Should Mueller be fired?

I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
Why is Trump thinking about this and floating trial balloons about it ???

If Trump fired Mueller the impeachment proceedings would begin immediately !!!


The President is free to fire anyone in the executive.

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey

And, of course, it applies throughout that branch.
I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
Mueller's authority to investigate extends FAR beyond Sessions and his meetings (or lack thereof).

"The letter announcing the appointment says that Mueller is authorized to investigate "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and...any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."

Robert Mueller appointed special counsel

Authority extends to Trump, his campaign (and the actions of hundreds or even thousands of people involved in same) and 'any matters that arose or may arise..."

And, as to whether Trump should fire Mueller...

Absolutely not.

We see how well the firing of the Special Counsel (Prosecutor) worked for Richard Nixon, eh?

The firing of Mueller would trigger a Constitutional Crisis to make Watergate look like a Sunday-school picnic by comparison.

So... sit back, and enjoy the ride.
Mueller apparently won't be fired, because ... Trump is a moron.

Trump Stews, Staff Steps In, and Mueller Is Safe for Now
The president was pleased by the ambiguity of his position on Mr. Mueller, and thinks the possibility of being fired will focus the veteran prosecutor on delivering what the president desires most: a blanket public exoneration.

Hilarious. Trump actually believes he can bully Mueller by keeping the threat of firing open. After all, Trump has never encountered anything but yes-men before. Sadly for Trump, Mueller wasn't intimidated by the real mafia, and he certainly won't be intimidated by a two-bit thug like Trump.
The whole thing is so "Nixon-esque".

Soon we will hear one of the Trumpians say, "....there is a cancer on the presidency..." terms of firing those who don't toe the administration's's less "Nixon-esque."

It's pure-red Obama.

You've forgotten he did exactly what Trump should do:

1. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors generals are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor


2. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." ‘

a. BTW, did I mention that the thief, Kevin Johnson, stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

3. Walpin referrer the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.
Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy by David Freddoso

....there was a cancer on the presidency...named Barack Hussein Obama

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing

A federal court on Tuesday rejected Gerald Walpin’s allegation that he was wrongly ousted as inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the agency that oversees the AmeriCorps program, writes The Washington Post.

A three-judge appeals-court panel ruled unanimously that Mr. Walpin, a George W. Bush appointee whom President Obama fired last year, does not have “‘a clear and indisputable right’ to reinstatement.”

Mr. Walpin contended that his June 2009 firing violated a 2008 law requiring the White House to give Congress 30 days notice when removing an inspector general, and alleged he was ousted over his office’s investigation of AmeriCorps funds that went to a school run by the former basketball star Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter and now mayor of Sacramento.

The White House said Mr. Walpin was fired for poor job performance, and government watchdog groups said the court ruling was appropriate.

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing
The whole thing is so "Nixon-esque".

Soon we will hear one of the Trumpians say, "....there is a cancer on the presidency..." terms of firing those who don't toe the administration's's less "Nixon-esque."

It's pure-red Obama.

You've forgotten he did exactly what Trump should do:

....there was a cancer on the presidency...named Barack Hussein Obama

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing

A federal court on Tuesday rejected Gerald Walpin’s allegation that he was wrongly ousted as inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the agency that oversees the AmeriCorps program, writes The Washington Post.

A three-judge appeals-court panel ruled unanimously that Mr. Walpin, a George W. Bush appointee whom President Obama fired last year, does not have “‘a clear and indisputable right’ to reinstatement.”

Mr. Walpin contended that his June 2009 firing violated a 2008 law requiring the White House to give Congress 30 days notice when removing an inspector general, and alleged he was ousted over his office’s investigation of AmeriCorps funds that went to a school run by the former basketball star Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter and now mayor of Sacramento.

The White House said Mr. Walpin was fired for poor job performance, and government watchdog groups said the court ruling was appropriate.

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing

Pleeeeeezzzzzz....stop acting as though you are stupid, and as though you believe "Walpin was fired for poor job performance."

Gads, you've become a lap dog for the corrupt .

The reason he was fired is clear and evident: he spoke truth to power.

