Debate Now Should Gay Couples Be Able to Adopt?

Now it is found out that Pete Buttplug's friend is a gay child rapist, who tortures children.

HIllary's friend too.

Here is the basic irrationality on display often in these forums.
Once you go trans or gay, the criticism that you are a sick, perverted creep can't be made.
Yet statistically it would be at the top of explanations.

Was Dylan Mulvaney abnormal before and is now normal.
Any attention to 'him' should clear that up immediately, there is something hugely wrong with him
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

If there was a vote/referendum to ask if same sex couples can adopt, I vote no. They made the decision to be together, and together they can't reproduce. So no kids for them, by whatever channels they want to circumvent.
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

No they should not!

Children’s Developmental Trajectory and Psychological Outcomes

Many factors confer risk to children’s healthy development and adult outcomes, such as poverty, parental depression, parental substance abuse, divorce, and domestic violence, but the sexual orientation of their parents is not among them. Many studies have assessed the developmental and psychosocial outcomes of children whose parents are gay or lesbian and note that a family’s social and economic resources and the strength of the relationships among members of the family are far more important variables than parental gender or sexual orientation in affecting children’s development and well-being.20 A large body of scientific literature demonstrates that children and adolescents who grow up with gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual.21,–37 Although the methodologic challenges are daunting in addressing phenomena as complex and multifactorial as children’s long-term developmental and psychosocial outcomes, the literature accumulated over more than 30 years, taken together, provides robust, reliable, and valid assurance about the well-being of children raised by parents of the same gender.28,29
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Children’s Developmental Trajectory and Psychological Outcomes

Many factors confer risk to children’s healthy development and adult outcomes, such as poverty, parental depression, parental substance abuse, divorce, and domestic violence, but the sexual orientation of their parents is not among them. Many studies have assessed the developmental and psychosocial outcomes of children whose parents are gay or lesbian and note that a family’s social and economic resources and the strength of the relationships among members of the family are far more important variables than parental gender or sexual orientation in affecting children’s development and well-being.20 A large body of scientific literature demonstrates that children and adolescents who grow up with gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual.21,–37 Although the methodologic challenges are daunting in addressing phenomena as complex and multifactorial as children’s long-term developmental and psychosocial outcomes, the literature accumulated over more than 30 years, taken together, provides robust, reliable, and valid assurance about the well-being of children raised by parents of the same gender.28,29
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
Children should not be adopted be mental patients
The necessity is certainly not obvious, but in specific situations perhaps it would be acceptable.
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?


First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

Yes of course. Love is love.
HIllary's friend too.

Here is the basic irrationality on display often in these forums.
Once you go trans or gay, the criticism that you are a sick, perverted creep can't be made.
Yet statistically it would be at the top of explanations.

Was Dylan Mulvaney abnormal before and is now normal.
Any attention to 'him' should clear that up immediately, there is something hugely wrong with him
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All the fragile males just got triggered!

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