Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

Yeah. It promotes those things....

Jim Jones promoted brotherly love...
Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations.

for other members of their religion.

secular people create charities as well.

lol lol lol yeah, right, sure .... The Dawkins' Dufuses got all upset a few years ago, and started up their own 'Atheist Charities[/b] they were all excited about showing up those 'phony Xians' n stuff. They raised may be $100,000, here in the States, and the Big Giant Atheist In Charge of Showin Up Da Xians apparently paid himself some $80,000- $93,000 of it. lol lol lol

Compare that to Benny Hinn, a favorite hate target: he rakes in a salary of $1M-$3 Million, depending on what years and whose numbers one chooses, the ones he reports himself are probably accurate, on average annual receipts of $160 million plus, less than 2% or so, and his royalties from books or whatever go to the ministry, not him. So Crooked Bennie is far more honest than all the Great Atheist Rationalists combined, so far.

Hilarious stuff, these whiney little 'rational' deviants put out.

hey pissant, not wanting radical religions zealots running our secular country is not deviant. deviant is pretending to be a christian while allowing children to starve.

I didn't vote for bernie. I'm not an atheist. I don't give a flying what he earns because he's FOS.

let me know when you give ten cents to cancer care, or for march of dimes or for cystic fibrosis or memorial sloan kettering hospital.

I have no doubt that you're fine giving money to charities made by and for people who look and worship like you do.
[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.


Yes, the 'rationalists' always eventually out themselves as some sort of mentally ill deviants, of course. Oh, and HITLER!!! N STUFF!!!! lol lol so predictable, so pathetically stupid, like dumbass Burb Brat teenagers who worship Metallica or some other gimp band, and think they're kewl kidz.[/B]

You petty little gimps sound a lot more like deviants and perverts terrified of losing your butt plugs and breakfast meth than genuine 'atheists'.

should everyone be rabidly irrational like you?

and what's this gimp BS? nutter butter. deviant? you're insane.
Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

Yeah. It promotes those things....

Jim Jones promoted brotherly love...
Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations.

for other members of their religion.

secular people create charities as well.

lol lol lol yeah, right, sure .... The Dawkins' Dufuses got all upset a few years ago, and started up their own 'Atheist Charities[/b] they were all excited about showing up those 'phony Xians' n stuff. They raised may be $100,000, here in the States, and the Big Giant Atheist In Charge of Showin Up Da Xians apparently paid himself some $80,000- $93,000 of it. lol lol lol

Compare that to Benny Hinn, a favorite hate target: he rakes in a salary of $1M-$3 Million, depending on what years and whose numbers one chooses, the ones he reports himself are probably accurate, on average annual receipts of $160 million plus, less than 2% or so, and his royalties from books or whatever go to the ministry, not him. So Crooked Bennie is far more honest than all the Great Atheist Rationalists combined, so far.

Hilarious stuff, these whiney little 'rational' deviants put out.

hey pissant, not wanting radical religions zealots running our secular country is not deviant. deviant is pretending to be a christian while allowing children to starve.

I didn't vote for bernie. I'm not an atheist. I don't give a flying what he earns because he's FOS.

let me know when you give ten cents to cancer care, or for march of dimes or for cystic fibrosis or memorial sloan kettering hospital.

I have no doubt that you're fine giving money to charities made by and for people who look and worship like you do.
You sure don't have a very high opinion of Christians.
No. Now send me 20 bucks for your ultimate redemption and everlasting salvation in the arms of the Lord.

Cash is preferred.

How is that different than States hawking lotto tickets?

Just replace salvation with millions of dollars.

They do not lie about the odds. Religions do.


As i said before since we can't prove or disprove anything any religion claims, how can a lie be determined?

By questioning the liar.

Truth can be proven. Lies cannot be.

When the first thing a clergy learns is that God is unknowable and unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then his teacher starts reaming of all he know of the unknowable and all that he fathoms of the unfathomable, only the really foolish and gullible will not recognize that he is being lied to.


Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Any other country has regulated religions.
America doesn't.

France is leading in this just as they did with their French Revolution.

They led the way to help usher in Democracy and are leading the way in helping to usher in intelligent control of religions.

Religions, like governments, are tool of our oligarch owners but the French have their oligarchs paying for secular control of the country and putting religions where they belong. Beneath under secular law and their governments.

In the U.S. the religious are wagging your government tail instead of your government wagging religious tails.

All the while spouting off about separation of church and state.

One Nation Under God: Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. Religion in America...must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions of that country; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it. Indeed, it is in this same point of view that the inhabitants of the United States themselves look upon religious belief. I do not know whether all Americans have a sincere faith in their religion -- for who can search the human heart? But I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society. In the United States, the sovereign authority is religious...there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America, and there can be no greater proof of its utility and of its conformity to human nature than that its influence is powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth. In the United States, the influence of religion is not confined to the manners, but it extends to the intelligence of the people...

Christianity, therefore, reigns without obstacle, by universal consent...

