Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
If a Christian's faith makes their profession impossible, find a new profession. As your faith is yours. And its your responsibility to find a job that matches your faith. Not our job to change our laws to match your religion.

Nope, it's your job to shop around and find someone who is cool with depicting two men on a cake "getting married". Not for a pork eater to sue a kosher deli to serve him pork.

Nope. A cake baker bakes cake. And sells it to customers. A Kosher deli doesn't carry pork. And doesn't sell it to anyone.

Killing your false analogy. As no one is asking a cake baker to do anything beyond the services they advertise: baking cakes.
They are if they ask them to put two groomsmen on the cake holding hands with a wedding arbor over them and a "bless Adam and Steve's wedding" icing on it.

Given that the baker refused to bake any cake, the icing is irrelevant. Cake bakers bake cakes. Ordering a cake from a cake baker isn't unreasonable, extreme, 'cultish' or any of the bizarre words you've awkwardly tried to apply.

PA laws apply to everyone. Including Christians. They don't get to ignore any law they don't like.

They simply CANNOT do such a thing and remain a Christian. It is a de facto forced abdication of their faith at one of its most cherished cores: marriage and family....and by extension...society (Jude 1)

Jude 1 makes no mention of gay marriage, cakes, or any of the other nonsense you've just made up for it. Nor have you once been able to cite any part of Jude 1 that says what you do. You're hallucinating.

Second, if your religion makes it impossible for you to do you job...

....get another job. Matching your profession to your faith is your responsibility. Not ours.
There's a law that specifically says that Christians have to bake & dress gay wedding cakes for gays now? Is that what PA laws say or mean, and this when people get right down to it ? What were such laws created for again, I mean before the gays adopted them?
If a Christian's faith makes their profession impossible, find a new profession. As your faith is yours. And its your responsibility to find a job that matches your faith. Not our job to change our laws to match your religion.

Nope, it's your job to shop around and find someone who is cool with depicting two men on a cake "getting married". Not for a pork eater to sue a kosher deli to serve him pork.

Nope. A cake baker bakes cake. And sells it to customers. A Kosher deli doesn't carry pork. And doesn't sell it to anyone.

Killing your false analogy. As no one is asking a cake baker to do anything beyond the services they advertise: baking cakes.
They are if they ask them to put two groomsmen on the cake holding hands with a wedding arbor over them and a "bless Adam and Steve's wedding" icing on it.

Given that the baker refused to bake any cake, the icing is irrelevant. Cake bakers bake cakes. Ordering a cake from a cake baker isn't unreasonable, extreme, 'cultish' or any of the bizarre words you've awkwardly tried to apply.

PA laws apply to everyone. Including Christians. They don't get to ignore any law they don't like.

They simply CANNOT do such a thing and remain a Christian. It is a de facto forced abdication of their faith at one of its most cherished cores: marriage and family....and by extension...society (Jude 1)

Jude 1 makes no mention of gay marriage, cakes, or any of the other nonsense you've just made up for it. Nor have you once been able to cite any part of Jude 1 that says what you do. You're hallucinating.

Second, if your religion makes it impossible for you to do you job...

....get another job. Matching your profession to your faith is your responsibility. Not ours.
There's a law that specifically says that Christians have to bake & dress gay wedding cakes for gays now? Is that what PA laws say or mean, and this when people get right down to it ? What were such laws created for again, I mean before the gays adopted them?

There's a law that says you can't discriminate in public business based on sexual orientation.

If your religious beliefs make this impossible, find a job where your religion is compatible. Your religion is yours. Finding a profession that matches your religious beliefs is your responsibility. Instead, you're passing the buck to the rest of society. It would have been like Steve Young insisting that the Superbowl be played on a Saturday as his religious beliefs forbid him from working on Sunday.

Um, no.
There's a law that says you can't discriminate in public business based on sexual orientation.

If your religious beliefs make this impossible, find a job where your religion is compatible. Your religion is yours. Finding a profession that matches your religious beliefs is your responsibility. Instead, you're passing the buck to the rest of society. It would have been like Steve Young insisting that the Superbowl be played on a Saturday as his religious beliefs forbid him from working on Sunday.

Um, no.

