Should Illegal Aliens Be Allowed To Vote?

Should Illegal Aliens Be Allowed To Vote?

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We need a national voter ID system, where the military votes get counted and Illegals and the non living don't. Dems will stop be competitive after that
LEGAL immigrants are not allowed to vote, why would we let ILLEGAL immigrants, when not even LEGAL immigrants can vote?

Should you have to prove you're a citizen to register to vote?
No, but the State should prove you are NOT a citizen when you register to vote and the State vets your registration...They can do this with federal lists such as e-verify and others.... they have the means to discern your citizenship, just like they have the means to determine you are an exfelon that can't legally vote...

No? Did you really fucking say No?
yes, I said, NO the citizen should not have to jump through hoops in order to vote, they are not the ones breaking the law, the immigrants are, if they are registering to vote, BUT the STATE should spend the time to verify citizenship of the applicants registering to vote.
LEGAL immigrants are not allowed to vote, why would we let ILLEGAL immigrants, when not even LEGAL immigrants can vote?

Should you have to prove you're a citizen to register to vote?
No, but the State should prove you are NOT a citizen when you register to vote and the State vets your registration...They can do this with federal lists such as e-verify and others.... they have the means to discern your citizenship, just like they have the means to determine you are an exfelon that can't legally vote...

No? Did you really fucking say No?
yes, I said, NO the citizen should not have to jump through hoops in order to vote, they are not the ones breaking the law, the immigrants are, if they are registering to vote, BUT the STATE should spend the time to verify citizenship of the applicants registering to vote.
I wish people would quit referring to criminal invaders as "immigrants". They are illegal invaders, criminals for violating our laws. They should return to "GO" and not collect $200.
you cant get people to show id when they are registering, because most people registering to vote, outside of the DMV, do so on Voter Drives....where volunteers are getting people to register in tables set up in malls or in colleges campuses etc....when these applications for registration reach the State Election division, the State should verify names, addresses, age, and citizenship, whether a felon or not, before they approve the applicant and send them a voters registration card.
LEGAL immigrants are not allowed to vote, why would we let ILLEGAL immigrants, when not even LEGAL immigrants can vote?

Should you have to prove you're a citizen to register to vote?
No, but the State should prove you are NOT a citizen when you register to vote and the State vets your registration...They can do this with federal lists such as e-verify and others.... they have the means to discern your citizenship, just like they have the means to determine you are an exfelon that can't legally vote...

No? Did you really fucking say No?
yes, I said, NO the citizen should not have to jump through hoops in order to vote, they are not the ones breaking the law, the immigrants are, if they are registering to vote, BUT the STATE should spend the time to verify citizenship of the applicants registering to vote.
I wish people would quit referring to criminal invaders as "immigrants". They are illegal invaders, criminals for violating our laws. They should return to "GO" and not collect $200.
I used just plain ole "immigrants" because LEGAL and ILLEGAL Immigrants, can NOT LEGALLY vote....

And LEGAL immigrants are not criminals.
you cant get people to show id when they are registering, because most people registering to vote, outside of the DMV, do so on Voter Drives....where volunteers are getting people to register in tables set up in malls or in colleges campuses etc....when these applications for registration reach the State Election division, the State should verify names, addresses, age, and citizenship, whether a felon or not, before they approve the applicant and send them a voters registration card.

you cant get people to show id when they are registering, because most people registering to vote, outside of the DMV, do so on Voter Drives....where volunteers are getting people to register in tables set up in malls or in colleges campuses etc....when these applications for registration reach the State Election division, the State should verify names, addresses, age, and citizenship, whether a felon or not, before they approve the applicant and send them a voters registration card.

Democrats have a new constituency- illegal aliens.

Soon the Mexican Government will be passing out "How to register to vote" cards to go with the "How to illegally cross the US Border" cards they hand out now.....

What a country!
you cant get people to show id when they are registering, because most people registering to vote, outside of the DMV, do so on Voter Drives....where volunteers are getting people to register in tables set up in malls or in colleges campuses etc....when these applications for registration reach the State Election division, the State should verify names, addresses, age, and citizenship, whether a felon or not, before they approve the applicant and send them a voters registration card.


Supreme Court Rejects Arizona Kansas Voter Registration Appeal | The Daily Caller
NO, it is not illegal for the State to verify the application.

