Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters ?

One thing I always notice is that opponents of building the wall/fence are always supporters of open borders. The reason they oppose building it is the fact that it will work.

You're very, very wrong about my opposition to a wall......My point is simple.....a wall is NOT needed. What is needed is for elected nitwits to stop being bribed by companies that benefit from cheap laborers...Stop the attraction of jobs by heavy fines to employers, and illegal immigration dwindles.

It is also moronic to threaten the "arrest" of mayors in sanctuary cities, whie turning a blind eye to the employers.
Only a republican would call a request for fair wages, and the right of healthcare and education (like the rest of the civilized world) a request for a handout. Idiots.

There is no right to healthcare or education so they are handouts. "Fair wages" means more than you can make in the free market - another handout, in other words.

Totally accurate.
Your response is also false.

It's 100% true.
To you yes, in reality no.
You are the last person to be able to invoke logic.

So the right to a trial by jury can't exist because it imposes obligations on others to provide that right?

lol, good one.

That's a legal right, not a natural right.

You're legally insane. Or maybe naturally insane.

You have an idiosyncratic definition of "insanity."
Only use words you know
Idiosyncratic is not one of them.

You had to look that up, didn't you?
No but there is no doubt you did.
There is a wall between N and S Korea and it is highly militarized, and expensive.

In an earlier post I alluded to that wall in Korea...HOWEVER, I meant that a wall should have been built BEFORE we spent billions and lost lives in a senseless war.
Who decides whether there is a right to healthcare?

Logic decides it. No legitimate right can impose an obligation on another person. If it can't be exercised on a desert island, it isn't a right.

You are the last person to be able to invoke logic.

So the right to a trial by jury can't exist because it imposes obligations on others to provide that right?

lol, good one.

That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .
We have 11 guards per mile now that cost US more than the entire US justice system & growing. Mexicans just tunnel under walls like they are nothing. They tunneled over a mile just to get 1 man out of prison.

Of course, you're right on target with the above, but a"wall" gives nitwits some sense that something was done....something long proposed by right wingers.....never mind that the current administration has increased border guards.....never mind that illegal crossings have been met with increased repatriations.....The fact is that since elected right wingers have long advocated a wall, the bellowing sheep voters will always DEMAND a wall .
This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?

Your boys better get in the game then.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.
It's not our fault. The Democrats control the media. They lie. They cheat. And they make sure for the most part that only brown people are allowed in in such great numbers. Democrats really could care less that much of their base is poor and all of these newcomers are stealing their jobs.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

There will always be poor immigrants, forget about the illegals, but there's a reason other countries like Australia want you to have something of value, be it a trade skill or money, before becoming a citizen there. Self sustaining people are less likely to be swayed by promises from politicians. Really poor people who have to work two jobs are easily swayed by the promise of a handout. Nothing wrong with being poor, but to flood yourself with millions of them in a short time is damaging. We already have our own poor who need help and they will be swept aside.
It's not our fault. The Democrats control the media. They lie. They cheat.

Well, the "good" news with the above response is that a right winger FINALLY admits that FOX is anything BUT a media outlet, that people who listen to Rush and Savage for their news are imbeciles and that the "comfort" for R-W losers in blaming the lib media is alive and well.

Thank you Mudslinger
There will always be poor immigrants, forget about the illegals, but there's a reason other countries like Australia want you to have something of value, be it a trade skill or money, before becoming a citizen there. Self sustaining people are less likely to be swayed by promises from politicians. Really poor people who have to work two jobs are easily swayed by the promise of a handout. Nothing wrong with being poor, but to flood yourself with millions of them in a short time is damaging. We already have our own poor who need help and they will be swept aside.

The above is a reasoned and welcomed contribution to this discussion.....One important point, however, is that the current administration has considerably stemmed the flow and the criticism Obama is mostly centered on what to do with those immigrants.
Ah, which side of the fence will those day laborers be building? The Mexican or US side?......Who knows, maybe the Chinese will come in with the lowest bid for the fence....while those Mexican day laborers concentrate on the digging of tunnels(under that fence.)

Trump said wall! So it is going to crumble where those tunnels are. The idea of 'sapping' has been around for 2 or 3 millenniums now. And, you just can't fill the tunnel where the wall fell. You have to close the entire tunnel on the Mexican side up so no one will sap your wall again!

