Should Islamic Marriages be recognized in the US?

Polygamy is still bigamy which is illegal everywhere. Even Utah. Of course, cops and DAs in Utah, Idaho, NV and places with large Morman populations find they are very busy with other business when it comes to bigamy issues.

Marriage is seen as contractual everywhere. That is the reason the service is run the way it is. Shia Islam (the branch that allows marriage for short periods) does not recognize perpetual contracts.

So the long and the short of it is, we don't worry if it is a muslim marriage or not. The basic rule is does it conform to US norms. Polygamy is a felony. Marriage is until you croak or the court rules otherwise.
You brought up this sentence in the Bible to defend the Muslim practice of forced sex (which you say is not rape since it is permitted in Islam). Since this sentence in the Bible is open to interpretation, it does not prevent the development of women’s equality in the Christian world, something that would seem to be impossible in Islam.

That verse is only open to interpretation by Christians who do not want to follow what it says.
You brought up this sentence in the Bible to defend the Muslim practice of forced sex (which you say is not rape since it is permitted in Islam). Since this sentence in the Bible is open to interpretation, it does not prevent the development of women’s equality in the Christian world, something that would seem to be impossible in Islam.

That verse is only open to interpretation by Christians who do not want to follow what it says.

From reading the entire passage, I would say that husbands should love their wives as equals.
However, and call me crazy, I'm not morally ok with anyone forcing anyone to have sex with them when they don't want to.

This is the last time that I will address this.

There is no such thing as rape in a Muslim marriage between husband and wife.

Islam specifically addresses this:

" Even if a woman is cooking at the stove. And the man wants her in his bed. She is to leave the stove and go to him"


" Any woman who denies her husband is rights will have Angels over her head cursing her all night"

In Western culture women use sex as a weapon or a tool to get their way.

Islam in its infinite logic has denied this abuse of power by women against their husbands.
As long as it is just with one woman yes. Multiple wives are against our law and except for visiting dignitaries is illegal and should be prosecuted and or deported.

Anyone who even wants multiple wives must surely be insane anyway.

That is a standard Legal contract that would be presented to civil authorities.

And also includes the "Mahr" ( dowry)

That money belongs totally to the wife and can never be taken by the husband.

The Mahr is optional.

No self respecting Muslim family would allow their daughter to get married with out a dowry.

But if it is the woman's second marriage then Dowry can be optional.

Even then a dowry is usually paid.
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As long as it is just with one woman yes. Multiple wives are against our law and except for visiting dignitaries is illegal and should be prosecuted and or deported.

Anyone who even wants multiple wives must surely be insane anyway.

I have many friends who have multiple lives here in America.

The first wife is the legal one that is registered at the courthouse and taxes can be declared on her.

The second, third, or even fourth wife is married Islamicly through the mosque and is never registered.

Basically the same thing that the Mormons do in Utah
However, and call me crazy, I'm not morally ok with anyone forcing anyone to have sex with them when they don't want to.

This is the last time that I will address this.

There is no such thing as rape in a Muslim marriage between husband and wife.

Islam specifically addresses this:

" Even if a woman is cooking at the stove. And the man wants her in his bed. She is to leave the stove and go to him"


" Any woman who denies her husband is rights will have Angels over her head cursing her all night"

In Western culture women use sex as a weapon or a tool to get their way.

Islam in its infinite logic has denied this abuse of power by women against their husbands.

Lol I must admit that this is the first time I've read someone try to twist a rape victim into being the abuser, rather than the rapist.

With all the things I hate about our gov't, I'm very thankful that this crazed, deranged way of thinking gets people put into jail when they put it into practice.
However, and call me crazy, I'm not morally ok with anyone forcing anyone to have sex with them when they don't want to.

This is the last time that I will address this.

There is no such thing as rape in a Muslim marriage between husband and wife.

Islam specifically addresses this:

" Even if a woman is cooking at the stove. And the man wants her in his bed. She is to leave the stove and go to him"


" Any woman who denies her husband is rights will have Angels over her head cursing her all night"

In Western culture women use sex as a weapon or a tool to get their way.

Islam in its infinite logic has denied this abuse of power by women against their husbands.

Lol I must admit that this is the first time I've read someone try to twist a rape victim into being the abuser, rather than the rapist.

With all the things I hate about our gov't, I'm very thankful that this crazed, deranged way of thinking gets people put into jail when they put it into practice.

is there a christian definition of rape in a marriage? i don't believe there is. i do believe that wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, which means there would be no rape in a christian marriage either.

legally is something completely different.
The author of this thread has no idea what he is talking about.

The Islamic "Marriage Contract" gave women rights 1400 years ago. Rights that only have existed in the West for maybe 100 years.

Here is how it really works and not like the nonsense in the OP.

First the prospective couple go to an Islamic Scholar that specializes in writing beautiful calligraphy on Vellum paper. He will then write down everything that both perspective are wanting in their marriage.

The woman can list such things as how much per month clothing allowance. How many vacations that they take a year. How much money he is to give her per month. Whether are not she will work our attend school. In essence anything that she wishes to list on this document.

The man does the same thing. Such things as how many children he would like to have. Whether she will work or be a stay at home mom. etc.

