Should Gerrymandering be Banned?

I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Do you even understand what Gerrymandering is?

That allows politicians to pick their voters, to a draw district lines that insure they will win and hold a district forever.

Both parties do it, GOP took it to an art form.
I have a BA in PoliSci you dumb fuck. It gives power to the states as per the federalist system of shared powers that was established by the Founders. Democrats cannot Win state houses because they are too outside mainstream American values. That is their fault.
Dem's just bus voters from district to district and stuff ballot boxes so does it really matter?

What a funny world you live in.

Because no poll workers would ever notice that... oh wait, they're all in on it....

Why do conspiracy theories always involve impossible logistics, coordination, subterfuge, and time travel?
Sorry your homosexual Islamic self cannot understand federalism.
Yes I think its bad. Not thrilled to see the pa supreme court doing a power grab though
The Democrats love gerrymandering.....but only when they do it

We've never gone too far like the Republicans have.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues New Congressional Map To Replace Gerrymandered One | HuffPost

Republicans have enjoyed a considerable advantage under the earlier map, which was in place for three congressional elections.

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court on Monday issued a new congressional map to replace the state’s current one, which the court said is so partisan it violates the state’s Constitution.

You do care if Republican Gerrymandering goes so far it's actually unconstitutional, right? You Republicans who supposedly cherish the constitution.
The Democrats love gerrymandering.....but only when they do it

We've never gone too far like the Republicans have.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues New Congressional Map To Replace Gerrymandered One | HuffPost

Republicans have enjoyed a considerable advantage under the earlier map, which was in place for three congressional elections.

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court on Monday issued a new congressional map to replace the state’s current one, which the court said is so partisan it violates the state’s Constitution.

You do care if Republican Gerrymandering goes so far it's actually unconstitutional, right? You Republicans who supposedly cherish the constitution.
See Illinois congressional districts.
States drawing up congressional districts is in the Constitution and is a check on potential federal abuse of power. Liberals like to force their values on rest of nation from afar with a central Moscow...Beijing...Pyongyang...Tehran..
Yes, by both sides. The boundaries should be created by a computer program, taking into account only the number of residents inside the district and attempting to create districts that are as small (in terms of acreage) as possible.

The boundaries should be created by a computer program, taking into account only the number of residents inside the district and attempting to create districts that are as small (in terms of acreage) as possible.

If they did that, there would be fewer guaranteed minority districts.
The Congressional Black Caucus could meet in a booth at Denny's.
Old Map:


New Map:


The new map is far more reasonable and compact than the previous one.
Shaw v. Reno SCOTUS ruled gerrymandering is long as it is not based exclusively on race.
Shaw v. Reno SCOTUS ruled gerrymandering is long as it is not based exclusively on race.

Please quote the wording in the decision that says "gerrymandering is fine..."

Do you know what gerrymandering is?
Old Map:


New Map:


The new map is far more reasonable and compact than the previous one.
Democrats rule. Pennsylvania is a blue state. New map fucks GOP.

No, PA is a swing state. The GOP has pretty much dominated both chambers of the state legislator since 2000 and the Governor's chair usually flips back and forth. We have one Democratic Senator, one Republican Senator, and, 13 of the 18 members of Congress are Republican.
Louisiana took a screwing when they lost population after Katrina...and even though the loss was from New Orleans (Democrats)...Civil Rights laws said whites living in rural Louisiana had to lose districts. Go figure.
Redistricting in Louisiana after the 2010 census - Ballotpedia

Please show us a quote from your link about whites unfairly losing districts.

You sound like an ignorant bigot who likes to pull nonsensical shit from your ass, post links to sources that don't back up what your saying and then run away and hide.

Did I nail it, bigot?
The Democrats love gerrymandering.....but only when they do it

We've never gone too far like the Republicans have.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues New Congressional Map To Replace Gerrymandered One | HuffPost

Republicans have enjoyed a considerable advantage under the earlier map, which was in place for three congressional elections.

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court on Monday issued a new congressional map to replace the state’s current one, which the court said is so partisan it violates the state’s Constitution.

You do care if Republican Gerrymandering goes so far it's actually unconstitutional, right? You Republicans who supposedly cherish the constitution.
See Illinois congressional districts.
Shaw v. Reno SCOTUS ruled gerrymandering is long as it is not based exclusively on race.

Please quote the wording in the decision that says "gerrymandering is fine..."

Do you know what gerrymandering is?
Didn’t end it though did it? NOPE. Also, the districts were redrawn because Democratic controlled Congress in 1983 passed a law that wanted to encourage more minority majority districts. North Carolina complied and lumped black voters into a result NC lost minority districts. Good job liberal Tip O’Neil. Lol.
Shaw v. Reno (1993) | The Rose Institute of State and Local Government
As a citizen, Gerrymandering dilutes or intensifies my own vote, my one man, one vote....what right do congress critters have to take away the power of one man, one vote?

They are silencing the vote of the people, through gerrymandering.

When you have a state that has 3 million voters, and 2 million of the 3 million vote for Democrats, and the Republicans end up winning 60% of the opened seats with just 33% of the people's vote ...due to the way they have gerrymandered the district, then they are STEALING the power of our one man, one vote...from us, the citizen.

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