I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors...; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. The safeguard of morality is religion, and morality is the best security of law as well as the surest pledge of freedom. The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other Christianity is the companion of liberty in all its conflicts -- the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Any other country has regulated religions.
America doesn't.

France is leading in this just as they did with their French Revolution.

They led the way to help usher in Democracy and are leading the way in helping to usher in intelligent control of religions.

Religions, like governments, are tool of our oligarch owners but the French have their oligarchs paying for secular control of the country and putting religions where they belong. Beneath under secular law and their governments.

In the U.S. the religious are wagging your government tail instead of your government wagging religious tails.

All the while spouting off about separation of church and state.

In America the government should fear it's citizens....not the citizens fear the government.
That's why this is America.

That was the way. It no longer is.

Your American Dream has turned into a nightmare.

Now if good old John Wayne's attitude had not died were still around and cowards still had a moral sense, I would love you guys the way I used to.

You are letting the whole world down and putting world wide democracy in jeopardy.


The American Dream is still there for those willing to work for it.
Religion has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.


Educate yourself and try talking out of your mouth for a change.

Then again, a troll like you and your crap one liners has become quite good at doing my work of discrediting your religion.

I wonder how long before people you are an atheist working your own way to kill Christianity.

Keep up the good work and just because I ignore you, there are many fish here that your trolling will catch.

Even me when you give me the right opening.


Trolling ^^^^^^
Religion has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.


Educate yourself and try talking out of your mouth for a change.

Then again, a troll like you and your crap one liners has become quite good at doing my work of discrediting your religion.

I wonder how long before people you are an atheist working your own way to kill Christianity.

Keep up the good work and just because I ignore you, there are many fish here that your trolling will catch.

Even me when you give me the right opening.

Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
Government should regulate the internet. :04:

An internet Bill of Rights

Let religion alone.

How is that different than States hawking lotto tickets?

Just replace salvation with millions of dollars.

They do not lie about the odds. Religions do.


As i said before since we can't prove or disprove anything any religion claims, how can a lie be determined?

By questioning the liar.

Truth can be proven. Lies cannot be.

When the first thing a clergy learns is that God is unknowable and unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then his teacher starts reaming of all he know of the unknowable and all that he fathoms of the unfathomable, only the really foolish and gullible will not recognize that he is being lied to.


Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?

You observe all the evidence you have, and figure it out.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?


Problem is the main religions would get done too.

I understand the situation. I fail to see the problem.

What problem do you see?


Well, religions lie all the damn time. Basically, religions would end up in court with people suing them for being liars.

They'd be like "there's no God, you're telling people there's a God, and you're lying" and they'd ask the church to prove there's a God, and they wouldn't be able to.
They do not lie about the odds. Religions do.


As i said before since we can't prove or disprove anything any religion claims, how can a lie be determined?

By questioning the liar.

Truth can be proven. Lies cannot be.

When the first thing a clergy learns is that God is unknowable and unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then his teacher starts reaming of all he know of the unknowable and all that he fathoms of the unfathomable, only the really foolish and gullible will not recognize that he is being lied to.


Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?

You observe all the evidence you have, and figure it out.

I am beginning to think you don't know what objective means, Marty.
As i said before since we can't prove or disprove anything any religion claims, how can a lie be determined?

By questioning the liar.

Truth can be proven. Lies cannot be.

When the first thing a clergy learns is that God is unknowable and unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then his teacher starts reaming of all he know of the unknowable and all that he fathoms of the unfathomable, only the really foolish and gullible will not recognize that he is being lied to.


Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?

You observe all the evidence you have, and figure it out.

I am beginning to think you don't know what objective means, Marty.

Truth doesn't have to be qualified. Something is true, or it is not, the issue is do we have enough evidence to figure it out.

Kind of like Shrodinger's cat.
By questioning the liar.

Truth can be proven. Lies cannot be.

When the first thing a clergy learns is that God is unknowable and unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then his teacher starts reaming of all he know of the unknowable and all that he fathoms of the unfathomable, only the really foolish and gullible will not recognize that he is being lied to.


Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?

You observe all the evidence you have, and figure it out.

I am beginning to think you don't know what objective means, Marty.

Truth doesn't have to be qualified. Something is true, or it is not, the issue is do we have enough evidence to figure it out.

Kind of like Shrodinger's cat.
Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process because people tend to be subjective. The issue is never the evidence. It is always the subjectivity of the individual. Eliminate subjectivity.
Actually once you know the truth the lies show themselves.
So how do you go about discovering objective truth?

You observe all the evidence you have, and figure it out.

I am beginning to think you don't know what objective means, Marty.

Truth doesn't have to be qualified. Something is true, or it is not, the issue is do we have enough evidence to figure it out.

Kind of like Shrodinger's cat.
Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process because people tend to be subjective. The issue is never the evidence. It is always the subjectivity of the individual. Eliminate subjectivity.

So eliminate human nature and the truth will find itself.

Any Vulcans around?

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