Should homosexuals procreate?

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm not judging Islam at all. However, let's don't pretend we haven't heard his rhetoric before ... like from the President of an Islamic Republic that held a damned conference to deny the Holocaust.

I suppose Alphabet doesn't represent the Islamic Republc of Iran what with only being President and all ....:eusa_eh:

I can at least understand Arabs/Persian who believe that crap from their leaders, but Sunniman is a 60+ years old American who knows better and still spews the bullshit. There's NO excuse for him.

"Alphabet" LOL!
I agree about Sunni Man. Back when he was as Christian he probably spewed the same shit.
Sunni Man is an ill man. He is not representative of Muslims, he is representative of people with twisted minds.
I agree about Sunni Man. Back when he was as Christian he probably spewed the same shit.
You are correct Anguille.

Both the Bible and the Quran say that homosexuality is a grave sin and an abomination. And that homos should be put to death.

Only the Muslims still believe that their book is the word of God. The Christians and Jews don't follow their book.

That's what helped draw me to Islam. Muslims believe and act on what God says thru his book.
You are correct Anguille.

Both the Bible and the Quran say that homosexuality is a grave sin and an abomination. And that homos should be put to death.

Only the Muslims still believe that their book is the word of God. The Christians and Jews don't follow their book.

That's what helped draw me to Islam. Muslims believe and act on what God says thru his book.

At least you agree with me and Gunny that you spew shit.
The real question is can they procreate? Doesn't seem like a viable option to me... I am not a doctor, but anatomy teaches us that they cannot. If they could produce children then it would be a natural viable option, but they can't so I don't see it being a question.
The real question is can they procreate? Doesn't seem like a viable option to me... I am not a doctor, but anatomy teaches us that they cannot. If they could produce children then it would be a natural viable option, but they can't so I don't see it being a question.

thats pretty stupid logic since paraplegics can't procreate either. If you'd like to send an email to National Geographic telling them that they never find homosexual behaviour in nature feel free to do so. Procreation is neither the source of validation or authorization for marriage.
thats pretty stupid logic since paraplegics can't procreate either. If you'd like to send an email to National Geographic telling them that they never find homosexual behaviour in nature feel free to do so. Procreation is neither the source of validation or authorization for marriage.

Stupid comparison made by a human with an obvious sub-human intellectual capacity, paralyzed people can reproduce and or were able before being paralyzed. Comparing a paralyzed person who obtain his *PHYSICAL* condition trough no direct choice of his own to a sodomite is the dumbest comparison, not surprising that a dope like you would reach that far to prove homosexuality is somehow right.
Stupid comparison made by a human with an obvious sub-human intellectual capacity, paralyzed people can reproduce and or were able before being paralyzed. Comparing a paralyzed person who obtain his *PHYSICAL* condition trough no direct choice of his own to a sodomite is the dumbest comparison, not surprising that a dope like you would reach that far to prove homosexuality is somehow right.

Aren't you the little tar stain bitch that cries about personal attacks in lieu of making a valid point? do we keep paraplegics from getting married even though they CANNOT procreate? Of course not. And, since you are neither spokeman for paraplegics or any kind of non-prison GED program expert on the genetic reality of homosexuality I can assure you that your input, much like your ghetto thug disposition, really don't matter much.

Again, I'll curb stomp you with sources like National Geographic and Thousands of years of Historic example, dude.. You can disbelieve whatever your black ass wants to disbelieve. It still won't make you any less ignorant like evey other standard, everyday convict.
Cute tangent, but let’s not get off the subject. One can’t argue that homosexuality is wrong on the basis of the Bible unless he is willing to accept every single sentence that the Bible says as absolute truth. In addition to that, we are not a theocratic state. There are atheists in America. One does not have to believe in the Bible. Therefore, the Bible argument against homosexuality is shot down

I'm sorry but I don't accept your assertion that one needs to accept everything in the Bible is absolute truth. While that notion is a notion that some christian faiths put forth it is not one that I subscribe too. I don't think I have argued that we are a theocratic state. nor have I asserted that this country did not have atheists in it. If you had taken the time to actually comprehend my argumement then you would have seen that I DO NOT support anyone or any view that would label a person in a group that does not believe as they do , so your arguement is complete nonsense.
Aren't you the little tar stain bitch that cries about personal attacks in lieu of making a valid point? do we keep paraplegics from getting married even though they CANNOT procreate? Of course not. And, since you are neither spokeman for paraplegics or any kind of non-prison GED program expert on the genetic reality of homosexuality I can assure you that your input, much like your ghetto thug disposition, really don't matter much.

