Should homosexuals procreate?

Thankfully, we don't get very many homos as applicants.

I work in a heavy industrial envinroment. Most gays wouldn't last very long.

But we do get a few lesbian Bull Dykes who apply. (in their mind they think they are men)

They are very easy to spot. What with the overalls and butch hair cuts.
Bottom line, we don't want to work around nasty, disease ridden sodomites. Period!!

I strongly suggest you bring this up with your boss. Tell him/her about all the good work you are doing carefully screening out all the job applicants whose spouse's names are ambiguous, who have children who don't play baseball, and who maybe enjoy cooking.
Bottom line, we don't want to work around nasty, disease ridden sodomites. Period!!

people working in construction sure are the first people I think of when the topic is what is NOT NASTY and potentially NOT DISEASE ridden. I don't care what your preference is. If you work in a state that has taken steps to do what the fed hasn't yet done your opinion extends about as far as it takes you to find another job. My advice to you is to stop making all that gay sex your number one concern and learn to deal with your co workers.
sunni man, you are a stupid man. The More You Know.

Shogun calling someone stupid when it is he who has his head stuck up his four point of contact continually when he posts, but hey, if a man be ignorant let him be ignorant just as the bible says.
sexual orientation is not yet a protected status, brainiac. An employer can be rather open about their unwillingness to hire homosexuals.

Homosexuality isn't a sexual orientation its simply the love and pleasure of having gay sex since homosexuality is sexual relations between two people of the same sex.
go take a hanger and abort yourself, Lance Bass. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Shogun calling someone stupid when it is he who has his head stuck up his four point of contact continually when he posts, but hey, if a man be ignorant let him be ignorant just as the bible says.

Do you want me to kick the gonads out of your ballsack with more evidence than you'd know what to do with it, prison rape fan? Thankfully, your bible is not the standard by which this nation operates. Hell, if it were, YOUR BLACK ASS would still be in the field.
go take a hanger and abort yourself, Lance Bass. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Do you want me to kick the gonads out of your ballsack with more evidence than you'd know what to do with it, prison rape fan? Thankfully, your bible is not the standard by which this nation operates. Hell, if it were, YOUR BLACK ASS would still be in the field.

Imbecile: A person whose mental acumen is well below par.
I strongly suggest you bring this up with your boss. Tell him/her about all the good work you are doing carefully screening out all the job applicants whose spouse's names are ambiguous, who have children who don't play baseball, and who maybe enjoy cooking.
Believe I have stated 3 times now. That this is an unwritten policy and that no one brings it up.

I would never discuss any of this with my boss. As it is my department and my perogative as to who I hire.

I don't do anything to violate the discrimination laws.

Hiring someone is still a subjective matter. So I have alot of latitude in selecting a new employee.

So based on my personal assement: No degenerate homo will ever be employed by me. Period!!
Believe I have stated 3 times now. That this is an unwritten policy and that no one brings it up.

I would never discuss any of this with my boss. As it is my department and my perogative as to who I hire.

I don't do anything to violate the discrimination laws.

Hiring someone is still a subjective matter. So I have alot of latitude in selecting a new employee.

So based on my personal assement: No degenerate homo will ever be employed by me. Period!!

I wouldn't hire the degenerate ones either. Just the top quality ones.

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