Should Congress Build the Fence per Law?

Electric fences can't even keep cows in, what makes you think humans won't be able to circumvent an electric fence? Rubber mat? Ground out the fence? Cut in a bypass? What could be easier than overcoming an unmanned fence?

Do you think illegals are capable of such sophisticated thinking? If you make the danger and risk to life and limb high enough, they wouldn't dare chance it, lest they'd prefer suicide. You can use sheet metal, not wire, that way all of the fence is electrified, you can install vibration sensors along the length as well, to detect such attempts to 'cut' through it. You can also install forward looking ground penetrating radar and infrared detection systems along the border also. You would also need small anti-Aircraft batteries for planes who refuse to identify themselves. You can have manned stations every 5 miles or so along the fence, with at minimum 630 checkpoints, with as many as 2000 agents with orders to fire warning shots upon sight, (and authorization to use deadly force after such warning is ignored) on patrol at all times. It isn't rocket science, buddy. Our politicians, and most certainly liberals are not capable of strategic thinking nowadays.

Well yeah, if we are willing to start shooting at anyone within a mile of the border then all bets are off. You could end the illegal immigration in a heartbeat that way. But if they know it's just a warning shot they will just adapt and ignore them. I don't think we are willing as a country to start shooting at laborers who are trying to cross the border illegally. Thus, because we are not willing to do so they can just line up and all cross at the same time. The ones that get caught can just turn around and try again the next night.

LOL, true, but then again, we don't need illegal labor from Mexico, we need to use the people that are here in America legally. One warning shot, then shots that don't miss the next time. I was trying to be a bit humane there. We could have automated .50 caliber guns at strategic points along the border too, a part I left out by mistake.
Just like the stupid gun laws that exist on the books and don't work, so to goes immigration. Build the dam fence already.

With Senate Vote, Congress Passes Border Fence Bill

Enforcement first, then deal with those here.

What say you

Didn't work for the E.Germans.


You don't know the difference between a wall to keep illegal aliens out and the East Germans who built a wall to keep their own citizens ... in? OMG liberals are stupid.
Just like the stupid gun laws that exist on the books and don't work, so to goes immigration. Build the dam fence already.

With Senate Vote, Congress Passes Border Fence Bill

Enforcement first, then deal with those here.

What say you


Lets think about it for a minute, what does the wall do:
(a) Gives Americans a symbol to look and say “see what we did”
(b) Gives the world a symbol that says “see America doesn’t want you”

To me that’s the wrong message to send (a) I don’t want a hollow “symbol” I want real change and a long term solution and (b) I want the world to know people are still welcome here as long as you come legally and follow our laws.

To solve this problem we need long term solutions:
1. In the short term - temporarily put some troops on the border – reduce the flow.
2. Fix the issues with e-verify and provide a national means for determining citizenship so that employers have the tools to hire legally. Right now there is way too much CYA and not holding employers responsible due to fake documents, “day labor”, and paying under the table.
3. Once we give teeth to the employment laws, start cracking down on employers. You hire someone and don’t check their ability to work in this country, we're talking stiff fines and jail time.
4. Guarantee that Employers are hiring based on a labor shortage and that the wages/taxes paid are equivalent to hiring an American. Make hiring imported labor more expensive then hiring homegrown.
5. Restrict access to government services, if you’re here illegally and you have problems take them back to your home country. [Education – NOT, Drivers Licenses – NOT, In State Tuition – NOT, Social Services – NOT, Medical Care – NOT (except for life threatening injuries)]
6. Make Social Services, Education, and Medical facilities responsible for reporting Illegal Aliens attempting to access government programs.
7. Amend the Constitution so that simply giving birth in this country does not automatically guarantee citizenship (anchor babies), you must be here legally.
8. Develop a Temporary Worker program. You want to apply to work here, not a problem but the only registration points are in your country of origin.
9. Each state should modify each of their official State Identifications/Drivers Licenses to include the citizenship status of the individual identified and verify at time of application. The ID would clearly indicate if the individual was a citizen or non-citizen. The ID for citizen's would have a normal expiration date. For those issued to legal residents, the expiration date would be the greater of the normal expiration date or the date the individuals legal status expires.​

Once the these items are in place the need for a wall will diminish because the incentives are removed for breaking the law in the first place.

