Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

How is that different than States hawking lotto tickets?

Just replace salvation with millions of dollars.

I'm not offering odds or a cash payout. Just send me your money on blind faith that it will lead to you being cradled in the Loving arms of Our Lord for Eternity (after you die of course and can no longer send me money!) Did I say 20 dollars? I mean 20 dollars a week........

20 a week is more like people keeping their gym membership open when they never go.

Is it too much to ask for a healthy Soul and Glorious Afterlife?

I'd be happy with knowing which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Whichever one lit their cigarette first!

The egg is a known faker.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?


Christianity in America would be in deep trouble.

TV Evangelicals are Satan walking the Earth, and evangelicals voted for Trump by 80%. The most immoral person to ever run for office. Fraud? The Christian church in the US is the largest money laundering scam in the history of the world.

There is no such thing as "The Christian Church"

If you are going to despise something, at least take the effort to learn about it.

Newton feels it to be important that every thread here in this forum have an example of what morons the so-called 'rationalists' in fact are, so as not to scare off sane people too quickly.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

I covered this a long time ago.
Some individual states have their own scam laws that covers fraudelant practices under the guise of religion and the occult.
In my post here a few years ago I stated the case against the Jamaican Psychic Hotline scam that caused a fraud law to pass that covers those incidences in that State. That Psychic hotline law caused Benny Hinn to force to move out of that State over to Texas where prosperity and healing scams are abundantly allowed to flourish.
I once reported to the DOJ the Morris Cerullo prayer rag and healing scams. *L*


I to have fought the law. Unfortunately I lost but the law had to cheat to win.

If all who saw a poor law fought it, what a wonderful set of laws we would finally end with.

My kingdom on this issue for a lawyer willing to work pro-bono.

Good luck with finding a lawyer to work based on their confidence to be paid by their performance outcome like sales people do.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?


Problem is the main religions would get done too.

I understand the situation. I fail to see the problem.

What problem do you see?

If all that lying for money that religions do is not fraud to you then look at how fraud is described again for the first time.


Considering no one knows what happens after we die for a fact, how can anything they claim be considered a lie?

Your own question answers itself.

Considering no one knows what happens after we die for a fact, how can anything said of the after life that is not a lie?


To prove a lie, one first has to know the truth. Since no one knows the truth, a lie cannot be proven.

At best anything can be called a guess, educated or not, but it cannot be considered a lie to guess about it.
Actually a truly born-again Christian does know the truth.
We have had a long list of bad Christians thrown at us by liberals.
We shouldn't have to answer for them anymore than a Muslim should have to answer for an Islamic Terrorist.

They think they know the truth, that's why it's called faith and not fact.

It's why faith takes more effort than just being shown something.

More effort for sure as it is hard to put ones mind into intellectual and moral dissonance and ignore logic and reason as well as ones moral sense.

[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.

The government should keep a close eye on those who seek to destroy the constitution.

I do not see it as a well written document because if it was, no amendments would be required. That aside, I agree with the spirit of what you put, but not the letter.

Do you include these in your condemnation?

Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

I covered this a long time ago.
Some individual states have their own scam laws that covers fraudelant practices under the guise of religion and the occult.
In my post here a few years ago I stated the case against the Jamaican Psychic Hotline scam that caused a fraud law to pass that covers those incidences in that State. That Psychic hotline law caused Benny Hinn to force to move out of that State over to Texas where prosperity and healing scams are abundantly allowed to flourish.
I once reported to the DOJ the Morris Cerullo prayer rag and healing scams. *L*


I to have fought the law. Unfortunately I lost but the law had to cheat to win.

If all who saw a poor law fought it, what a wonderful set of laws we would finally end with.

My kingdom on this issue for a lawyer willing to work pro-bono.

Good luck with finding a lawyer to work based on their confidence to be paid by their performance outcome like sales people do.

Should people not be paid by their performance and good works?

If not, what should people be paid by?

Considering no one knows what happens after we die for a fact, how can anything they claim be considered a lie?

Your own question answers itself.

