Should Gishlane Maxwell get a reduction in sentencing IF she names names including pilots,, drivers, etc., etc?

Maybe trump will tell us!
Go ahead. Trump got off that train a VERY long time ago. He banned him from Mar A Logo as soon as he realized what scum Epstein was. Seriously... after multiple years and multiple millions of dollars in investigations and even pure fabrications, do you really believe there is something that damaging that all those investigators MISSED? REALLY?
I was around Palm Beach when all this was going on. It was seriously party time. I didn't move anywhere near the Epstein crowd but I saw things, heard things from time to time. The female love for good cocaine made Maxwell's "procurement" the easiest job in the world. It seemed every pretty young girl openly hoped they could land a rich sugar daddy. It was all so superficial and exploitative it made me sick. Forget trying to date in such an atmosphere. Every woman was out for expensive thrills and blow. I doubt it's changed much.
Gawd, you are such and obtuse and stubborn woman.

girl says Biden pinched her nipple - Bing
Right. It all comes down to the Gateway Pundit And similar sources. No actual statements from her or her family, no video, no nothing.

So if that is all that is needed, surely you must believe this! (Warning, sarcasm alert)

After all, that’s pretty all you have for Biden :rolleyes:
Link to where she said it.
Oh, as I'm sure you are aware, those links were mostly taken down VERY QUICKLY.

Have you seen this video? Begins at 15 seconds. Watch the REACTION of this EIGHT-YEAR-OLD-

Of course, the Left has circled the wagons and created strawmen based on a lack of arrests, warrants, indictments, as though most sexually abused women immediately go to law enforcement. These are the same people who tried their best to crucify Kavanaugh with NOTHING other than accusations that even so-called "witnesses" denied.

Here's some of the Left, and they wrote this EVEN with the video available to them.

Not going to happen. If actual records do not exist to collaborate what she says no prosecutor is going to bother with hearsay alone. If she ever had such records they are now ashes.
That's probably the only reason she isn't dead.
Oh, as I'm sure you are aware, those links were mostly taken down VERY QUICKLY.

Have you seen this video? Begins at 15 seconds. Watch the REACTION of this EIGHT-YEAR-OLD-

Of course, the Left has circled the wagons and created strawmen based on a lack of arrests, warrants, indictments, as though most sexually abused women immediately go to law enforcement. These are the same people who tried their best to crucify Kavanaugh with NOTHING other than accusations that even so-called "witnesses" denied.

Here's some of the Left, and they wrote this EVEN with the video available to them.

So the claim from the account quickly taken down,you know that was really hers…how?
Epstein was strangled. The examining doctor was over-ruled and his death was labeled a suicide. Maxwell is in great danger of being rubbed out before she can sing too, IMO.
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Many that would be construed as inappropriate just like with Biden.

For the record, I do not think either Biden, Trump, or Clinton are pedos, but I am sick and tired of the sleaze mongering,
Only sleaze I saw was Biden when that poor little girl obviously tried to escape his inappropriate touching--and you are defending him. Unbelievable.
That's probably the only reason she isn't dead.
I seriously doubt they kept records in the first place. This was not the cold calculated kind of criminal activity, it was the greatest decade for partying and debauchery in recent memory. The 90s in South Florida was amazing and terrifying. A thrill ride of historic proportions.
Right. It all comes down to the Gateway Pundit And similar sources. No actual statements from her or her family, no video, no nothing.

So if that is all that is needed, surely you must believe this! (Warning, sarcasm alert)

After all, that’s pretty all you have for Biden :rolleyes:

So you don't believe the girl whose nipple he pinched? So in other words the mantra "All women must be believed" that you people were pushing throughout the Kavanaugh hearings is nothing but bullshit, right?

You people are truly two faced and deplorable. I am sickened by your inability to see the truth that's staring you in the face. You should be ashamed of yourself. You bring dishonor to all womankind.

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