Did 15 million Illegal Aliens all get shipped here? No, they came here on their own. Same will happen to the majority of those here illegally, they will self deport. Not saying everyone will of course but with no access to employment and no access to social services then a large number will choose to go home. That will leave a smaller number to deal with through normal law enforcement processes.

Do you think illegals are capable of such sophisticated thinking? If you make the danger and risk to life and limb high enough, they wouldn't dare chance it, lest they'd prefer suicide. You can use sheet metal, not wire, that way all of the fence is electrified, you can install vibration sensors along the length as well, to detect such attempts to 'cut' through it. You can also install forward looking ground penetrating radar and infrared detection systems along the border also. You would also need small anti-Aircraft batteries for planes who refuse to identify themselves. You can have manned stations every 5 miles or so along the fence, with at minimum 630 checkpoints, with as many as 2000 agents with orders to fire warning shots upon sight, (and authorization to use deadly force after such warning is ignored) on patrol at all times. It isn't rocket science, buddy. Our politicians, and most certainly liberals are not capable of strategic thinking nowadays.

Well yeah, if we are willing to start shooting at anyone within a mile of the border then all bets are off. You could end the illegal immigration in a heartbeat that way. But if they know it's just a warning shot they will just adapt and ignore them. I don't think we are willing as a country to start shooting at laborers who are trying to cross the border illegally. Thus, because we are not willing to do so they can just line up and all cross at the same time. The ones that get caught can just turn around and try again the next night.

LOL, true, but then again, we don't need illegal labor from Mexico, we need to use the people that are here in America legally. One warning shot, then shots that don't miss the next time. I was trying to be a bit humane there. We could have automated .50 caliber guns at strategic points along the border too, a part I left out by mistake.

The people that are here legally, all get paid to collect welfare and vote democrat. The legals who are here, just to work then go home, are few and far between these days. Especially since the greenies in California decided to close down most of American farming. Yes, we could easily close the border. Course most of our border has signs up that state the cartels are running the place. So pretending we are willing to man the border is really quite funnny. We might be willing to pay the mexicans to build and man the fence, but I doubt we'll find enough americans to do the work let alone find enough congressmen to do it or a president who will make the order.
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"...Didn't work for the E.Germans."
Ahhhhh, but there's a big difference...

The Berlin Wall was built to keep their own Winners IN...

Our Fence would be built to keep somebody else's Losers OUT...

Build the damned thing...

But only after we've tried to make them self-deport...

By making it illegal to hire Illegal Aliens or to provide them with housing or schooling or medical services or social services or welfare or financial or wire-transfer services or to sell them cars and other big-ticket consumer goods...

Enough to make them fall all over themselves scrambling for the border...

If that doesn't work, then build the damned wall...
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Well yeah, if we are willing to start shooting at anyone within a mile of the border then all bets are off. You could end the illegal immigration in a heartbeat that way. But if they know it's just a warning shot they will just adapt and ignore them. I don't think we are willing as a country to start shooting at laborers who are trying to cross the border illegally. Thus, because we are not willing to do so they can just line up and all cross at the same time. The ones that get caught can just turn around and try again the next night.

LOL, true, but then again, we don't need illegal labor from Mexico, we need to use the people that are here in America legally. One warning shot, then shots that don't miss the next time. I was trying to be a bit humane there. We could have automated .50 caliber guns at strategic points along the border too, a part I left out by mistake.

The people that are here legally, all get paid to collect welfare and vote democrat. The legals who are here, just to work then go home, are few and far between these days. Especially since the greenies in California decided to close down most of American farming. Yes, we could easily close the border. Course most of our border has signs up that state the cartels are running the place. So pretending we are willing to man the border is really quite funnny. We might be willing to pay the mexicans to build and man the fence, but I doubt we'll find enough americans to do the work let alone find enough congressmen to do it or a president who will make the order.

