Should kids be kicked out of the house when they turn 18?


Yeah...and I have far more money than you.
As a teacher I guess you can expect to retire at best 55.
With a pension thats lower than your monthly income as a teacher.
Let me know how many weekend places you have......

This kid was, and he was not even finished with high school

With the rise of rent and housing prices, mixed in with inflation and the deteriorating availability of jobs, freshly-turned 18-year-olds stand no chance of being able to financially support themselves without any help from their parents or families.

With the average American debt being $58,604 and 77% of American households having at least some type of debt, it's becoming less and less possible for even adults to afford to live on their own, much less teenagers.

This is the world Progressive have created. Americans are being thrown to the wolves by their own political leaders with no end in sight.
My kids lived with us as long as they were going to school. If not, they had to get a job. Then, I would charge them a small rent. After a few months, they moved out on their own.
Smart young people today live at home until their early 30s. During this time they work and save. Maybe get married by 34, have no kids. Marry another who is financially set. Travel, live the good life.
...... With the rise of rent and housing prices, mixed in with inflation and the deteriorating availability of jobs, freshly-turned 18-year-olds stand no chance of being able to financially support themselves without any help from their parents or families. .....
I am passing no judgment here but perhaps it might also read:
With the rise of rent and housing prices, mixed in with inflation and the deteriorating availability of jobs, parents stand no chance of being able to financially support themselves and their 18-year-old children without any help from the state.
Smart young people today live at home until their early 30s. During this time they work and save. Maybe get married by 34, have no kids. Marry another who is financially set. Travel, live the good life.
That doesn't sound like "the good life."
"Conservatives" have zero moral authority after they backed a lying grifter who fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with his newborn.

Biggest fucking hypocrites on planet Earth

Trump broke you

But we knew this
Smart young people today live at home until their early 30s. During this time they work and save. Maybe get married by 34, have no kids. Marry another who is financially set. Travel, live the good life.

Someone ask the parents how they feel about their kids shacking up with them until their 30s? Not to mention how is it good for a 30 yo "kid" to be living in his/her childhood bedroom at age 30?

This is terrible advice. All the way around. Terrible.
If the military wasn't being invaded by woke faggatronic ideals right now and someone had a soft and weak willed kid I'd say tell them you can be homeless or you can join the military. At least there they get toughed up, experience things most people don't, have to learn how to be responsible and they make some money doing it.

As long as they are doing well in school. When they graduate they are going to college for something is obtainable for the child and will actually be a benefit to them (getting a degree in diversity management or underwater lesbian folk dance is not), they help out at home doing chores, have at least a part time job and working towards being independent then they can stay for a while. But not forever.

But if the kid is a blue haired pronouns lazy ass cry baby with no ambition to be independent and does little to help and show appreciation I'd only tolerate that for a few years. But if you're 21 and still a useless tit then out on your ass you go. It wouldn't be easy to do that to your child but at some point they need to learn lessons the hard way if they can any other way.

But I'd like to think I'd raise my child to be strong, smart, independent and responsible so when they time came they were ready to go out and attack life so to speak and be able to take care of themselves. But that has to start when they are young.

My grandma loved me as much as anyone can love someone and she never took it easy on me but at age 8 I'd go off in the woods for a day or two alone, when I was 12 I drove a car to school, I worked when I was 14 and made some money, I always helped do chores and was appreciative. She made me tough.
So how did FDR progressives force these parents to kick their child out of the house at 18 again?
As a rule? No. It's a dumb idea.

I moved out when I was 20. It was time.
Who comes up with this scenario? Kick your own child out of the house? If you raised the kid right he/she would be working their way through school or learning a trade or considering the military. If the kid turns out to be a drug addict or a thief it's your own damn fault.
Who comes up with this scenario? Kick your own child out of the house? If you raised the kid right he/she would be working their way through school or learning a trade or considering the military. If the kid turns out to be a drug addict or a thief it's your own damn fault.

Our children will always be welcome in our home...I doubt they'll ever need to move back but they'd be welcomed with open arms

I must know at least a half dozen men over 50 that have lived with their parents their whole lives.

But they were all Republican country club families.

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