Sexual orientation is about behavior. If those behaviors conflict with other people's faith, then people can reject them. You just cannot hurt gay people. But you do not have to enable their behaviors by participating in the defilement of the word "marriage". There are kids involved in this. And when children being deprived of either a mother or a father "as an incentivized institution" becomes "normal", society's future is doomed. We already have data on children raised without their own gender present in the home:

Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Nope, it's your job to shop around and find someone who is cool with depicting two men on a cake "getting married". Not for a pork eater to sue a kosher deli to serve him pork.

Nope. A cake baker bakes cake. And sells it to customers. A Kosher deli doesn't carry pork. And doesn't sell it to anyone.

Killing your false analogy. As no one is asking a cake baker to do anything beyond the services they advertise: baking cakes.
They are if they ask them to put two groomsmen on the cake holding hands with a wedding arbor over them and a "bless Adam and Steve's wedding" icing on it.

Given that the baker refused to bake any cake, the icing is irrelevant. Cake bakers bake cakes. Ordering a cake from a cake baker isn't unreasonable, extreme, 'cultish' or any of the bizarre words you've awkwardly tried to apply.

PA laws apply to everyone. Including Christians. They don't get to ignore any law they don't like.

They simply CANNOT do such a thing and remain a Christian. It is a de facto forced abdication of their faith at one of its most cherished cores: marriage and family....and by extension...society (Jude 1)

Jude 1 makes no mention of gay marriage, cakes, or any of the other nonsense you've just made up for it. Nor have you once been able to cite any part of Jude 1 that says what you do. You're hallucinating.

Second, if your religion makes it impossible for you to do you job...

....get another job. Matching your profession to your faith is your responsibility. Not ours.
There's a law that specifically says that Christians have to bake & dress gay wedding cakes for gays now? Is that what PA laws say or mean, and this when people get right down to it ? What were such laws created for again, I mean before the gays adopted them?

There's a law that says you can't discriminate in public business based on sexual orientation.

If your religious beliefs make this impossible, find a job where your religion is compatible. Your religion is yours. Finding a profession that matches your religious beliefs is your responsibility. Instead, you're passing the buck to the rest of society. It would have been like Steve Young insisting that the Superbowl be played on a Saturday as his religious beliefs forbid him from working on Sunday.

Um, no.
I agree, Christians should only work for Christians, Muslims for Muslims, Jews for Jews, and homosexuals for homosexuals.

Let a business proclaim what denomination of people they wish to serve, and only those types are able to be served at that business. No non Christian should be allowed to go to a Christian run food pantry(uh, oh, you are gonna starve), and non Christians should not be allowed in a Christian run halfway house, or a Christian run mission. They should reserve those beds for only down on their luck Christians.

Since crab fishermen are predominately Christian, then only Christians should be able to buy crab legs, and any other seafood that is caught in that area. Let the heathen catch their own fish. Since most cattle farmers are Christian, no non Christian shall be able to buy beef. Except from those who proclaim to be non Christian, and no Christian shall be able to buy beef from them.

All Christian truck drivers may only haul to Christian run businesses, and deliver their load. No non Christian business can do any business, in any way with a Christian.

Now, if all this actually took affect, who is going to be paying more for meat, and their products? Well, there are a lot more of us, than there are of you, and I am pretty sure, any business wanting to stay in business, will proclaim to be a Christian business, so you are going to starve. But, you can always go to a Christian run food pantry, oh, no you cant.

But, that's your problem, not ours.

Have a nice day
I agree, Christians should only work for Christians, Muslims for Muslims, Jews for Jews, and homosexuals for homosexuals.

Let a business proclaim what denomination of people they wish to serve, and only those types are able to be served at that business. No non Christian should be allowed to go to a Christian run food pantry(uh, oh, you are gonna starve), and non Christians should not be allowed in a Christian run halfway house, or a Christian run mission. They should reserve those beds for only down on their luck Christians.

Since crab fishermen are predominately Christian, then only Christians should be able to buy crab legs, and any other seafood that is caught in that area. Let the heathen catch their own fish. Since most cattle farmers are Christian, no non Christian shall be able to buy beef. Except from those who proclaim to be non Christian, and no Christian shall be able to buy beef from them.

