Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

you are just making shit up in order to take a shot at a religion or race you don't like.
You make it sound so bigoted. Ok, how's this: I'm such a bigot that I hate ALL religions that advocate cutting heads off innocent people and flying planes into buildings and gang raping women who are in pubic without a male relative. Of course I only know of one such "religion". I suppose someone as enlightened as you has no problems with such religions?
You can edit my post and obfuscate all you want. The guy was not a Muslim.
for organized and extensive ideology----of course-----
you want to refer to GOTH as a viable "ideology"?

They usually call themselves White Supremacists or variants there of.

ok-----they are organized enough to be considered a dangerous ideology------they do meet----they have publications and they even have a lingo-----we have a few on this board I would agree that neither white
supremacists nor members of the Ku Klux Klan should be airplane pilots. chefs have a lingo and literature and place for meetings-----but they are not known for terrorism. If they had a history of mass staphlycoccal food poisonings------I would say that they should not be either airplane pilots or stewardesses

I think it's a good idea to have a list of certain mentalities that should never be entrusted with a jumbo jet, but the Left would included white supremacists on that list, who have never crashed planes into buildings, and exclude Muslims, who have. It isn't about saving lives to them, ideology is supreme even over the facts.

white supremacists have a long history of all kinds of
terrorist actions------no place to QUIBBLE as to whether they were wearing socks at that time

The point is, all subscribers to violent ideologies should be banned from piloting aircraft, not just the ones the Left hates.
like teapees

2010 Austin suicide attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They usually call themselves White Supremacists or variants there of.

ok-----they are organized enough to be considered a dangerous ideology------they do meet----they have publications and they even have a lingo-----we have a few on this board I would agree that neither white
supremacists nor members of the Ku Klux Klan should be airplane pilots. chefs have a lingo and literature and place for meetings-----but they are not known for terrorism. If they had a history of mass staphlycoccal food poisonings------I would say that they should not be either airplane pilots or stewardesses

I think it's a good idea to have a list of certain mentalities that should never be entrusted with a jumbo jet, but the Left would included white supremacists on that list, who have never crashed planes into buildings, and exclude Muslims, who have. It isn't about saving lives to them, ideology is supreme even over the facts.

white supremacists have a long history of all kinds of
terrorist actions------no place to QUIBBLE as to whether they were wearing socks at that time

The point is, all subscribers to violent ideologies should be banned from piloting aircraft, not just the ones the Left hates.
like teapees

2010 Austin suicide attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes-----a rare and aberrant example in the USA of that which the armies of allah (Hezbollah) consider HOLY and laudable
Do you know of any other "violent ideology" whose adherents are eager to murder innocent people, and die themselves?
Tea party peeps
2010 Austin suicide attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The case you cited is not relevant for several reasons. Joseph Stack (who flew a small private plane into an IRS building) was not part of any sort of "ideology", he was a citizen who had been abused by the IRS, as has happened to so many other citizens. He wasn't trying to randomly murder innocent people, he was targeting the IRS. He didn't do it to go to heaven (and have sex with virgins), he was tired of being abused by the IRS. Lastly, your point is not relevant because he was never an airline pilot. I'm not saying ALL bad people are muslim. I'm saying that islam is a violent, murderous, evil "religion" whose adherents murder innocent people, and therefore, muslims should NOT be allowed to be airline pilots. Also, "Tea party peeps" is NOT a religion or ideology.
I wouldn't even be surprised that, IF this guy was a Muslim, the media would try to hide it. That is how bad political correctness has become.

Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
American Airlines Flight 77 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The hijackers on American Airlines Flight 77 were led by Hani Hanjour, who piloted the aircraft into the Pentagon.[1] Hanjour first came to the United States in 1990.[2]

Hanjour trained at the CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, earning his FAA commercial pilot's certificate in April 1999.[3] He had wanted to be a commercial pilot for the Saudi national airline but was rejected when he applied to the civil aviation school in Jeddah in 1999. Hanjour's brother later explained that, frustrated at not finding a job, Hanjour "increasingly turned his attention toward religious texts and cassette tapes of militant Islamic preachers".[4] Hanjour returned to Saudi Arabia after being certified as a pilot, but left again in late 1999, telling his family that he was going to the United Arab Emirates to work for an airline.[5] Hanjour likely went to Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda recruits were screened for special skills they may have. Already having selected the Hamburg Cell members, Al Qaeda leaders selected Hanjour to lead the fourth team of hijackers.[6]
Okay, he had his license but no job as a pilot. Still quite a difference from what the German has allegedly done.

No, not really different at all. He was also an inexperienced pilot who took control of the plane and deliberately crashed it. THAT much has already been established by the experts and investigators.
Alrighty! We have exactly one certified pilot that deliberately crashed an airplane as a terrorist act.

I'm terrified.

