Should federal tax dollars be used to bail out states?

Should Federal tax dollars be used to bail out states who mismanaged their budgets?

  • Yes

  • No

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IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.
States don't send money to Washington. People and Businesses do. You must have never taken a civics class in your whole life.
The vast majority of money coming in the form of federal dollars to a state goes to people in the form of SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Military Bases, etc.... Again - People getting money from the federal government - not states.

This is the typical shit Libs spew.
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
Why is any state asking Trump to do his fucking job? It's because Trump is not doing it. I quit posting links for you assholes to disregard years ago but here's a list of state GDP. You might see a rough pattern there.

List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
Why is any state asking Trump to do his fucking job? It's because Trump is not doing it. I quit posting links for you assholes to disregard years ago but here's a list of state GDP. You might see a rough pattern there.

List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
Please show where it is the job of the President to fix a states fiscal mismanagement.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?

Because you are all one nation.

Republicans never want working people to have money. Have you noticed that. Worker wages - suppressed. No health insurance. No job security. Nothing to give the workers any hope of achieving the American Dream.

Workers in other countries aren't lining up for food banks. They're not protesting in the streets for PPE'S or because the must go back to work.

Only in America is your country in danger of collapsing over the flu.

I don't think I've seen any post of yours that is worth reading. This is a prime example of the gobbledygook you spew. I can't find one redeeming thought worthy of ingesting contained within.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?
I support loans, where the people who approve them cosign and collateral is put down as security. If the borrower defaults, either the cosigner pays back the tax money lent, or if other investors choose to buy out the debts, they claim shares in the property or programs used to back the loans. In the meantime, if there isn't cash to lend, the collateral can be held in escrow, assigned the value of the cost of the loan. Like the federal reserve, credits or temporary currency can be issued against the value of the loan and assets, until the account is paid off on full.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?

Because you are all one nation.

Republicans never want working people to have money. Have you noticed that. Worker wages - suppressed. No health insurance. No job security. Nothing to give the workers any hope of achieving the American Dream.

Workers in other countries aren't lining up for food banks. They're not protesting in the streets for PPE'S or because the must go back to work.

Only in America is your country in danger of collapsing over the flu.

I don't think I've seen any post of yours that is worth reading. This is a prime example of the gobbledygook you spew. I can't find one redeeming thought worthy of ingesting contained within.
Dragonlady is the biggest lying POS poster on this board. She makes Joe Isuzu look like George Washington.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?

Because you are all one nation.

Republicans never want working people to have money. Have you noticed that. Worker wages - suppressed. No health insurance. No job security. Nothing to give the workers any hope of achieving the American Dream.

Workers in other countries aren't lining up for food banks. They're not protesting in the streets for PPE'S or because the must go back to work.

Only in America is your country in danger of collapsing over the flu.
Dipshit Canadian checks in. Hohum.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?
Getting a disease is not fiscal irresponsibility any more than getting a hurricane, earthquake or tornado
Cuomo had a $6.1 BILLION deficit before he mismanaged the Chinese Virus.
If that is the case, maybe the Federal Government needs to stop freeloading off the State of New York

New York paid $35 billion more in Federal Taxes than they receive.

IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
Why is any state asking Trump to do his fucking job? It's because Trump is not doing it. I quit posting links for you assholes to disregard years ago but here's a list of state GDP. You might see a rough pattern there.

List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
Please show where it is the job of the President to fix a states fiscal mismanagement.
Let's watch as the red state governors line up for "free stuff" and you don't say a word. It is the president's duty to The People to help in national emergencies to the limits of his authority without playing partisan favorites.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back.

WRONG! USA Today says so, they said California like most states gets back more than they paid. So much for that liberal talking point. In fact California got the MOST almost twice as much money back as the next nearest state Texas. California got nearly half a trillion dollars.