All Christian truck drivers may only haul to Christian run businesses, and deliver their load. No non Christian business can do any business, in any way with a Christian.

Now, if all this actually took affect, who is going to be paying more for meat, and their products? Well, there are a lot more of us, than there are of you, and I am pretty sure, any business wanting to stay in business, will proclaim to be a Christian business, so you are going to starve. But, you can always go to a Christian run food pantry, oh, no you cant.

But, that's your problem, not ours.

Have a nice day

'Cause that's what Christ would do, right?

Ya'll make the baby Jesus cry...
I agree, Christians should only work for Christians, Muslims for Muslims, Jews for Jews, and homosexuals for homosexuals.

Let a business proclaim what denomination of people they wish to serve, and only those types are able to be served at that business. No non Christian should be allowed to go to a Christian run food pantry(uh, oh, you are gonna starve), and non Christians should not be allowed in a Christian run halfway house, or a Christian run mission. They should reserve those beds for only down on their luck Christians.

Since crab fishermen are predominately Christian, then only Christians should be able to buy crab legs, and any other seafood that is caught in that area. Let the heathen catch their own fish. Since most cattle farmers are Christian, no non Christian shall be able to buy beef. Except from those who proclaim to be non Christian, and no Christian shall be able to buy beef from them.

All Christian truck drivers may only haul to Christian run businesses, and deliver their load. No non Christian business can do any business, in any way with a Christian.

Now, if all this actually took affect, who is going to be paying more for meat, and their products? Well, there are a lot more of us, than there are of you, and I am pretty sure, any business wanting to stay in business, will proclaim to be a Christian business, so you are going to starve. But, you can always go to a Christian run food pantry, oh, no you cant.

But, that's your problem, not ours.

Have a nice day

'Cause that's what Christ would do, right?

Ya'll make the baby Jesus cry...
They baby Jesus grew up.

And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.
They baby Jesus grew up.

And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.
Technically, God was the one that destroyed Sodom, not Jesus. Jude was just telling people not to forget the lesson that Jesus reminded had happened. And why...

Christians are supposed to be compassionate towards gays in every day life, selling them food, shelter, clothing etc. They're just forbidden from enabling the group of them trying to take over cultural values within a core of any society. There's the difference. And that is because humans learn socially. If you disrupt the matrix, then not even decent sane souls can thrive, because "monkey see, monkey do" dominates sublime spiritual goals if a child learns depravity in their formative years "as normal"..the souls have ZERO chance....none of them...That's why also in that account of Sodom, it was pointed out that the entire civilization, every man, woman and child had become sexually and morally depraved by rote. And as such, none of them were salvagable because there was no majority voice at all, not even a whisper that spoke of sanity at that point.

So the slate had to be wiped clean. Pretty simple logic if you back up into space and look at the world as a petri dish, a place where souls are tested. If you foul the petri dish to such a point that it is laden with bad bacteria, your good culture, not even one cell of it, has a chance.

Enabling the spread of rogue bateria across the petri dish is not allowed to Christians.
I agree, Christians should only work for Christians, Muslims for Muslims, Jews for Jews, and homosexuals for homosexuals.

Let a business proclaim what denomination of people they wish to serve, and only those types are able to be served at that business. No non Christian should be allowed to go to a Christian run food pantry(uh, oh, you are gonna starve), and non Christians should not be allowed in a Christian run halfway house, or a Christian run mission. They should reserve those beds for only down on their luck Christians.

Since crab fishermen are predominately Christian, then only Christians should be able to buy crab legs, and any other seafood that is caught in that area. Let the heathen catch their own fish. Since most cattle farmers are Christian, no non Christian shall be able to buy beef. Except from those who proclaim to be non Christian, and no Christian shall be able to buy beef from them.

All Christian truck drivers may only haul to Christian run businesses, and deliver their load. No non Christian business can do any business, in any way with a Christian.

Now, if all this actually took affect, who is going to be paying more for meat, and their products? Well, there are a lot more of us, than there are of you, and I am pretty sure, any business wanting to stay in business, will proclaim to be a Christian business, so you are going to starve. But, you can always go to a Christian run food pantry, oh, no you cant.

But, that's your problem, not ours.

Have a nice day

'Cause that's what Christ would do, right?