You probably wouldn't be so flippant if one of YOUR loved ones was killed in such a manner.
Another emotional appeal.

This guy wasn't a Muslim. He wasn't gay. He wasn't black. Hell, it is not even proven that this was a deliberate act.

We were talking about the 9/11 pilots. Remember? :D Anyhow, it isn't an appeal to emotion. It's an appeal to sanity.
Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
You could very well be correct, but I'm curious why you believe that. I don't know of any case where a non-muslim psychopathic murderer used his job as an airline pilot to kill himself and his fellow passengers, and did it calmly. There have been numerous examples of muslims taking whatever opportunity they had to do so. We've had non-muslims go to their work place (usually after being fired) and shooting their bosses, and others, but not just random victims.
Given their history of murdering innocent people, usually through the practice of hijacking planes, the answer to your question is a definite and resounding NO! In fact, they shouldn't be allowed to even board planes as passengers.

Have you ever wondered why you aren't smarter? You should think about that, because it seems to be a real problem.
I've wondered why you never have a point to make.

As if you ever actually wondered about anything.

Look, every single ONE of your posts is pointless. POINTLESS and stupid.

Tell yourself what ever you need to get through the day.

Okay, you are an idiot.
Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
You could very well be correct, but I'm curious why you believe that. I don't know of any case where a non-muslim psychopathic murderer used his job as an airline pilot to kill himself and his fellow passengers, and did it calmly. There have been numerous examples of muslims taking whatever opportunity they had to do so. We've had non-muslims go to their work place (usually after being fired) and shooting their bosses, and others, but not just random victims.

Because there has been no evidence forthcoming as of yet that he has any ties to the Muslim religion.
This is all about being "politically correct." Libs are afraid to say anything negative about Muslims because they're afraid of them. :D Lol.

Right. because we all know those liberals were so gung ho to invade Iraq. Oh wait...
This is all about being "politically correct." Libs are afraid to say anything negative about Muslims because they're afraid of them. :D Lol.

Right. because we all know those liberals were so gung ho to invade Iraq. Oh wait...


If our country was ever attacked, a lot of libs would just sit around and wait to be taken over and then praise Allah. :lol:
Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
You could very well be correct, but I'm curious why you believe that. I don't know of any case where a non-muslim psychopathic murderer used his job as an airline pilot to kill himself and his fellow passengers, and did it calmly. There have been numerous examples of muslims taking whatever opportunity they had to do so. We've had non-muslims go to their work place (usually after being fired) and shooting their bosses, and others, but not just random victims.

I have posted at least three such examples. Google is your friend. And if you believe that there have been no non-Muslims going "postal", you've been asleep the past 30 years. It has happened with alarming frequency of late, in case you missed the memo.
Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
Yes, it hasn't been proven that he's muslim. But, you speculate that he's not, you say "chances are". I say chances are he IS muslim, because it fits the pattern I've seen so many times before.

If you have a fox that regularly breaks into your chicken house and kills chickens, and one day you notice you have dead chickens, you'd say chances are the fox got them. You wouldn't be thinking chances are the fox is innocent because you can't prove it's the fox. I'm not claiming to know he's muslim, I'm just saying chances are he is. And I wonder why you say chances are he's not. Not trying to argue, neither one of knows for sure, but I'm curious as to your thought process.
This is all about being "politically correct." Libs are afraid to say anything negative about Muslims because they're afraid of them. :D Lol.

Right. because we all know those liberals were so gung ho to invade Iraq. Oh wait...


If our country was ever attacked, a lot of libs would just sit around and wait to be taken over and then praise Allah. :lol:

I'm sure you dream this to be the case every night. Good luck with that.
Chances are though, he is just a psychopathic murderer.
You could very well be correct, but I'm curious why you believe that. I don't know of any case where a non-muslim psychopathic murderer used his job as an airline pilot to kill himself and his fellow passengers, and did it calmly. There have been numerous examples of muslims taking whatever opportunity they had to do so. We've had non-muslims go to their work place (usually after being fired) and shooting their bosses, and others, but not just random victims.

I have posted at least three such examples. Google is your friend. And if you believe that there have been no non-Muslims going "postal", you've been asleep the past 30 years. It has happened with alarming frequency of late, in case you missed the memo.

Did you read my post? I said chances are he is a psychopathic murderer? Is there something you don't understand, English maybe?
This is all about being "politically correct." Libs are afraid to say anything negative about Muslims because they're afraid of them. :D Lol.

Right. because we all know those liberals were so gung ho to invade Iraq. Oh wait...


If our country was ever attacked, a lot of libs would just sit around and wait to be taken over and then praise Allah. :lol:

I'm sure you dream this to be the case every night. Good luck with that.

It's true. You guys would be huddled in a ball, crying for your mommy. :crybaby: I mean, you wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

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