Walls are expensive and hard to maintain. I wonder what colorful terms will the GBO use to describe such a plan.

Don't be an idiot. The wall the Israelis built is working perfectly. The Saudis are also building a fence long their border with Iraq. Walls and fences work. There's no disputing that fact.

If it is well maintained and guarded. Also, how much wall/fence are we talking about versus the fence and wall Israel holds.

And how much does it cost them? How does translate to how much it will cost us?

Of course it needs to be guarded. The point of a fence or wall is that it makes any men you have guarding the border much more effective because it holds up anyone trying to cross and gives time for personnel guarding the border to apprehend them.

If Israel can afford a 600 mile wall, I think the United States, a country with 50 times the GDP, can easily afford a wall 3-4 times longer. In fact, the wall will make guarding the border cheaper as fewer personnel will be required.

?? fewer? How many guards per mile are you talking about?

I would estimate not more than one guard tower every half mile with two guards. That would mean 4000 men to staff the wall.
Trump said wall! So it is going to crumble where those tunnels are. The idea of 'sapping' has been around for 2 or 3 millenniums now. And, you just can't fill the tunnel where the wall fell. You have to close the entire tunnel on the Mexican side up so no one will sap your wall again!

Walls are expensive and hard to maintain. I wonder what colorful terms will the GBO use to describe such a plan.

Don't be an idiot. The wall the Israelis built is working perfectly. The Saudis are also building a fence long their border with Iraq. Walls and fences work. There's no disputing that fact.

If it is well maintained and guarded. Also, how much wall/fence are we talking about versus the fence and wall Israel holds.

And how much does it cost them? How does translate to how much it will cost us?

Of course it needs to be guarded. The point of a fence or wall is that it makes any men you have guarding the border much more effective because it holds up anyone trying to cross and gives time for personnel guarding the border to apprehend them.

If Israel can afford a 600 mile wall, I think the United States, a country with 50 times the GDP, can easily afford a wall 3-4 times longer. In fact, the wall will make guarding the border cheaper as fewer personnel will be required.

?? fewer? How many guards per mile are you talking about?
We have 11 guards per mile now that cost US more than the entire US justice system & growing. Mexicans just tunnel under walls like they are nothing. They tunneled over a mile just to get 1 man out of prison.

What a moron. That man is a billionaire who probably paid someone a lot of money to dig that tunnel.

With a wall you could reduce the number of border guards to 4 per mile.

As always, the people who oppose the wall are supporters of open borders. They obviously don't want an effect means of sealing the border.
One thing I always notice is that opponents of building the wall/fence are always supporters of open borders. The reason they oppose building it is the fact that it will work.

You're very, very wrong about my opposition to a wall......My point is simple.....a wall is NOT needed. What is needed is for elected nitwits to stop being bribed by companies that benefit from cheap laborers...Stop the attraction of jobs by heavy fines to employers, and illegal immigration dwindles.

It is also moronic to threaten the "arrest" of mayors in sanctuary cities, whie turning a blind eye to the employers.

Both things are needed. One thing about the wall is that once it is built it can't be made to disappear with a stroke of the pen. Any government policy, on the other hand, can. If a democrat gets into office, what's to stop him/her from refusing to enforce sanctions against employers? That's the situation we right now, and it isn't working. You're proposing more of the same.
As always, the people who oppose the wall are supporters of open borders. They obviously don't want an effect means of sealing the border.

QSTs......Do you think that the proposed wall will ALSO stop the drug trafficking??? I mean, if it would be so darn effective, should we expect the cost of grass and meth to skyrocket. Will the DEA be then in favor of such a wall.
Logic decides it. No legitimate right can impose an obligation on another person. If it can't be exercised on a desert island, it isn't a right.

You are the last person to be able to invoke logic.

So the right to a trial by jury can't exist because it imposes obligations on others to provide that right?

lol, good one.

That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?
How conservative of you.

how liberal of you.......those votes won't come cheap.....but you libs just love to spend and spend and spend.....hey! here comes BANKRUPTCY...!

Wait, The Donald can help with bankruptcy. He's got a ton of experience.

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