Should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
if children turn you on, you're a pedophile. Period. Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homosexuals are no more to blame for following their sexual urges than you or I. Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!

No sense throwing a child into the kookoo equation. :)
How ridiculous to say they are at a high risk of being molested!

how so?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".

>>The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.<<

do heterosexuals?

Why assume homosexuals are any different?
In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
if children turn you on, you're a pedophile. Period. Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homosexuals are no more to blame for following their sexual urges than you or I. Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!

No sense throwing a child into the kookoo equation. :)
because they are different than you they are kookoo?

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
if children turn you on, you're a pedophile. Period. Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homosexuals are no more to blame for following their sexual urges than you or I. Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!
Mohammad had sex with little Aisha when she was 9 years-old.....was Mo a pedo?
...... Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!
Their book (Bible/Quran) says that very very bad things will happen to you if you act on the urges that god gave you.
like... burn in hell for all eternity? :biggrin::bow3:
According to the geniuses who wrote the Bible, which act below is contemptible, and which is highly commendable?
A. Have love outside marriage (burn in hell for all eternity.)
B. Kill 3000 people because you hear voices in your head (becoming a hero of 3 Abrahamic faiths): Ex 32:28: "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died."

The answer is: obviously followers of Abrahamic faiths don't understand "priority", nor "ethics."
...... Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!
Their book (Bible/Quran) says that very very bad things will happen to you if you act on the urges that god gave you.
like... burn in hell for all eternity? :biggrin::bow3:
Yes, but it's perfectly FINE to own another human being and beat him to DEATH as long as (get this!) the death DRAGS OUT past a day or two:
"When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property." (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

But I'm pretty sure that since Jesus is so all-loving that the Bible shows him proclaiming proudly: "write this down - end slavery w/in the next 30 years!", so nothing to worry about, yep. Yep. Obviously a Scientific Humanist would do that, and apparently Jesus is more loving than we are so....
former to what now?
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
If that were true you would not be misrepresenting it.
Your job is to tell me where I'm wrong about religion.
That would be a full time job

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

They are considered "perverse or antisocial" mainly because the ultimate authority ("god") SAYS that they are - they are, according to the Bible, so vile that they deserve death, and also eternal torture, and can't get into god's bigoted invisible gated community in the sky. The gate is to keep out the riff-raff - like the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Gandhi, all Hindus, all Muslims, etc.
So have you come to any reconciliation about your religion and your Nation's Constitution ?
I think Scientific Humanism pretty much aligns with the US Constitution (and moreso than the Bible does) - we believe in religious freedom, for one thing.
And by religious freedom you mean free from religion.
Scientific Humanism....not perfect....but better.

Have a great night.
If that were true you wouldn't be attacking a rival religion.
If that were true you would not be misrepresenting it.
Your job is to tell me where I'm wrong about religion.
That would be a full time job
Ad hominem attacks are a sign that one is bereft of cogent responses.
...... Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!
Their book (Bible/Quran) says that very very bad things will happen to you if you act on the urges that god gave you.
like... burn in hell for all eternity? :biggrin::bow3:
According to the geniuses who wrote the Bible, which act below is contemptible, and which is highly commendable?
A. Have love outside marriage (burn in hell for all eternity.)
B. Kill 3000 people because you hear voices in your head (becoming a hero of 3 Abrahamic faiths): Ex 32:28: "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died."

The answer is: obviously followers of Abrahamic faiths don't understand "priority", nor "ethics."
Or that you misrepresent it
...... Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!
Their book (Bible/Quran) says that very very bad things will happen to you if you act on the urges that god gave you.
like... burn in hell for all eternity? :biggrin::bow3:
According to the geniuses who wrote the Bible, which act below is contemptible, and which is highly commendable?
A. Have love outside marriage (burn in hell for all eternity.)
B. Kill 3000 people because you hear voices in your head (becoming a hero of 3 Abrahamic faiths): Ex 32:28: "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died."

The answer is: obviously followers of Abrahamic faiths don't understand "priority", nor "ethics."
Or that you misrepresent it
Clearly, if you had specific logical rebuttals to my specific claims that the Bible is evil, then you would give said rebuttals. The fact that you constantly rely on ad hominem attacks shows that I'm right (that the bible is evil.)

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

They are considered "perverse or antisocial" mainly because the ultimate authority ("god") SAYS that they are - they are, according to the Bible, so vile that they deserve death, and also eternal torture, and can't get into god's bigoted invisible gated community in the sky. The gate is to keep out the riff-raff - like the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Gandhi, all Hindus, all Muslims, etc.
So have you come to any reconciliation about your religion and your Nation's Constitution ?
I think Scientific Humanism pretty much aligns with the US Constitution (and moreso than the Bible does) - we believe in religious freedom, for one thing.
And by religious freedom you mean free from religion.
Government-wise, yes, free from religion. But we believe that you can believe what you want (and we will try to show you a better, more loving, more logical, more scientifically-correct way.)

In that they are homosexual couples.

It's a common sense thing, so I can understand how you don't get it.
You can't explain it then, eh?

Absolutely I can explain it.

The fact that they are in a homosexual relationship means that they value sexual gratification over everything else.

Their own sexual gratification is priority one, no matter how perverse or antisocial
their lusts may be.

People like that don't need to be raising children.

A person with that mindset is highly likely to molest children if it "turns them on".
if children turn you on, you're a pedophile. Period. Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homosexuals are no more to blame for following their sexual urges than you or I. Who cares what happens between two consenting adults?!

George Christensen links Safe Schools to 'paedophilia advocate'

Latest Examples of the Undeniable Link Between Homosexuality and Pedophilia »
Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homo's and pedophiles are just two sides of the same pervert coin. ... :cool:
Would your Allah know that 54 year-old men having sex with children causes mental and physical damage to said children? And would your Allah simply believe in the local man-made customs of the 7th century, or would Allah have timeless knowledge and know that sex with kids is simply wrong because of the mental and physical damage to them?
Stop linking homosexuality with pedophilia, there is no link.
Homo's and pedophile's are just two sides of the same pervert coin. ... :cool:
I guess if you like to justify child rape you sick fck.
Keep in mind that we are dealing with people believe that (ethical non-believer) Gandhi deserves to end up in the SAME place as Hitler ("hell"). This is their level of fairness, their level of equitable treatment.

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