Again, I'll curb stomp you with sources like National Geographic and Thousands of years of Historic example, dude.. You can disbelieve whatever your black ass wants to disbelieve. It still won't make you any less ignorant like evey other standard, everyday convict.

The Bass has already pulled your skirt up and exposed you for the imbecile and retard that you are, comparing sodomites to paralyzed people on the subject of not being able to reproduce, just..


No go on nd repeat your stupidity, and retardology and fantasies of the Bass being a criminal, thug or whatever your crack smoke induced brain can dream up.
The Bass has already pulled your skirt up and exposed you for the imbecile and retard that you are, comparing sodomites to paralyzed people on the subject of not being able to reproduce, just..


No go on nd repeat your stupidity, and retardology and fantasies of the Bass being a criminal, thug or whatever your crack smoke induced brain can dream up.

No, you really haven't but it's nice to know that your rape-loving mind still thinks about pulling up skirts so that your next stint in the joint will be a bit longer than the last four. The FACT remains that we don't validate or authorize unions by the evidence of procreation. Never have. It's about as stupid of an argument as claiming American culture is black. But, considering the convict GED source...

oh hey.. WAY to figure out that deeply complicated post image button too!

Nice imagery. ;) Familiar with doing that in your real life?

I would bet at least one of The Bass's convictions was for Rape or some other sexual crime. Hell, why the hell do you think he spends every waking moment in this forum talking about sexuality that he finds MORE deviant than his crime?
No, you really haven't but it's nice to know that your rape-loving mind still thinks about pulling up skirts so that your next stint in the joint will be a bit longer than the last four. The FACT remains that we don't validate or authorize unions by the evidence of procreation. Never have. It's about as stupid of an argument as claiming American culture is black. But, considering the convict GED source...

oh hey.. WAY to figure out that deeply complicated post image button too!



* the Bass never said American culture was black, the Bass said much of American culture came from blacks, but not all. Thats a fact, not a lie nor fantasy.

*Two people of the same sex *CANNOT* procreate, another fact, unless you can find evidence of two men or two women that shagged each other and produced offspring.

*African-Americans are *NOT* Africans, only Africans who just recently arrived in America are Africans, not a people who history in this country stretches back to over 400 years and who also descends from those who arrived from Africa 400 years ago. White Americans are *NOT* Europeans, save for those who just recently arrived from Europe, not those who's ancestors came here 400 years ago. Thats simple logic and irrefutable facts for your retarded, half baked mind.
I would bet at least one of The Bass's convictions was for Rape or some other sexual crime. Hell, why the hell do you think he spends every waking moment in this forum talking about sexuality that he finds MORE deviant than his crime?

I wonder if he walks around with little mirrors on his shoes. :eusa_shhh:
I'm sorry but I don't accept your assertion that one needs to accept everything in the Bible is absolute truth. While that notion is a notion that some christian faiths put forth it is not one that I subscribe too.

It is called logic. Okay. Then what sentences in the Bible are incorrect. Are the things that is says about homosexuality wrong? Why or why not?

I don't think I have argued that we are a theocratic state. nor have I asserted that this country did not have atheists in it. If you had taken the time to actually comprehend my argumement then you would have seen that I DO NOT support anyone or any view that would label a person in a group that does not believe as they do , so your arguement is complete nonsense.

Okay. I might have misunderstood your position. What is your position on homosexuality? More specifically, do you think that homosexuals should be allowed “civil unions” recognized by government, marriage recognized by government, adoptions, and/or the right to reproduce? Why or why not?
I wonder if he walks around with little mirrors on his shoes. :eusa_shhh:

Is this the best you pathetic neo-libtards can up with as a refutation of the Bass' points raised? You guys are sorry and weak, man up and debate and quit trolling with your projections of sexuals fantasies.
Is this the best you pathetic neo-libtards can up with as a refutation of the Bass' points raised? You guys are sorry and weak, man up and debate and quit trolling with your projections of sexuals fantasies.

I'll bet you are Muslim:D
Is this the best you pathetic neo-libtards can up with as a refutation of the Bass' points raised? You guys are sorry and weak, man up and debate and quit trolling with your projections of sexuals fantasies.
You really has the fantasies here! All you can talk about is homosexuals! Do you ever post on threads not relating to homosexuality!

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