist, rejects the objectivity essential to truth, thus they reject any sense of responsibility... and THAT means that they forfeit the rights inwhich they fail to bear the correlating responsibilities, as they exercise those rights.

They of course reject that self-evident truth, but what they fail to understand is that their rejecting natural law, has no bearing on the immutable nature of the law and it is through that truth, that we know that it is only a matter of time before the consequences of their behavior will result in the destruction of most of them and the survivors being sent scurrying back into the closet... with society having ONCE AGAIN been reminded of why they were shut-up in the closest IN THE FIRST PLACE!
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Further confirmation that you're a ridiculous idiot.
Like most on the right you ignore facts of law and instead attack with inane lies.
What about when Christians are being attacked, where are you then? No where to be found huh.

What Christians are being attacked in the U.S.?

In regards to this thread, Christians are expected to follow the same law as everyone else.

That is not an attack.
Phil Robertson comes to mind quickly, and the lady who was a former Miss. America contestant, and the Chic Filet CEO. Your kidding me that you don't know these things right ?
How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.
Not aware of the attacks you speak of, and how can you be sure they were Christians who were allegedly attacking them ? Now a protest of an issue is different from an attack, so just be sure that you are clear on that difference........ Can you be more specific maybe ? Now keep it current as we don't want you to go back to the beginning of time in order to make your points.

You say that Christians demanded boycotts of businesses that were treating gay's equally ?

Yes- that is exactly what I am saying.

Southern Baptists calling for a boycott of Disney for being too gay friendly.
Million Mom's - a Christian right wing organization calling for a boycott of well pretty much everybody- including the cancelation of a TV show for daring to have a gay character,
and trying to be Ellen Degeneres fired for daring to be a lesbian spokesperson for JC Penney

The Catholic League has a number of boycotts going
Bill Donohue Of Catholic League Urges Beer Boycott Of Guinness, Heineken, And Sam Adams For Supporting Gay Equality

The Christian right wing American Family Association boycott of Home Depot for being too gay friendly

SHARP: We’re glad to report that we are suspending the boycott of The Home Depot. After monitoring the company for several months,we’re satisfied that the company has withdrawn its major financial contributions to gay activist groups and to their activities. […]

We certainly do expect The Home Depot to deny that they have turned back their contributions to gay activist groups, but AFA has monitored the company – and actions speak louder than words.
American Family Association Ends Home Depot Boycott With Nothing To Show For It ThinkProgress

A Christian pastor is asking customers to boycott Starbucks due to the company's support of a bill to legalize gay marriage in Washington state, King 5 News reports.

"Christians are upset with Starbucks for turning against God...Starbucks can follow Satan if they want to," Steven Andrew, and evangelical pastor and president of the USA Christian Ministries in California, said in a statement. "However, pastors are to help Christians. Are you on the Lord's side? Will you help the USA be blessed by God?"

The Christian "Family Research Council"

On Thursday, Tony Perkins, founder of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., called upon listeners to his daily radio commentary to join the organization in its boycott against the company.

“At Betty Crocker, the only thing they’re mixing up is their priorities,” he stated. “If you ask conservatives, Betty Crocker’s latest promotion is a recipe for disaster.”

Perkins then pointed to a website providing additional information on the boycott against Betty Crocker and its parent company General Mills, which includes a letter that supporters can sign to express their disappointment.

“I never thought that by eating Cheerios for breakfast I would be supporting gay marriage. Your decision to pander to same-sex marriage activists has forced me to choose between your food products and my conscience,” it reads. “As long as food is produced by other companies my conscience is going to win out over the desire for another bowl of Lucky Charms.”

How many more examples would you like?
OK so basically their protesting these companies, because they are empowering the gay culture and their activist/activities in which are doing just what they had expected them to do, and that is to attack Christians if they don't get their way about taking their culture more into the mainstream. I wonder who keeps striking first? The Christians aren't changing or trying to change society, so it is that they are the ones who are on the defence instead of the offence.

So let me understand this:
When homosexuals call for boycotts of a business like Chik Fil E for perceiving that the business is 'anti-gay' that is an attack on Christians.

But when Christians call for boycotts of a business like Starbucks, or JC Penney, for being pro-gay, that is not an attack by Christians on homosexuals.......

That is quite the rational for a double standard.

Beagle- if its an attack when one group does the action- it is an attack if another group does the exact same action.

But of course in reality- neither is an attack- you are just whiny when it happens to business owners who want to be able to discriminate against homosexuals.
Yeah, we're not dismantling Public Accommodation laws because you don't like gay people.

