Should medical personnel be able to refuse to do their job based on religious beliefs

Should medical personnel's religious beliefs trump doing right by the patient

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
contraception is destruction of live.....she is asking for a contraceptive that prevents the egg from being implanted....are eggs alone life?

if so how do you feel about the millions of sperm you waste masturbating?

and dont deny it...we all do it....

Except it is not an egg alone that is the problem nor is a solitary egg what the potential mother cares about destroying, it is the fertilized egg that she is out to destroy. You cannot deny that. If it were an egg by itself, she would have nothing to fear and no need for "emergency contraception".


Mitt Romney is taking millions of dollars from Phil Frost, the maker, marketer and seller of the "Morning After" pill. Probably behind more abortions than all the clinics put together. Romney attended a $50,000.00 a plate dinner at his mansion which brought in millions. Republicans don't care as long as they win so keep quiet. They get mad when you buck the party line.
Said medical professionals are protecting all lives presented to them rather than destroying one for the selfish reasons of the other.


She. Was. RAPED.

So, you advocate forcing a medical professional who believes that life begins at conception to take a life?

It is not like there are not enough medical professionals who believe otherwise, so you demand, that those who have ethical reasons for not wanting to perform abortions (surgical or chemical), actually perform such abortions?

If she was raped then by our laws she is entitled to an abortion. She is not entitled to demand that a particular doctor give her the abortion she wants.


Umm no I don't think you would want a podiatrist giving you an abortion... Videos - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Refusing to give a post-rape contraceptive based on religion? I think that lady needs a new job.

If you want to go into PRIVATE practice.... do what ever you want.

However...if you are being paid to do a job.... shut the fuck up and do your job. It is after all what you are being paid for.

So you think the morning after pill is the same as an abortion?
Oklahoma Doctor Refuses to Provide Emergency Contraceptive to Rape Victim on Basis of Religious Conscience | The Raw Story

Rape victims are treated as subhuman based solely upon the purportedly religious conscience of those who have an ethical duty to provide medical care. Doctors personal beliefs now trump their ethical duties as medical professionals, and their moral duties as human beings.

The nurse needs to locate employment in a facility that does not offend her by the treatment provided(.) I hope her unemployment claim is denied also. Videos - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Refusing to give a post-rape contraceptive based on religion? I think that lady needs a new job.

If you want to go into PRIVATE practice.... do what ever you want.

However...if you are being paid to do a job.... shut the fuck up and do your job. It is after all what you are being paid for.

So you think the morning after pill is the same as an abortion?

Apparently he does. And rather than just give her the pill in question, Mr. Holier Than Thou feels she should have to be violated again, this time by an abortionist.

What an unfeeling, arrogant prick.
Should the government dictate to people how to do their jobs. Should the government force people to violate their religious beliefs?

ahh a chance to use a con approach.
No one made them become a Doctor or make them take their oath as a doctor.

contraception is destruction of live.....she is asking for a contraceptive that prevents the egg from being implanted....are eggs alone life?

if so how do you feel about the millions of sperm you waste masturbating?

and dont deny it...we all do it....

Except it is not an egg alone that is the problem nor is a solitary egg what the potential mother cares about destroying, it is the fertilized egg that she is out to destroy. You cannot deny that. If it were an egg by itself, she would have nothing to fear and no need for "emergency contraception".


she was have from under 24 hours up to 10 days before the egg/sperm implant....

now what about the sperm....should we conserve all sperm it is capable of life...if matched with an egg...and no egg has life without a lets start applying these ideas to sperm.....if you spill your seed you must fertilize an egg

A sperm cell on its own is not life nor is an egg cell that has not been fertilized. Once the two have merged life has begun.

The fact that there are millions of sperm cells ejaculated for every egg cell a woman ovulates is inconsequential.

if you spill your seed you must fertilize an egg

That is as ridiculous as stating that a woman must become pregnant every time she ovulates.

but forcing a rape victim to bear the child of the rapist is just to you?

come on immie think about this.....
contraception is destruction of live.....she is asking for a contraceptive that prevents the egg from being implanted....are eggs alone life?

if so how do you feel about the millions of sperm you waste masturbating?

and dont deny it...we all do it....

Except it is not an egg alone that is the problem nor is a solitary egg what the potential mother cares about destroying, it is the fertilized egg that she is out to destroy. You cannot deny that. If it were an egg by itself, she would have nothing to fear and no need for "emergency contraception".


