Should hate speech be criminalized ?

Hate speech? I hate Democrats, I don't think that should be illegal. That's as American as apple pie!

Now a bunch of low brow nimrod white supremists spewing racist BS...the first amendment guarantees their right to be idiots. I guess I'd need some examples of proposed hate speech that crosses the line.
it appears that the majority of democrats support a ban on offensive speech .

should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..

Let me take a wild guess here. The "some forms of hate speech" dont include anything against white people or conservatives? :laugh:

Edit: How did i know this before looking? Do i have superpowers now? I think i can predict things like a psychic. What else could explain this? :dunno:
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Another in a long list of reasons that Democrats have no place in this world.

Democrats are tyrants

Content Warning: This website contains language that is offensive or harmful. Please engage with this website at your own pace.
The goal of the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative is to eliminate* many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, and biased (e.g., disability bias, ethnic bias, ethnic slurs, gender bias, implicit bias, sexual bias) language in Stanford websites and code

Brave (n), none/do not use, This term perpetuates the stereotype of the "noble courageous savage," equating the Indigenous male as being less than a man
it appears that the majority of democrats support a ban on offensive speech .

The majority of Democrats support a ban on pretty much everything.
it appears that the majority of democrats support a ban on offensive speech .

Of course they do. Down with Big Brother.
I would support criminalizing Dems speaking at all. Hey give silencing Dems a 6 month trial, I'm pretty sure it would prove popular.
Only if you criminalize the GOP just the same. 6 month for both parties and we'll all have a lot less stress in our days.

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