Should homosexuals procreate?

Yes the sodomites are trying to force their agenda on the Bass by attacking the Bass as being a hatemonger and bigot because he rejects the notion of two men shagging in the anus as normal and ok.

Ever consider that it just may not be any of the Bass' beeswax what two guys want to do? Just like they probably couldn't care les what the Bass does to get his own jolies?

:eusa_pray:Why am I wasting time with these two fruitcakes!! Someone please do me a favor and pull the plug on my computer.
Ever consider that it just may not be any of the Bass' beeswax what two guys want to do? Just like they probably couldn't care les what the Bass does to get his own jolies?

:eusa_pray:Why am I wasting time with these two fruitcakes!! Someone please do me a favor and pull the plug on my computer.
As for me.

I encourage all gays to have all of the random and unprotected sex they can engage in.

Hopefully they spread disease and life threatening infections to each other.

This way homosexuality will eventually committ it's own genicide.

A true Win = Win situation!! :badgrin:
Someone please do me a favor and pull the plug on my computer.

As for me.

I encourage all gays to have all of the random and unprotected sex they can engage in.

Hopefully they spread disease and life threatening infections to each other.

This way homosexuality will eventually committ it's own genicide.

A true Win = Win situation!! :badgrin:

you are a very warped individual.
Again with the personal attacks!

Don't you have anything to say about the issue under discussion?

You don't see me calling other members of the forum names.

That's because I respect other people and their opinions. :eusa_angel:
Why don't you try respecting homosexuals and their opinions. And why would we respect your opinion when you want a group of people extinct!
Einstein wasn't normal either. You make it sound like not being normal is a bad thing.

Alright, I was keeping this under wraps, but let's list all those not 'normal' by the measurement of those anti-gay morons:

1. Jesus - considering he was an uneducated carpenter by the myths and yet he was a leader by those same myths.

2. Bush - really, is there anyone who finds him to be 'normal'?

3. Beethoven - most musicians are not normal, but his story is almost as crazy as ...

4. Mozart - crazy!

5. Leonardo - who kind of gave a lot of great ideas which our 'professionals' still use today.

6. Imhotep - who gave us medical sciences still effective today (tens-of-thousands of years ago and it's still effective).

7. Walt Disney - anyone stupid enough to think HE'S 'normal'?

8. Jim Henson - a talking frog ... yeah ... 'normal'.

9. BILL GATES! - I love the guy, he made computers a household name and tool. Made it possible for everyone else to use one today ... and he is not normal. A billionaire who shops at Good Will, a HUGE business nerd who played D&D. Helps the poor a LOT. Generally a nice guy (lives in my area).

That's not all, anyone else want to add to that list?
Many homos die of AIDS and most don't procreate.

So if there is a homo gene. It will become extinct.

That's a Win = Win

So what's warped about me stating the truth?

You do realize that the percentage of gay men and women with AID's is going down while those straight men and women with AID's is going up, right?
You do realize that the percentage of gay men and women with AID's is going down while those straight men and women with AID's is going up, right?
They don't like to think about that! ANd I am sure he will try to blame homosexuals some how for heterosexuals getting AIDS!

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