Perhaps if we got rid of entitlement programs, for people who don't need them, perhaps we could find the manpower almost overnight. Desperation is a great motivator.
LOL, true, but then again, we don't need illegal labor from Mexico, we need to use the people that are here in America legally. One warning shot, then shots that don't miss the next time. I was trying to be a bit humane there. We could have automated .50 caliber guns at strategic points along the border too, a part I left out by mistake.

The people that are here legally, all get paid to collect welfare and vote democrat. The legals who are here, just to work then go home, are few and far between these days. Especially since the greenies in California decided to close down most of American farming. Yes, we could easily close the border. Course most of our border has signs up that state the cartels are running the place. So pretending we are willing to man the border is really quite funnny. We might be willing to pay the mexicans to build and man the fence, but I doubt we'll find enough americans to do the work let alone find enough congressmen to do it or a president who will make the order.

Perhaps if we got rid of entitlement programs, for people who don't need them, perhaps we could find the manpower almost overnight. Desperation is a great motivator.

You have my vote. Funny part is the fence was originally one of those jobs the stimulus was gonna pay for. Then someone said no, we only want shovel ready projects. Go figure, elect someone that has poo for brains and you end up with buying a whole lot of poo and nothing anyone was willing to pay for.
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How do you know it won't work. Fences keep criminals in prison.

It will only work if the govt allows it to work. If the dems want to keep buying votes by letting illegals in and setting them up as fraudulent voters, then you are correct.

A fence works in a prison because there are armed guards placed in such a manner that they can see every part of the fence at all times. You are talking about a fence almost 2,000 miles long - most of it in some extremely isolated terrain. How do you propose seeing every part of it at all times?

You don't have to see every part of it at all times. That is the purpose of surveillance cameras, and quick response teams. The fence just slows them down enough for the border patrol to arrive and arrest them.

All others who come in on visas, should be issued a card with a locator chip, and with a requirement to have that card on their person at all times that they are out and about. If they overstay their visa, or do not comply with the intent of the visa, a computer will alert the immigration officials, and they will be able to locate and apprehend the visitor through the locator chip.

A double fence at all dry crossings, and a single fence at the river, supported by border patrol and national guard troops, will stop the flood, and as that wanes, the effort can be cut back to just the border patrol.

Yes. You do have to see it all of the time unless you just don't care whether or not it works. We are talking about 2,000 miles of border. If you have just one camera every 100 yards (which would probably not be sufficient) you are talking about around 140,000 cameras - which need to be installed and maintained. You can take one of those out with a .22. Then you need response teams close enough to actually respond - which means multiple teams at each site. That is housing, feeding, equipping and transporting. To do the most half-assed of jobs would cost hundreds of millions to set up and tens of millions per year to maintain - and it still won't stop the problem.

What you are actually going to get is a fence, which will not be maintained. You might have some cameras, which will also not be maintained. There will be lots of photo ops for the politicians but it will impact the problem not a whit. I prefer not to have my tax dollars spent on pointless projects just to make people feel good.

Now, if you actually want something that will do the job you create a buffer zone of say 250 yards in which no one is allowed. Line it with barbed wire and plant a few million land mines. Put in armed guard towers with heavy weapons every fifty yards with orders to shoot on sight. That shouldn't cost more than a few billion to start and tie up perhaps a million or so soldiers. Then you can watch the sale of boats go up considerably in Central America.
It's not a waste of money if you build the fence, for the entire southwestern border of the United States, and then electrify the whole thing. Problem solved.

Electric fences can't even keep cows in, what makes you think humans won't be able to circumvent an electric fence? Rubber mat? Ground out the fence? Cut in a bypass? What could be easier than overcoming an unmanned fence?

Do you think illegals are capable of such sophisticated thinking? If you make the danger and risk to life and limb high enough, they wouldn't dare chance it, lest they'd prefer suicide. You can use sheet metal, not wire, that way all of the fence is electrified, you can install vibration sensors along the length as well, to detect such attempts to 'cut' through it. You can also install forward looking ground penetrating radar and infrared detection systems along the border also. You would also need small anti-Aircraft batteries for planes who refuse to identify themselves. You can have manned stations every 5 miles or so along the fence, with at minimum 630 checkpoints, with as many as 2000 agents with orders to fire warning shots upon sight, (and authorization to use deadly force after such warning is ignored) on patrol at all times. It isn't rocket science, buddy. Our politicians, and most certainly liberals are not capable of strategic thinking nowadays.

