Should Government/Public Unions Be Abolished?

Should Government/Public Unions Be Abolished?

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Regardless whether private or public, all unions should be curtailed in participation in the political process. Union representation should be restricted to negotiating with the employer on behalf of the employed.

How to do you propose to do that when the constitution guarantees the right of free association? Care to put those same restrictions against political action on any other groups such as industry PACs or lobbying groups?
When they hold Governments hostage,they hold Taxpayers hostage. And that's violating fellow Citizens' rights. I think the Wisconsin Governor had it right in trying to curtail their power. He was just trying to protect the Taxpayers and get the State's Budget under control. But he got vilified for doing this by the corrupt MSM who are always in bed with the Left/Democrats. Their collective bargaining rights should be curtailed. Walker had it right.

Oh.. I see. Negotiating Contracts is your equivalent of holding governments hostage? You're insane.
When they hold Governments hostage,they hold Taxpayers hostage. And that's violating fellow Citizens' rights. I think the Wisconsin Governor had it right in trying to curtail their power. He was just trying to protect the Taxpayers and get the State's Budget under control. But he got vilified for doing this by the corrupt MSM who are always in bed with the Left/Democrats. Their collective bargaining rights should be curtailed. Walker had it right.

Oh.. I see. Negotiating Contracts is your equivalent of holding governments hostage? You're insane.

What do they do when they don't get what they want? And i'm not just talking about Teacher Unions.
I am no fan of unions, public or private. Private unions, particularly the trade unions, may have some tentative viability in their argument that they provide skilled labor for various jobs. Many other unions provide only some way to lighten the workers' pocketbooks in order to provide political support for candidates who will eventually pay them handsomely for that support. Public unions exist solely for the latter purpose. Oh yes, unions sell themselves to the work force on the premise that union representation will improve their lot, but if you compare the value received by the work force to the benefits enjoyed by the union leadership, you will see a very clear 99% vs. 1% schism.
Regardless whether private or public, all unions should be curtailed in participation in the political process. Union representation should be restricted to negotiating with the employer on behalf of the employed. That's the rub with public sector unions, negotiations take place between factions that have a distinct advantage of favoring each other and to hell with both the employer (taxpayers) and the employees.

You know nothing. Only repeating what you've heard from dubious sources.

Let me enlighten you on something... Unions... at least the one I belong to (AFSCME) does not "take our money for Political Contributions". They take our dues to negotiate contracts, represent us in disputes with management and to work to find equitable solutions that both sides can agree with. Do they have a PAC? Yes. But participation in the PAC is completely voluntary.

Why the defensiveness?
i can only speak for the PO.....if it wasn't for that Union the worker would be treated like shit.....and i am NOT talking about pay and talking how the worker gets treated by Management....a good many managers in the PO are motherfucking well as being piss poor managers....

If it wasn't for Unions, bad managers would be able to be fired.

Bad managers aside, the Post Office is going down as we once knew it.
Because the taxpayers are on the hook for unfunded liabilities.
Promises made by others that cannot be kept on the backs of citizens.

Shoot, just look at the state of California and why it is broke!

the Unions have nothing to do with bad managers not being fired Belle.....they have tried to get some of these assholes out of here.....the PO is the one who controls that....and they love Managers who dont work with people......and the PO makes its own the 90's they made a lot of it....which in turn is taken by Congress....the PO is not supposed to make money...

Mhhm <clearing throat>
The PO is not self sustaining which is why the Fed Govt gives it $5B a year, to fund the unfunded liabilities and is facing a $13B loss this year. I'm not clear why Congress has to give it $5B a year, but I wouldn't doubt it was because the coffers were cleaned out.
The PO should make money, or at the very least, break even. :eusa_angel:
In general, public unions are a conflict of interest. The employers, i.e., "we the people", are represented at the bargaining table by politicians who fear what will happen if they say 'no'. Politicians who seem not to care about how much of "we the people's" money they are giving away. They can always tax "we the people" more. Plus, the unions will pay them in many ways if they say "yes".

