Should homosexuals procreate?

Bottom line: Homosexuality is a sad and pathetic lifestyle.

Homos live a life plagued by self inflected mental illness and disease.

All gays have to look forward to is depression and death.
And style and lots of money, from what I've seen.

I wonder, how many Muslims are gay? I'm guessing not many. But then again, Mohammed wasn't gay, was he...he just liked young girls.
Bottom line: Homosexuality is a sad and pathetic lifestyle.

Homos live a life plagued by self inflected mental illness and disease.

All gays have to look forward to is depression and death.

I'm just bother you when people call you sand *******, or say that all Muslims should be profiled, or that your all a bunch of terrorists?
I haven't had anyone say that to me. But I am sure that many think it.

Well, if they did would it bother you?

Because they would be acting as much like a little bitch as you are now.

What people do in their own homes, who someone loves, who someone fucks, is none of your goddamned business. Nor is anyone elses religion.

That you, or anyone, would hate someone based on any of those things makes you a despicable human being.
Well, if they did would it bother you?

Because they would be acting as much like a little bitch as you are now.

What people do in their own homes, who someone loves, who someone fucks, is none of your goddamned business. Nor is anyone elses religion.

That you, or anyone, would hate someone based on any of those things makes you a despicable human being.
What you are saying by attacking me personally. Is that it is OK to attack and slander me, because my veiws differ from yours.

But I am not allowed to express my veiws. And will be called names by you for doing so.
What you are saying by attacking me personally. Is that it is OK to attack and slander me, because my veiws differ from yours.

Oh, poor baby hypocrite. So you want to attack and slander, and refuse employment to people because they are gay, but you want everyone to respect your asinine views? Fuck off.

But I am not allowed to express my veiws. And will be called names by you for doing so.

Oh, you are allowed to do so, just as I am allowed to call it like I see it, and point out what a little hypocritical bitch you are.
Oh, poor baby hypocrite. So you want to attack and slander, and refuse employment to people because they are gay, but you want everyone to respect your asinine views? Fuck off.
Oh, you are allowed to do so, just as I am allowed to call it like I see it, and point out what a little hypocritical bitch you are.
Just more infantile personal attacks from you.

Are you not able to debate the subject?
Idon't hate anyone. I believe in the innate dignaty of all normal human beings. That's why I don't personally attack other members of the forum.

But yet you make slurs against gays, eh? Ah I see. Innate dignity of all "normal" human beings. So your doing what they did to justify slavery in olden times. "Yeah we believe in dignity, equality, and all that for all human beings...what about the blacks?...oh, they just aren't human".

As I said, despicable.
But yet you make slurs against gays, eh? Ah I see. Innate dignity of all "normal" human beings. So your doing what they did to justify slavery in olden times. "Yeah we believe in dignity, equality, and all that for all human beings...what about the blacks?...oh, they just aren't human".
Racism in any form is totally wrong and unacceptable.
But yet you make slurs against gays, eh? Ah I see. Innate dignity of all "normal" human beings. So your doing what they did to justify slavery in olden times. "Yeah we believe in dignity, equality, and all that for all human beings...what about the blacks?...oh, they just aren't human".

As I said, despicable.

So, to respect the humanity of all human beings we must celebrate their devaincies; even when such deviancies are proven to be detrimental to the culture and the health of their fellow man?

I think not...

'Love the sinner, hate the sin...' as the saying goes, speaks to the certainty that some behavior is simply wrong... and while we do not reject the humanity of a given individual who engages in such behavior, we reject the behavior and shun, belittle and otherwise seek to ostrocise that individual until such time that they cange their behavior and ask that they be forgiven, thus allowed to re-congregate with their community.

I personally have no problem with a queer as a human being; but I do not knowingly hire them and will dismiss them the instant I know them to be of such low moral character; I would never knowingly allow a queer, be they male or female to be left alone with any child for which I am responsible; as they have proven themself, through their behavior, prone to dismiss their better instincts and succumb to deviant sexual desires... and were I to find out that a person formerly trusted to not be such were sexually queer, such as a teacher, minister, etc... I'd dismiss them instantly as well, and if need be pulling my children from the school or church that refused to otherwise eject the deviant.