Ya'll make the baby Jesus cry...
They baby Jesus grew up.

And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.

Really? In what passage or verse did Jesus say that? Have you actually read what Jesus said? If so, I can't see how you can imagine the man who turned water into wine would refuse to serve anyone.

Do you know what is a New Testament sin? Debating religion on a message board. Have fun in hell with the gays and adulterers.
They baby Jesus grew up.

And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.

Christians are supposed to be compassionate towards gays in every day life, selling them food, shelter, clothing etc. They're just forbidden from enabling the group of them trying to take over cultural values within a core of any society. There's the difference.

I'm guessing that the difference is that the BIble doesn't say any of that and you're pulling it sidways out of your ass. You do realize that we can actually read Jude 1 and quite easily see that you're making this up as you go along.

I agree, Christians should only work for Christians, Muslims for Muslims, Jews for Jews, and homosexuals for homosexuals.

Let a business proclaim what denomination of people they wish to serve, and only those types are able to be served at that business. No non Christian should be allowed to go to a Christian run food pantry(uh, oh, you are gonna starve), and non Christians should not be allowed in a Christian run halfway house, or a Christian run mission. They should reserve those beds for only down on their luck Christians.

Since crab fishermen are predominately Christian, then only Christians should be able to buy crab legs, and any other seafood that is caught in that area. Let the heathen catch their own fish. Since most cattle farmers are Christian, no non Christian shall be able to buy beef. Except from those who proclaim to be non Christian, and no Christian shall be able to buy beef from them.

All Christian truck drivers may only haul to Christian run businesses, and deliver their load. No non Christian business can do any business, in any way with a Christian.

Now, if all this actually took affect, who is going to be paying more for meat, and their products? Well, there are a lot more of us, than there are of you, and I am pretty sure, any business wanting to stay in business, will proclaim to be a Christian business, so you are going to starve. But, you can always go to a Christian run food pantry, oh, no you cant.

But, that's your problem, not ours.

Have a nice day

'Cause that's what Christ would do, right?

Ya'll make the baby Jesus cry...
They baby Jesus grew up.

And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.

Really? In what passage or verse did Jesus say that? Have you actually read what Jesus said? If so, I can't see how you can imagine the man who turned water into wine would refuse to serve anyone.

Do you know what is a New Testament sin? Debating religion on a message board. Have fun in hell with the gays and adulterers.

You're getting hung up on Biblical Jesus v. Imaginary Silo Jesus. They really don't have much to do with each other.

Silo Jesus is rabidly anti-gay and has counciled Christians to oppose selling gay wedding cake. Biblical Jesus never even mentions gays.
If churches are going to discriminate, they should pay taxes. Period.
So gay butt sex addiction can force churches into bankruptcy, preventing them from doing the charity work they're famous for?

Nah. I know which one has legal dominance between the cult of deviant butt sex and the Christian church. Check the 1st Amendment for details.

Where were

They baby Jesus grew up.
And Christ does not want us serving homosexual weddings. Try again.
Technically, God was the one that destroyed Sodom, not Jesus. Jude was just telling people not to forget the lesson that Jesus reminded had happened. And why...

Christians are supposed to be compassionate towards gays in every day life, selling them food, shelter, clothing etc. They're just forbidden from enabling the group of them trying to take over cultural values within a core of any society. There's the difference. And that is because humans learn socially. If you disrupt the matrix, then not even decent sane souls can thrive, because "monkey see, monkey do" dominates sublime spiritual goals if a child learns depravity in their formative years "as normal"..the souls have ZERO chance....none of them...That's why also in that account of Sodom, it was pointed out that the entire civilization, every man, woman and child had become sexually and morally depraved by rote. And as such, none of them were salvagable because there was no majority voice at all, not even a whisper that spoke of sanity at that point.

So the slate had to be wiped clean. Pretty simple logic if you back up into space and look at the world as a petri dish, a place where souls are tested. If you foul the petri dish to such a point that it is laden with bad bacteria, your good culture, not even one cell of it, has a chance.
Enabling the spread of rogue bateria across the petri dish is not allowed to Christians; under threat of eternal damnation...and for good reason as it turns out..
I'm guessing that the difference is that the BIble doesn't say any of that and you're pulling it sidways out of your ass. You do realize that we can actually read Jude 1 and quite easily see that you're making this up as you go along.


