So I tell you give it to the states and you don’t like that.

I tell you to make them work for it and you don’t like that.

What are you an Anarchist?

Not really but you keep telling yourself that.

Why don’t you tell me what building The Panama Canal was or what building our highway system was?

What about our Canal System that came before our Railroad system also built with the help of Government?

If you are going to be a “Progressive Hunter” you are going to have to realize some Government is Good.

Or did you forget how many roads, bridges, schools etc the WPA built?

Ever hear of The Civilian Conservation Corps?

What is your view on The Army Corp of Engineers?

I never said I would force anyone. I’d give them a choice and Democrats Love Choice. Take the Workfare Job or take a job in Private Industry.

then why are you pushing a communist solution of forcing people to work???
workfare is just another big government progressive solution,,,,
thats the progressive response,,,which is why I dont like republicans anymore than dems,,,

when did I say I didnt like giving it to the states??? in fact I said to do just that,,

as for them working for it,,thats their choice not yours,,,I say dont give it to them at all,,go find a job and earn it,,,

if a local community decides to have a program it should be limited to public sanitation,,,
Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.

That’s what happens when you work since you were 13, Get straight A’s in college kick ass at work and you get hired for your brains.

Maybe you should have chose a better path in life.

I was thinking about The Bernie Sanders Campaign talking about Arresting Billionaires, throwing them in Gulags, confiscating all of their wealth, and forcing them to dig ditches and build roads by hand and when they are all used up, behead them with a Guillotine.

And then I wondered, why, because these Billionaires generate a lot of income for their workers, they drive the economy with their businesses. Suppliers, shippers, manufacturers, and hordes of people derive income from supporting the various businesses a Billionaire may own. Thousands of jobs, and millions in income for not just their employees, but everyone else who supports the businesses peripherally. Even hotels, local restaurants, and all sorts of other little jobs benefit. And of course they pay the overwhelming lion's share of taxes in to our Massive Super-Sized Social Safety Net.


All these Lazy Couch Surfing No Working Low Life Democrat Bums GAMING The System, and ALWAYS ALWAYS SUPPORT MORE HAND OUTS and FREE SHIT from the People who Work and Pay Taxes. The more they whine and cry for more, and the more you give them, the more they whine and cry for more!


So, why not PUT THEM TO WORK BUILDING ROADS BY HAND for their Undeserved Benefits?
And we promise, No Gulags, and No Guillotines will be needed. We just convert your Welfare to Workfare.

AT least they can feel better about themselves and know that they are contributing to America instead of being a NET DRAIN on us ALL!

You seem to have lotsa free time to post.....?
Lol, I already retired once (at 50) got bored and started a consulting business. I'm 52 now.

So you worked from 13 to 70, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
That statistic comes from The Total Average Tax Burden of Americans and what they pay in Local, State, Federal, Property Taxes, Gas Taxes, Sales Taxes and all Government Fees etc. each year. You just don’t see it on your pay stub.

The Government requiring me to pay them 54% of my income to State, Local and Federal Governments

You have a worthless accountant.
54%. lol.
That statistic comes from The Total Average Tax Burden of Americans and what they pay in Local, State, Federal, Property Taxes, Gas Taxes, Sales Taxes and all Government Fees etc. each year. You just don’t see it on your pay stub.

LOL. Provide a link.

Anyway, you said YOU pay 54%, implying YOU actually pay 54%.
You are a lying SOB.
dont be stupid
requiring people to work is communism,,,
Requiring People to WORK FOR FREE is Communism. These stiffs, these tubs of Lard, will get exercise, fresh air, and PAID! So they can either take The Government Workfare Job, or go out and get a job in Private Industry.

NO ABLED BODIED PERSON should get FREE MONEY without doing something to contribute to our society and doing some work for THE TAXPAYERS.

FYI working for free is slavery,,working for what it takes for you to exist is communism which is what youre suggesting,,,
The Government requiring me to pay them 54% of my income to State, Local and Federal Governments and to give that to Lazy Couch Surfing Mo Fos, is SLAVERY.