Considering no one knows what happens after we die for a fact, how can anything said of the after life that is not a lie?


To prove a lie, one first has to know the truth. Since no one knows the truth, a lie cannot be proven.

At best anything can be called a guess, educated or not, but it cannot be considered a lie to guess about it.
Actually a truly born-again Christian does know the truth.
We have had a long list of bad Christians thrown at us by liberals.
We shouldn't have to answer for them anymore than a Muslim should have to answer for an Islamic Terrorist.

They think they know the truth, that's why it's called faith and not fact.

It's why faith takes more effort than just being shown something.

More effort for sure as it is hard to put ones mind into intellectual and moral dissonance and ignore logic and reason as well as ones moral sense.


How does faith require one to ignore moral sense?

And logic and reason are not the opposite of faith, as you are suggesting.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Define "fraudulent religion".
Your own question answers itself.

Considering no one knows what happens after we die for a fact, how can anything said of the after life that is not a lie?


To prove a lie, one first has to know the truth. Since no one knows the truth, a lie cannot be proven.

At best anything can be called a guess, educated or not, but it cannot be considered a lie to guess about it.
Actually a truly born-again Christian does know the truth.
We have had a long list of bad Christians thrown at us by liberals.
We shouldn't have to answer for them anymore than a Muslim should have to answer for an Islamic Terrorist.

They think they know the truth, that's why it's called faith and not fact.

It's why faith takes more effort than just being shown something.

More effort for sure as it is hard to put ones mind into intellectual and moral dissonance and ignore logic and reason as well as ones moral sense.


How does faith require one to ignore moral sense?

And logic and reason are not the opposite of faith, as you are suggesting.

Faith is required to ignore moral sense as, in a case like Christianity, a genocidal son murdering God, is seen as good.

As to faith, logic and reason, they are not compatible and are opposites, from what I can see religions saying about them.

Martin Luther.
“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”

Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Define "fraudulent religion".

Read the O.P.

[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.


Hey look Frenchy, since God had a son he's mellowed out quite a bit and no longer goes on genocidal rampages.

I'm just saying that despite the obvious ridiculous belief in multiple supernatural beings, most Christians are good people, not wanting to be homophobic or misogynistic.
[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.


Yes, the 'rationalists' always eventually out themselves as some sort of mentally ill deviants, of course. Oh, and HITLER!!! N STUFF!!!! lol lol so predictable, so pathetically stupid, like dumbass Burb Brat teenagers who worship Metallica or some other gimp band, and think they're kewl kidz.[/B]
Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

Yeah. It promotes those things....

Jim Jones promoted brotherly love...
Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations.

for other members of their religion.

secular people create charities as well.

lol lol lol yeah, right, sure .... The Dawkins' Dufuses got all upset a few years ago, and started up their own 'Atheist Charities[/b] they were all excited about showing up those 'phony Xians' n stuff. They raised may be $100,000, here in the States, and the Big Giant Atheist In Charge of Showin Up Da Xians apparently paid himself some $80,000- $93,000 of it. lol lol lol

Compare that to Benny Hinn, a favorite hate target: he rakes in a salary of $1M-$3 Million, depending on what years and whose numbers one chooses, the ones he reports himself are probably accurate, on average annual receipts of $160 million plus, less than 2% or so, and his royalties from books or whatever go to the ministry, not him. So Crooked Bennie is far more honest than all the Great Atheist Rationalists combined, so far.

Hilarious stuff, these whiney little 'rational' deviants put out.
Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

Yeah. It promotes those things....

Jim Jones promoted brotherly love...
Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations.

for other members of their religion.

secular people create charities as well.
No. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.
[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.


Yes, the 'rationalists' always eventually out themselves as some sort of mentally ill deviants, of course. Oh, and HITLER!!! N STUFF!!!! lol lol so predictable, so pathetically stupid, like dumbass Burb Brat teenagers who worship Metallica or some other gimp band, and think they're kewl kidz.[/B][/QUOTE]

You petty little gimps sound a lot more like deviants and perverts terrified of losing your butt plugs and breakfast meth than genuine 'atheists'.

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