Should homosexuals procreate?

Sunni Man Wrote:
I grew up around farms and ranches in Oklahoma.

If a rancher had a bull that wouldn't mount the cows of the herd for breeding. Or was confused as to what to mount.

They were culled from the herd and sold to the slaughter.

This goes for horses, sheep, cows, goats, etc.

Homos are No different, and should be culled from human society.

Aw, don't do that. Don't go trying to pretend this is really what you meant when you wrote that gay cows are slaughtered by their owners. Thats just dishonest. You can be a bigot...but a dishonest bigot too? Sheesh, where will it end?

You in no way were saying that a bull that wouldn't "do its job" would be killed. You were stating that a cow that showed any sort of gay tendency would be killed. Big difference.

A bull that won't procreate serves no purpose and is an economic drain on its owner. Therefore, the owner is NOT killing the bull because of the fact that he once witnessed it mounting another bull in the field when the bulls thought no one was looking...but rather because the bull is an economic drain that will not provide calves.

It has nothing to do with animals that display gay tendencies being killed BECAUSE they are gay...and everything to do with an animal being killed because it won't do its job.

If that bull liked to mount his buddies by day and impregnant the cows by night...the farmer would look the other way and say "to each his own."

Homosexual humans, on the other hand...are quite capable of doing their jobs in society since humans are not kept alive for "breeding purposes alone" like a bull might be.

Homosexuals can be doctors, lawyers, and indian chiefs...and if they do not procreate, the other 95-98% of society will pick up the slack for them - as humanity has been doing since the dawn of time. Therefore...just like there being no need to kill barren straight women or impotent straight men...there is no need to kill homosexuals...unless you're a sick, violent individual who feels the need to hurt things because they are different than you in some way.
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I grew up around farms and ranches in Oklahoma.

If a rancher had a bull that wouldn't mount the cows of the herd for breeding. Or was confused as to what to mount.

They were culled from the herd and sold to the slaughter.

This goes for horses, sheep, cows, goats, etc.

Homos are No different, and should be culled from human society.

I guess you never saw a lesbian dairy cow.
Bulls don't mount cows. It's all done by artificial insemination.

Now you are suggesting gays be sent to slaughterhouses. I believe you are coming dangerously close to breaking the USMB rule about wishing death on people. If I was as petty and defensive as you are are, I would report you to the mods, as you did to me when I suggested you could be something you did not wish anyone to know about.
...there is no need to kill homosexuals...unless you're a sick, violent individual who feels the need to hurt things because they are different than you in some way.
I never said to kill homos.

They could be culled by locking them up in prison. That way they could recieve therapy to treat their mental illness.

In several nations homosexuality is a criminal offence with harsh penaltys.

If criminalizing homosexuality was ever put to a vote here in the US.

I would vote "Yes" and hope the sentences for this crime would be most severe.
Sunni Man Wrote:
They were culled from the herd and sold to the slaughter.
This goes for horses, sheep, cows, goats, etc.
Homos are No different, and should be culled from human society.

Then Sunni Man Tried to Back Off His Previous Statements for the Second Time Writing:
I never said to kill homos.
They could be culled by locking them up in prison.

You can play word games all you want. I'm going to be blunter than I think I've ever been on this message board and state for the record that I think you're a pretty sick individual who needs help to deal with your rage and hate issues.

Thanks for the "talk" it was frightening.
I grew up around farms and ranches in Oklahoma.

If a rancher had a bull that wouldn't mount the cows of the herd for breeding. Or was confused as to what to mount.

They were culled from the herd and sold to the slaughter.

This goes for horses, sheep, cows, goats, etc.

Because, it's a business that depends on (re)productivity. Are you suggesting that humans be farmed like cattle?
Sunni Man Wrote:

Then Sunni Man Tried to Back Off His Previous Statements for the Second Time Writing:

You can play word games all you want. I'm going to be blunter than I think I've ever been on this message board and state for the record that I think you're a pretty sick individual who needs help to deal with your rage and hate issues.

Thanks for the "talk" it was frightening.

Frightening is an understatement. He's an ill person.
First of all, I don't hate homos or anyone else.

But I do think they are a destructive element in society.

The word "culled" means to take out of the herd.

I am for locking them up in prison.

But if our society decided that their crime deserved capital punishment.

I would support that also.
The word "culled" means to take out of the herd.

But when you qualify it by adding "to the slaughter" as you did. Then you are clearly advocating annihilating homosexuals.

Hitler wanted to keeps the ovens a secret too.
In Saudi Arabia on April 16, 2001, five homosexuals were sentenced to 2,600 lashes and 6 years in prison, and four others to 2,400 lashes and 5 years’ imprisonment for “deviant sexual behavior.” Amnesty International subsequently reported that six men were executed on charges of deviant sexual behavior, some of which were related to their sexual orientation, but it was uncertain whether the six men who were executed were among the nine who were sentenced to flogging and imprisonment in April (2).

