Zone1 Should I ask "Why God?" or should I ask "how did the devil become so powerful"?

Yeah, "enlightened" like those who win at Trivial Pursuit (a game). Knowledge of the trivia of a single book is not enlightenment.

Those who pursue enlightenment are those who are able transcend beyond self. I am nowhere near that.
You certainly like to imply that people who don't hold your views are ignorant though don't you? Tell how to you allegedly atheist family members take that?
If my ego seems large to you, then you are the microscopic speaking to the tiny speck. I am curious. How old are you?
YEs the one who compares people who don't agree with her to ignorant agoraphobics and asks questions like "How ignorant are you anyway?"
You must be the only person who knows an atheist right?
Rolling on the floor, laughing. Are you aware that some of us are not hermits, but are around a great number people--both those we know and those we do not--all the time?
Rolling on the floor, laughing. Are you aware that some of us are not hermits, but are around a great number people--both those we know and those we do not--all the time?
Funny you just compared people with a different belief set to you to agoraphobics
and asks questions like "How ignorant are you anyway?"
Yes, a serious question. Ignorance simply notes without knowledge, something that has not yet been learned. We all have large areas of ignorance in our lives, something known to most. Ignorant means knowledge not yet gained, but that this person as the ability and potential to add to their knowledge base.

An answer to that question: Just what I have heard. Or, dropped out of religion at age 12.
Funny you just compared people with a different belief set to you to agoraphobics
Sigh. I compared people who cling to only one interpretation without wanting to investigate all the others, to an agoraphobic because agoraphobics like to stay in one place although there are other places to investigate. How old did you say you are?
You certainly like to imply that people who don't hold your views are ignorant though don't you? Tell how to you allegedly atheist family members take that?
People who hold different views are not ignorant. You know that. The ignorant are those who have no knowledge. For example, I am ignorant of Islam, Hinduism, Taoism--most non-Christian religions. I am ignorant of South American history, trigonometry, and rocket science.

On the other hand, I am not ignorant of the Democrat Party, I merely hold different views.

Relax. You keep espousing one interpretation of the Bible. Fine. Why are you taking offense to the fact that there are a few other interpretations available?
Yes, a serious question. Ignorance simply notes without knowledge, something that has not yet been learned. We all have large areas of ignorance in our lives, something known to most. Ignorant means knowledge not yet gained, but that this person as the ability and potential to add to their knowledge base.

An answer to that question: Just what I have heard. Or, dropped out of religion at age 12.
It's still a personal insult

You have no clue what I have read or not or how old I was at the time but I don't know too many 12 year old children who read Aquinas Nietzsche, Locke and Epictetus. I'm actually sure I've read some of the same books you have. You have this attitude that if only people were as well read as you that they would have to agree with you. Tell me how ignorant do you think your allegedly atheist husband is?
People who hold different views are not ignorant. You know that. The ignorant are those who have no knowledge. For example, I am ignorant of Islam, Hinduism, Taoism--most non-Christian religions. I am ignorant of South American history, trigonometry, and rocket science.

On the other hand, I am not ignorant of the Democrat Party, I merely hold different views.

Relax. You keep espousing one interpretation of the Bible. Fine. Why are you taking offense to the fact that there are a few other interpretations available?

You assume I haven't read other interpretations
It's still a personal insult

You have no clue what I have read or not or how old I was at the time but I don't know too many 12 year old children who read Aquinas Nietzsche, Locke and Epictetus. I'm actually sure I've read some of the same books you have. You have this attitude that if only people were as well read as you that they would have to agree with you. Tell me how ignorant do you think your allegedly atheist husband is?
Accuracy is never insulting. It was a simple question. Get over it. Another thing you have wrong: The last thing I want is for people to agree with me. Think. If I wanted people to agree with me, would I have married an atheist? Would I be comfortable when surrounded by atheists?

All I am doing. Blues Man is sharing information. Why take offense at sharing information and different perspectives? What I do take offense with is people telling me what I/Christians "really" believe or what they are "really" saying. Remember, I ignored you for a period of time because I was tired of you doing just that.

Try to understand: I have a great interest in etymology and my use of the word 'ignorant' is not insulting, just an accurate comment that some knowledge has not yet been gained. Never expected you, of all people, to be so touchy. I am sorry I hit a nerve. It was quite unintentional.
Accuracy is never insulting. It was a simple question. Get over it. Another thing you have wrong: The last thing I want is for people to agree with me. Think. If I wanted people to agree with me, would I have married an atheist? Would I be comfortable when surrounded by atheists?

All I am doing. Blues Man is sharing information. Why take offense at sharing information and different perspectives? What I do take offense with is people telling me what I/Christians "really" believe or what they are "really" saying. Remember, I ignored you for a period of time because I was tired of you doing just that.

Try to understand: I have a great interest in etymology and my use of the word 'ignorant' is not insulting, just an accurate comment that some knowledge has not yet been gained. Never expected you, of all people, to be so touchy. I am sorry I hit a nerve. It was quite unintentional.
Yes sharing information with people you assume haven't read a book since they were 12 and who you compare to agoraphobic ignorant cave dwellers.
Yes sharing information with people you assume haven't read a book since they were 12 and who you compare to agoraphobic ignorant cave dwellers.
I explained my intent, but you are stuck on what I "really" meant. So once, again, farewell. Perhaps we will touch base again in a few months.
Again, thank you, Captain Obvious.
Thank you for opening my eyes, Captain Obvious. ;)


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