And yet while I've quoted Jude 1 verbatim from the Bible on numerous occasions, in its entirety, you have not. Funny, that. :popcorn: Jude 1 King James Version
The part about the petri dish and "monkey see, monkey do" is what's called a perfect fit for the logic of why God forbade the enabling of homosexual culture to takeover ANY society, not just Sodom. The stuff in the Bible is based on logic. It's the logic of sustainable human culture for The Purpose.

That Purpose is the refining of souls and the testing of them for another more permanent life in the realm we don't all quite understand (after death) but have several tens of thousands of accounts that give us a hint at (death/revival reportage).
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If churches are going to discriminate, they should pay taxes. Period.
Tax breaks weren't given to Churches based on their religion that was taught there, but it was given to them based upon their charitable donations and helpfulness to the down and out in life, and for being there when someone needed a helping hand in life. The religious part is what keeps churches and their congregations compassionate, helpful, giving, and empathetic to sinners, and to the good people whom want to be helped in life also. Not a bad deal at all, but this gay attack on marriage is something very different now, and it has nothing to do with the government and the church's relationship in which goes back hundreds of years now.

The thought of trying to blackmail the Church & it's Christian congregation with the government in these ways today, well is tragic, and this is all because of a certain people for whom think that they have finally gained control over the government to do it's bidding for them in this way. Well this should be ridiculous, but look at the post above and it's inferences spoken in this way. This nation needs to look now at these things carefully, and it should see what happens when certain people think that they have gotten control over the government in some areas now, and how they try and use that control over our government to either blackmail others with it or to try and hammer everyone out there who disagrees with them with it.
There's a law that says you can't discriminate in public business based on sexual orientation.

If your religious beliefs make this impossible, find a job where your religion is compatible. Your religion is yours. Finding a profession that matches your religious beliefs is your responsibility. Instead, you're passing the buck to the rest of society. It would have been like Steve Young insisting that the Superbowl be played on a Saturday as his religious beliefs forbid him from working on Sunday.

Um, no.

Sexual orientation is about behavior.

No- I am a heterosexual regardless of whether I have sex or not, or do any other 'heterosexual behaviors'.

Sexual orientation is about who someone is attracted to. I am a heterosexual because I am attracted to the opposite gender.

Nothing to do with behavior.
If churches are going to discriminate, they should pay taxes. Period.
Tax breaks weren't given to Churches based on their religion that was taught there, but it was given to them based upon their charitable donations and helpfulness to the down and out in life, and for being there when someone needed a helping hand in life. .

Says who?

Churches have a long history of being 'tax exempt' in European history and its not all pretty.

We have chosen to make Churches tax exempt and exempt from PA laws- in part because of the long history of Churches being exempt from taxes and in part because of the First Amendment.

Churches can and should be able to discriminate- no one can or should tell churches that women must be priests, or that African Americans must be allowed to be full members or that homosexuals must be allowed to marry in the church.
I'm guessing that the difference is that the BIble doesn't say any of that and you're pulling it sidways out of your ass. You do realize that we can actually read Jude 1 and quite easily see that you're making this up as you go along.


And yet while I've quoted Jude 1 verbatim from the Bible on numerous occasions, in its entirety, you have not. ).

Glad to quote Jude 1 again- doesn't mention homosexuality or cake at all.

3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. 4 For certain individuals whose condemnation was written aboutb]">[b] long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lordc]">[c] at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. 7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

8 In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings. 9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”d]">[d] 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.

11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”e]">[e] 16 These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

A Call to Persevere
17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.f]">[f]

24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

Of course, I prefer Jesus's own words:

Do Not Judge Others

37“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. 38Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.c

39Then Jesus gave the following illustration: “Can one blind person lead another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch? 40Studentsd are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.

41“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eyee when you have a log in your own? 42How can you think of saying, ‘Friend,f let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
There are some Christians that think churches should give up exempt status and regain their freedom of speech. Churches are prohibited from political speech or endorsing candidates for political office. Give up tax exempt status and they could do both.

If a Christian is forced to do that by the government then I guess all of these is ok too right?


The hypocrisy of some people against Christians is astounding

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