Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
LOL......wake me up when any church is EVER forced to marry anyone who it doesn't want to.
In 5 years you will have moved onto some other grand Konspiracy that you are infatuated with.
OK, wake up. :poke: Because when the first lawsuit against a Christian was successfully won, forcing them to abdicate their faith or face fines or going out of business, THAT was the first time a church was successfully forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Churches are nothing more than where individual Christians (the true bulk of the faith which lies within their hearts) merely meet and congregate once or twice a week to check back in from their true mission in life.
LOL......wake me up when any church is EVER forced to marry anyone who it doesn't want to.

In 5 years you will have moved onto some other grand Konspiracy that you are infatuated with.

OK, wake up. Because when the first lawsuit against a Christian was successfully won, forcing them to abdicate their faith or face fines or going out of business, THAT was the first time a church was successfully forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Churches are nothing more than where individual Christians (the true bulk of the faith which lies within their hearts) merely meet and congregate once or twice a week to check back in from their true mission in life.

A person and a church aren't the same thing. Your first clue would be the tax exempt status for the latter. But not the former. The law doesn't recognize a person as a church. And explicitly exempts churches from PA laws. Making your claims that a person being subject to PA laws means that churches will be mere nonsense.

Once again your entire argument is based on an absurd misunderstanding of the law. A law you are almost wholly ignorant of.
Then you'll be happy to know PA laws don't apply to forcing Christians to abdicate their faith.

PA laws don't force anyone to abdicate their faith. But they do fine you if you don't treat your customers fairly and equally.

Your religion is your business and your responsibility. If your faith makes doing a particular job impossible, the responsibility is yours to find a job that your religion will allow.
LOL......wake me up when any church is EVER forced to marry anyone who it doesn't want to.
In 5 years you will have moved onto some other grand Konspiracy that you are infatuated with.
OK, wake up. Because when the first lawsuit against a Christian was successfully won, forcing them to abdicate their faith or face fines or going out of business, THAT was the first time a church was successfully forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Churches are nothing more than where individual Christians (the true bulk of the faith which lies within their hearts) merely meet and congregate once or twice a week to check back in from their true mission in life.

There hasn't been a single church in this nation that has been forced to marry anyone against their wishes. Not one. You're legal gibberish doesn't not a church make. Don't believe me? Fine, don't pay your taxes and claim your a church b/c as an individual you're are actually a church. Desperation is all you have left at this point.
A person and a church aren't the same thing. Your first clue would be the tax exempt status for the latter. But not the former. The law doesn't recognize a person as a church. And explicitly exempts churches from PA laws. Making your claims that a person being subject to PA laws means that churches will be mere nonsense.

Once again your entire argument is based on an absurd misunderstanding of the law. A law you are almost wholly ignorant of.

"Tax exempt" does not define the religion each man adheres to. It was an arrangement of convenience only to where Christians congregate. Much like Elk Lodgers and other charity groups of individual members. Individual Elkers pay taxes. The group of them and the place where they merely convene to do charity do not pay taxes.

Nice try.

A church is for legal purposes as to this discussion of 1st Amendment rights, merely a place where individual Christians congregate. The exercise of religion occurs mainly Monday through Saturday in the heart of each individual Christian. Sunday is where the car pulls up to the service station to get its oil & tires checked.
LOL......wake me up when any church is EVER forced to marry anyone who it doesn't want to.
In 5 years you will have moved onto some other grand Konspiracy that you are infatuated with.
OK, wake up. Because when the first lawsuit against a Christian was successfully won, forcing them to abdicate their faith or face fines or going out of business, THAT was the first time a church was successfully forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Churches are nothing more than where individual Christians (the true bulk of the faith which lies within their hearts) merely meet and congregate once or twice a week to check back in from their true mission in life.

There hasn't been a single church in this nation that has been forced to marry anyone against their wishes. Not one. You're legal gibberish doesn't not a church make. Don't believe me? Fine, don't pay your taxes and claim your a church b/c as an individual you're are actually a church. Desperation is all you have left at this point.

Don't expect the complete and utter failure of their panty shitting hysterics in describing the world or predicting anything to dissuade them of more of the same. You're dealing with people in the midst of an emotional tantrum. Where they are arguing what they feel rather than what the evidence actually indicates.

Some, like Silo, are constructing elaborate lies to tell themselves in an attempt to sooth the cognitive dissonance that has arisen from the conflict between beliefs and reality. Most will settle more rationally into tacit acceptance of what they now oppose as the chicken little fears aren't justified by future outcomes. Or simply shuffle off this mortal coil and minutely bump support for gay marriage in the process.

The 5 stages of grief or the cold attrition of time....either works.
A person and a church aren't the same thing. Your first clue would be the tax exempt status for the latter. But not the former. The law doesn't recognize a person as a church. And explicitly exempts churches from PA laws. Making your claims that a person being subject to PA laws means that churches will be mere nonsense.

Once again your entire argument is based on an absurd misunderstanding of the law. A law you are almost wholly ignorant of.

"Tax exempt" does not define the religion each man adheres to. It was an arrangement of convenience only to where Christians congregate.

