Should Government/Public Unions Be Abolished?

Should Government/Public Unions Be Abolished?

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The Taxpayers are sick of being raped by Public Unions. Their time is just about up. This Poll here seems to indicate this so far.

Taking a step back you have to see the irony in the concept of unions for public employees and the even greater irony in who supports them. A union is supposed to protect employees from the employer right? In the case of public unions the employer is the government. So basically what is being said is that these employees needs to be protected from being mistreated by government And who supports the unions? Liberals. A group of people that seems to inordinate amount of trust and dependence on government. Again, ironic. Why exactly is it that a group of people need to be protected from the 'benevolent' government?

Maybe the taxpayers need to form their own union. To protect them from the government, you know.

We did. It's called the TEA party. Remember 2010? 2012 will make that look tame.
The Taxpayers are sick of being raped by Public Unions. Their time is just about up. This Poll here seems to indicate this so far.

Taking a step back you have to see the irony in the concept of unions for public employees and the even greater irony in who supports them. A union is supposed to protect employees from the employer right? In the case of public unions the employer is the government. So basically what is being said is that these employees needs to be protected from being mistreated by government And who supports the unions? Liberals. A group of people that seems to inordinate amount of trust and dependence on government. Again, ironic. Why exactly is it that a group of people need to be protected from the 'benevolent' government?

Maybe the taxpayers need to form their own union. To protect them from the government, you know.

We have the constition's limits on the Govt and liberties guaranteed to the people for that ;).
Seems like they hold the Taxpayers hostage far too often. I especially don't like how the Teacher Unions behave.

you don't have to like how they behave that is your right but it is their right to be in a union.

Is it the right of members of the military to be in a union?

What about FORCING people to fund unions? In Wisconsin, if you wanted to work for the state you HAD to pay money to the unions, whether you joined or not.

A state government forcing people to pay money to people who were essentially part of the Democrat political machine was severely wrong.

Thanks to Governor Walker, people who want to work for the state are no longer forced to send part of their pay check to the union wing of the Democrat party.

Also in Wisconsin, while it is the right of public workers in Wisconsin to join unions, it is against the law for them to strike or do other forms of concerted work stoppages ... but they didn't let laws stop them. They had no shame about twisting arms with sick outs. Another nice little thing the caring teacher unions did here was refuse to write letters of recommendations for students' college applications until their demands were met. Unions have big bags of tricks. Under pressure like that city managers cave. And it's hard to blame them. The school teachers refusing to write letters of recommendation have secure jobs. Mayors need to get reelected so they do whatever they can to end the ugliness.

And up go the property taxes, or down go the programs they can fund.
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Wow this one isn't even close. Americans really have soured on Public Unions.
Wow this one isn't even close. Americans really have soured on Public Unions.

I think it is because of how much MORE money they make than the average american taxpayer to be honest.

It is a bit insulting that they essentially demand that John Q. Taxpayer pay them more than John Q. Taxpayer would make with the same skill set in the real world.

I truly think that is a large part of it....between the pay and benefits most public sector workers make far more than their private sector counterparts.

The other part is that non-public sector union people see their towns and cities in financial trouble yet the higher paid town/city worker unions still demand more money from a broke govt....that makes people uspset too.
So now that we know most Americans have soured on Public Unions,where do we go from here? We'll have to get the Polticians on board. It's gonna be a hell of a fight. Are you ready?
I answered yes only because public unions have become such a destructive force in our society.

In theory, I can see public unions that negotiate wage, benefits, promotion criteria, and job requirements with local school boards, city councils, federal personnel, etc. This can be a huge time saver rather than having authorities have to deal with every employee individually to do that. There should be no union dues and the union leaders should be elected from the work force as volunteers only.

Public unions should not have the right to strike or hold hostage those who employ them and/or the taxpayer who pays their salaries. They can negotiate the right to petition the authorities for grievances or for special requests.

But since public unions have become 'big business' and do presume to dictate to the authorities and the tax payer whatever the hell they want, and because they retaliate and do hold hostage those whom they serve, they should be abolished. Then we can start over with something more practical and workable.
Yea the Taxpayers are finally beginning to have their voices heard. They've had enough of being held hostage and screwed over by Public Unions. Their time has passed.
Wow this one isn't even close. Americans really have soured on Public Unions.

