Should Donald Trump drop out?

Should trump drop out?

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Have fun sniffing your fingers and thinking you are special.
So funny, you must be speaking from your personal experience.
Funny since all of your personalities speak for yours. None of them has yet to answer the challenge... "Where exactly is this rebirth in history?"
When you were born is not an answer. Hold a meeting with your personalities and get back to us.
The "where" is easy, it's in the USA, at least for Americans.
I said in history, as you claimed. You're still sniffing your fingers.
History for rebirth from the imprecations of the Old World cycle begins in 1776, or thereabouts. From then until now, everyone is in the rebirth phase. Some have passed away, some are now alive, and some are waiting to be born.

But we digress, the forum topic is whether or not Trump should bow out of the presidential race.
Except you said: "What best defines and showcases America is how educationally effectively and quickly its founding principles are reborn in each generation;"

So now it was born in 1776 and we are still in that phase. You're a dumbfuck.
So funny, you must be speaking from your personal experience.
Funny since all of your personalities speak for yours. None of them has yet to answer the challenge... "Where exactly is this rebirth in history?"
When you were born is not an answer. Hold a meeting with your personalities and get back to us.
The "where" is easy, it's in the USA, at least for Americans.
I said in history, as you claimed. You're still sniffing your fingers.
History for rebirth from the imprecations of the Old World cycle begins in 1776, or thereabouts. From then until now, everyone is in the rebirth phase. Some have passed away, some are now alive, and some are waiting to be born.

But we digress, the forum topic is whether or not Trump should bow out of the presidential race.
Except you said: "What best defines and showcases America is how educationally effectively and quickly its founding principles are reborn in each generation;"

So now it was born in 1776 and we are still in that phase. You're a dumbfuck.
You have to somehow account for what subsequent ongoing generations have made of what the Founding Father's inscribed at the outset of the Republic. And don't be so vulgar, cheap laffs.
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It might be asserted that Trump's call for political change is a personal alternative and mid-course correction to his own wayward involvements with establishment liberal democratic rules and economic means, as he aggressively advances a year-long political struggle to foster a movement that aims to bring on an idealized form of his ideas of conservatism, but arguably it is really only mask for a return to racial nationalism, not unlike what transpired in Germany in the 1930s.
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It is becoming clearer that because the Donald can only be the one and only iconoclastic Mr. Trump, what he is offering to American life is his egoistic credo of revolutionary Trumpism, and he is forging it with a singleminded determination to completely modify or replace establishment Liberalism with this credo.
In keeping with his assessments about political realities, DJT aspires to be omnipolitical, with a demonizing stream of consciousness opinion on almost every issue, and considers everything he proclaims in public to be unquestionably on the money.

Interesting essay:

What is Materialism? What is Idealism?


Politics. Society is a bellum omnium contra omnes (a war of each against all, i.e., social Darwinism). There being no spiritual realities to say otherwise, we must accept this as the natural order of things and make the best of it. The best society is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number (utilitarianism). Altruism is focused only on improving the material welfare of others. Since other human beings and countries can be relied on to act selfishly and aggressively, the prudent strategy is to try to gain the superior position and greater power, whether economically or militarily (political realism).

more here:
It might be asserted that Trump's call for political change is a personal alternative and mid-course correction to his own wayward involvements with establishment liberal democratic rules and economic means, as he aggressively advances a year-long political struggle to foster a movement that aims to bring on an idealized form of his ideas of conservatism, but arguably it is really only mask for a return to racial nationalism, not unlike what transpired in Germany in the 1930s.


By 1937 [Sorokin] published the first three volumes of his masterpiece,Social and Cultural Dynamics, but he continued to refine his theories for nearly three more decades.

Based on a careful study of world history – including detailed statistical analysis of phases in art, architecture, literature, economics, philosophy, science, and warfare – he identified three strikingly consistent phenomena:
  1. There are two opposed elementary cultural patterns, the materialistic (Sensate) and spiritual (Ideational), along with certain intermediate or mixed patterns. One mixed pattern, called Idealistic, which integrates the Sensate and Ideational orientations, is extremely important.
  2. Every society tends to alternate between materialistic and spiritual periods, sometimes with transitional, mixed periods, in a regular and predictable way.
  3. Times of transition from one orientation to another are characterized by a markedly increased prevalence of wars and other crises.
Main characteristics of the Sensate, Ideational, and Idealistic cultural patterns are listed below. (A more detailed explanation of alternative cultural orientations, excerpted from Sorokin’s writings, can be found here.)

Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories of Pitirim Sorokin

drop out. yeah right uh huh

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