Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

How many pilots have gone all jihad on us? One is enough. Do you need more to see the dangerous situation we are now in?
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?

and, of course, good christians like timothy mcvey are harmless.
If you say so. :cuckoo:

did i need to make a little sarcasm off sign for you snookums?
If it floats yer boat, knock yerself out doing it, sweetcakes.
And that missing time years ago (when some here suggested he was in jihad training?) found him spending 1.5 years in a mental hospital being treated for manic depression.

He received psychiatric treatment for 18 months, but it doesn't say it was in a hospital. That is still really bad for a pilot, but there is a difference.

Germanwings co-pilot s torn sick note recent treatment at hospital provide clues in crash probe Fox News

Bild reported that Lubitz spent 18 months receiving psychiatric treatment, was diagnosed with a "severe depressive episode," and received what it called a "special regular medical examination."
It's also really bad for 150 people and their families, not knowing a pilot flying a deadly weapon, was batshit crazy.
The point is, all subscribers to violent ideologies should be banned from piloting aircraft, not just the ones the Left hates.
Do you know of any other "violent ideology" whose adherents are eager to murder innocent people, and die themselves?

I don't know how old you are and don't want to insult you, but you might not have been around to see the Neo Nazi reign of terror in my state of Idaho in the late 80's early 90's. Bombings, murders, threats against judges, etc before the federal government cracked down on them. I'm being perfectly honest in saying I wouldn't fly in an airplane where I knew the pilot was a Muslim OR a white supremacist.
I have a family of 6. That means when I peer into the cockpit and see a prayer rug, I will take them off the plane and book another flight. I doubt any of you Leftists would actually risk your family based on your misguided notion of "tolerance".

It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.

So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
I have a family of 6. That means when I peer into the cockpit and see a prayer rug, I will take them off the plane and book another flight. I doubt any of you Leftists would actually risk your family based on your misguided notion of "tolerance".

It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it
I never really thought about asking about a pilots religion either..and I have flown A LOT. But it's been quite a few years since I have and probably never will again so its a moot point for me, anyway. BUT..if I DID ever get the chance to fly can bet I WILL be asking about my pilot. Just like I would ask a new doctor or dentist or veterinary for my furkids. Today is not yesterday. Things have changed drastically. Gotta go with the flow if you wanna live.
It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.

So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it

Atheists also don't anticipate eternal consequences for their actions as demonstrated by the 120 million people they killed in the 20th century.

And no I'm not completely wrong. I have the utmost faith that you will do the right thing if the situation actually arises. You'll probably manufacture an excuse that has nothing to do the pilot being Muslim. It really doesn't matter what reason you give because ultimately when you see this:


There's no way in Dante's Hell you're going to put your family on that plane, tolerant Leftist or not.
I would be fine with it btw how do know this gentleman is Muslim?
It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.

So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
It has nothing to do with "misguided" tolerance. Pilots are professionals, well screened and vetted. Incidents like this one, which is looking like a suicide are exceedingly rare when you look at the big picture. As far as I can find - there have been no verifiable incidents of professional pilots crashing a plane for "jihadi" purposes. Yes, the 9/11 terrorists hijacked a plane and forced it to crash, and yes, they were trained to be pilots but they were not professional pilots. There have been more cases of pilot suicides then pilots-turned-jihadists.

So, no it's not "misguided tolerance" - it's logic.

If I were traveling with my family, it wouldn't be the pilots I'd worry about and the pilots religion would have no bearing on it.

Just for laughs - what are you going to do if you ever visit the Middle East? Chances are - your pilot will be Muslim. And as an interesting sidenote - for airplane safety, UAE is one of the safest.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it
I never really thought about asking about a pilots religion either..and I have flown A LOT. But it's been quite a few years since I have and probably never will again so its a moot point for me, anyway. BUT..if I DID ever get the chance to fly can bet I WILL be asking about my pilot. Just like I would ask a new doctor or dentist or veterinary for my furkids. Today is not yesterday. Things have changed drastically. Gotta go with the flow if you wanna live.
you want to know if your dentist is Muslim?
So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it
I never really thought about asking about a pilots religion either..and I have flown A LOT. But it's been quite a few years since I have and probably never will again so its a moot point for me, anyway. BUT..if I DID ever get the chance to fly can bet I WILL be asking about my pilot. Just like I would ask a new doctor or dentist or veterinary for my furkids. Today is not yesterday. Things have changed drastically. Gotta go with the flow if you wanna live.
you want to know if your dentist is Muslim?
Yer an asshole and a troll, but I will answer you this one time, then on iggie you go.
I don't care if my dentist is a muslim. I DO care if he does not have a license or experience as a dentist. Same with veterinarians. I check before I "hire" someone to take care of my body, my teeth or my fur children.
Now find something else to twist around for trolling cuz I won't see it.
you want to know if your dentist is Muslim?

