Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters ?

All Hispanics need to do is read this thread and then decide how to vote

Republicans drive them away and then demand to know why they won't vote Republican
All native born Americans need to read what you post so they will understand you favor open borders so a flood of low-wage workers can immigrate to this country and drive down their wages to third world levels.


Keep it up

I intend to.
This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?
That sounds like a good reason to engage these "30 million new voters" rather than antagonize them. By the way, how many of said "voters" are eligible or willing to vote?
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!

Obvious facts like Repubs lost big with Latinos and will continue to do so? Facts like that?
Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!

Obvious facts like Repubs lost big with Latinos and will continue to do so? Facts like that?

Much like Republicans have given up the black vote and the gay vote, they have no interest in the Hispanic vote

They got 27% in the 2012 election and their recent actions on Immigration, deportation and smearing of the Mexican community will only drive away more voters. As the Hispanic population in Texas, Florida, Nevada and Colorado increase it will move more of those states into the blue column
If that happens, Republicans will never elect another President
Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!

Obvious facts like Repubs lost big with Latinos and will continue to do so? Facts like that?

The obvious fact is that it only takes a small percentage of the vote of native born Americans to compensate for the votes of illegal aliens.

Why would Republicans want to put 30 million new Democrats on the voter roles? Going down that road is electoral suicide.

How stupid are Dims?
Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!

Obvious facts like Repubs lost big with Latinos and will continue to do so? Facts like that?

The obvious fact is that it only takes a small percentage of the vote of native born Americans to compensate for the votes of illegal aliens.

Why would Republicans want to put 30 million new Democrats on the voter roles? Going down that road is electoral suicide.

How stupid are Dims?

How stupid are Dims?

The irony is perfect.
Trump said wall! So it is going to crumble where those tunnels are. The idea of 'sapping' has been around for 2 or 3 millenniums now. And, you just can't fill the tunnel where the wall fell. You have to close the entire tunnel on the Mexican side up so no one will sap your wall again!

Walls are expensive and hard to maintain. I wonder what colorful terms will the GBO use to describe such a plan.

Don't be an idiot. The wall the Israelis built is working perfectly. The Saudis are also building a fence long their border with Iraq. Walls and fences work. There's no disputing that fact.

If it is well maintained and guarded. Also, how much wall/fence are we talking about versus the fence and wall Israel holds.

And how much does it cost them? How does translate to how much it will cost us?

Of course it needs to be guarded. The point of a fence or wall is that it makes any men you have guarding the border much more effective because it holds up anyone trying to cross and gives time for personnel guarding the border to apprehend them.

If Israel can afford a 600 mile wall, I think the United States, a country with 50 times the GDP, can easily afford a wall 3-4 times longer. In fact, the wall will make guarding the border cheaper as fewer personnel will be required.

?? fewer? How many guards per mile are you talking about?

I would estimate not more than one guard tower every half mile with two guards. That would mean 4000 men to staff the wall.
That's about the same amount of people in a multi plex movie theater. Not nearly enough.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.
Our party doesn't promise them free shit.

What free shit do Republican promise illegals?
Well, there's yer problem.

Only a liberal turd would regard declining to promise free shit as a "problem."
Republicans' "free stuff" gripe is perpetuating a myth
November 16, 2012|By Anthony Orlando
There's an email making the rounds that tells a story about two little girls who run for class president in grade school. One girl works hard, runs a good campaign, and promises to do her best if elected. The other girl promises to give everyone ice cream. The teacher asks the children how they'll pay for the ice cream. They have no idea, but they vote for the ice cream girl anyway.

That, says the email, is how Barack Obama won the election. He promised to give away free stuff that we can't afford.

Bill O'Reilly got the ball rolling on this theory when he said, "It's not a traditional America anymore, and there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama."

We have such short memories.

It was the Republican president George W. Bush who expanded eligibility for food stamps in the 2002 farm bill. There were 99 Republican representatives who voted to expand the program further in the 2008 farm bill. And it was that same Republican president who waived one of the work requirements for 32 states in November 2008.