However, cops and firefighters - the people who risk their lives to serve - need the kind of protection unions provide, at least to protect them from politicians who would use them as scapegoats when risky situations have bad outcomes.
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Yep... that's the spirit... let's extend the same policies that killed the working people in the private sector, into the Public sector. Brilliant... then we can bottom line teachers, Cops, firefighters and prison guards just like the big corporations do.

Pay scum wages and scum will apply.

The more I read of your posts, the more I'm beginning to think that you don't have a job. Why? Because your concept of working people in the private sector is completely skewed from reality. The things you say are mere talking points.
I know this is a very emotional and controversial subject but it think it does have to be confronted. I'm not talking about Private Unions,i'm just talking about Government/Public Unions. So what do you think?

I know this is a very emotional and controversial subject but it think it does have to be confronted. I'm not talking about Private Unions,i'm just talking about Government/Public Unions. So what do you think?

The way you framed it as a public unions only proposal I support it.

I would be very much against abolishing private unions.

Well sure. Let's get rid of all unions. Then, let's go after child labor laws and minimum wage.
That way, we can save money while hiring the lowest of the low, the least qualified ... AND, we can do away with what little is left of US manufacturing and small businesses.

In turn, that would get us that much closer to being a Fascist Plutocracy, run by and for the 1%.

Then the cerfs would hand over their brides for the 1% to "have", in a biblical way, if you get my drift, on their wedding night.

Cool Beans.

Have you ever heard of a strawman argument before?
When they hold Governments hostage,they hold Taxpayers hostage. And that's violating fellow Citizens' rights. I think the Wisconsin Governor had it right in trying to curtail their power. He was just trying to protect the Taxpayers and get the State's Budget under control. But he got vilified for doing this by the corrupt MSM who are always in bed with the Left/Democrats. Their collective bargaining rights should be curtailed. Walker had it right.

Oh.. I see. Negotiating Contracts is your equivalent of holding governments hostage? You're insane.

What do they do when they don't get what they want? And i'm not just talking about Teacher Unions.

Oh... you mean strike? Let's see, the last time there was an AFSCME strike In Pennsylvania... I was 10 years old(1975). It lasted four days before they were court ordered to go back to work, and Administration was ordered back to the negotiation table.

So.... let's see. That's 36 years of good faith negotiations. How many times have Federal Employees gone on strike? Oh.. that's right, never. They aren't allowed to. You only see what you want to see.
yes, unions for public jobs should be abolished......

in the private sector, if union demands become too much, the business always has the option of moving to another place or closing its doors, govenrment does not have that option.......
Oh.. I see. Negotiating Contracts is your equivalent of holding governments hostage? You're insane.

What do they do when they don't get what they want? And i'm not just talking about Teacher Unions.

Oh... you mean strike? Let's see, the last time there was an AFSCME strike In Pennsylvania... I was 10 years old(1975). It lasted four days before they were court ordered to go back to work, and Administration was ordered back to the negotiation table.

So.... let's see. That's 36 years of good faith negotiations. How many times have Federal Employees gone on strike? Oh.. that's right, never. They aren't allowed to. You only see what you want to see.

if public employees are not allowed to strike, then what is the point of the public unions since they have no power to enforce their demands?
Yep... that's the spirit... let's extend the same policies that killed the working people in the private sector, into the Public sector. Brilliant... then we can bottom line teachers, Cops, firefighters and prison guards just like the big corporations do.

Pay scum wages and scum will apply.

The more I read of your posts, the more I'm beginning to think that you don't have a job. Why? Because your concept of working people in the private sector is completely skewed from reality. The things you say are mere talking points.

Hey... call me a Commie while you're at it. My concept of working people in the Private Sector is the same as my knowledge of the Public sector. That we are all working to raise families. My beef is not with the working and Middle Class. It's with the power brokers who want to kill jobs, wages and benefits so they can profit more.
What do they do when they don't get what they want? And i'm not just talking about Teacher Unions.