I think it is because of how much MORE money they make than the average american taxpayer to be honest.

It is a bit insulting that they essentially demand that John Q. Taxpayer pay them more than John Q. Taxpayer would make with the same skill set in the real world.

Maybe John Q. Taxpayer should take a fuckin' Civil Service test and STFU.
Yea the Taxpayers are finally beginning to have their voices heard. They've had enough of being held hostage and screwed over by Public Unions. Their time has passed.

yeah... that's why they are having a recall vote on the governor of Wisconsin.... they are sick of the Unions?:lol:
Yea the Taxpayers are finally beginning to have their voices heard. They've had enough of being held hostage and screwed over by Public Unions. Their time has passed.

yeah... that's why they are having a recall vote on the governor of Wisconsin.... they are sick of the Unions?:lol:

Our Poll has found that most are sick of Public Unions. They serve no real purpose anymore.
Yea the Taxpayers are finally beginning to have their voices heard. They've had enough of being held hostage and screwed over by Public Unions. Their time has passed.

yeah... that's why they are having a recall vote on the governor of Wisconsin.... they are sick of the Unions?:lol:

Our Poll has found that most are sick of Public Unions. They serve no real purpose anymore.

Our poll is not a relevant poll. Conservatives outnumber moderates and Liberals on this message board at least 2-1.... probably higher. If you think that's a slice of America... you're sadly mistaken.

perhaps that's where all the bravado comes from on this board... you guys actually think that this board is a microcosm of the country.... well... if that's the thought process, then you guys are as nuttier than the Christmas Fruit Cake.
yeah... that's why they are having a recall vote on the governor of Wisconsin.... they are sick of the Unions?:lol:

Our Poll has found that most are sick of Public Unions. They serve no real purpose anymore.

Our poll is not a relevant poll. Conservatives outnumber moderates and Liberals on this message board at least 2-1.... probably higher. If you think that's a slice of America... you're sadly mistaken.

perhaps that's where all the bravado comes from on this board... you guys actually think that this board is a microcosm of the country.... well... if that's the thought process, then you guys are as nuttier than the Christmas Fruit Cake.

Oh such hubris. Don't immediately dismiss our Polls here. These are real people and voters who frequent here.
Our Poll has found that most are sick of Public Unions. They serve no real purpose anymore.

Our poll is not a relevant poll. Conservatives outnumber moderates and Liberals on this message board at least 2-1.... probably higher. If you think that's a slice of America... you're sadly mistaken.

perhaps that's where all the bravado comes from on this board... you guys actually think that this board is a microcosm of the country.... well... if that's the thought process, then you guys are as nuttier than the Christmas Fruit Cake.

Oh such hubris. Don't immediately dismiss our Polls here. These are real people and voters who frequent here.

MOST OF WHOM ARE CONSERVATIVES... it's a biased poll. Unless you are telling me that most Americans are Conservatives... which only proves your nuttery.
Our poll is not a relevant poll. Conservatives outnumber moderates and Liberals on this message board at least 2-1.... probably higher. If you think that's a slice of America... you're sadly mistaken.

perhaps that's where all the bravado comes from on this board... you guys actually think that this board is a microcosm of the country.... well... if that's the thought process, then you guys are as nuttier than the Christmas Fruit Cake.

Oh such hubris. Don't immediately dismiss our Polls here. These are real people and voters who frequent here.

MOST OF WHOM ARE CONSERVATIVES... it's a biased poll. Unless you are telling me that most Americans are Conservatives... which only proves your nuttery.

Again,just more silly hubris. And actually,studies have shown that Americans do describe themselves as Conservatives more than any other ideology. You should do some research before making your bold proclamations.
Oh such hubris. Don't immediately dismiss our Polls here. These are real people and voters who frequent here.

MOST OF WHOM ARE CONSERVATIVES... it's a biased poll. Unless you are telling me that most Americans are Conservatives... which only proves your nuttery.

Again,just more silly hubris. And actually,studies have shown that Americans do describe themselves as Conservatives more than any other ideology. You should do some research before making your bold proclamations.

Ok... let's start the childish insults now.

I'll go first.... idiot.

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