Should Kiss Ass Dems. or Repub. be Allowed to Run This Country

Should make mandatory IQ or SAT/ACT like tests for would-be politicians. And only those who are in the top rankings are eligible to then run. If all Presidential elections boil down to 2 people anyway, only the top tested 2 can run. Why we let dumb people run is beyond me.

Republicans already "ran it" under Bush. They ran it into the ground and are now fighting to make people to work until the day they die with below minimum wage salaries and no benefits.

Heard them talk about the ACA on Morning Joe. They had a story about a couple with three kids who were able to quit jobs they hated and start their own business because they were able to get affordable health care. But they said stories like that were going to be drowned out by 30 second Republican commercials filled with misleading talking points.

Part of the GOP plan for us to work until we die.
The Democrats have totally fucked up the country. Might as well give the Republicans a swing at it. Couldn't do any worse.

What? Republicans already did much worse under Bush. Deficit creating tax cuts. Two unfunded wars. Trillions in cost for tens of thousands maimed in Iraq. Another trillion for Medicare part D (the drugs for votes bill), deregulated economy costing trillions more. Millions of jobs moved to China.

Where were you from 2001 to 2008? Oh, I get it. You must be a recent immigrant. What else could it be?
The Democrats have totally fucked up the country. Might as well give the Republicans a swing at it. Couldn't do any worse.

Didn't we try that 2001-2009?

Terrorist attack
Two unprovoked wars
Cutting taxes to pay for war
Collapsed economy
The Democrats have totally fucked up the country. Might as well give the Republicans a swing at it. Couldn't do any worse.

Nixon took us off the gold standard, in effect turning the Dollar into a virtual currency backed only by positive-thinking and fairy dust. He was Republican. So ya, they can do a lot worse. :)
Should make mandatory IQ or SAT/ACT like tests for would-be politicians. And only those who are in the top rankings are eligible to then run. If all Presidential elections boil down to 2 people anyway, only the top tested 2 can run. Why we let dumb people run is beyond me.

an ID test then a lie detector test to determine their susceptibility to corruption
Should make mandatory IQ or SAT/ACT like tests for would-be politicians. And only those who are in the top rankings are eligible to then run. If all Presidential elections boil down to 2 people anyway, only the top tested 2 can run. Why we let dumb people run is beyond me.

Absolutely. That would guarantee progressive governments. I'm all for it.
The Democrats have totally fucked up the country. Might as well give the Republicans a swing at it. Couldn't do any worse.

Oh they did have the chance, and remember what we got.

Yes, the last two administrations can be summed up as "Dumb and Dumber"..

A candidate for president should have had a farm and have at least one science degree of good or excellent standing under his belt. I'd like to see candidates run on their college level performance in science and economics. That could be the determining vote. The farm experience would be a plus. Our founding fathers knew, sensibly and timelessly, that a farmer knows the ins and outs of planning ahead, good and bad years and how to live sensibly through both. A farmer also has a keen sense of economics, husbandry and how to pace himself to get through immense hard work and endless issues that always come up on a farm.

We need someone with crows feet and calloused hands and a tall forehead...And that person doesn't need to be wearing anyone's jacket. My only complaint with Chris Christie is that his hands are way too smooth.. With his figure, some fresh air and farm work would do him good.
The Democrats have totally fucked up the country. Might as well give the Republicans a swing at it. Couldn't do any worse.

Oh they did have the chance, and remember what we got.

Yes, the last two administrations can be summed up as "Dumb and Dumber"..

A candidate for president should have had a farm and have at least one science degree of good or excellent standing under his belt. I'd like to see candidates run on their college level performance in science and economics. That could be the determining vote. The farm experience would be a plus. Our founding fathers knew, sensibly and timelessly, that a farmer knows the ins and outs of planning ahead, good and bad years and how to live sensibly through both. A farmer also has a keen sense of economics, husbandry and how to pace himself to get through immense hard work and endless issues that always come up on a farm.

We need someone with crows feet and calloused hands and a tall forehead...And that person doesn't need to be wearing anyone's jacket. My only complaint with Chris Christie is that his hands are way too smooth.. With his figure, some fresh air and farm work would do him good.

Be a farmer and a scientist. Hmmm, where is the time to get married and raise a family?

Republicans want to throw money at farmers and don't believe in science. So that leaves them out in the cold.
How about we start governing ourselves? If we do that the country will run itself regardless of who is in office.

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