Should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

Only good looking and/or high IQ people should be allowed to have children, straight or not.
Crap - and I was looking forward to expanding my family. Dang it.
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If Christians are as loving as Scientific Humanists are then they will join us in saying this loving prayer:
“Jesus, you said marriage is between and man and a woman, but please reconsider, and tell the world that the Bible is wrong where it says gays should be killed, and that you won’t let gays into heaven.”

[Matthew 19:4-6, Lev 20:13, Romans.]
Gay couples won't be fully allowed to adopt children until religions are example:
"Indonesian gay couple beaten on video before vigilantes hand them over to religious police"
Horrific video shows gay couple being beaten and then handed over to 'religious police'
This is in the largest Muslim nation in the world.

Muslims torture gays, because the Islamic texts and Sharia Law teach that, so gay parents adopting is out of the question, of course.
Also, non-Muslims also can't adopt a Muslim child under Islamic Law, of course.
The REAL problem is that people DEFEND this barbarity.
Homosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because at the least it puts undue confusion into the children learning sexuality, and at the most, they have a higher chance of being molested.

What, you think someone who can't control their sexual urges enough that that they have to do whatever with whoever is going to let mores and laws stop them from sexual gratification? No no no.
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?
The LGBT community just wants to fit right into society.
View attachment 122102
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

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Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
Homosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because at the least it puts undue confusion into the children learning sexuality, and at the most, they have a higher chance of being molested.

What, you think someone who can't control their sexual urges enough that that they have to do whatever with whoever is going to let mores and laws stop them from sexual gratification? No no no.
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?
Gays are hell-bound according to the NT (Jesus is not very compassionate), so they simply can't ever accept the fact that gays should be treated as equals - so Jesus is the problem, Jesus is the ultimate source of their hatred towards gays. Hey, if their Lord and Savior won't let gays into heaven then gays must be bad, bad, bad (apparently.)
I wouldn't expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. .....
I'm a former Christian.

former to what now?
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
If that were true you would not be misrepresenting it.
The LGBT community just wants to fit right into society.
View attachment 122102
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

View attachment 122160
View attachment 122161
Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
My god, just LOOK at these sick kinky homos in action!!! Jesus, save us from this homo depravity!!


That movie, "50 Shades of Gay" I presume it was called, shows that gays should not be allowed to adopt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I wouldn't expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. .....
I'm a former Christian.

former to what now?
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
We believe, ding, that you and your family deserve a religion where you don't have to DEFEND slavery, defend genocide (the "flood"), defend killing of gays, defend saying women should shut the hell up in church, etc.
And I believe you should not be misrepresenting my faith.
I'm a former Christian.

former to what now?
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
We believe, ding, that you and your family deserve a religion where you don't have to DEFEND slavery, defend genocide (the "flood"), defend killing of gays, defend saying women should shut the hell up in church, etc.
And I believe you should not be misrepresenting my faith.
If it was really from an all-loving, all-knowing creator of it all, then your religious texts would be the epitome of accurate, clear, concise communication....but since they are just the opposite of that I think your religion is a con and it's followers delusional - and I love them enough to help them out.
I'm a former Christian.

former to what now?
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
We believe, ding, that you and your family deserve a religion where you don't have to DEFEND slavery, defend genocide (the "flood"), defend killing of gays, defend saying women should shut the hell up in church, etc.
And I believe you should not be misrepresenting my faith.
I say that Christianity hates women....please tell me how by showing this NT verse that I'm "misrepresenting" your faith:
“As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” - First Corinthians 14:33–35 (ESV).

I think that we can obviously agree that the authors of the bible don't understand how the world works, and are not good role models, right?
Homosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because at the least it puts undue confusion into the children learning sexuality, and at the most, they have a higher chance of being molested.

What, you think someone who can't control their sexual urges enough that that they have to do whatever with whoever is going to let mores and laws stop them from sexual gratification? No no no.
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

They are considered "perverse or antisocial" mainly because the ultimate authority ("god") SAYS that they are - they are, according to the Bible, so vile that they deserve death, and also eternal torture, and can't get into god's bigoted invisible gated community in the sky. The gate is to keep out the riff-raff - like the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Gandhi, all ethical/hard-working Hindus, all ethical/hard-working Muslims, etc.
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Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

They are considered "perverse or antisocial" mainly because the ultimate authority ("god") SAYS that they are - they are, according to the Bible, so vile that they deserve death, and also eternal torture, and can't get into god's bigoted invisible gated community in the sky. The gate is to keep out the riff-raff - like the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Gandhi, all Hindus, all Muslims, etc.
So have you come to any reconciliation about your religion and your Nation's Constitution ?
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
So then I guess you joining me in saying this loving Scientific Humanist prayer is COMPLETELY out of the question, then, eh?
"Jesus, I love gays, so please let them into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

They are considered "perverse or antisocial" mainly because the ultimate authority ("god") SAYS that they are - they are, according to the Bible, so vile that they deserve death, and also eternal torture, and can't get into god's bigoted invisible gated community in the sky. The gate is to keep out the riff-raff - like the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Gandhi, all Hindus, all Muslims, etc.
So have you come to any reconciliation about your religion and your Nation's Constitution ?
I think Scientific Humanism pretty much aligns with the US Constitution (and moreso than the Bible does) - we believe in religious freedom, for one thing.
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
if children turn you on, you're a pedophile. Period. Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homosexuals are no more to blame for following their sexual urges than you or I. Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!

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