Agreement with you isn't a standard of objectivity. As you aren't objective.

So what else have you got?

Is this the part where you offer up your fantasies of civil war and the collapse of society unless we start persecuting gay people?

Or the part where you tell us if gays don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be subject to a war that 'will make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

Alas, your ilk only want to hurt people when it costs you nothing and there are no consequences. And your 'war' involves consequences. Which is why both you and gay folks will remain pristinely safe from one another.
Isn't it the gay's that are attacking if people as individuals don't go along with them as being based upon their religious beliefs? What did they do, reveal their motives if people don't cave or go along with them?

How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.

Christians aren't attacking the Sexual Deviants.!

You are a sexual deviant.
I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?

Homosexuality isn't the issue. The issue is normalizing that which is profoundly abnormal.

It is harmful because it is a FUNDAMENTAL DECEIT... Setting up as PUBLIC POLICY, the intentional PRETENSE that a LIE, is truth.

Now you may not much care for religion, but surely you can see the potential for harm, where your culture considers DECEIT: TRUTH and that once that precedent is established, it will become impossible to know truth from deceit and, once that happens ... there is nothing on which to set civilization.

Now... perhaps you have doubt that such is the case.

And I surely understand how someone who may not have considered the issue fully could have some reservations with regard to that reasoning.

But, ask yourself... given the history of cultures which are historically known to have embraced sexual abnormality, and given that each and every culture which did so, either collapsed or was conquered shortly thereafter... do you agree that a culture whose means to know what was true and not true... is compromised, would have a very difficult time sustaining itself?

And if you agree with that otherwise obvious truth, and given that history has established that culture's which embraced such deceits as truth... POWERFUL EXPANSIVE CULTURES... the Greeks, the Romans... who reigned for THOUSANDS of years, were sent into history shortly after they lost the means to recognize the distinction between what was right, true and good, from that which was evil.

Then surely you can agree that the rapid decay of your culture is definitively HARMFUL to you, your family and children.
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Isn't it the gay's that are attacking if people as individuals don't go along with them as being based upon their religious beliefs? What did they do, reveal their motives if people don't cave or go along with them?

How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.

Christians aren't attacking the Sexual Deviants.!

You are a sexual deviant.

HEY LOOK! A Deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Now MaryL, a professed member of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality has JUST attempted to HARM ME... through the false assertion that I am a sexual deviant.

Now, if they'll do that to me, why would they not do so to YOU?

They're unprincipled, therefore unreasonable people. Which is what one should reasonably expect of those whose behavior is manifested from a disordered mind.
I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?

Homosexuality isn't the issue. The issue is normalizing that which is profoundly abnormal.

It is harmful because it is a FUNDAMENTAL DECEIT....

The deceit is the abuse you heap on the English language by your verbose homophobic rants.
How are 'gay's attacking' when they are asking that the same law that also applies to Christians be enforced?
Well what I've heard is when the question is asked to certain people if they are OK with gay marriage, and they don't answer correctly according to the one asking, then they are attacked. It was hoped for that Chic Filet would be boycotted, and that Phil of Duck Dynasty would be run off the air of A&E (or) that the crown would be taken from the former Miss America contestant Carrie Prejean (Miss California), if she would have won (or) to be disqualified by Trump because of her stance when asked.

Okay- if you want to go there- you are then admitting that Christians have been attacking Gays?

When Christians demand boycotts of business's that treat Gays equally? Boycotts for hiring a lesbian spokesperson?

IF you want to claim that those are examples of Christians being attacked- then in the same logic- there are examples of Christians attacking homosexuals.

Christians aren't attacking the Sexual Deviants.!

You are a sexual deviant.

HEY LOOK! A Deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Now MaryL, a professed member of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality has JUST attempted to HARM ME... through the false assertion that I am a sexual deviant.

Now, if they'll do that to me, why would they not do so to YOU?

They're unprincipled, therefore unreasonable people. Which is what one should reasonably expect of those whose behavior is manifested from a disordered mind.

You are a sexual deviant.
When homosexuals call for boycotts of a business like Chik Fil E ...

You're speaking of the would-be "boycott" which resulted in among the highest volume of sales ever recorded by a fast food company, in the history of fast food companies?

LOL! Oh YES! THAT was powerful!

Sadly you lacked the means to understand the source of the power... .

(Pssst... its the same power the established the human physiological standard from which sexual abnormality so profoundly DEVIATES!)
I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?