"Gerald Walpin, a former Inspector General with the Corporation for National and Community Service which oversees AmeriCorps said in an interview with Byron York of The Examiner that his firing was politically motivated.

Yes, we knew that. We knew that Walpin's investigation into the misuse of AmeriCorps funds by Sacramento Mayor Dennis Johnson was the proximate cause of his firing. What we didn't know, as York points out, was how blatant it was:

The White House's decision to fire AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin came amid politically-charged tensions inside the Corporation for National and Community Service, the organization that runs AmeriCorps. Top executives at the Corporation, Walpin explained in an hour-long interview Saturday, were unhappy with his investigation into the misuse of AmeriCorps funds by Kevin Johnson, the former NBA star who is now mayor of Sacramento, California and a prominent supporter of President Obama. Walpin's investigation also sparked conflict with the acting U.S. attorney in Sacramento amid fears that the probe -- which could have resulted in Johnson being barred from ever winning another federal grant -- might stand in the way of the city receiving its part of billions of dollars in federal stimulus money. After weeks of standoff, Walpin, whose position as inspector general is supposed to be protected from influence by political appointees and the White House, was fired.

Walpin learned his fate Wednesday night. He was driving to an event in upstate New York when he received a call from Norman Eisen, the Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform. "He said, 'Mr. Walpin, the president wants me to tell you that he really appreciates your service, but it's time to move on,'" Walpin recalls. "Eisen said, 'You can either resign, or I'll tell you that we'll have to terminate you.'"

Read more: Blog: Fired for doing his job: Walpin speaks
The is the situation that you would rather gloss over, to shield your beloved, the snake, Obama:

"Mayor Kevin Johnson — a former NBA star and a Democrat with ties to Obama — over allegations that he misused an $850,000 grant Americorps gave his community group, St. Hope.

Johnson was accused of inappropriately touching young girls, and is alleged to have offered at least one of them $1,000 per month to stay quiet about it and stay at St. Hope.

Other allegations Johnson faced, according to a 2009 congressional report prepared by now House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley, include Americorps volunteers running errands for Johnson, washing his car and conducting political activities all while on the clock — meaning taxpayers paid the bill.

Walpin also found about $80 million of wasted taxpayer funding through Americorps ...

Issa’s and Grassley’s report found that White House officials had moved to fire Walpin without conducting a fair investigation. "
Scandal-plagued Americorps loses inspector general funding

To cover the Johnson criminality, Walpin had to be fired by the snake.
The whole thing is so "Nixon-esque".

Soon we will hear one of the Trumpians say, "....there is a cancer on the presidency..." terms of firing those who don't toe the administration's's less "Nixon-esque."

It's pure-red Obama.

You've forgotten he did exactly what Trump should do:

1. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors generals are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor


2. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." ‘

a. BTW, did I mention that the thief, Kevin Johnson, stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

3. Walpin referrer the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.
Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy by David Freddoso

....there was a cancer on the presidency...named Barack Hussein Obama

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing

A federal court on Tuesday rejected Gerald Walpin’s allegation that he was wrongly ousted as inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the agency that oversees the AmeriCorps program, writes The Washington Post.

A three-judge appeals-court panel ruled unanimously that Mr. Walpin, a George W. Bush appointee whom President Obama fired last year, does not have “‘a clear and indisputable right’ to reinstatement.”

Mr. Walpin contended that his June 2009 firing violated a 2008 law requiring the White House to give Congress 30 days notice when removing an inspector general, and alleged he was ousted over his office’s investigation of AmeriCorps funds that went to a school run by the former basketball star Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter and now mayor of Sacramento.

The White House said Mr. Walpin was fired for poor job performance, and government watchdog groups said the court ruling was appropriate.

Ex-National Service Inspector General Loses Appeal of Firing

"Walpin referred Johnson to the U.S. Attorney for criminal prosecution after finding that he’d filed “false and fraudulent claims” totaling $845,018.75. Walpin alleged that Johnson was hiring people as “tutors” and paying them with federal funds given to St. HOPE, then using those employees to wash his car and do other personal errands for him."

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