It is difficult to establish precisely the number of homosexuals that have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution in 1979, since not all sentences are widely publicized, but estimates range from several hundred to 4,000 (3). According to Amnesty International, at least three homosexual men and two lesbians were publicly beheaded in January 1990. The Islamic Penal Law Against Homosexuals, approved in July 1991 and ratified in November of that year, is simple. Article 110: “Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing.” Article 129: “Punishment for lesbianism is one hundred (100) lashes for each party.” Article 131: “If the act of lesbianism is repeated three times and punishment is enforced each time, the death sentence will be issued the fourth time.”

Sunni why do I not find this surprising comming from you, “When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shakes,” and “Kill the one that is doing it and also kill the one that it is being done to (6).” sound familier? Islam wants at least in some circles to be recognized as a "peaceful" and "tolerant" of others according to all the Imams that get on TV nightly defending it. However, then you also say this while, wanting to kill those that don't believe as you do. thats called intolerance. History has recorded many poeple from Khan to Hitler to Ceasar that are responsible for the deaths of millions that have thought this way. Each time these people had followers that all slaughtered people and followed a bent philosophy much like the hard radical elements that have taken over portions of Islam these days. So when I hear these sorts of things I take into consideration the source of this hatred , these are the same people who would take a mentally disabled child and strap a vest loaded with C-4 on it and teach her to walk into a market loaded with Israeli shoppers and detonate it. This is how much these elements value human life so it does not surprise me much that they would also believe that someone that is homosexual should be killed or that there was a Holocaust, it seems that you and the leaders of many of the radical elements of Islam have something in common.
I continue to hope that Sunni man is not a representative of his religion, but my hope dims with each of his posts.
It's not hatred. Every nation has the right to make laws and enforce penalties for those who break them.

In America we have capital punishment for those crimes the people of this nation have decided deserve execution.

Other countries have decided the homosxuality is a crime. And those criminals who engage in homosexual activities are punished by execution.

It's all a matter of different laws and justice. Not hate
It's not hatred. Every nation has the right to make laws and enforce penalties for those who break them.

In America we have capital punishment for those crimes the people of this nation have decided deserve execution.

Other countries have decided the homosxuality is a crime. And those criminals who engage in homosexual activities are punished by execution.

It's all a matter of different laws and justice. Not hate
Nope, it is hate. Being gay doesn't harm anyone. I honestly think, if hate crimes are punishable, that you are a candidate for capital punishment. I don't say that lightly.
The Bible basically says the same thing. Homos are to be stoned.

The difference is that Muslims still believe and follow their Holy Book.

Where as, Christians no longer believe what the Bible says, and ignore God's words.

Its all a matter of the literal interpretation Sunni and the interesting thing here is it's not a matter of ignoring Gods word at all, It's that other part of the Bible called the new Testament that you seem to forget that offsets it. Further, most Christian religions do not have a government that is run by Imams that issue Fatwahs calling for the deaths of Americans or in this case homosexuals based on their reading of the Koran. The other thing here, is you a citizen of an Islamic state have no room to disagree with that decision.
I continue to hope that Sunni man is not a representative of his religion, but my hope dims with each of his posts.

Why? I think that every one of his posts demonstrate just how much he is not a Muslim. Why would you allow someone like Sunni Man to define what it means to be Muslim?

If he claimed to be Christian or Jewish, would you judge Christianity or Judaism in the same way?
Sis, it's not a question of 'being nice;' I've no concern for your courtesy... I'm interested SOLELY in the argument which you bring to the table. Now FTR: your argument is a logical fallacy, wherein you overtly sought to avoid the issue at hand and instead hurl vacuous insults at your opposition; your argument is therefore logically INVALID and your reasoning is unsound, which makes the next breath of your latest failure ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS:

Here's a clue... Logic is not a function of volume... Logic concerns itself with the construct of the calculation, thus your feelings that the volume of logic applied is relevant, explains why you're so prone to advance calculations which are logical train-wrecks, invalid and as a result: Irrelevant FAILURES...AKA: :spam:

Now your problem is that you need to 'feel' that deviant behavior is just fine; you really WANT it to be OK... its even fairly likely that you're own ass suffices as a cock pocket and you really need to believe that you being a pathetic sexual deviant is perfectly acceptable.

But here's the thing about that though... It's not and for a host of EXCELLENT reasons; which are at the source of the ancient taboos prohibiting it.

What the hell are you talking about? God you're dumb, especially for someone so smart.

Alright fine, I'll stoop down to your level.

You're entire premise is based on the false idea that homosexuality is chosen. In reality, homosexuality is not chosen, but given, just like you or I have brown hair, blue eyes, etc... That being the case, it is logically inconsistent for you to hold such negative beliefs about someone, because it is not of their choosing. I don't know what else needs to be said. What you are saying is the same as racism. Simply hating someone for the color of their skin, for the color of their eyes. What you are doing is worse than hating someone for their beliefs, because beliefs are something that are held onto, by choice, which is obviously what you have decided to do, perhaps for pyschological reasons, because they afford you an identity which you are comfortable with, and changing your beliefs would threaten that identity. I really don't know, but when I read what you have written, it makes me sad, that someone can be so judgmental about another human being. Go flash your intelligence somewhere else. Your beliefs speak louder than your words ever could.
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