You want to give your government the authority to shoot to kill people suspected of committing a misdemeanor, without a trial?

Damn! I thought that the Right was afraid of our government!
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Just like the stupid gun laws that exist on the books and don't work, so to goes immigration. Build the dam fence already.

With Senate Vote, Congress Passes Border Fence Bill

Enforcement first, then deal with those here.

What say you


Dems said if illegals were given amnesty they would secure the border.

They said that in the 80's, to Reagan.

They are far passed overdue for keeping their word.

Do you research anything before posting, or just parrot whatever Fox News tells you?

Removal Statistics

55 percent, or 225,390, of the people removed in FY 2012 were convicted criminal aliens – almost double the removal of criminals from FY 2008, and the largest number of criminal aliens removed in agency history.
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"Immigrants for years have paid far more into Medicare's coffers than they have pulled out, effectively subsidizing rising healthcare payments to the aging U.S. population, a new study shows.

The analysis from Harvard Medical School showed immigrants generated a $13.8 billion surplus for the U.S. government healthcare program for the elderly in 2009, the most recent figures available.

From 2002 through 2009 immigrants posted a Medicare surplus of $115 billion, while the American-born population logged a deficit of $28 billion in contributions."

Immigrants add billions to Medicare, study finds - Vitals

The Harvard study, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, counters impressions that immigrants strain healthcare resources.
"Immigrants for years have paid far more into Medicare's coffers than they have pulled out, effectively subsidizing rising healthcare payments to the aging U.S. population, a new study shows.

The analysis from Harvard Medical School showed immigrants generated a $13.8 billion surplus for the U.S. government healthcare program for the elderly in 2009, the most recent figures available.

From 2002 through 2009 immigrants posted a Medicare surplus of $115 billion, while the American-born population logged a deficit of $28 billion in contributions."

Immigrants add billions to Medicare, study finds - Vitals

The Harvard study, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, counters impressions that immigrants strain healthcare resources.

One of the reasons medicare is so expensive is that is has to subsidize the lines of illegals who show up at the hospitals for their "free" healthcare that was mandated by the Clinton administration.
Cut the spending from somewhere else.. finish the fence.. commit to enforcing the existing laws.. improve the laws and immigration system to make it easier for those who do and have followed the rules... continue to look for improvement

I think the US government should use the same laws on Mexico books to enforce our borders like they do.

And yes the fence has curtailed border crossing where it has been built.
"Immigrants for years have paid far more into Medicare's coffers than they have pulled out, effectively subsidizing rising healthcare payments to the aging U.S. population, a new study shows.

The analysis from Harvard Medical School showed immigrants generated a $13.8 billion surplus for the U.S. government healthcare program for the elderly in 2009, the most recent figures available.

From 2002 through 2009 immigrants posted a Medicare surplus of $115 billion, while the American-born population logged a deficit of $28 billion in contributions."

Immigrants add billions to Medicare, study finds - Vitals

The Harvard study, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, counters impressions that immigrants strain healthcare resources.

One of the reasons medicare is so expensive is that is has to subsidize the lines of illegals who show up at the hospitals for their "free" healthcare that was mandated by the Clinton administration.

Interesting but I don't hardly think a large portion of illegal immigrates would qualify age wise for Medicare. Now if were referring to Medicaid you may be right.
Just like the stupid gun laws that exist on the books and don't work, so to goes immigration. Build the dam fence already.

With Senate Vote, Congress Passes Border Fence Bill

Enforcement first, then deal with those here.

What say you


You're talking logic to people who don't get it.

Just since the talk of amnesty heated up, illegal immigration increased dramatically. Not surprising since that is usually how it goes. The message was 'get your ass to America, quick, and take advantage.'