Mitt Romney is taking millions of dollars from Phil Frost, the maker, marketer and seller of the "Morning After" pill. Probably behind more abortions than all the clinics put together. Romney attended a $50,000.00 a plate dinner at his mansion which brought in millions. Republicans don't care as long as they win so keep quiet. They get mad when you buck the party line.


I'm neither a Republican nor a supporter of Mitt Romney.

but forcing a rape victim to bear the child of the rapist is just to you?

come on immie think about this.....

No one is advocating forcing the victim to bear the child. I simply stated that it is not the right of the rape victim to make a victim out of the medical professional who believes there may be life within her womb.

No where did I state that the woman was not entitled to receive the emergency contraception or even an abortion. What I stated was that she was not entitled to force a medical professional to act against his or her principles. There are other medical professionals who will gladly perform the deed.

She need not force her beliefs on others.

then we need warning signs on the way in...dont we? the person on duty is not gonna treat a rape victim as a victim but as someone to be shamed...
and forced to bear the child of the you think that would make it hard to love that child?
and forced to bear the child of the you think that would make it hard to love that child?

Then she should give it up for adoption. Silly SB.

I think you were serious about that, right?

I get the impression you are angry with me, when all I said was that she can and should find a provider that believes as she does.

I have no idea why you seem to be angry with me about that. In fact, I feel as if I have done something elsewhere to anger you and you are expressing that anger here.

Don't know what I did, but, I am certain I deserve the anger. Therefore, I offer my sincere apologies.

Immie Videos - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Refusing to give a post-rape contraceptive based on religion? I think that lady needs a new job.

If you want to go into PRIVATE practice.... do what ever you want.

However...if you are being paid to do a job.... shut the fuck up and do your job. It is after all what you are being paid for.

So you think the morning after pill is the same as an abortion?

i really don't give a shit what it is.....

medical personal are there to treat you... they are not there to make personal judgement calls on what they will and wont treat based on their religion and or personal beliefs.

If that were the case i would have zero problem letting ever damn gang member who came in with a gun shot wound bleed out in the waiting room.
then we need warning signs on the way in...dont we? the person on duty is not gonna treat a rape victim as a victim but as someone to be shamed...

What? Like a flashing Neon banner? Call the doctor in advance and give the nature of the problem. Rape has to be a really hard thing and I wish it on no one, but are we writing a manual on how to live or whether or not individuals should have liberty?
and forced to bear the child of the you think that would make it hard to love that child?

Then she should give it up for adoption. Silly SB.

I think you were serious about that, right?

I get the impression you are angry with me, when all I said was that she can and should find a provider that believes as she does.

I have no idea why you seem to be angry with me about that. In fact, I feel as if I have done something elsewhere to anger you and you are expressing that anger here.

Don't know what I did, but, I am certain I deserve the anger. Therefore, I offer my sincere apologies.


No, it was right here. I was fine with you until you announced that what happened to that young lady was fine, and the fetus was more important than anything else.

Even when there wasn't a FETUS!!! It outranked her.
Remember how Reagan passed that law that said hospitals had to treat people for life threatening injuries regardless of their ability to pay? Well wouldn't republicans, Ron Paul and Citizens United say that corporations are people and so you can't force a person to do business with someone who can't pay so why make hospitals? Wouldn't they say that law is unconstitutional? Yes they would, because they are fucking stupid.
Then she should give it up for adoption. Silly SB.

I think you were serious about that, right?

I get the impression you are angry with me, when all I said was that she can and should find a provider that believes as she does.

I have no idea why you seem to be angry with me about that. In fact, I feel as if I have done something elsewhere to anger you and you are expressing that anger here.

Don't know what I did, but, I am certain I deserve the anger. Therefore, I offer my sincere apologies.


No, it was right here. I was fine with you until you announced that what happened to that young lady was fine, and the fetus was more important than anything else.

Even when there wasn't a FETUS!!! It outranked her.

Remember how Reagan passed that law that said hospitals had to treat people for life threatening injuries regardless of their ability to pay? Well wouldn't republicans, Ron Paul and Citizens United say that corporations are people and so you can't force a person to do business with someone who can't pay so why make hospitals? Wouldn't they say that law is unconstitutional? Yes they would, because they are fucking stupid.

Uh, no. :cuckoo:

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