Who said make anyone work for Free?

The Average Welfare Recipient gets $35,000 a year in benefits, so I think they should pick up trash, sweep parking lots, and help little old ladies cross the streets, clean up graffiti, fix up crack houses and give back to their communities and The Taxpayers.

you said working for free is communism,,when its slavery,,,

again all that is no reason to make us a communist country and force people to work for their existence,,,

end all welfare at the fed level and let the states do it,,,that way it can be controlled more efficiently,,,
I never said Working for Free is Communism in the context you tried to say I made it in. I said paying these Mo Fos their benefits through Workfare is NOT Communism. Giving money to people who aren't working is Communism. I said Taking My 54% of my Income and giving it to Lazy Couch Surfing No Working Mo Fos is Communism.

In other words, when you take 54% of my income and give it to a Lazy No Good Son of a Bitch who should be Sterilized before he produces more No Good Lazy Sons a Bitches, you are making me work for FREE 54% of the time.

That's communism. It's also THEFT of my hard earned income.
The fact is almost everyone on public assistance falls into one of the following categories:

The temporary unemployed. These people find work typically 3 to 6 months. Finding a job is exactly what they are doing.

Then there's the working poor. They account for almost half of those on public assistance. They have jobs but they don't pay enough to support the family.

Lastly, there're the lazy couch surfers, the chronically employed. Typically they are single parents with a number of children, or homeless, have chronic illnesses physical or mental, criminal records, in and out of jails, rehab, and other facilities, or heavy users of drugs or alcohol. In other words, they are an employer's nightmare. They typically have little if any jobs skills and a load of problems that no employer wants. The idea we have hundreds of thousands of employers begging for unskilled, drug addicts, jail birds, sick, homeless, or mentally disturbed worker is nonsense.
Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.

That’s what happens when you work since you were 13, Get straight A’s in college kick ass at work and you get hired for your brains.

Maybe you should have chose a better path in life.


You seem to have lotsa free time to post.....?
Lol, I already retired once (at 50) got bored and started a consulting business. I'm 52 now.

So you worked from 13 to 70, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
I don't get any government money.

Don't assume I'm like you.
Too many disincentives to become self sustaining
6-12 month helping hand and then pay to stay
Not really but you keep telling yourself that.

Why don’t you tell me what building The Panama Canal was or what building our highway system was?

What about our Canal System that came before our Railroad system also built with the help of Government?

If you are going to be a “Progressive Hunter” you are going to have to realize some Government is Good.

Or did you forget how many roads, bridges, schools etc the WPA built?

Ever hear of The Civilian Conservation Corps?

What is your view on The Army Corp of Engineers?

I don’t like Big Government but all these people sitting on their ass is untapped potential and we need a way to wean people off of direct Government Assistance.

I never said I would force anyone. I’d give them a choice and Democrats Love Choice. Take the Workfare Job or take a job in Private Industry.

based on what youre trying to push here you dont know it better than me,,,
What did I say? If I had my way, there would be ZERO welfare. NOTHING, NADA.
Let The States Decide, and Let The States and Counties Fund it themselves IF IF they want Welfare. I vote No. I vote, get off of your ass and get a job.

then why are you pushing a communist solution of forcing people to work???
workfare is just another big government progressive solution,,,,
CCC did Tremendous good.
Poor Grumpy Old Tree Guy - It's almost sad that those who whine about "free stuff" are often the biggest recipients. Trump voters are some of the lowest income (lowest information too, but that's another subject) blue collar folk on earth.

But beyond that, those who pretend that everyone can "work" for their SNAP and various other welfare benefits is ridiculous. 2/3 of SNAP recipients are children, disabled, elderly OR they are working but all they can find is minimum wage, often part time jobs. Another healthy percentage are primary caregivers, in school full time, or have young children and can't make enough to cover childcare. This graph doesn't even cover them. Observe:


Now if you look at entitlements over all, up to NINETY PERCENT of recipients fall into the additional, and aforementioned categories.

