Should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?


If you have such strong evidence, then show me a verse where God specifically states that he hates gays.
Lev 20:13, and 1 Cor. 6:9-10. Kill gays, and gays can't get into heaven.

Can you say this prayer with me? "God/Jesus, if you don't allow ethical gays into heaven, then please change your ways and allow them into heaven and avoid hell, because I love gays. Thanks"

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Notice I agreed that LGBT people should be allowed to adopt children, ...
So then of course you condemn Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10, because those teach hatred of gays and teach that gays can't get into heaven, correct?
You seem easily confused.

As a matter of fact, the Bible doesn't teach hatred of anyone, but hatred of sinful acts. It teaches Christians to love all people, as shown in the verse I pasted.
Lev says kill them, and Romans says they don't get into heaven (that means brutal, savage, barbaric torture)....that's hatred of gays! What planet do you live on?

If you have such strong evidence, then show me a verse where God specifically states that he hates gays.
Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10. Kill gays, and gays can't get into heaven.

Can you say this prayer with me? "God/Jesus, if you don't allow ethical gays into heaven, then please change your ways and allow them into heaven and avoid hell, because I love gays. Thanks"
Again, that's condemning a sin. I already answered you on this very same page.

Romans 6:9-10 9For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

Has literally nothing to do with homos.
Notice I agreed that LGBT people should be allowed to adopt children, ...
So then of course you condemn Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10, because those teach hatred of gays and teach that gays can't get into heaven, correct?
You seem easily confused.

As a matter of fact, the Bible doesn't teach hatred of anyone, but hatred of sinful acts. It teaches Christians to love all people, as shown in the verse I pasted.
Lev says kill them, and Romans says they don't get into heaven (that means brutal, savage, barbaric torture)....that's hatred of gays! What planet do you live on?
Again, that's in accordance with Jewish law, which is before the gates of heaven were opened to everyone, rather than just Jews. If you're incapable of reading basic English, WHY are you on an English forum?

If you have such strong evidence, then show me a verse where God specifically states that he hates gays.
Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10. Kill gays, and gays can't get into heaven.

Can you say this prayer with me? "God/Jesus, if you don't allow ethical gays into heaven, then please change your ways and allow them into heaven and avoid hell, because I love gays. Thanks"
Again, that's condemning a sin. I already answered you on this very same page.

Romans 6:9-10 9For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

Has literally nothing to do with homos.
I meant to pick the one below that, sorry:
1 Corinthians 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"
Notice I agreed that LGBT people should be allowed to adopt children, ...
So then of course you condemn Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10, because those teach hatred of gays and teach that gays can't get into heaven, correct?
You seem easily confused.

As a matter of fact, the Bible doesn't teach hatred of anyone, but hatred of sinful acts. It teaches Christians to love all people, as shown in the verse I pasted.
Lev says kill them, and Romans says they don't get into heaven (that means brutal, savage, barbaric torture)....that's hatred of gays! What planet do you live on?
Jewish law was not kind to Homosexuals, however, as I showed earlier in the thread where you decided you wanted to lose a debate today, I already showed that God hates nobody, and Christians are commanded not to hate anyone.

I've already countered all of your ignorant drivel, as any informed person can.
The LGBT community just wants to fit right into society.
View attachment 122102
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

View attachment 122160
View attachment 122161
Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
My god, just LOOK at these sick kinky homos in action!!! Jesus, save us from this homo depravity!!


That movie, "50 Shades of Gay" I presume it was called, shows that gays should not be allowed to adopt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only progressives watched 50 Shades of Grey, they are the only ones perverted enough as homosexuals to enjoy it. Progressives should also be banned from adopting children.
Again, that's condemning a sin. .........
Being gay is not a sin!!!!! You have a morally warped god/prophet if it is.
Prove it.
No, see, how it works is that the person claiming that behavior that is perfectly legal, and behavior that does not harm you, is immoral, THAT IS THE PERSON (you) who has to prove that it's a "sin". Thinking people don't blindly accept ethics from 1st century barbarians who were so stupid that they approved of slavery, for example.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.
Children should be allowed to be adopted by responsible, vetted, caring parents.

Sexual orientation- along with race and religion- really are not relevant.

