Should General Flynn get a pardon?

Should Trump pardon General Flynn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 80.8%
  • No

    Votes: 10 19.2%

  • Total voters
Flynn went before as Judge for sentencing (a very light sentence recommended by Mueller because of Flynn's cooperation)

Remember that? Trumpers were SURE that the Judge was going to let Flynn off really light and jump all over Mueller.

Remember? The Judge looked at the unredacted statement of guilt and FREAKED THE FUCK OUT

Whatever he saw...had that judge talking about TREASON

And Trumpers want this criminal traitor pardoned.

Of course

Absolutely! General Flynn is a true Patriot! :clap2::clap2:

I voted yes, of course.

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

To be honest ... I would not be opposed to it. He has suffered enough.

What he did is pretty minor, all things considered.

WTF. What has happened to my country...

Don't sweat it....

These are the same people who want to persecute Trump's DOJ for investigating Trump. I wonder who they'll get to do that?
These are the same people who think exporters pay tariffs and also think that Trump has never told a lie.

My advice to you is to look at them with pity and try not to laugh.
General Flynn was setup. He was not advised to have a lawyer present. He was charged with lying to the FBI even though the FBI agents doing the interview didn't think he lied.
Mueller releases key documents of FBI interview with Michael Flynn

Considering the general's distinguished career, and the fact that his finances are in shambles over a nothingberger, should Trump pardon him and re-hire him?

I guess facts and reality are totally void in your fantasy world. Flynn has admitted in his own words coming out of his own mouth that that he was not entrapped by the FBI and that he knew he was lying to the FBI.

Sullivan asked if he wished “to challenge the circumstances under which you were interviewed by the FBI?”

“No, your honor,” Flynn said. “I was aware that lying to the FBI was a crime.”

Sullivan also asked Flynn if he “believed that he was entrapped by the FBI,” and he said “no,” through his attorney.

AHAHAH!!!!! This could be the stupidest post in message board history. I guess in your wingnut fantasy land facts don't matter and you can make up anything you want, especially when Flynn openly admitted he knew he was lying.

The funniest part is that Flynn is a scared little bitch that had to rat like a bitch. Martha Stewart didn't rat she shut her mouth and did her time. Monica Lewinsky was pressed by the FBI to rat Bill Clinton out, but she stood strong. BUT big bad Gen Flynn, he got scared and ratted like a pussy. Funny how Martha Stewart is more gangsta than Flynn, but we already know that republicans are pussies

The OP has a link, your post refuting it does not. QED
If Flynn was protecting his family from the gestapo tactics being used against him, he took the plea deal. So what? He still did not commit a crime in the FBI interviewer's opinions.
Whatever Flynn did ..when his sentencing judge saw it spelled out in black and white (it was redacted to the public because of the sensitive nature of it) he FREAKED OUT and began talking about TREASON.

And Trumper acolytes are tripping all over themselves defending this traitor
Whatever Flynn did ..when his sentencing judge saw it spelled out in black and white (it was redacted to the public because of the sensitive nature of it) he FREAKED OUT and began talking about TREASON.

And Trumper acolytes are tripping all over themselves defending this traitor

As of right now the only published "crimes" against Flynn are as stated below.
If you have a credible link to show anything treasonous please post it. Otherwise you're hallucinating:

"In his dramatic and surprise guilty plea in U.S. District Court on Dec. 1, 2017, early in Mueller's investigation, Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn acknowledged that his false statements and omissions in FBI interviews a few days after Trump was sworn in "impeded and otherwise had a material impact on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the existence of any links or coordination between individuals associated with the campaign and Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election," which the statement of offense he agreed to said.

He specifically admitted to lying about asking the Russian ambassador to refrain from responding to Obama administration sanctions against Russia for its election interference and further requested Russia help block a United Nations vote on Israeli settlements which the incoming administration didn't agree with. Flynn also agreed that he lied about his lobbying activities in federal filings related to work on behalf of the Republic of Turkey throughout the 2016 campaign"
And that's because Flynn got a deal for cooperating. What he did is in the sentencing report that we HAVE NOT SEEN..but whatever it SO freaked that judge out that he called it treason
And that's because Flynn got a deal for cooperating. What he did is in the sentencing report that we HAVE NOT SEEN..but whatever it SO freaked that judge out that he called it treason
Did your imaginary friend tell you that, or do you have a credible link to verify what you say?
25 jerks are calling for the total exoneration of a self confessed felon.

Q. Have they been brainwashed by the Russian propaganda, or are they supporters of the Russian Empires and its form of governance.

Certainly they are not patriotic Americans.
25 jerks are calling for the total exoneration of a self confessed felon.

Q. Have they been brainwashed by the Russian propaganda, or are they supporters of the Russian Empires and its form of governance.

Certainly they are not patriotic Americans.

IF he was questioned without a lawyer present and the evidence was used against him without him being advised of his Miranda Rights, then his conviction should be thrown out or he should be given a pardon. That is basic American jurisprudence.
General Flynn was setup. He was not advised to have a lawyer present. He was charged with lying to the FBI even though the FBI agents doing the interview didn't think he lied.
Mueller releases key documents of FBI interview with Michael Flynn

Considering the general's distinguished career, and the fact that his finances are in shambles over a nothingberger, should Trump pardon him and re-hire him?

Not only that, Mueller and Weissman should be charged with prosecutorial misconduct
The above kooks will sing a different tune when Flynn gives the jury the testimony to put their darling Trump into prison.
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This is about Flynn. He’s already guilty, he just needs to be sentenced.

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Flynn went before as Judge for sentencing (a very light sentence recommended by Mueller because of Flynn's cooperation)

Remember that? Trumpers were SURE that the Judge was going to let Flynn off really light and jump all over Mueller.

Remember? The Judge looked at the unredacted statement of guilt and FREAKED THE FUCK OUT

Whatever he saw...had that judge talking about TREASON

And Trumpers want this criminal traitor pardoned.

Of course

Poor Lesh, you are confused again. Flynn has never been sentenced. Why are you such a douchebag?
Flynn went before as Judge for sentencing (a very light sentence recommended by Mueller because of Flynn's cooperation)

Remember that? Trumpers were SURE that the Judge was going to let Flynn off really light and jump all over Mueller.

Remember? The Judge looked at the unredacted statement of guilt and FREAKED THE FUCK OUT

Whatever he saw...had that judge talking about TREASON

And Trumpers want this criminal traitor pardoned.

Of course

Absolutely! General Flynn is a true Patriot! :clap2::clap2:

I voted yes, of course.

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

To be honest ... I would not be opposed to it. He has suffered enough.

What he did is pretty minor, all things considered.

WTF. What has happened to my country...
Obama happened. Trump is still working hard to clean up the mess he left behind.

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