Its one of many examples of how the law recognizes that a person and a church are different. You insist they are the same. The law contradicts you. And since the application of PA laws are by definition a legal matter, the definitions recognized by law are relevant.

And the definitions that you've made up are pseudo-legal gibberish.

A person is not a church under the law. Any argument you offer that insists that they are is irrelevant to any discuss of the law.
Don't expect the complete and utter failure of their panty shitting hysterics in describing the world or predicting anything to dissuade them of more of the same. You're dealing with people in the midst of an emotional tantrum. Where they are arguing what they feel rather than what the evidence actually indicates..

You don't have to self-describe Skylar. We are perfectly aware of how you tick.
Don't expect the complete and utter failure of their panty shitting hysterics in describing the world or predicting anything to dissuade them of more of the same. You're dealing with people in the midst of an emotional tantrum. Where they are arguing what they feel rather than what the evidence actually indicates..

You don't have to self-describe Skylar. We are perfectly aware of how you tick.

PA laws don't apply to churches. My argument is that PA laws don't apply to churches.

Reality and my argument are golden.
Don't expect the complete and utter failure of their panty shitting hysterics in describing the world or predicting anything to dissuade them of more of the same. You're dealing with people in the midst of an emotional tantrum. Where they are arguing what they feel rather than what the evidence actually indicates..
You don't have to self-describe Skylar. We are perfectly aware of how you tick.
PA laws don't apply to churches. My argument is that PA laws don't apply to churches.
Reality and my argument are golden.
So then PA laws don't apply to Christians, because churches are nothing more than a stopping place for individual Christians who practice their faith every day, Monday through Sunday.
You know you are slipping fast on this argument Skylar. Give it up before you look like a fool.

Everyone knows the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to cement, nails, wood and linen. It applies to people, individuals.

It was a good fight you put up...handshake?
Don't expect the complete and utter failure of their panty shitting hysterics in describing the world or predicting anything to dissuade them of more of the same. You're dealing with people in the midst of an emotional tantrum. Where they are arguing what they feel rather than what the evidence actually indicates..
You don't have to self-describe Skylar. We are perfectly aware of how you tick.
PA laws don't apply to churches. My argument is that PA laws don't apply to churches.
Reality and my argument are golden.
So then PA laws don't apply to Christians, because churches are nothing more than a stopping place for individual Christians who practice their faith every day, Monday through Sunday.

PA Laws don't apply to churches because churches are explicitly exempted from PA laws. And the law recognizes that a person and a church are different entities.

That's my argument.

And you have yet to even disagree with me.....because we both know I'm right.
Is a church a congregation if individual Christians? Or did the founding fathers have in mind that wood, cement, nails and linen be given special protections? Which do you think the Court will decide when this comes to them again and again and again until they spell it out for you in bold italics, underlined?
LOL......wake me up when any church is EVER forced to marry anyone who it doesn't want to.
In 5 years you will have moved onto some other grand Konspiracy that you are infatuated with.

Churches are nothing more than where individual Christians (the true bulk of the faith which lies within their hearts) merely meet and congregate once or twice a week to check back in from their true mission in life.

And Churches are exempt from laws that individual worshipers are not.
Is a church a congregation if individual Christians?

A church is a church.

A Congregation is a congregation.

And individuals are individuals- and individuals are subject to laws on individuals- individuals have to pay taxes- EVEN if they are Christian- and individuals who own business's have to comply with PA laws- even if they are Christian.
Is a church a congregation if individual Christians? Or did the founding fathers have in mind that wood, cement, nails and linen be given special protections? Which do you think the Court will decide when this comes to them again and again and again until they spell it out for you in bold italics, underlined?

Same problem as last time: your entire argument is predicated on the idea that a church is the same thing as a person under the law.

It isn't. Any argument you make on that debunked premise is already dead.
Is a church a congregation if individual Christians? Or did the founding fathers have in mind that wood, cement, nails and linen be given special protections? Which do you think the Court will decide when this comes to them again and again and again until they spell it out for you in bold italics, underlined?

Same problem as last time: your entire argument is predicated on the idea that a church is the same thing as a person under the law.

It isn't. Any argument you make on that debunked premise is already dead.
A church isn't what's protected. Neither does the Elk's Club claim Constitutional protection. they just both happen to get nice tax breaks for being charity organizations of individuals. Mortar, cement, wood, nails and linens are not protected under the Constitution. Only people are.
Is a church a congregation if individual Christians? Or did the founding fathers have in mind that wood, cement, nails and linen be given special protections? Which do you think the Court will decide when this comes to them again and again and again until they spell it out for you in bold italics, underlined?

Same problem as last time: your entire argument is predicated on the idea that a church is the same thing as a person under the law.

It isn't. Any argument you make on that debunked premise is already dead.
A church isn't what's protected.

A church is what is specifically exempted from PA laws. Look them up. They have explicit, articulated exemptions.....using words. Its actually written down.

You're still proffering an argument that doesn't recognize the legal distinction in the law and in PA laws between a church and a person. The law and PA laws recognize both.

Thus, your argument is irrelevant to any discussion of laws or PA laws.

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