Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

Didn't they get certified as pilots? they were pilots, lets not beat around the bush. Just like if I were to finish bartending school, I am a bartender.

In much the same way as bartender school makes you a qualified airline pilot.

Sounds about right.

Do we have the right to ask whether a pilot is a qualified bartender?

This could make for a more interesting flight...
I have a family of 6. That means when I peer into the cockpit and see a prayer rug, I will take them off the plane and book another flight. I doubt any of you Leftists would actually risk your family based on your misguided notion of "tolerance".

It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

and, of course, good christians like timothy mcvey are harmless.

timothy McVey had a nutty motive ----but not a Group ideology that supported his "motive"
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.
Hmmm. My inclination is to say no. Why? For the same reasons of what SJ just said. BUT...on the other hand, not all muslims are murderers or extremists. Then again, the risk that one IS an extremist and has such a weapon in his hands...but then thats painting all of them with a very broad brush....however, is the glass half empty or half full?

Difficult question. I'm not sure how to answer because I just flat don't know the answer to it.

This is the easiest question you will ever have to answer - your religious beliefs are not subject to arbitrary governmental oversight - PERIOD. Do you also want the constitution simply done away with?
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

If we are doing (or allowing) something that is extremely dangerous and detrimental to the public safety, a way will be found to squash it.

Even if it means bending the rules a bit in order to shoehorn-in the legal mechanism(s) by which that squashing would be accomplished.


Because, when safety and Constitutionality are in conflict in times of extremis, safety wins, nearly every time.

Don't believe that?

Just ask the Japanese-Americans of our West Coast during the 1941-1945 time frame - still within Living Memory.

Or those incarcerated by the LIncoln Administration in the 1860s during the Civil War, after the suspension of habeus corpus, once the shooting started.

Shit happens.

We can continue to hope that that particular type of shit does not manifest.

But we should not fool ourselves that The Nation and The People would not act, should the situation worsen to that point of extreme danger.
So getting on a plane with a Muslim is suicide.

Just admit that you do not care what the constitution stands for or protects - it is clear that you think freedom for all Americans actually means freedom for those that fall into the proper group.

I am also well aware of the fact that we have abandoned our ideals and morals in times of crisis. Unlike you though the events DISGUST ME and under no circumstances should be repeated. Japanese internment caps are a blight on American morals and supporting the asinine idea in the OP is harkening back to that type of thought. If that is how we are going to treat our most sacred ideals then we shouldn't even bother. Close the nation up and turn it into a totalitarian governent already.

No one from a Japanese interment camp did anything to an innocent American. Muslims have looked for Americans to behead, piloted planes to kill people on board and innocent people on the ground, massacred people in military bases, I could go on. Would I get on a plane with a man who wore a mask? No! Just as I would opt off a plane with a pilot with a turban. If you want to fly with an ISis pilot, knock yourself out. I'll pass.
You Democrats rounded up the Japanese into internment camps which, along with slavery, the KKK, opposing civil rights reform, and segregation completes the picture.

It seems you needed the reminder.
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

and, of course, good christians like timothy mcvey are harmless.
If you say so. :cuckoo:

did i need to make a little sarcasm off sign for you snookums?
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yeah but they'd like to beat the rush to the islamobashing thing.

personally, i think fundies of all stripes need to stay away from sharp objects, heavy machinery and governments.
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned

Like they are going to answer those questions appropriately?
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned
Anyone that shows those signs should be banned. I don't think half the people that post at USMB should operate a toilet unsupervised, let alone an airplane.
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned

Like they are going to answer those questions appropriately?

on can only do the best one can do. ----intelligence
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned
Anyone that shows those signs should be banned. I don't think half the people that post at USMB should operate a toilet unsupervised, let alone an airplane.

public chat rooms and message rooms are a good place to start doing intelligence gathering
And that missing time years ago (when some here suggested he was in jihad training?) found him spending 1.5 years in a mental hospital being treated for manic depression.

He received psychiatric treatment for 18 months, but it doesn't say it was in a hospital. That is still really bad for a pilot, but there is a difference.

Germanwings co-pilot s torn sick note recent treatment at hospital provide clues in crash probe Fox News

Bild reported that Lubitz spent 18 months receiving psychiatric treatment, was diagnosed with a "severe depressive episode," and received what it called a "special regular medical examination."
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned

Like they are going to answer those questions appropriately?

on can only do the best one can do. ----intelligence
Psychological testing
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned

Like they are going to answer those questions appropriately?

In much the same way as bartender school makes you a qualified airline pilot.

Sounds about right.

Do we have the right to ask whether a pilot is a qualified bartender?

This could make for a more interesting flight...
I have a family of 6. That means when I peer into the cockpit and see a prayer rug, I will take them off the plane and book another flight. I doubt any of you Leftists would actually risk your family based on your misguided notion of "tolerance".

It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.

So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
In much the same way as bartender school makes you a qualified airline pilot.

Sounds about right.

Do we have the right to ask whether a pilot is a qualified bartender?

This could make for a more interesting flight...
I have a family of 6. That means when I peer into the cockpit and see a prayer rug, I will take them off the plane and book another flight. I doubt any of you Leftists would actually risk your family based on your misguided notion of "tolerance".

It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.
the issue is -----private illness vs MASSIVE GROUP AGENDA. ----there is actually a big difference between a crime committed as the result of sickness and one committed as a manifestion of MASSIVE
COLLUSION-----collusion is a very big issue in
criminology. Motive is important in the evaluation of
crime. For the sake of---theoretical consideration----
if it is found that he was converted by some nutty radical Islamic preacher who advocated random
killing of infidels-------and he decided to comply-----
his crime is a bit different from ------"depressed young male----who saw an opportunity to die fast and has
a sudden impulse to do so"-----from the standpoint of
SOCIETY------such instances are less dangerous than
a BIG TIME PLAN that can involved the PARTICIPATION of many
huh? Everyone would still end up dead, no?

btw, it is being reported that the German was in the hospital but not being treated for mental illness. For some physical illness. Everything is speculation at this point.

yes-----the investigation is still on in this case-----but the question here is theoretical "should muslims be banned from being pilots"? My response would be----muslims who show signs of being adherent to the idea that attacking "westerners" is a good idea----should be banned

Like they are going to answer those questions appropriately?

on can only do the best one can do. ----intelligence
Psychological testing

psychological testing of all pilots make sense... as does psychological testing for gun owners.
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

and, of course, good christians like timothy mcvey are harmless.

timothy McVey had a nutty motive ----but not a Group ideology that supported his "motive"

He had a group ideology - rightwing anti-government extremists.
How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

and, of course, good christians like timothy mcvey are harmless.

timothy McVey had a nutty motive ----but not a Group ideology that supported his "motive"

He had a group ideology - rightwing anti-government extremists.

hardly a "group" certainly not a creed----you might just as well refer to "bank robbers" as a "group ideology" -----or "crack users"
Logic states that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Islam has declared war on western infidels. They will do all they can in the name of their religion, which includes lying and misleading the infidels. They also want islam to be THE religion the world over and will kill to make it happen.
So logic therefore is part of the suspicion whenever an airplane crashes for no apparent reason or some guy in the ME is found with his head on a stick or a woman found in a hole up to her shoulders stoned to death. Doesn't matter if the woman was muslim. She is worth less than the rocks that killed her.

Walk, quack, duck. Simple.

I'm sure the world is just that simple for you.

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