I want to know if my dentist is a DEVOUT Muslim, because Muhammad (piss be upon him) taught his followers to wipe their asses with their left hand and use sand, dirt, and gravel to "clean" their hands afterward. And Muhammad (piss be upon him) is considered a model of excellence to be imitated by all his most devout followers.

That's also why I never shake hands with them.
So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it

Atheists also don't anticipate eternal consequences for their actions as demonstrated by the 120 million people they killed in the 20th century.

And no I'm not completely wrong. I have the utmost faith that you will do the right thing if the situation actually arises. You'll probably manufacture an excuse that has nothing to do the pilot being Muslim. It really doesn't matter what reason you give because ultimately when you see this:


There's no way in Dante's Hell you're going to put your family on that plane, tolerant Leftist or not.
I would be fine with it btw how do know this gentleman is Muslim?

Because of the article I took it from.

And Muslims are not gentlemen.
Let's take a look at some hijackings, and these are just SOME of them. For anyone to rule out the possibility that this was terror related is incredibly stupid.

I'm not saying whether or not Muslims should be able to pilot planes or not. That would not be MY decision to make.

10 Most Terrifying Airplane Hijackings of All Time Other Articles The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Nope but it's up to us to decide if we would fly such an airline. That is how capitalism works, we are the true bosses. But I digress.....

There are certain people in our society, who protect islam, almost at any cost. I don't get it one bit either. It's a rather sad, suicidal stance one takes. Hey I know, lets protect the ones who would love to see me dead. Some brains just aren't hardwired for survival.
Could ask "Should Christians be allowed to be sex therapists?" (Christianity isn't big on sex.)

Are likely tens of thousands of Muslim pilots, very few do things like this. And lest we forget, everybody had a hard on over the Jordanian pilot murdered by ISIS. So obviously that he was Muslims like the Jordanian (and King of Jordan for that matter) is irrelevant. Don't have to be Muslim to do horrible things.

Muslim terrorists have a well known history of hijackings. This is part of their MO. Do you deny this fact?

I can hardly wait for you tell everyone about all the Muslim airline pilots who have crashed their airplanes.

That is irrelevant. If a Muslim terrorist WAS a pilot and wanted to make a statement, he would most likely crash the airplane, no?

These loons sacrifice their own lives to take others' lives ALL THE TIME. It is pretty much an everyday occurrence. No reason to wonder why people would suspect it is related to terrorism. That is certainly not a far fetched idea.

You make too much sense my friend, heads are gonna explode.
Not playing word games with trolls, you know exactly what the hell I mean.

How unAmerican would you have to be to support any part of the premise of the OP? How shallow and unthinking do you have to be to find it compelling?

It's un American to want to feel safe? Protecting islam would be more important than protecting Americans. I have a right to know.

Maybe you can explain exactly how the premise of the OP would actually protect anyone. You seem much more interested in targeting one group and denying them constitutionally guaranteed liberties.

Like I told you, idiot, that is not up to any of US. We are just posters on a message board, you loon.

In other words: You have no idea what you believe or why.

Hang on a minute there Jr. There is some smoke with this story, we haven't made it up. It may or may not be true, but only a complete brain dead idiot would deny there is a chance.

Or are we playing the sheep script? Islam is a peaceful religion, it just gets a bad rap? Islam has proven it is more than capable of these things dating back to the year 1000, which is the earliest known date of establishment.