Thus both partners go in to the marriage knowing what each other's expectations and limitations are.

Then the bride and groom take the document to the Imam who is going to marry them. Then he asked them to swear by God that they have read it and agree to it. Once they have acknowledged that they agreed to it he will then proceed with the marriage ceremony.

The breaking of any part of this Marriage Contract can be grounds for divorce by either partner.

Many Muslim couples will frame the contract. And hang it in their bedroom as a reminder to what they have vowed between themselves and God.

I would love to hear what these marriage contract "rights" are that are given to women back in 1400 to today that Western women have lacked. Because I sure as hell don't see it. Muslim women have zero rights compared to the man, he can cheat, she cannot. He can beat her and rape her, she can't have him arrested or be given a divorce for being beaten and raped. Muslim women to this day are the most oppressed people in the world.

This may pass as a "marriage" in the bizzaro world of Pedophile Prophets, but not here in America.

So, thanks for proving me right 'Sunni Man'.
This is the last time that I will address this.

There is no such thing as rape in a Muslim marriage between husband and wife.

Islam specifically addresses this:

" Even if a woman is cooking at the stove. And the man wants her in his bed. She is to leave the stove and go to him"


" Any woman who denies her husband is rights will have Angels over her head cursing her all night"

In Western culture women use sex as a weapon or a tool to get their way.

Islam in its infinite logic has denied this abuse of power by women against their husbands.

Lol I must admit that this is the first time I've read someone try to twist a rape victim into being the abuser, rather than the rapist.

With all the things I hate about our gov't, I'm very thankful that this crazed, deranged way of thinking gets people put into jail when they put it into practice.

is there a christian definition of rape in a marriage? i don't believe there is. i do believe that wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, which means there would be no rape in a christian marriage either.

legally is something completely different.

No, the Koran permits forced sex in marriage, even Sunni Man has acknowledge this with quotes from the Koran. Show me some quotes from the Bible that permit forced sex in marriage.

Col 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

You want to quote this verse? What about the verse that comes next.

Col 3: 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Does that sound like Paul is saying to rape them?
That is a standard Legal contract that would be presented to civil authorities.

And also includes the "Mahr" ( dowry)

That money belongs totally to the wife and can never be taken by the husband.

The Mahr is optional.

No self respecting Muslim family would allow their daughter to get married with out a dowry.

But if it is the woman's second marriage then Dowry can be optional.

Even then a dowry is usually paid.

Well for someone who claims to know islamic law, you sure are stupid. A dowry “jihaz” is opitional. A bridal gift "mahr" is mandated by the Quran.

I shouldn't have taken you at your word that "mahr" meant a dowry, because it doesn't.

Dowries are in fact optional whether it's the first, second, third or fourth marriage etc.....
Lol I must admit that this is the first time I've read someone try to twist a rape victim into being the abuser, rather than the rapist.

With all the things I hate about our gov't, I'm very thankful that this crazed, deranged way of thinking gets people put into jail when they put it into practice.

is there a christian definition of rape in a marriage? i don't believe there is. i do believe that wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, which means there would be no rape in a christian marriage either.

legally is something completely different.

No, the Koran permits forced sex in marriage, even Sunni Man has acknowledge this with quotes from the Koran. Show me some quotes from the Bible that permit forced sex in marriage.

Col 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

You want to quote this verse? What about the verse that comes next.

Col 3: 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Does that sound like Paul is saying to rape them?

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Then this always starts the debate as to whether or not christians are supposed to take the old testament seriously.
Lol I must admit that this is the first time I've read someone try to twist a rape victim into being the abuser, rather than the rapist.

With all the things I hate about our gov't, I'm very thankful that this crazed, deranged way of thinking gets people put into jail when they put it into practice.

is there a christian definition of rape in a marriage? i don't believe there is. i do believe that wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, which means there would be no rape in a christian marriage either.

legally is something completely different.

No, the Koran permits forced sex in marriage, even Sunni Man has acknowledge this with quotes from the Koran. Show me some quotes from the Bible that permit forced sex in marriage.

Col 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

You want to quote this verse? What about the verse that comes next.

Col 3: 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Does that sound like Paul is saying to rape them?

actually, sunni has said no such thing. he is saying that a wife is supposed to have sex with her husband whenever the husband wants it. she is to consent to it - hence, no rape.

how is that any different than christian belief?
is there a christian definition of rape in a marriage? i don't believe there is. i do believe that wives are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, which means there would be no rape in a christian marriage either.

legally is something completely different.

No, the Koran permits forced sex in marriage, even Sunni Man has acknowledge this with quotes from the Koran. Show me some quotes from the Bible that permit forced sex in marriage.

Col 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

You want to quote this verse? What about the verse that comes next.

Col 3: 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Does that sound like Paul is saying to rape them?

actually, sunni has said no such thing. he is saying that a wife is supposed to have sex with her husband whenever the husband wants it. she is to consent to it - hence, no rape.

how is that any different than christian belief?

That's why I laid out that example, when a woman said she wanted to leave her husband but he grabbed her, held her down and raped her, he clearly stated he had no moral issue with this OBVIOUS rape scenario.

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