Should homosexuals procreate?

Not sure about 'homos' but I know of three gay people, out of at least a hundred' who have AID's and seven, out of less than a hundred, straight people.
Where the heck do you live or work? At an AIDS hospice?

I would immediatly move away from what ever disease ridden place you inhabit before you become infected!!. :eek:
Where the heck do you live or work? At an AIDS hospice?

I would immediatly move away from what ever disease ridden place you inhabit before you become infected!!. :eek:

You know so little of a disease as wide spread as AID's, you should get tested yourself like all intelligent people, especially anyone who has sex (protected or not). Really, learn more about a disease before spouting off on it, and not from propaganda, go to a real doctor.
You know so little of a disease as wide spread as AID's, you should get tested yourself like all intelligent people, especially anyone who has sex (protected or not). Really, learn more about a disease before spouting off on it, and not from propaganda, go to a real doctor.

Fucking up the asshole increases risk for AIDS and you wonder why so many faggots catch AIDS and die. If the faggots stop fucking each other the faggots will stop catching AIDS. The faggots are very promiscous, sometimes having more than 100 sex partners in 6 months which = over 100 cocks up the ass thereby making the faggots 100 times more likely to have AIDS.
You know so little of a disease as wide spread as AID's, you should get tested yourself like all intelligent people, especially anyone who has sex (protected or not). Really, learn more about a disease before spouting off on it, and not from propaganda, go to a real doctor.
I am married and don't committ adultry. So AIDS isn't a concern of mine.
You know so little of a disease as wide spread as AID's, you should get tested yourself like all intelligent people, especially anyone who has sex (protected or not). Really, learn more about a disease before spouting off on it, and not from propaganda, go to a real doctor.

Hey Clitty Cat, you abhor cocks and sex so you should be on our side, the side that can't stand faggots loving cocks shoved up their asses, you should be support us.
Hey Clitty Cat, you abhor cocks and sex so you should be on our side, the side that can't stand faggots loving cocks shoved up their asses, you should be support us.

I abhor hatemongering breeders more. At least the gay community admit they like sex and don't attack morons like you for liking a different kind of sex, even though I really think they should.
I abhor hatemongering breeders more. At least the gay community admit they like sex and don't attack morons like you for liking a different kind of sex, even though I really think they should.

I like fucking too, but I like sticking my dick in some pussy or in some woman's mouth, not a man's ass, so am I really a hatemonger? Come on Clitty Cat find a fucking dictionary and look up hate and stop being a mindless fucking idiot. Come the fuck on, all of us straight people who don't like that faggoty shit are all some godamn hatemongers?
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Fucking up the asshole increases risk for AIDS and you wonder why so many faggots catch AIDS and die. If the faggots stop fucking each other the faggots will stop catching AIDS. The faggots are very promiscous, sometimes having more than 100 sex partners in 6 months which = over 100 cocks up the ass thereby making the faggots 100 times more likely to have AIDS.

You couldn't squeeze another "faggot" in there? :confused:

Even if this "cure" thing were possible, what would be the point?

It gives someone a choice.

Shouldn't scientists be working on cures for things that matter, like cancer?

They are. But what's interesting is that AIDS research gets much more public funding than other more serious diseases. Why is that?

Why do you care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes?

I care about people with cancer, depression, homosexuality, etc. Don't you?

Don't you think there is something a bit perverse in trying to regulate sex?

Who is regulating sex? I'm certainly not for that. Where did you get that idea?
No, not really, I just happen to think they have a better case than hatemongering bigots like you and sunni.

Point out where the Bass has advocated hate, the Bass has advocated that homosexuals repent, confess their sins and be baptised. You want to see hate, real hatemongering of homosexuals got to Westboro Baptists Church.

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