You do know there were 2 crusades right? And both were a response to islams murdering conquest. I suppose you see them as the victims.
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So far we have an allegation that a "doctor's note" might have been found. One which is alleged to say that the co-pilot had an illness that should have had him off work. No note has been shown or authenticated.

Not even rumors (yet) as to whether the "illness" was physical or mental.

It's easy to assume but I think it prudent to refrain from that just yet. This onion may have more layers than we're being led to believe.
I don't know how old you are and don't want to insult you, but you might not have been around to see the Neo Nazi reign of terror in my state of Idaho in the late 80's early 90's. Bombings, murders, threats against judges, etc before the federal government cracked down on them. I'm being perfectly honest in saying I wouldn't fly in an airplane where I knew the pilot was a Muslim OR a white supremacist.
I'm 67, I remember Ruby Ridge, but I don't remember any white supremacist "reign of terror". Even so, there's a difference. White supremacists don't believe they'll be going to heaven and having sex with virgins should they die while waging their war. That's the difference. A white supremacist has never flown a plane into a mountain or building, killing himself and others.
No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it
I never really thought about asking about a pilots religion either..and I have flown A LOT. But it's been quite a few years since I have and probably never will again so its a moot point for me, anyway. BUT..if I DID ever get the chance to fly can bet I WILL be asking about my pilot. Just like I would ask a new doctor or dentist or veterinary for my furkids. Today is not yesterday. Things have changed drastically. Gotta go with the flow if you wanna live.
you want to know if your dentist is Muslim?
Yer an asshole and a troll, but I will answer you this one time, then on iggie you go.
I don't care if my dentist is a muslim. I DO care if he does not have a license or experience as a dentist. Same with veterinarians. I check before I "hire" someone to take care of my body, my teeth or my fur children.
Now find something else to twist around for trolling cuz I won't see it.
it seems there is much you do not see lil miss potty what you're really saying is if you fly on a commercial aircraft you will inquire if the pilot has a license ?
No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it

Atheists also don't anticipate eternal consequences for their actions as demonstrated by the 120 million people they killed in the 20th century.

And no I'm not completely wrong. I have the utmost faith that you will do the right thing if the situation actually arises. You'll probably manufacture an excuse that has nothing to do the pilot being Muslim. It really doesn't matter what reason you give because ultimately when you see this:


There's no way in Dante's Hell you're going to put your family on that plane, tolerant Leftist or not.
I would be fine with it btw how do know this gentleman is Muslim?

Because of the article I took it from.

And Muslims are not gentlemen.
perhaps you should post links
I don't know how old you are and don't want to insult you, but you might not have been around to see the Neo Nazi reign of terror in my state of Idaho in the late 80's early 90's. Bombings, murders, threats against judges, etc before the federal government cracked down on them. I'm being perfectly honest in saying I wouldn't fly in an airplane where I knew the pilot was a Muslim OR a white supremacist.
I'm 67, I remember Ruby Ridge, but I don't remember any white supremacist "reign of terror". Even so, there's a difference. White supremacists don't believe they'll be going to heaven and having sex with virgins should they die while waging their war. That's the difference. A white supremacist has never flown a plane into a mountain or building, killing himself and others.
They're still dangerous and their idea of heaven is a race war which they would gladly start. Timothy McVeigh thought there was enough angry in this country that his act would touch off a much needed civil war.
I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it
I never really thought about asking about a pilots religion either..and I have flown A LOT. But it's been quite a few years since I have and probably never will again so its a moot point for me, anyway. BUT..if I DID ever get the chance to fly can bet I WILL be asking about my pilot. Just like I would ask a new doctor or dentist or veterinary for my furkids. Today is not yesterday. Things have changed drastically. Gotta go with the flow if you wanna live.
you want to know if your dentist is Muslim?
Yer an asshole and a troll, but I will answer you this one time, then on iggie you go.
I don't care if my dentist is a muslim. I DO care if he does not have a license or experience as a dentist. Same with veterinarians. I check before I "hire" someone to take care of my body, my teeth or my fur children.
Now find something else to twist around for trolling cuz I won't see it.
it seems there is much you do not see lil miss potty what you're really saying is if you fly on a commercial aircraft you will inquire if the pilot has a license ?
I'll inquire if the pilot has a prayer rug.

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