Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters ?

That's a legal right, not a natural right.

You're legally insane. Or maybe naturally insane.

You have an idiosyncratic definition of "insanity."
Only use words you know
Idiosyncratic is not one of them.

You had to look that up, didn't you?
No but there is no doubt you did.

ROFL! You like to think so, I'm sure. If that's what salves your bruised ego.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.
Our party doesn't promise them free shit.

What free shit do Republican promise illegals?
Well, there's yer problem.

Only a liberal turd would regard declining to promise free shit as a "problem."

No. I believe declining a promise of anything is the problem. Your boys don't deal with immigrants in any way that they see as helpful to their cause. "Free shit" is a contard construct. All that immigrants want is a fair shot at citizenship that doesn't include a ten year wait for a green card all the while living under the threat of deportation. Seems reasonable.
You are the last person to be able to invoke logic.

So the right to a trial by jury can't exist because it imposes obligations on others to provide that right?

lol, good one.

That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?
Our party doesn't promise them free shit.

What free shit do Republican promise illegals?
Well, there's yer problem.

Only a liberal turd would regard declining to promise free shit as a "problem."

No. I believe declining a promise of anything is the problem. Your boys don't deal with immigrants in any way that they see as helpful to their cause. "Free shit" is a contard construct. All that immigrants want is a fair shot at citizenship that doesn't include a ten year wait for a green card all the while living under the threat of deportation. Seems reasonable.

They aren't entitled to be here, let alone a "fair shot" at citizenship. The purpose if immigration law is to benefit America, not foreigners. If the don't like the rules, they can stay where they are. If they're already here, they can get the hell out.
That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.
If the don't like the rules, they can stay where they are. If they're already here, they can get the hell out.

First, consider that we are ALL a nation of immigrants...just ask any American Indian.

But, search your soul and be honest: Would you be as adamant against the influx of Latinos and Hispanics were they to overwhelmingly support conservative causes?
If the don't like the rules, they can stay where they are. If they're already here, they can get the hell out.

First, consider that we are ALL a nation of immigrants...just ask any American Indian.

But, search your soul and be honest: Would you be as adamant against the influx of Latinos and Hispanics were they to overwhelmingly support conservative causes?
One thing we know: if they were conservative the wall would have been built a long time ago.

The fact that our ancestors were immigrants doesn't obligate us to let in every single person who wants in. If we aren't required to let them all in, then we aren't required to let any of them in. Open borders is pure insanity. Anyone who supports is just admitting they want to shit on American workers.
One thing we know: if they were conservative the wall would have been built a long time ago.

The fact that our ancestors were immigrants doesn't obligate us to let in every single person who wants in. If we aren't required to let them all in, then we aren't required to let any of them in. Open borders is pure insanity. Anyone who supports is just admitting they want to shit on American workers.

But CURRENTLY it is not an open border...probably a much more restrictive border under the Obama administration....and only a staunch Obama hater would not admit to that.

The issue at hand is how to treat those millions who have made it here over the decades. We certainly allowed Cubans to come here and escape the Castro regime. We certainly allowed Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians to escape here.....Should we not admit that some of these illegals are also escaping dictatorships in central and Latin America ?

But address the original question.
One thing we know: if they were conservative the wall would have been built a long time ago.

The fact that our ancestors were immigrants doesn't obligate us to let in every single person who wants in. If we aren't required to let them all in, then we aren't required to let any of them in. Open borders is pure insanity. Anyone who supports is just admitting they want to shit on American workers.

But CURRENTLY it is not an open border...probably a much more restrictive border under the Obama administration....and only a staunch Obama hater would not admit to that.

The issue at hand is how to treat those millions who have made it here over the decades. We certainly allowed Cubans to come here and escape the Castro regime. We certainly allowed Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians to escape here.....Should we not admit that some of these illegals are also escaping dictatorships in central and Latin America ?

But address the original question.

That's bullshit. The Obama administration has changed the way counting is done to make it look better. When we allowed the Cubans Laotians and Vietnamese to come, there was a law saying they could come. All the illegals here now did not do some under the authority of some law. The reason we call them "illegals" is the fact that they broke the law by coming here.

Is Mexico a dictatorship? I thought they had elections there. Since when is mere dictatorship sufficient justification for an immigration visa? If we allowed anyone living in a dictatorship to immigrate, 2/3 of the world population would be eligible. The Vietnamese and Cubans were escaping communism. That's an entirely greater order of magnitude of oppression. Furthermore, the Vietnamese and Cambodians were our allies in a war against communism.

The only sensible position is to end immigration, period. We don't need more people in this country.
Don't be an idiot. The wall the Israelis built is working perfectly. The Saudis are also building a fence long their border with Iraq. Walls and fences work. There's no disputing that fact.

