Should homosexuals procreate?

Convict: a person who has been charged with, and been found guilty of, a criminal action. See Charles Bass Liquor Store Heist.

fantasy :
Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor.
Actually nothing I said references whether its genetic or a choice. But interesting of you to make that up.

Actually it does; as for two homosexuals to procreate, the semen of the male must fertilize the egg of the female. Were homosexuals genetically distinct, a 'third gender' if you will, as we're lead to believe is the case, then nature would have provided a means by which homosexuals could procreate; were this 'special species' viable, then they would possess the means to advance that species. Homosexuals can not procreate within what would be their own 'special community' thus a homosexual is NOTHING except a person of a given gender which nature has marked as 'THE END OF THE GENETIC LINE' by slapping them with a sexual desire to breed with members of their own gender, which is inctestably a genetic DEAD END.

Gays aren't looking for "special consideration". They just want equality.

ROFLMNAO... Well that's absurd. Queers enjoy every single solitary right that their non-queer cousins enjoy. What queers want is SUPER-RIGHTS.

As a hetero-sexual male, I can't marry my bestest-good buddy, so he can mooch off of my insurance... or enjoy the fruits of my labor by mooching off my pension in the wake of my death. As with the queers, if I want to make a family, I need to do so with a person of the opposite gender...


Of course you're not speaking of EQUALITY... you're concerned with FAIRNESS... 'It isn't FAIR' that a homosexual is sexual attracted to a male and can't marry them and enjoy the legal benefits of matrimony...

Of course by the same token, 'it wasn't FAIR, that people without the financial means to pony up 20% and show a solid record of paying their debts were unable to 'own a home.' Your comrades decided to artificially induce the marketsto 'fix' that and in so ding may well have crippled the US economy in the process...

So you'll pardon me if I reject the idea that FAIRNESS is analogous to equality... because the simple fact is, it is NOT... it never has and it never will be. These are two parallel concepts which in reality do NOT intersect and where idiots try to force them to do so, they wil linevitably bring catstrophe, calamity and chaos.

Really? So the tens of thousands of American gays who have children are out of the gene pool? How do you figure? Or do you just consider mother nature to be a colossal and utter failure?

Hey look sis, no one here has declaredd that homosexuals CAN'T procreate...

Personally, I think it's awful that some men can't muster the discipline to focus their minds on soemthing beyond the deviant obsession to engage in sex with people of their same gender... And if they manage to procreate and then fall short, well more power to them.

But in reality, if nature want's their genetic code out of the pool, then that code will be out of the pool... I'm not nature, so I don't have all the answers; I just know that where a person is so weak that they can't muster the self discipline to NOT entertain thoughts of deviant behavior sufficiently to avoid acting out on those thoughts, that inevitably their life will derail and 'pain's a comin'...' and where a male or female is unable to find the means to procreate with a member of the opposite gender: THEY'RE OUT!

And just as certain, where a culture tolerates homosexuality; particularly to allow such to raise children, that culture can only expect that this deviance will grow in numbers and that such will and MUST lead to a decline in that culture's integrity...

There's no arguing with that sis... it's a fact of nature.

Now that you want to believe that all queers are out there raising children and having normal happy lives, is a delusion of your own creation; in fact, homoseuxality and the lifestyle associated with it, is a disaster for most homosexuals... the culture accepting it and nurturing these pervs doesn't change it a BIT. The fact is that homosexuality is the genetic end of the line, when practiced as preached... and there's no gettign around that.

(For the board: the premise being advanced by this member is that 'homosexuals really aren't homoseuxals' they're out there engaging in hetero sex 'all the time...' It's the classic rationalization where the facts are denied to project normalcy while promoting deviancy... and frankly, IT IS HYSTERICAL... in at least two contexts and on several levels.)
I really think he is a gay man just trying to get a reaction from us. I fell for it once, but no more!

No way Jose!

No you don't... The 'closeted homophobe' is a childish 'I know you are but what am I' delusion, where the individual advocate of deviancy needs to believe that their position is a majority view; the notion begins with the idea that 'everyone is queer, some just won't admit it...' The fact is that homosexuality is a distinct minority and a very small minority at that.

Queers today enjoy the inflated perception that their numbers are higher, due to the overt attempt by the media to project them as such. The simple fact is that were anything approaching a majority of the population to become inflicted with this lethal weakness, the growth in the population would reflect the substantial reduction necessary for such to be the case. The population figures, show no such correlation.

Of course it is entirely possible that in population centers where the population/area/sustaining product is highly srtessed, studies using mice do tend to indicate that nature induces a spike in homosexuality to curb the stress induced by population excesses. This also correlates to the high crime rates; studies with rats show that where the population is such that severe stresses of food and living areas shortages result in periods of mayhem and cannibalism...

So what you're seeing in the higher instances of queers in the cities could well be, nature terminating the weakest links in the genetic chain to ease the stress of over population.

Which works for me... my problem with the pervs is their demand that the culture provide them with special queer rights and change bedrock cultural institutions in order to suit them; over what they simultaneously demand is a 'private matter' and 'no one elses business...'