So let's dispel a few myths.

7 Lies About Welfare That Many People Believe Are Fact

And I'll leave you with one more graph covering Medicaid - Remember this is just those UNDER 65 years of age:


Are there people taking advantage of "free stuff"? Duh - There are people who take advantage of everything, including other people (Trump). Point is, the percentage of able-bodied people who CAN work in exchange for benefits is infinitesimal. So when a Grumpy Old Tree Guy or your drunk redneck uncle yammers about "free stuff" you can be a bit more educated and suggest that they release their death grip on the broad brush. :)
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I never said Working for Free is Communism in the context you tried to say I made it in. I said paying these Mo Fos their benefits through Workfare is NOT Communism. Giving money to people who aren't working is Communism. I said Taking My 54% of my Income and giving it to Lazy Couch Surfing No Working Mo Fos is Communism.

In other words, when you take 54% of my income and give it to a Lazy No Good Son of a Bitch who should be Sterilized before he produces more No Good Lazy Sons a Bitches, you are making me work for FREE 54% of the time.

That's communism. It's also THEFT of my hard earned income.

Your stupid sig line would indicate that you've already lost the debate ;)

DemNazis, Same as Them Nazis


Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.

That’s what happens when you work since you were 13, Get straight A’s in college kick ass at work and you get hired for your brains.

Maybe you should have chose a better path in life.
Lol, I already retired once (at 50) got bored and started a consulting business. I'm 52 now.

So you worked from 13 to 70, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
I don't get any government money.

Don't assume I'm like you.

Only RWNJ's ASSume that progressives are all on the dole. I've never collected a DIME of welfare in my life. Closest I've come is a 3 month period not long after college when I was laid off and collected unemployment (which I paid for in FICA over a 5 year period of full time employment).
Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.

That’s what happens when you work since you were 13, Get straight A’s in college kick ass at work and you get hired for your brains.

Maybe you should have chose a better path in life.
Lol, I already retired once (at 50) got bored and started a consulting business. I'm 52 now.

So you worked from 13 to 70, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
I don't get any government money.

Don't assume I'm like you.
Why would anyone believe anything you say? You have lied about every single thing you have said on here since the first post I ever saw you post.

Maybe you are just stupid and believe the stuff you post, which is actually worse.

If it looks like a Buttplug
Walk like a Buttplug
And Smell like a Buttplug

It's probably a Buttplug.
Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.

Lol, I already retired once (at 50) got bored and started a consulting business. I'm 52 now.

So you worked from 13 to 70, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
I don't get any government money.

Don't assume I'm like you.
Why would anyone believe anything you say? You have lied about every single thing you have said on here since the first post I ever saw you post.

Maybe you are just stupid and believe the stuff you post, which is actually worse.

If it looks like a Buttplug
Walk like a Buttplug
And Smell like a Buttplug

It's probably a Buttplug.
Projection is you favorite tactic.

I don't lie.
Think again Dotard. You are way off. Besides that I guarantee you stole all Those Tax Dollars The American People Paid You.
What tax dollars are those?

Not yours for sure, fry folks don't make enough to pay any.
LOL. America wasted a lot of money paying your salary. All You Evil Deep State Punks are all the same. You get paid in tax dollars and you don’t give One Shit About America.

All you care about is taxing the people More and More so there is less for them and more for you.

We should cut spending on Public Employment by 50%, including cutting retirement benefits.
I don't get any government money.

Don't assume I'm like you.
Why would anyone believe anything you say? You have lied about every single thing you have said on here since the first post I ever saw you post.

Maybe you are just stupid and believe the stuff you post, which is actually worse.

If it looks like a Buttplug
Walk like a Buttplug
And Smell like a Buttplug

It's probably a Buttplug.
Projection is you favorite tactic.

I don't lie.
Please, you are up there with the biggest liars on here. Delusional too. You couldn't recognize Truth even if it ran over you like a bus.

So it's Opposite Day for you? Instead of kissing your girl, you will be trading spit with your Hairy Butt Man Love?

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