The vast majority of children who are in need of adoption- were abandoned by their heterosexual mothers and fathers- or are being given up for adoption by their heterosexual parents who don't feel qualified to raise their own kids. Disqualifying gays from adopting the kids abandoned by straights doesn't make any sense.
The LGBT community just wants to fit right into society.
View attachment 122102
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

View attachment 122160
View attachment 122161
Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
My god, just LOOK at these sick kinky homos in action!!! Jesus, save us from this homo depravity!!


That movie, "50 Shades of Gay" I presume it was called, shows that gays should not be allowed to adopt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only progressives watched 50 Shades of Grey, they are the only ones perverted enough as homosexuals to enjoy it. Progressives should also be banned from adopting children.

Once again a Conservative shows how in the Conservative world, only those who comply with Conservative doctrine are allowed- no contrary thinking is permitted.

If you have such strong evidence, then show me a verse where God specifically states that he hates gays.
Lev 20:13, and Romans 6:9-10. Kill gays, and gays can't get into heaven.

Can you say this prayer with me? "God/Jesus, if you don't allow ethical gays into heaven, then please change your ways and allow them into heaven and avoid hell, because I love gays. Thanks"
Again, that's condemning a sin. I already answered you on this very same page.

Romans 6:9-10 9For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

Has literally nothing to do with homos.
I meant to pick the one below that, sorry:
1 Corinthians 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"
The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God is pretty straightforward. Not sure what's confusing you about that verse.
The LGBT community just wants to fit right into society.
View attachment 122102
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

View attachment 122160
View attachment 122161
Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
They are as straight as you are.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.

Me personally? I was orphaned when I was 8, passed around from foster family to foster family until I ran away to live with my Grandparents my last year of H.S., so yeah, I say let them adopt if they want. A stable family unit, even if it were two people of the same gender would have been a lot less strenuous on me as a kid than going through 3 different families.

And, my final tour in Norfolk, I rented a room from a lesbian couple for a couple of years. One of them had a daughter from a long ago marriage, and from everything I could see, she was a happy, healthy, outgoing young woman of 13 years old who was bright and well liked.

Incidentally, she also was seriously boy crazy and liked dudes, even though her mother and her mother's partner had been together for 10 years of her life, since she had been 3.

Nope, I see no problem with it. Not only would it give some kids who need a home like I did when I was growing up, but it also doesn't have any negative effect on kids that I could see during that 2 years I lived with them. Tawnya was a perfectly regular teen age girl, and both Cindy and Connie loved her very much and taught her well.
Regressives never see a problem that places children in bizarre environments.

Conservatives never see a problem with abandoning kids who are inconvenient. Conservatives concern for children ends the moment they are born.
and Christians are commanded not to hate anyone.

If you are so full of love (apparently), then you easily can join me in saying this prayer: "God/Jesus, I love Hindus so much that I beg you to let ethical Hindus into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you do that?
All gays are like that in your mind, eh?
The question was homosexuals. And one look at a homosexual parade gives you a good idea what they stand for. No one held a gun to their head and made them do this. Homosexuals simply cannot control their depravity.

View attachment 122160
View attachment 122161
Priceless...rail against gays and show pictures of kinky straights...
My god, just LOOK at these sick kinky homos in action!!! Jesus, save us from this homo depravity!!


That movie, "50 Shades of Gay" I presume it was called, shows that gays should not be allowed to adopt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only progressives watched 50 Shades of Grey, they are the only ones perverted enough as homosexuals to enjoy it. Progressives should also be banned from adopting children.

Once again a Conservative shows how in the Conservative world, only those who comply with Conservative doctrine are allowed- no contrary thinking is permitted.
Safety of children is the issue. Progressives have shown they are a direct threat to civilized norms.
Jewish law was not kind to Homosexuals,......
In other words, god got it wrong.
I already explained the difference between Jewish Law and the New Testament. Don't try too hard to think, you may hurt yourself. For any future confusion, please reread the last few pages, you're just arguing in circles now.
Yes, the NT was needed because the OT got so much stuff wrong. Also, the OT didn't instill as much fear into people, since "Sheol" was not scary enough, so Revelation ("hell" in the NT) was invented to instill more fear in people to get them to pony up the dough.

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