Should homosexuals procreate?

Many countries have laws making homosexuality a crime.

I will be glad when we criminalize it here and round up all homos and lock them up.

Locking them up is being easy on them because in prison they're going to continue having homosex, only in much more abundance.
I agree. Proper counseling will help many of them. Eventually, Scientists will discover a cure for those who have predilection to homosexual behavior. They've isolated a chemical imbalance in the brain which can cause homosexuality in animals. This implies a cure. Hopefully one day doctors will be able to identify children at risk for homosexual behavior and simply prescribe a drug to cure them, much like doctors can identify depression in patients today. It bothers me that there are people in the medical community who insist that homosexuality is 'normal' and they shouldn't feel bad about exploring it. It's like telling an alcoholic that it's normal to drink and then giving him a 6-pack of beer.

Even if this "cure" thing were possible, what would be the point? Shouldn't scientists be working on cures for things that matter, like cancer?
Why do you care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes? Don't you think there is something a bit perverse in trying to regulate sex?
Even if this "cure" thing were possible, what would be the point? Shouldn't scientists be working on cures for things that matter, like cancer?
Why do you care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes? Don't you think there is something a bit perverse in trying to regulate sex?

If sodomites kept it in privacy there wouldn't be any discussion on homosexuality, but sense you sodomites insist on publicly trying to push and force your agenda someone must fight back because this cannot go on any longer.
If sodomites kept it in privacy there wouldn't be any discussion on homosexuality, but sense you sodomites insist on publicly trying to push and force your agenda someone must fight back because this cannot go on any longer.

Sodomites have tried to force their agenda on you? Are you saying some guy tried to rape you? Or did you just fantasize that one did?
I am not advocating anything. Just pointing out a fact. :cool:

You're too afraid to say it, but it sounds like deep inside you'd like to see homosexuals castrated or executed.

You're a walking time bomb.

I hope your wife isn't too scared of you to try and get you some help.
You're also an invention of someone's sick imagination. You don't exist other than to haunt message boards.
Again with the personal attacks!

Don't you have anything to say about the issue under discussion?

You don't see me calling other members of the forum names.

That's because I respect other people and their opinions. :eusa_angel:

Such a dull uninventive hypocrite.
Sodomites have tried to force their agenda on you? Are you saying some guy tried to rape you? Or did you just fantasize that one did?

Yes the sodomites are trying to force their agenda on the Bass by attacking the Bass as being a hatemonger and bigot because he rejects the notion of two men shagging in the anus as normal and ok.

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