Should Government workers have been "loyal" to Trump?

[ It is the same to all who work for the government, including the President ]

Former FBI Director James Comey was “taken aback” by President Donald Trump’s request for a personal assurance or pledge of loyalty at a dinner shortly after he took office, a source close to Comey told CNN Friday.

Comey refused to do so, saying he could not provide such a pledge – those who work at the FBI pledge their loyalty to the US Constitution, not to any individual person – but he promised to always be honest with the President.

Trump then asked if Comey would pledge “honest loyalty,” to which the FBI director agreed. The source said the term “honest loyalty” doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Completely unsupervised, and each one is free and duty bound to do their jobs as they individually judge best for the American people?

Nope. They have bosses and their bosses have bosses, and in the executive branch that chain leads to the president.

No one can rightly claim to be a law unto themselves, by claiming to be working for the American people.
Of course there is a hierarchy in every organization, but you are talking about loyalty. When the president isn't putting the country first, federal employees have an obligation to the American people.
Yes, of course.

People owe loyalty to their employers. They get paid for that. They then owe loyalty to the managers, supervisors, officers, facilitators, or whatever name you give to bosses, that their employers appoint over them.

The American people are the employers of generals, department heads, and other senior government officials, and they owe loyalty to the American people and the boss the American people appoint over them. From January 2017 to early January 2021, that boss was name Donald Trump.

Anyone drawing a federal check who thought Donald Trump so loathsome that they could not serve under him, should have handed in their resignation. Barring that, their role was to work to help Trump fulfill the mandate that his voters gave to him. The same applies now to any federal worker who hates Biden. Set aside that bias and work for him in his role as duly elected president or stay the fuck home and pout.

If an elected president ever truly went rogue, to the point that he should not have that role of boss of federal employees, congress is who the voters should turn to so he can be impeached and removed. Undermining him and ginning up fake investigations of him is not what federal employees get paid for.

No matter how self-aggrandizing their government phone texts are.

Trump isn't their employee. The US government is.
Trump is only head of one part of that. He isn't their highest boss.
You keep playing at everyone being dumb.

Conspiracy theories, after conspiracy theories, is all you do, demonizing the Democrats with the minimal accusations.

Are you seriously going to keep not paying attention to anything and everything that has to do with the laws of the US of America?

And then play at being an American AND a Patriot?

You do know why there was a search warrant to go to Mar A Lago and for what purpose, and what was found, and why all of that was not returned in January or when they were requested to be returned from then till August 8th.

You do know it.
Ohh the search warrant. The FBI agents didn't really bother the judge. They phoned it in by app.

If you hate your boss or your supervisor so much that it is beneath your dignity to work for them, you quit. You do not hang around and deliberately sabotage your boss thinking you are doing good works.
Ohh the search warrant. The FBI agents didn't really bother the judge. They phoned it in by app.

If you hate your boss or your supervisor so much that it is beneath your dignity to work for them, you quit. You do not hang around and deliberately sabotage your boss thinking you are doing good works.
Page 4. It is a legal electronic way of requesting it.

Making a fuss about it because you do not know what the law is.

It would be the same if the warrant was issued against a Democrat, Independent, Green Party, etc.

It is the same for anyone.

No one is sabotaging anyone's boss.

Trump has already owned up to taking all of those documents from the WH when he returned 15 boxes of them in January.

It took months of negotiations for him to return the rest. He did not want to. So, they had to get a search warrant, based on what they knew, to retrieve what else was at Mar A Lago, and should never have been taken there.
Yes, of course.

People owe loyalty to their employers. They get paid for that. They then owe loyalty to the managers, supervisors, officers, facilitators, or whatever name you give to bosses, that their employers appoint over them.

The American people are the employers of generals, department heads, and other senior government officials, and they owe loyalty to the American people and the boss the American people appoint over them. From January 2017 to early January 2021, that boss was name Donald Trump.

Anyone drawing a federal check who thought Donald Trump so loathsome that they could not serve under him, should have handed in their resignation. Barring that, their role was to work to help Trump fulfill the mandate that his voters gave to him. The same applies now to any federal worker who hates Biden. Set aside that bias and work for him in his role as duly elected president or stay the fuck home and pout.

If an elected president ever truly went rogue, to the point that he should not have that role of boss of federal employees, congress is who the voters should turn to so he can be impeached and removed. Undermining him and ginning up fake investigations of him is not what federal employees get paid for.

No matter how self-aggrandizing their government phone texts are.
No. They should (and were) loyal to the US Constitution.

For the first 444 Presidents this was not even a question.

But the Orange A$$hole was the exception that proved the rule.

The Center held.

God Save the Republic.
Yes, of course.

People owe loyalty to their employers. They get paid for that. They then owe loyalty to the managers, supervisors, officers, facilitators, or whatever name you give to bosses, that their employers appoint over them.

The American people are the employers of generals, department heads, and other senior government officials, and they owe loyalty to the American people and the boss the American people appoint over them. From January 2017 to early January 2021, that boss was name Donald Trump.

Anyone drawing a federal check who thought Donald Trump so loathsome that they could not serve under him, should have handed in their resignation. Barring that, their role was to work to help Trump fulfill the mandate that his voters gave to him. The same applies now to any federal worker who hates Biden. Set aside that bias and work for him in his role as duly elected president or stay the fuck home and pout.

If an elected president ever truly went rogue, to the point that he should not have that role of boss of federal employees, congress is who the voters should turn to so he can be impeached and removed. Undermining him and ginning up fake investigations of him is not what federal employees get paid for.

No matter how self-aggrandizing their government phone texts are.