Immigration reform isn't needed. We simply need to respect and enforce the laws in existence. They were created the way they are for a damn good reason. We will allow a limited number of immigrants in because it's best for America. And we have some conditions for those who wish to become Americans, like passing tests and learning our language.

Every time I hear politicians talk about reform, I know it just means ignore our laws once again and give everyone a free pass. Never mind that those who followed the law are shit out of luck and will still have to wait and jump through all the hoops. Fools that obey the law don't finish first.

Washington is where we need reform, but the corruption is so deep that unless most Americans get on the same page and kick the whole lot of them out, we might as well get used to an "us and them" mentality when speaking of government. We now work for them instead of the way our founders intended.

As long as politicians waste billions in foreign aid when that money could go toward making our country more secure, our borders will remain compromised. Terrorists and other criminals come through the same border as the ones who will be granted amnesty. How many illegal alien criminals have been released by ICE under order of the administration? How can we possibly know who is who since we pretty much have to take their word for who they are and where they came from?

Securing the border should be mandatory before any immigration changes can even be considered.
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"Immigrants for years have paid far more into Medicare's coffers than they have pulled out, effectively subsidizing rising healthcare payments to the aging U.S. population, a new study shows.

The analysis from Harvard Medical School showed immigrants generated a $13.8 billion surplus for the U.S. government healthcare program for the elderly in 2009, the most recent figures available.

From 2002 through 2009 immigrants posted a Medicare surplus of $115 billion, while the American-born population logged a deficit of $28 billion in contributions."

Immigrants add billions to Medicare, study finds - Vitals

The Harvard study, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, counters impressions that immigrants strain healthcare resources.

One of the reasons medicare is so expensive is that is has to subsidize the lines of illegals who show up at the hospitals for their "free" healthcare that was mandated by the Clinton administration.

Interesting but I don't hardly think a large portion of illegal immigrates would qualify age wise for Medicare. Now if were referring to Medicaid you may be right.

You may have missed the point. Hospitals are forced by law to "cover" the care for the illegals. The illegals know this so they just say sorry no money it's free for me. The hospitals then have two choices. 1) go out of business or 2) pass the cost of the "free" care to the paying customers. The paying customers include the folks on medicare, cash paying customers, and private insurance carrying customers.

Talk to someone who works for a hospital in one of the high pop areas for illegals. The number of "free" customers can easily out number the number of paying customers. You want to know why it is expensive? Well one reason is because you have to foot the bill for the folks that are getting it free.
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Electric fences can't even keep cows in, what makes you think humans won't be able to circumvent an electric fence? Rubber mat? Ground out the fence? Cut in a bypass? What could be easier than overcoming an unmanned fence?

Do you think illegals are capable of such sophisticated thinking? If you make the danger and risk to life and limb high enough, they wouldn't dare chance it, lest they'd prefer suicide. You can use sheet metal, not wire, that way all of the fence is electrified, you can install vibration sensors along the length as well, to detect such attempts to 'cut' through it. You can also install forward looking ground penetrating radar and infrared detection systems along the border also. You would also need small anti-Aircraft batteries for planes who refuse to identify themselves. You can have manned stations every 5 miles or so along the fence, with at minimum 630 checkpoints, with as many as 2000 agents with orders to fire warning shots upon sight, (and authorization to use deadly force after such warning is ignored) on patrol at all times. It isn't rocket science, buddy. Our politicians, and most certainly liberals are not capable of strategic thinking nowadays.

You want to give your government the authority to shoot to kill people suspected of committing a misdemeanor, without a trial?

Damn! I thought that the Right was afraid of our government!

Misdemeanor? Maybe for the first time. But repeated unlawful entry into the US is supposed to be a felony. And what of those folks clogging up our court system? You wanna keep doing that?