Homosexuality isn't the issue. The issue is normalizing that which is profoundly abnormal.

It is harmful because it is a FUNDAMENTAL DECEIT....

The deceit is the abuse you heap on the English language by your verbose homophobic rants.

So you feel my rants present evidence of my having an irrational fear of myself?


Any chance that you can show your math on how ya came up with that?

Again MaryL... do you see the hostility that the ANSA Cult is presenting here? Does that not seem potentially "harmful"?

I mean they just make up words and pretend that the words mean something that it cannot mean what they claim it means... yet there they are making the claim, nonetheless.

homo= self
Phobia= irrational fear
Homophobe: One presenting irrational fear of them self.

Demonstrated deceit, advanced as truth. Just a I said... .
Why is it that Conservatives can think of nothing but sex?

Keyes is clearly obsessed with wondering about who has had a cock up his ass......


One doesn't have to like religion to see that when a person publicly professes such abject deceit, as truth... wherein an author, 'advises' the reader of something which they KNOW TO BE FALSE, as TRUTH, in hopes that the reader will be influenced by such; deceit from which the reader could and likely would, where they 'believe' such to be true, vote for legislators who are themselves proponents of the same inviable reasoning... Legislators who pass bills, signed into laws by Chief Executives who were themselves elected by the same form of ignorance.

Do you see any potential for harm to you in THAT?
I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?

Homosexuality isn't the issue. The issue is normalizing that which is profoundly abnormal.

It is harmful because it is a FUNDAMENTAL DECEIT... Setting up as PUBLIC POLICY, the intentional PRETENSE that a LIE, is truth.

You haven't yet established the harm. We no longer hate and persecute gay people. And then....

Nothing. Your cause doesn't produce your assumed effect.

We're simply not stripping gays of any rights, persecuting them, hurting them, or waging a war that will make 'hate crimes look like sunday brunch' against them if they don't 'sit down and shut up' as you demand they do.

And if you agree with that otherwise obvious truth, and given that history has established that culture's which embraced such deceits as truth... POWERFUL EXPANSIVE CULTURES... the Greeks, the Romans... who reigned for THOUSANDS of years, were sent into history shortly after they lost the means to recognize the distinction between what was right, true and good, from that which was evil.

And those societies that didn't embrace homosexuality also collapsed. Virtually every civilization that has ever existed has collapsed. If they embraced homosexuality, if they didn't. So when your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', clearly you've grossly misunderstood the concept of causation.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
Why is it that Conservatives can think of nothing but sex?

Keyes is clearly obsessed with wondering about who has had a cock up his ass......


One doesn't have to like religion to see that when a person publicly professes such abject deceit, as truth... wherein an author, 'advises' the reader of something which they KNOW TO BE FALSE, as TRUTH, in hopes that the reader will be influenced by such; deceit from which the reader could and likely would, where they 'believe' such to be true, vote for legislators who are themselves proponents of the same inviable reasoning... Legislators who pass bills, signed into laws by Chief Executives who were themselves elected by the same form of ignorance.

Do you see any potential for harm to you in THAT?

Is that a pointlessly long winded way of referring to gay marriage?

As you know, marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. And in 37 of 50 States, it includes same sex couples. There's nothing 'deceitful' or 'dishonest' about applying a more inclusive standard to what we recognize as marriage.

You hold a different opinion. And?
When homosexuals call for boycotts of a business like Chik Fil E ...

You're speaking of the would-be "boycott" which resulted in among the highest volume of sales ever recorded by a fast food company, in the history of fast food companies?

I was speaking of idiotic attempted boycotts both by self proclaimed Christians against companies who dared treat homosexuals equally and attempted boycotts by LGBT groups against companies who they believe didn't treat homosexuals equally.

I find most boycott attempts pretty stupid. I was pointing out that Christians do against homosexuals what Beagle claims is an attack when homosexuals do it. I was pointing out the hypocrisy.

But that is far too complicated for you to understand.
I am at a bit of a quandary here. I don't respect religion much, but mandatorily accommodating sexual perverts isn't on my list of necessities, either. No. Religion and homosexuality don't mix, and I am cool with that. Why not, as long as no one is being physically hurt, what is the big deal?

Homosexuality isn't the issue. The issue is normalizing that which is profoundly abnormal.

It is harmful because it is a FUNDAMENTAL DECEIT....

The deceit is the abuse you heap on the English language by your verbose homophobic rants.

So you feel my rants present evidence of my having an irrational fear of myself?

No I am pointing out that your irrational rants are evidence of your bigotry.

Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

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