You don't owe loyalty to your boss. You owe loyalty first and foremost to the rule of law, and if your boss is breaking the law, you owe him NOTHING.
Enemy democrats believe their patriotism requires sabotage. Of course if it was an enemy democrat as president sabotage as an expression of loyalty wouldn't be tolerated.
[ It is the same to all who work for the government, including the President ]

Former FBI Director James Comey was “taken aback” by President Donald Trump’s request for a personal assurance or pledge of loyalty at a dinner shortly after he took office, a source close to Comey told CNN Friday.

Comey refused to do so, saying he could not provide such a pledge – those who work at the FBI pledge their loyalty to the US Constitution, not to any individual person – but he promised to always be honest with the President.

Trump then asked if Comey would pledge “honest loyalty,” to which the FBI director agreed. The source said the term “honest loyalty” doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Comey's an awesome guy. Makes a statement that he expects to the president to interpret as meaningful, while mentally keeping his fingers crossed. He's your hero, lefties. Own him.

Trump was likely confused by the fact that President Obama had his own "wingman," in Attorney General Eric Holder. In fact Comey was pretty emotional about his love for Obama also. In Comey's own words:

"He held me back after one of the very last meetings I had with him, after the election, and said he didn't wanna talk to me about any particular case, 'cause he was very scrupulous about that. And he said, 'But I wanna just tell you something generally. I appointed you to be FBI director because of your integrity and your ability,'" Comey said in an exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos.

"Then he looked me in the eye and he said, 'Nothing has happened, nothing, in the last year that has changed my view of that,'" Comey added.

The interaction was one of many Comey revealed for the first time in the interview ahead of the April 17 release of his book, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership."

Comey should have been honest and said, "You mean like the loyalty we gave Obama? Sir, we only do that for Democrats and RINO's, not the people's choice. We can't be loyal to the people's choice; it's the people we have to be loyal against, get it?"
Enemy democrats believe their patriotism requires sabotage. Of course if it was an enemy democrat as president sabotage as an expression of loyalty wouldn't be tolerated.

Do you come up with these blithering and meaningless word salads all on your own or do you have a team of typing monkeys feeding them to you?
Yes, of course.

People owe loyalty to their employers. They get paid for that. They then owe loyalty to the managers, supervisors, officers, facilitators, or whatever name you give to bosses, that their employers appoint over them.

The American people are the employers of generals, department heads, and other senior government officials, and they owe loyalty to the American people and the boss the American people appoint over them. From January 2017 to early January 2021, that boss was name Donald Trump.

Anyone drawing a federal check who thought Donald Trump so loathsome that they could not serve under him, should have handed in their resignation. Barring that, their role was to work to help Trump fulfill the mandate that his voters gave to him. The same applies now to any federal worker who hates Biden. Set aside that bias and work for him in his role as duly elected president or stay the fuck home and pout.

If an elected president ever truly went rogue, to the point that he should not have that role of boss of federal employees, congress is who the voters should turn to so he can be impeached and removed. Undermining him and ginning up fake investigations of him is not what federal employees get paid for.

No matter how self-aggrandizing their government phone texts are.
Loyalty to a single person is support of a dictator, Loyalty to the laws of our land is the measure of being loyal to our country.
Comey's an awesome guy. Makes a statement that he expects to the president to interpret as meaningful, while mentally keeping his fingers crossed. He's your hero, lefties. Own him.

Trump was likely confused by the fact that President Obama had his own "wingman," in Attorney General Eric Holder. In fact Comey was pretty emotional about his love for Obama also. In Comey's own words:

The interaction was one of many Comey revealed for the first time in the interview ahead of the April 17 release of his book, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership."

Comey should have been honest and said, "You mean like the loyalty we gave Obama? Sir, we only do that for Democrats and RINO's, not the people's choice. We can't be loyal to the people's choice; it's the people we have to be loyal against, get it?"

Trump wasn't the "people's choice". Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and Jim Comey was a big boost to Donald Trump's election by publically reopening the Clinton email investigation two weeks before the election. Trump should get down on his hands and knees and kiss Comey's feet for that one,.
Trump wasn't the "people's choice". Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and Jim Comey was a big boost to Donald Trump's election by publically reopening the Clinton email investigation two weeks before the election. Trump should get down on his hands and knees and kiss Comey's feet for that one,.
is your Democratic Congressperson working hard to eliminate the Electoral College? I'm fine with that. As long as the rules are the same for everyone, and not changed mid-election year.
FBI and government workers should be loyal to their oath to the Constitution.

Asking if they have any shame or honor demonstrates in spades that you have none.
The FBI stopped being neutral and became political tool for the Democrats. WHAT EXACTLY has Trump ACTUALLY DONE that is illegal? So far, the FBI/democrats bating average is less than .200. The FBI actually has more on Hunter and Joe Biden.
[ It is the same to all who work for the government, including the President ]

Former FBI Director James Comey was “taken aback” by President Donald Trump’s request for a personal assurance or pledge of loyalty at a dinner shortly after he took office, a source close to Comey told CNN Friday.

Comey refused to do so, saying he could not provide such a pledge – those who work at the FBI pledge their loyalty to the US Constitution, not to any individual person – but he promised to always be honest with the President.

Trump then asked if Comey would pledge “honest loyalty,” to which the FBI director agreed. The source said the term “honest loyalty” doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Comey , or the fbi has no loyalty to the Constitution. What are you talking about ? Lying on FISA applications to spy not only on American citizens, but on the POTUS. No rules apply when it comes to getting rid of Trump. Anything goes.

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