Should homosexuals procreate?

I have several straight friends that don't want to procreate. What does that mean I wonder?

I hate sex myself ... so what does that make me? I would like to raise kids, but since I don't like sex no one will ever marry me and therefore I could never adopt. I want to procreate, but just can't stand the act .... *tilt head*
I hate sex myself ... so what does that make me? I would like to raise kids, but since I don't like sex no one will ever marry me and therefore I could never adopt. I want to procreate, but just can't stand the act .... *tilt head*

I was being facetious.

Anyway, you could:

A) Adopt an older child, they need parents too

B) Have them shoot some man juice inside you until one catches an ovary

C) Borrow your friends kid for awhile, just not a teenager! :eek:
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No way !!

Homos should be rounded up and locked away in mental institutions to recieve treatment.

The ones who are diseased or infected, should never be released into the public.

You violated Ramadan, you fake Muslim.
I was being facetious.

Anyway, you could:

A) Adopt an older child, they need parents too

B) Have them shoot some man juice inside you until one catches an ovary

C) Borrow your friends kid for awhile, just not a teenager! :eek:

Not rich enough for B, most of my friends are gay so C is out. A requires you have a 'hetoro' partner, so that doesn't work because most straight men only want sex anyway. *shrugs* I wasn't actually making the comment to you, my bad, just using your's to link the conversation. You made a good post.
You violated Ramadan, you fake Muslim.
There is NO hate in what I said.

I personally believe that homosexuality should be made a criminal act and homos be treated as criminals.

It used to be against the law to committ homosexual acts in America in the past. And I believe it will be so in the future.

btw Since when did you become an Islamic scholar?
Not rich enough for B, most of my friends are gay so C is out. A requires you have a 'hetoro' partner, so that doesn't work because most straight men only want sex anyway. *shrugs* I wasn't actually making the comment to you, my bad, just using your's to link the conversation. You made a good post.

I have a single friend who adopted an 11 year old girl.
There is NO hate in what I said.

I personally believe that homosexuality should be made a criminal act and homos be treated as criminals.

It used to be against the law to committ homosexual acts in America in the past. And I believe it will be so in the future.

btw Since when did you become an Islamic scholar?

That's hateful to want to throw people in prison for loving each other or for having sex.

No one needs to be an Islamic scholar to know hateful speech and actions are considered especially offensive to Allah when committed during Ramadan.
I have friends who are true Muslims, not phonies like you.
That's hateful to want to throw people in prison for loving each other or for having sex.

No one needs to be an Islamic scholar to know hateful speech and actions are considered especially offensive to Allah when committed during Ramadan.
I have friends who are true Muslims, not phonies like you.

Hateful people don't see that they are hateful, they are just plain stupid in that respect.
Both the Bible and Quran condemn sodomites and their perverse lifestyles.

I am not saying anything that is contary to the religion.

1. Religion being mixed into law is what has been fucking up our country the whole time.

2 Read the bibull for real, it says nothing of that sort.

3. You are still using hate propaganda and nothing factual, scientific, or real.
Both the Bible and Quran condemn sodomites and their perverse lifestyles.

I am not saying anything that is contary to the religion.

Yet, you persist in hate speech during Ramadan. :cuckoo:

Both the Bible and the Koran are open to interpretation, not only concerning homosexuality but how the issue should be addressed.

You never truly converted to Islam, you just put a new face on the same old evangelical finger pointing you believed in before.
I didn't "say" anything, I merely asked a question. Fox News aren't the only one's that can do that you know. ;)

sorry mani, the response wasn't meant to seem as it was addressing you directly but rather the question you asked.

But I agree, if it's true about homosexuality, it's true about infertility too.


Does that mean you dismiss the population control hypothesis?

well I believe in population control....that's why I support birth control and abortion

Of course they do. But this has absolutely nothing to do with the question.

well it kind of does actually because the question stems from whether homosexuals should procreate and my response is intended to show that if those homosexuals will offer children a loving and safe home, which all children deserve, then yes, they should procreate.
Once again, I don't hate homos.

I just believe they should be locked up and given thearpy to cure them of their vile lifestyle.

But the ones who are too far gone or infected should be kept islolated from the public.

This should all be done in a humane way.
Once again, I don't hate homos.

I just believe they should be locked up and given thearpy to cure them of their vile lifestyle.

But the ones who are too far gone or infected should be kept islolated from the public.

This should all be done in a humane way.

you do realize that straight people are more likely to spread disease, it's called STD's, right? So that would still be rid of more straight people than gay men or women. So I say, sure, isolated the infected. :lol: Also, only those with hatred will use derogatory words, are you a breeder? Of course you are, nothing but livestock for the future food supply, not bright enough to get anywhere, just loud and worthless.
you do realize that straight people are more likely to spread disease, it's called STD's, right? So that would still be rid of more straight people than gay men or women. So I say, sure, isolated the infected. :lol: Also, only those with hatred will use derogatory words, are you a breeder? Of course you are, nothing but livestock for the future food supply, not bright enough to get anywhere, just loud and worthless.
Why all of the personal attacks?

You don't see me attacking other members of the forum.

I just believe in debating the subject at hand.

I find personal attacks both hateful and unnecessary.
Why all of the personal attacks?

You don't see me attacking other members of the forum.

I just believe in debating the subject at hand.

I find personal attacks both hateful and unnecessary.

Every time you use intolerant word you are attacking people like that, which is what my post pointed out. *smirk* But of course your blind hatred missed the basic logic.
well it kind of does actually because the question stems from whether homosexuals should procreate and my response is intended to show that if those homosexuals will offer children a loving and safe home, which all children deserve, then yes, they should procreate.

I guess I wasn't clear then. My question was a philosophical one about circumventing nature's intent, assuming one buys into the hypothetical intent predicated.

well I believe in population control....that's why I support birth control and abortion

Assuming that technology could eventually enable expecting parents to determine, in the womb, a genetic predisposition to homosexuality, how would you feel philosophically if they elected to circumvent nature's intent and had the fetus aborted for this reason alone?

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