If it is well maintained and guarded. Also, how much wall/fence are we talking about versus the fence and wall Israel holds.

And how much does it cost them? How does translate to how much it will cost us?

Of course it needs to be guarded. The point of a fence or wall is that it makes any men you have guarding the border much more effective because it holds up anyone trying to cross and gives time for personnel guarding the border to apprehend them.

If Israel can afford a 600 mile wall, I think the United States, a country with 50 times the GDP, can easily afford a wall 3-4 times longer. In fact, the wall will make guarding the border cheaper as fewer personnel will be required.

?? fewer? How many guards per mile are you talking about?
We have 11 guards per mile now that cost US more than the entire US justice system & growing. Mexicans just tunnel under walls like they are nothing. They tunneled over a mile just to get 1 man out of prison.

What a moron. That man is a billionaire who probably paid someone a lot of money to dig that tunnel.

With a wall you could reduce the number of border guards to 4 per mile.

As always, the people who oppose the wall are supporters of open borders. They obviously don't want an effect means of sealing the border.

I am all for closed borders. But this shit has turned into a big ass government boondoggle. It is taxing 47 states to subsidize Texas. One guard can see miles with binoculars. Armed with a radio/phone, drone, gun & a bunch of zip-tie cuffs can guard 2 miles of border (mile each way). We have 11 per mile & these people are still coming in. That means that the border patrol are letting them in, not showing up or beating off on our tax dollars.

You assholes just love to tax & spend!!!
I am all for closed borders. But this shit has turned into a big ass government boondoggle. It is taxing 47 states to subsidize Texas. One guard can see miles with binoculars. Armed with a radio/phone, drone, gun & a bunch of zip-tie cuffs can guard 2 miles of border (mile each way). We have 11 per mile & these people are still coming in. That means that the border patrol are letting them in, not showing up or beating off on our tax dollars.

You assholes just love to tax & spend!!!

Just a bit crude, but right to the point......I'll ask again about the possible efficacy of a costly wall.......Beside "illegals", will the wall also stop the tons of drugs flooding in?
(notice that none of the politicos really address this and that probably the DEA would hate to be out of work.)
Free steel for the taking because border patrol failed to show up.
That's a legal right, not a natural right.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Mexicans and central Americans have just as much right to be citizens here as do people from India, England, Poland, Kenya, etc. no more or no less. Which is why everybody has to wait their turn for citizenship. Just because they have a convenient border to cross doesnt make it fair. Otherwise, lets just let 30 million people from every country in the world come here next month and well just 'sort it all out later'
All Hispanics need to do is read this thread and then decide how to vote

Republicans drive them away and then demand to know why they won't vote Republican
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?

And maybe those kinds of comments are exactly why you don't get them. You think every brown person that comes here is some poor schmo who doesn't want to work. Most Hispanics, legal or not, that I've known are pretty hard fucking workers, more so than most native born Americans. They also tend to be social conservatives, yet, 3/4 of them won't vote for you.

How about the Asians? They aren't poor. Most of them are highly educated, highly productive, and live in some pretty nice neighborhoods and yet, they don't vote for you either. Explain that one away.

how cute, You refer to them as "brown" People. who says all of them have BROWN skin jumping our borders. and that's more offensive than anything some Republican could say about them.... You're too hysterical to comment on this topic
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Mexicans and central Americans have just as much right to be citizens here as do people from India, England, Poland, Kenya, etc. no more or no less. Which is why everybody has to wait their turn for citizenship. Just because they have a convenient border to cross doesnt make it fair. Otherwise, lets just let 30 million people from every country in the world come here next month and well just 'sort it all out later'

Yes, they all have an equal right to be here: none.
All Hispanics need to do is read this thread and then decide how to vote

Republicans drive them away and then demand to know why they won't vote Republican
All native born Americans need to read what you post so they will understand you favor open borders so a flood of low-wage workers can immigrate to this country and drive down their wages to third world levels.
There are no natural rights
The concept of rights is man made.

It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.
All Hispanics need to do is read this thread and then decide how to vote

Republicans drive them away and then demand to know why they won't vote Republican
All native born Americans need to read what you post so they will understand you favor open borders so a flood of low-wage workers can immigrate to this country and drive down their wages to third world levels.


Keep it up
It's as man made as the concept of gravity.
False gravity is the name we give an actual ongoing system.
Rights are a mental construct .

Wrong. Rights are a fact of nature. Rights are the rules that allow men to live together and thrive. Violate those rules and society declines. It's that simple.

Ok. Do immigrants have the right to citizenship in the US?

Obviously not.

Stick with that opinion. It's working great for your side.

You obviously have an objection to obvious facts.

That is so beautifully liberal!

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