Should homosexuals procreate?

Point out where the Bass has advocated hate, the Bass has advocated that homosexuals repent, confess their sins and be baptised. You want to see hate, real hatemongering of homosexuals got to Westboro Baptists Church.

I don't go to any church, or believe in any God so your God fearing, fire and brimstone, Hell and damnation sermons are falling on deaf ears.

It is you and those like you who make life miserable and sometimes unbearable for children growing up in families that you deem abnormal.You pass down your bigotry to your own kids, who in turn use it to demean and harm those you have deemed abnormal.It is a vicious circle that you have created, and until we stamp out your hatred and bigotry society will continue to be the worse for it.
I don't go to any church, or believe in any God so your God fearing, fire and brimstone, Hell and damnation sermons are falling on deaf ears.

It is you and those like you who make life miserable and sometimes unbearable for children growing up in families that you deem abnormal.You pass down your bigotry to your own kids, who in turn use it to demean and harm those you have deemed abnormal.It is a vicious circle that you have created, and until we stamp out your hatred and bigotry society will continue to be the worse for it.

So its bigotry to preach and bring the Word of God to them so they can turn away from sin and have salvation in Christ Jesus? Go and look up the word bigotry and see if it applies.
So its bigotry to preach and bring the Word of God to them so they can turn away from sin and have salvation in Christ Jesus? Go and look up the word bigotry and see if it applies.

It's in the name...Charles 'Bigot' Bass, get it? Good.:cool:
Disclaimer: I'm asking this purely from a philosophical standpoint. If we had a philosophy forum I would've put it there. I would prefer to keep religion and law out of this discussion, so both of those forums are out.

It is a given that homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom and most reasonable people accept that by and large homosexuals, both human and animal, are born that way. That is to say their attraction to their own sex is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment. I've also heard many people, most recently KittyKoder, suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check. Personally, I think this is a very reasonable hypothesis. And that's what led me to ask the philosophical question, should homosexuals procreate? If it truly is nature's population control mechanism, then isn't that just another way of nature saying this is the end of the line for this genetic combination? Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?

homosexuals should be free to live and express themselves freely.... at home.. in the privacy of there closets..parades are discouraged...striving to appear straight in public life is ....appreciated...dont ask .don't tell...
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homosexuals should be free to live and express themselves freely.... at home.. in the privacy of there closets..parades are discouraged...striving to appear straight in public life is ....appreciated...dont ask .don't tell...

The Bass says Amen to that.
What is so right about these faggots that a bucnh of stupid fucking jerk off keeps defend thems? I read somewhee that the over abundance of faggots in San Fran is the reason hy the childbirth rate over there is so low. Come on now cockersuckers these pieces of shit are just no fucking good for anything.
What is so right about these ******* that a bucnh of stupid ******* jerk off keeps defend thems? I read somewhee that the over abundance of ******* in San Fran is the reason hy the childbirth rate over there is so low. Come on now *********** these pieces of **** are just no ******* good for anything.

Well.. Take out all the filth, and you're left with a bunch of fluff. Way to go. :)
homosexuals should be free to live and express themselves freely.... at home.. in the privacy of there closets..parades are discouraged...striving to appear straight in public life is ....appreciated...dont ask .don't tell...

The gay pride parade in my city is the best parade going.
I don't appreciate at all when gays pretend to be straight. I had a boyfriend who did that years ago.
I've learned to put up with wolf whistles and demeaning stares from straight guys who take macho to the extreme, so a little swish in a guy's step sure isn't going to bother me.
Get over it.
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The gay pride parade in my city is the best parade going.
I don't appreciate at all when gays pretend to be straight. I had a boyfriend who did that years ago.
I've learned to put up with wolf whistles and demeaning stares from straight guys who take macho to the extreme, so a little swish in a guy's step sure isn't going to bother me.
Get over it.

Most people aren't interested in a "gay pride" parade, especially when one can't even define what it is to be proud to be gay. Most likely it means proud of being shagged by a person of the same sex, is that really something to be proud of? No, gay pride parades are all about further shoving a sinful and morally reprehensible lifestyle in peoples faces.
Most people aren't interested in a "gay pride" parade, especially when one can't even define what it is to be proud to be gay. Most likely it means proud of being shagged by a person of the same sex, is that really something to be proud of? No, gay pride parades are all about further shoving a sinful and morally reprehensible lifestyle in peoples faces.

Actually, I think it has more to do with having the guts to "come out" despite the way people like YOU treat them. Most people are content to leave them be, so long as they aren't affected by it. You're the type that has to be offensively vocal and crude just based on simply knowing someone's gay, whether you see it or not.
Actually, I think it has more to do with having the guts to "come out" despite the way people like YOU treat them. Most people are content to leave them be, so long as they aren't affected by it. You're the type that has to be offensively vocal and crude just based on simply knowing someone's gay, whether you see it or not.

The bass doesn't want to see sodomites parading down the street putting their homosexuality in his face as well as simulating and committing outright sexual acts, they can do that in the privacy of their homes, all the Bass is asking is for the sodomites to keep their homosexuality to themselves if they going to live that lifestyle.
National Black Republican Association?

WTF? :eek:

The Bass has sniffed out whats going on here and its not going to work. Is it hard to stay on topic and face the facts, or will you do ass most neo-liberals do, act like cowards and resort to personal attacks on the person making the claims?
The Bass has sniffed out whats going on here and its not going to work. Is it hard to stay on topic and face the facts, or will you do ass most neo-liberals do, act like cowards and resort to personal attacks on the person making the claims?

A) I'm no more liberal than you claim to be.

B) I asked a simple question, because I've never heard of anything so ridiculous sounding. If you're a republican, you're a republican.. What does being black, white, blue, purple, or pink have to do with it?

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