Oh... you mean strike? Let's see, the last time there was an AFSCME strike In Pennsylvania... I was 10 years old(1975). It lasted four days before they were court ordered to go back to work, and Administration was ordered back to the negotiation table.

So.... let's see. That's 36 years of good faith negotiations. How many times have Federal Employees gone on strike? Oh.. that's right, never. They aren't allowed to. You only see what you want to see.

if public employees are not allowed to strike, then what is the point of the public unions since they have no power to enforce their demands?

Federal Employees are not allowed to Strike...not all public employees.
Regardless whether private or public, all unions should be curtailed in participation in the political process. Union representation should be restricted to negotiating with the employer on behalf of the employed.

How to do you propose to do that when the constitution guarantees the right of free association? Care to put those same restrictions against political action on any other groups such as industry PACs or lobbying groups?

Absolutely! We need to get big business, big money, big union out of the electoral process. People, not some vague corporate entities, should determine who represents them in government.
In general, public unions are a conflict of interest. The employers, i.e., "we the people", are represented at the bargaining table by politicians who fear what will happen if they say 'no'. Politicians who seem not to care about how much of "we the people's" money they are giving away. They can always tax "we the people" more. Plus, the unions will pay them in many ways if they say "yes".

However, cops and firefighters - the people who risk their lives to serve - need the kind of protection unions provide, at least to protect them from politicians who would use them as scapegoats when risky situations have bad outcomes.

What about Prison guards? Mental Health/Mental Retardation workers? How about highway workers, who in the state of Pennsylvania...have a higher death rate than the State Police?
I am no fan of unions, public or private. Private unions, particularly the trade unions, may have some tentative viability in their argument that they provide skilled labor for various jobs. Many other unions provide only some way to lighten the workers' pocketbooks in order to provide political support for candidates who will eventually pay them handsomely for that support. Public unions exist solely for the latter purpose. Oh yes, unions sell themselves to the work force on the premise that union representation will improve their lot, but if you compare the value received by the work force to the benefits enjoyed by the union leadership, you will see a very clear 99% vs. 1% schism.
Regardless whether private or public, all unions should be curtailed in participation in the political process. Union representation should be restricted to negotiating with the employer on behalf of the employed. That's the rub with public sector unions, negotiations take place between factions that have a distinct advantage of favoring each other and to hell with both the employer (taxpayers) and the employees.

You know nothing. Only repeating what you've heard from dubious sources.

Let me enlighten you on something... Unions... at least the one I belong to (AFSCME) does not "take our money for Political Contributions". They take our dues to negotiate contracts, represent us in disputes with management and to work to find equitable solutions that both sides can agree with. Do they have a PAC? Yes. But participation in the PAC is completely voluntary.

Why the defensiveness?

Oh Christ... I don't know... perhaps it's a group of Right Wing Zombies trying to take the jobs away from my Co-workers and I? You know... Shrink Government? Let me tell you something. The people you hate... Congressmen, Governors, Presidents and department heads won't go away... it'll be people like me... front line workers making $30-35k.

Same with your obsession about Welfare... you know who you'll hurt? People like those I work with...The Mentally ill and the developmentally disabled. The ones you hate have this thing called "the vote" and will be the last to be cut. But hey... I guess a scorched earth policy will get you what you want....eventually.
Yep... that's the spirit... let's extend the same policies that killed the working people in the private sector, into the Public sector. Brilliant... then we can bottom line teachers, Cops, firefighters and prison guards just like the big corporations do.

Pay scum wages and scum will apply.

The more I read of your posts, the more I'm beginning to think that you don't have a job. Why? Because your concept of working people in the private sector is completely skewed from reality. The things you say are mere talking points.

Hey... call me a Commie while you're at it. My concept of working people in the Private Sector is the same as my knowledge of the Public sector. That we are all working to raise families. My beef is not with the working and Middle Class. It's with the power brokers who want to kill jobs, wages and benefits so they can profit more.

You're saying you're down on Obama and his cronies then? You know, the union bosses, the Wall Street execs, the Hollyweird nimwits...those guys?

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