It is illegal for States to require the citizen to do such and require more from the citizen other than what is asked for now on applications, it is NOT ILLEGAL for the States to verify this information. They already verify names and addresses etc when they get the apps, they can verify everything, and this is NOT putting a burden on to the citizen and does NOT go against the court ruling....
Yeah, because E-verify is working So Well in keeping employers from hiring Illegal Aliens!
not all businesses use it....

The State welfare offices, have to prove citizenship of the person applying, even if they do not have any ids, the State can verify citizenship....they do it all the time, it is REQUIRED of them....

We can do this, and do this right....don't be such a Nay Sayer....
Sorry. States are not allowed to do that. The SCOTUS upheld the "National Voter Registration Act of 1993" and specifically stated that States cannot impose any additional burdens beyond those on the federal form. The federal form does not verify citizenship, just an attestation.

What could go wrong? Illegals would never break the law!
the State can not impose this burden on to would end up limiting citizen voters and that's why....

HOWEVER the State, once they receive the application for voter registration, CAN VERIFY whether they are a citizen or not via e-verify and other systems out there.... this puts no burden on to the citizen to have to carry PAPERS.

THE STATES MUST verify citizenship for certain welfare programs and use gvt lists like e-verify to do such, before the State can give welfare that is funded in part by the Federal gvt.

for goodness sakes, we are in the 21st century, and live in a digital world... the State can do the checking and vetting....

the Supreme court and the law, DOES NOT stop States from verifying citizenship, as long as it is them doing it and not requiring us citizens to carry our PAPERS.

All States should do this....and all States should remove their dead from the voter rolls.... they can verify citizenship, verify the person's address to make certain they are voting in the right district, verify whether the person is registered in another county or another address, verify that they are not a felon, etc etc etc......

Utter nonsense. It is not an undue burden to show one's ID at a polling place. We have to show our ID to conduct all kinds of transactions in our society. Voting should be no different.
Millions of Americans live their lives without a government issued photo may not be a world you are familiar with, or even want to acknowledge, but this non government photo id world, DOES EXIST....and it's filled with natural born citizens.... so yes, it can be a burden for these mllions of people who have lived their lives without needing a gvt issued photo id. Why go after these citizens and put this on them? They are not the ones committing a crime, the illegal immigrants and legal immigrants are the ones committing the crime if they are registering to vote.

Millions of Americans living with out an ID?


Name me one person.
at the initial sign up.....

That's fine as long as one then has to show one's ID in order to prove one is actually the person on the voter roster.
why? who votes in another person's place at the polls and taking the risk of getting caught and charged with a felony? no one.

You are rather naive. There are counties with more people registered to vote than actually live in them...a portion of the registered are actually dead. That information can be exploited by those who wish to tip a close election.
The State, who issues death certificates, should remove DEAD PEOPLE from the voter's their job, and it should be done upon death...WHY no one is getting to the problem at the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM is beyond reason....REMOVE THE DEAD SUCKERS from the voter rolls when they die...


And cheaters would use absentee vote for dead people....

we need the States to remove these dead people, why won't they????? Why?

So your solution is the most complicated one: that Big Government should ensure that all data is accurate. That's working really well with ObamaCare. Complex, monolithic systems run by politicians are easy to exploit, as we have seen demonstrated recently in high relief by the GAO and the IRS.

The Simplest Solution is to decentralize accountability to the individual level. If someone does not have a picture ID and address to prove they are the person listed on the voter register, then said person shouldn't vote.

Yep...kinda like a drivers license. Which these so called disenfranchised voters dont seem to have a problem obtaining.
you cant get people to show id when they are registering, because most people registering to vote, outside of the DMV, do so on Voter Drives....where volunteers are getting people to register in tables set up in malls or in colleges campuses etc....when these applications for registration reach the State Election division, the State should verify names, addresses, age, and citizenship, whether a felon or not, before they approve the applicant and send them a voters registration card.


Supreme Court Rejects Arizona Kansas Voter Registration Appeal | The Daily Caller
NO, it is not illegal for the State to verify the application.

It is illegal for States to require the citizen to do such and require more from the citizen other than what is asked for now on applications, it is NOT ILLEGAL for the States to verify this information. They already verify names and addresses etc when they get the apps, they can verify everything, and this is NOT putting a burden on to the citizen and does NOT go against the court ruling....

Here is the text of the law: Title 42 - The Public Health And Welfare Chapter 20 - Elective Franchise Subchapter I-h - National Voter Registration | CRT | Department of Justice

The SCOTUS ruled that no state can ask for any more information than this form contains

There is no "Proof" of citizenship required. Just an attestation.


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