Speaking of which, what did California spend all that money on hmmm? Kentucky, a favorite target of the left it spends over 60% of Federal money on Medicaid and education for the poor.
Why should all taxpayers be responsible for the fiscal irresponsibility of states they don't live in?
From outrageous pensions that massively increase a states debt to smaller more unknown acts of spending your money in a frivolous manner.
Why should I, in the midwest be forced to bail out New York or Illinois?
It's the same argument that applied to GM in 08. Which btw, I will NEVER buy another new GM product.
But I digress WHY should I be responsible for government mismanagement in a state I don't live in?
Many States are dependent on others and should fend for themselves. Get off their ass and work for it.
Perfect example is Kentucky.
States are not bringing in enough money because of the lockdowns and people being laid off if that is happening to the states it's happening at the federal level as well.
Many didn't have it in the beginning. Who you fooling.
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
Why is any state asking Trump to do his fucking job? It's because Trump is not doing it. I quit posting links for you assholes to disregard years ago but here's a list of state GDP. You might see a rough pattern there.

List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
Please show where it is the job of the President to fix a states fiscal mismanagement.
To tell you the truth, Governors have the power. The President is not as powerful as you think.
The folks who put up with working for their government for thirty years or more had a deal. If the state can't make the payments, there's another sector "broke." How much income is every state losing from the unemployed sitting home instead of getting a paycheck and having state taxes deducted? Not to mention the lost taxes in gasoline and sales tax generally.
The states that are underwater are DEMOCRAT states, and the workers made a deal to SELL THEIR VOTES to the Democrats in return for being able to cash in on those big pensions...

If the DEMOCRATS made a mess of things and the workers get shafted because of the Democrats' mismanagement, maybe it's time for the workers to consider legal action (or a late night visit to a few Democrat politicians with torches, pitchforks, and a generous supply of rope)….
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.


They're free to pay a lot five to ten times the amount for the oil, coal, and food, they recieve from those red states instead of paying a low price they don't appreciate.

Instead they'd rather subsidize the large corporations who can supposedly produce it "more efficiently" than the small business owner.......

.......If they can do it so much "more efficiently" why do they need to be subsidized?


IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.
Does that include all of the social program resources? And the blue areas in red states? And all of those corporate buildings in those cities. You do get fruit and vegetables and beef and pork and chicken and gasoline and minerals and oil derived products and energy and water and more and more. You do paperwork in those buildings so good though.
IMHO the states should have to pay for their own COVID expenses.
NY & CA got tons of aid from the Feds, we just can't keep printing money.
The only aid I'd give the states is Chinese money (bonds) we keep to help offset the COVID costs.
New York and California have long sent more federal taxes to Washington than they got back. They helped fund the red states who mostly take more than they give. Of course the federal government should help the states in an extraordinary crisis, it's what it's there for.

Cuomo ran up a $6.1 BILLION deficit before the Chinese Virus hit. That's on him, not the rest of the country.
There is not a red state out there that would not trade their state revenue for New York's.
New York: "We tax the fuck out of individuals and businesses to the point people are fleeing the state, and we still can't manage to balance the budget"

Congrats, I guess. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still plenty of commerce there apparently. People have been saying what you said for years and it's still ranks near the top of any economic metric you care to use.
New York ranks 41st in Fiscal Condition among the 57 states..........

That list makes it look like Alabama is better off than New York. LOL
I hadn't noticed that. Man, New York really sux sweaty donkey balls.
It's apparently a great place for a professional to make serious money , I would not want to live there though.
Then why are the rich fleeing the state in droves?

As I said earlier, I've been hearing that for years and they still seem to be able to have one of the top economies in the nation. If it's actually true it seems the rich who are supposedly fleeing were not that important.
You keep claiming it is a top economy, but you have failed to bring anything to show it is.

I, however, have brought several links showing the state is a fiscal train wreck. If it is such a top economy, why is Cuomo on TV every day begging and whining about Trump bailing NY out?
Why is any state asking Trump to do his fucking job? It's because Trump is not doing it. I quit posting links for you assholes to disregard years ago but here's a list of state GDP. You might see a rough pattern there.

List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
Please show where it is the job of the President to fix a states fiscal mismanagement.
Let's watch as the red state governors line up for "free stuff" and you don't say a word. It is the president's duty to The People to help in national emergencies to the limits of his authority without playing partisan favorites.
The states' mismanagement and refusal to allow economic activity is not a national emergency.

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