ROFLMNAO... Leftists...
Disclaimer: I'm asking this purely from a philosophical standpoint. If we had a philosophy forum I would've put it there. I would prefer to keep religion and law out of this discussion, so both of those forums are out.

It is a given that homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom and most reasonable people accept that by and large homosexuals, both human and animal, are born that way. That is to say their attraction to their own sex is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment. I've also heard many people, most recently KittyKoder, suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check. Personally, I think this is a very reasonable hypothesis. And that's what led me to ask the philosophical question, should homosexuals procreate? If it truly is nature's population control mechanism, then isn't that just another way of nature saying this is the end of the line for this genetic combination? Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?

Any answer yet?
Actually it does; as for two homosexuals to procreate, the semen of the male must fertilize the egg of the female. Were homosexuals genetically distinct, a 'third gender' if you will, as we're lead to believe is the case, then nature would have provided a means by which homosexuals could procreate; were this 'special species' viable, then they would possess the means to advance that species. Homosexuals can not procreate within what would be their own 'special community' thus a homosexual is NOTHING except a person of a given gender which nature has marked as 'THE END OF THE GENETIC LINE' by slapping them with a sexual desire to breed with members of their own gender, which is inctestably a genetic DEAD END.

Genetics and evolution don't necessarily work that directly. Educate yourself.

ROFLMNAO... Well that's absurd. Queers enjoy every single solitary right that their non-queer cousins enjoy. What queers want is SUPER-RIGHTS.


As a hetero-sexual male, I can't marry my bestest-good buddy, so he can mooch off of my insurance... or enjoy the fruits of my labor by mooching off my pension in the wake of my death. As with the queers, if I want to make a family, I need to do so with a person of the opposite gender...


No, its not. Equality is letting two people who love each other get married, regardless of gender. Thats equality.

Of course by the same token, 'it wasn't FAIR, that people without the financial means to pony up 20% and show a solid record of paying their debts were unable to 'own a home.' Your comrades decided to artificially induce the marketsto 'fix' that and in so ding may well have crippled the US economy in the process...

Wow, your one of those morons. What a surprise.

So you'll pardon me if I reject the idea that FAIRNESS is analogous to equality... because the simple fact is, it is NOT... it never has and it never will be. These are two parallel concepts which in reality do NOT intersect and where idiots try to force them to do so, they wil linevitably bring catstrophe, calamity and chaos.

Oh? Do explain how letting gays marry will cause "catstrophe, calamity and chaos".

Hey look sis, no one here has declaredd that homosexuals CAN'T procreate...

Sis? You assume too much, dumbass.

Personally, I think it's awful that some men can't muster the discipline to focus their minds on soemthing beyond the deviant obsession to engage in sex with people of their same gender... And if they manage to procreate and then fall short, well more power to them.

Really, so gay men can't muster the discripline to focus their minds on something other than gay sex?

So Barney Frank got into the US Congress by focusing on just gay sex? Why don't you explain that one to us all.

But in reality, if nature want's their genetic code out of the pool, then that code will be out of the pool... I'm not nature, so I don't have all the answers;

Learn more about evolution. Nature isn't a single thing, its a process. It doesn't have desires, it just is.

I just know that where a person is so weak that they can't muster the self discipline to NOT entertain thoughts of deviant behavior sufficiently to avoid acting out on those thoughts, that inevitably their life will derail and 'pain's a comin'...' and where a male or female is unable to find the means to procreate with a member of the opposite gender: THEY'RE OUT!

tsk tsk, again with the moronic assumptions. You assume that they want to avoid homosexual relations. They don't have weird hatreds like you, they accept it as ok.

And just as certain, where a culture tolerates homosexuality; particularly to allow such to raise children, that culture can only expect that this deviance will grow in numbers and that such will and MUST lead to a decline in that culture's integrity...

Well no wonder the Greeks died out.....oh wait....

There's no arguing with that sis... it's a fact of nature.

Please try to avoid conflating facts of nature with opinions of a dumbass.

Now that you want to believe that all queers are out there raising children and having normal happy lives, is a delusion of your own creation; in fact, homoseuxality and the lifestyle associated with it, is a disaster for most homosexuals...

Do you even know anyone who is gay? Gays, like straights, obviously aren't all happy. But many of them are, in similar proportions to straights. Their sexuality doesn't define them and they have other hopes and dreams and desires.

the culture accepting it and nurturing these pervs doesn't change it a BIT. The fact is that homosexuality is the genetic end of the line, when practiced as preached... and there's no gettign around that.

No getting around that....except for IVF. And homosexuality isn't preached.
Its not an ideology, its a sexual preference.

(For the board: the premise being advanced by this member is that 'homosexuals really aren't homoseuxals' they're out there engaging in hetero sex 'all the time...' It's the classic rationalization where the facts are denied to project normalcy while promoting deviancy... and frankly, IT IS HYSTERICAL... in at least two contexts and on several levels.)

Again with the assumptions. I never advanced that premise. But nice job making that shit up.
Bottom line: Homosexuality is a sad and pathetic lifestyle.

Homos live a life plagued by self inflected mental illness and disease.

All gays have to look forward to is depression and death.

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