8 USC Section 1325

Any alien who

(1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or

(2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or

(3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

8 USC Section 1326

(a) In general
Subject to subsection (b) of this section, any alien who—

(1) has been denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed or has departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding, and thereafter

(2) enters, attempts to enter, or is at any time found in, the United States, unless

(A) prior to his reembarkation at a place outside the United States or his application for admission from foreign contiguous territory, the Attorney General has expressly consented to such alien’s reapplying for admission; or

(B) with respect to an alien previously denied admission and removed, unless such alien shall establish that he was not required to obtain such advance consent under this chapter or any prior Act,
shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b) Criminal penalties for reentry of certain removed aliens
Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, in the case of any alien described in such subsection—

(1) whose removal was subsequent to a conviction for commission of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), such alien shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both;

(2) whose removal was subsequent to a conviction for commission of an aggravated felony, such alien shall be fined under such title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both;

(3) who has been excluded from the United States pursuant to section 1225 (c) of this title because the alien was excludable under section 1182 (a)(3)(B) of this title or who has been removed from the United States pursuant to the provisions of subchapter V, and who thereafter, without the permission of the Attorney General, enters the United States, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under title 18 and imprisoned for a period of 10 years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence. [1] or

(4) who was removed from the United States pursuant to section 1231 (a)(4)(B) of this title who thereafter, without the permission of the Attorney General, enters, attempts to enter, or is at any time found in, the United States (unless the Attorney General has expressly consented to such alien’s reentry) shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term “removal” includes any agreement in which an alien stipulates to removal during (or not during) a criminal trial under either Federal or State law.
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"Misdemeanor? Maybe for the first time. But repeated unlawful entry into the US is supposed to be a felony. And what of those folks clogging up our court system? You wanna keep doing that?"

Oh, I see. You only want to give the government the authority to shoot people who are suspected of being REPEAT violators, without a trial.

Presumably, these people will wear a big sign on their backs reading "REPEAT VIOLATOR" as they cross the border, so that the government knows who they can kill on sight without a trial.
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One of the reasons medicare is so expensive is that is has to subsidize the lines of illegals who show up at the hospitals for their "free" healthcare that was mandated by the Clinton administration.

Interesting but I don't hardly think a large portion of illegal immigrates would qualify age wise for Medicare. Now if were referring to Medicaid you may be right.

You may have missed the point. Hospitals are forced by law to "cover" the care for the illegals. The illegals know this so they just say sorry no money it's free for me. The hospitals then have two choices. 1) go out of business or 2) pass the cost of the "free" care to the paying customers. The paying customers include the folks on medicare, cash paying customers, and private insurance carrying customers.

Talk to someone who works for a hospital in one of the high pop areas for illegals. The number of "free" customers can easily out number the number of paying customers. You want to know why it is expensive? Well one reason is because you have to foot the bill for the folks that are getting it free.

Well, I guess that would be me, since I live 30 miles from Mexico and spent my entire career in hospital administration and health insurance.

There are virtually no illegal aliens over 65 seeking coverage under Medicare. In fact, there are very few illegal aliens over 65 at all. As for free care in hospitals, I worked for the largest hospital in New Orleans before Katrina (Charity), and we collected somewhere in the nieghborjhood of 25% of our revenue from insured citizens. The other 75% was collected from federal and state grants for uninsured American citizens. New Orleans was certainly not a destination of choice for illegal aliens. The Affordable Health Care Act was passed, among other reasons, to help alieviate the problem of American citizens having no health insurance, thereby passing the hospital costs on to taxpayers at federal, state, county and city levels.
"Immigrants for years have paid far more into Medicare's coffers than they have pulled out, effectively subsidizing rising healthcare payments to the aging U.S. population, a new study shows.

The analysis from Harvard Medical School showed immigrants generated a $13.8 billion surplus for the U.S. government healthcare program for the elderly in 2009, the most recent figures available.

From 2002 through 2009 immigrants posted a Medicare surplus of $115 billion, while the American-born population logged a deficit of $28 billion in contributions."

Immigrants add billions to Medicare, study finds - Vitals

The Harvard study, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, counters impressions that immigrants strain healthcare resources.

One of the reasons medicare is so expensive is that is has to subsidize the lines of illegals who show up at the hospitals for their "free" healthcare that was mandated by the Clinton administration.

Totally false. Link, please.

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