Such has absolutely nothing to do with hate... it has to do with the judgment that queers are simply unfit for trust of any kind, at any level, based upon their proven inability to simply reject what is nothing more than an obsession...

Again... if one believes that their sexuality is personal, private and not suitable for public discourse; let me be the first to congratulate you and in so doing, emphatically adhere to that position; KEEP IT PRIVATE and we'll have no problems along that score...
And yet you are a raging homophobe. As I said, hypocrite.

In point of fact there is no such thing as a 'homophobe'.... Such is a myth perpetuated by a lying ideology.

The entire premise is founded in the Hegelian Paradox: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.

The premise is one on which the entirety of the leftist ideology rests...

The idea is to advance a charge wherein the accussed is labeled with a lamentable characterization...

The Thesis: You're a Homophobe, a HATER of those you can't understand... the preferred among us, the homosexual; all compassionate, astetically coordinated and graced with inate social dexterity...

Antithesis: ME? A Homophobe? Oh That's not me at all... I don't hate homosexuals, I just disagree that deviancy should be established as a cultural norm...

Thesis: Oh You HATE Homosexuals because they're different from you and you can't accept things or people that are different. The only way you can NOT be a Homophobe is to accept homosexuals as normal people, despite their abnormal behavior.

Antithesis: Please don't think of me as a homophobe, I don't hate homosexuals; I just don't agree that framing the abnormal as normal is a good idea for the long term health of the culture in which we live and raise our Children; that if we hold deviant behavior up as normal, we will encourage our children to be abnormal; inevitably undermining the sustainability of our culture.

Thesis: HATER! HOMOPHOBE! You say you don't hate homosexuals but look at how you reject them... if you don't hate them and aren't a homophobe; an EXTREMIST you'd compromise a little to prove you aren't extreme...

Synthesis: OH I don't hate and I'm reasonable so I will prove I'm not an extremist by agreeing not to kick the crap out of a homosexual that hits on me or one of my friends... I agree that we should accept homosexuals as people and treat them like other human beings...
So, to respect the humanity of all human beings we must celebrate their devaincies; even when such deviancies are proven to be detrimental to the culture and the health of their fellow man?

I think not...

'Love the sinner, hate the sin...' as the saying goes, speaks to the certainty that some behavior is simply wrong... and while we do not reject the humanity of a given individual who engages in such behavior, we reject the behavior and shun, belittle and otherwise seek to ostrocise that individual until such time that they cange their behavior and ask that they be forgiven, thus allowed to re-congregate with their community.

I personally have no problem with a queer as a human being; but I do not knowingly hire them and will dismiss them the instant I know them to be of such low moral character; I would never knowingly allow a queer, be they male or female to be left alone with any child for which I am responsible; as they have proven themself, through their behavior, prone to dismiss their better instincts and succumb to deviant sexual desires... and were I to find out that a person formerly trusted to not be such were sexually queer, such as a teacher, minister, etc... I'd dismiss them instantly as well, and if need be pulling my children from the school or church that refused to otherwise eject the deviant.

Such has absolutely nothing to do with hate... it has to do with the judgment that queers are simply unfit for trust of any kind, at any level, based upon their proven inability to simply reject what is nothing more than an obsession...

Again... if one believes that their sexuality is personal, private and not suitable for public discourse; let me be the first to congratulate you and in so doing, emphatically adhere to that position; KEEP IT PRIVATE and we'll have no problems along that score...

I have to assume that you are a stereotypical thick American owing to the fact that you 'think' (and I use the word loosely) that homosexuality and paedophilia are one and the same thing:cuckoo: I have heard of the likes of you, but until now dismissed the notion as an urban myth.You are as bad as the morons that hung a Chimpanzee because they thought he was a French spy.:D
I have to assume that you are a stereotypical thick American owing to the fact that you 'think' (and I use the word loosely) that homosexuality and paedophilia are one and the same thing:cuckoo: I have heard of the likes of you, but until now dismissed the notion as an urban myth.You are as bad as the morons that hung a Chimpanzee because they thought he was a French spy.:D

The jury's still out on whether Pubes, Sunshine and The Bass-tard are real people voicing real opinions.

Edited for content

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