That's why the food stamp program added more recipients under Bush than it did under Obama.

The welfare claim is even more ridiculous. We may not remember the food stamp expansion under Bush, but surely we remember welfare reform under Bill Clinton. In 1996, Congress ended "welfare as we know it" and replaced it with "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" (TANF), a program whose budget hasn't changed in 16 years. It was $16.6 billion in 1996, and it's $16.6 billion today.

In the year before welfare reform, 4.7 million Americans received assistance from the program. Today, only 2 million receive assistance from TANF.

Republicans free stuff gripe is perpetuating a myth - tribunedigital-sunsentinel
You are the last person to be able to invoke logic.

So the right to a trial by jury can't exist because it imposes obligations on others to provide that right?

lol, good one.

That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.
classic Naturalistic fallacy.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?

And maybe those kinds of comments are exactly why you don't get them. You think every brown person that comes here is some poor schmo who doesn't want to work. Most Hispanics, legal or not, that I've known are pretty hard fucking workers, more so than most native born Americans. They also tend to be social conservatives, yet, 3/4 of them won't vote for you.

How about the Asians? They aren't poor. Most of them are highly educated, highly productive, and live in some pretty nice neighborhoods and yet, they don't vote for you either. Explain that one away.

how cute, You refer to them as "brown" People. who says all of them have BROWN skin jumping our borders. and that's more offensive than anything some Republican could say about them.... You're too hysterical to comment on this topic
really ? that's hilarious coming from you.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies
Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
how cute, You refer to them as "brown" People. who says all of them have BROWN skin jumping our borders. and that's more offensive than anything some Republican could say about them.... You're too hysterical to comment on this topic

If this country was getting flooded with white immigrants from Canada or Europe the outrage wouldn't be anywhere near as much. I've heard plenty of conservatives complain about the "browning" of America and even mainstream conservatives in the media have written articles about it. The Non-Hispanic white population in this country is estimated to drop below 50% by 2040 and this scares the shit out of conservatives.
Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.
Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that citizenship is a right.

Thanks for playing!

You get the award for the dumbest claim of the month.
how cute, You refer to them as "brown" People. who says all of them have BROWN skin jumping our borders. and that's more offensive than anything some Republican could say about them.... You're too hysterical to comment on this topic

If this country was getting flooded with white immigrants from Canada or Europe the outrage wouldn't be anywhere near as much. I've heard plenty of conservatives complain about the "browning" of America and even mainstream conservatives in the media have written articles about it. The Non-Hispanic white population in this country is estimated to drop below 50% by 2040 and this scares the shit out of conservatives.

Horse manure. I don't give a damn what color their skin is. What I care about is the fact that they come from low-wage third world countries and are willing to work to peanuts in this country. That drives down American wages. Plus they are inclined to vote for Democrats so they can get free shit. I fail to see why we should have to sit still while Democrats import a hoard of loyal party members.
Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that citizenship is a right.

Thanks for playing!

You get the award for the dumbest claim of the month.

You have to be the dumbest poster on the board

Do you even know what citizenship is? Do you know what "We the People" means?
Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that citizenship is a right.

Thanks for playing!

You get the award for the dumbest claim of the month.
False but your yammering is entertaining.
You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that citizenship is a right.

Thanks for playing!

You get the award for the dumbest claim of the month.

You have to be the dumbest poster on the board

Do you even know what citizenship is? Do you know what "We the People" means?

"We the people" doesn't refer to illegal aliens or people in other countries, moron. It refers to citizens.

Why don't you tell us what you think "citizenship" means? We can all use a good laugh.
You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!
obvious fantasies

Where is this "right to citizenship" documented?
non sequitur.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that citizenship is a right.

Thanks for playing!

You get the award for the dumbest claim of the month.
False but your yammering is entertaining.
If you have evidence, then post it. Failure to post is all the evidence we need to conclude you're a liar and a fraud.

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