Should homosexuals procreate?

Look. I am not saying that you wouldn't be a good mother.

My posts concern the child not you.

I am just saying that any child raised in the abnormal envinorment of a homosexual household. Will suffer emotional scars and never be a fully functional human being.

Disregarding your ignorant statements about a parent's sexuality having anything to do with their ability to be a good parent or not, your assertion that a person raised in a less than perfect environment will "never be a fully functional human being." is ridiculous and reflects your miserable and pessimistic additude towards life.

Many abused and neglected children grow up to be fine human beings. Some even wiser human beings due to their past experiences.
I suspect you were abused in some way, but unfortunately you seem to be one of the types of victims who continues to perpetrate the hate rather than learn from it and rise above it.
Homos are sick and vile people who live a degenerate and perverted lifestyle.

All they do is corrupt society and spread disease and infections.

Yes, they should be locked up for the safety of the normal citizens and public health.
I suspect you were abused in some way, but unfortunately you seem to be one of the types of victims who continues to perpetrate the hate rather than learn from it and rise above it.
Nope, I was raised in a very stable family, with a working dad and a stay at home mother. They didn't drink or smoke and were very loving.
Sodomites can't reproduce, ie two men shagging each other cannot procreate, so having gay adoptions and households are a contradiction and damaging place for children.
Sodomites can't reproduce, ie two men shagging each other cannot procreate, so having gay adoptions and households are a contradiction and damaging place for children.

I know several gay people who have procreated before they 'came out of the closet'. I agree, however, that gay adoptions should be prohibited. Gay people suffer from mental problems and possibly a severe chemical imbalance. If they want to be around children, it should only be allowed with close supervision.
Why all of the personal attacks?

I am not here to make enemies.

I really like people and enjoy making new friends.

Bigotry and intolerance toward normal people is uncalled for and is unacceptable.
Why all of the personal attacks?

I am not here to make enemies.

I really like people and enjoy making new friends.

Bigotry and intolerance toward normal people is uncalled for and is unacceptable.

So bigotry is called for in some instances?

You don't give the impression of really liking people with your persecution of and obsession with homosexuals.

You sound less and less like a real person, you're definitely not a Muslim. I think you're just another feebleminded prankster with too much free time on his/her hands.
Homos are sick and vile people who live a degenerate and perverted lifestyle.

All they do is corrupt society and spread disease and infections.

Yes, they should be locked up for the safety of the normal citizens and public health.

so now i should locked up in a cage? your society seems warped.
I know several gay people who have procreated before they 'came out of the closet'. I agree, however, that gay adoptions should be prohibited. Gay people suffer from mental problems and possibly a severe chemical imbalance. If they want to be around children, it should only be allowed with close supervision.

Something really needs to be done to cure these people of their illness and their sin. These PC psychologists are actually hurting these poor sick people by playing the political game and caving in to bullying by homosexuals, sick patients should *NEVER* be allowed to bully doctors into anything.
So bigotry is called for in some instances?

You don't give the impression of really liking people with your persecution of and obsession with homosexuals.

You sound less and less like a real person, you're definitely not a Muslim. I think you're just another feebleminded prankster with too much free time on his/her hands.

Explain your bigotry and intolerance towards people who disagree with homosexuality.
so now i should locked up in a cage? your society seems warped.

You should repent, confess your sins and be baptised. After that stay steady in the Word of God and permanently stay away from homosexual behaviour and then go out and bring homosexuals to God so that they may share in the same salvation that you have.
Of course bigotery and intolerance have their place in dealing with some people.

I am intolerant against members of NAMBLA for instance.

Are you?

Intolerance means more than one thing. Of course I don't support NAMBLA but nor do I support hatemongers who try to portray NANBLA as representative of homosexuals.

I can't think of any reason why bigotry would be a desirable thing.
Something really needs to be done to cure these people of their illness and their sin. These PC psychologists are actually hurting these poor sick people by playing the political game and caving in to bullying by homosexuals, sick patients should *NEVER* be allowed to bully doctors into anything.

I agree. Proper counseling will help many of them. Eventually, Scientists will discover a cure for those who have predilection to homosexual behavior. They've isolated a chemical imbalance in the brain which can cause homosexuality in animals. This implies a cure. Hopefully one day doctors will be able to identify children at risk for homosexual behavior and simply prescribe a drug to cure them, much like doctors can identify depression in patients today. It bothers me that there are people in the medical community who insist that homosexuality is 'normal' and they shouldn't feel bad about exploring it. It's like telling an alcoholic that it's normal to drink and then giving him a 6-pack of beer.

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