Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

You are right, I was wrong. I was responding to brucethethinker. My bad. But the confusion, it seems, came when you then responded to my post #539, apparently thinking I was talking to you. Check out post #539.

Yes, I did think you were responding to my post, so I made an error too.

But just to make things clear, I never stated this guy was or was not a Muslim. It's too soon to rule anything out, and there are not enough details, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the press just glossed over it if they found out that he was a Muslim. Just like liberals do constantly.

They will say, oh it wasn't because he was a Muslim. He is mentally ill. :lol: Well, aren't they ALL to an extent. Come on, anyone who prays to "Allah" six times a day isn't really playing with a full deck if you ask me. Muslims ARE extremists. It's an extreme religion . . . or "cult" as I like to refer to it. It's the biggest oldest cult in the world.

With respect to a plane crash such as this one, I would find it hard to believe that the press or the governments involved would hide whether or not this man was a Muslim and/or bent on downing the plane because of his religious beliefs. If that were the case, I believe the press would be all over it. I agree that it is too soon to say what his motives were, but it is clear to me that any claim (and I am not saying that you made such a claim) that he was a Muslim or that he did it out of anything other than his state of mind at the time is presumptuous, at best.

I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.
Yes, I did think you were responding to my post, so I made an error too.

But just to make things clear, I never stated this guy was or was not a Muslim. It's too soon to rule anything out, and there are not enough details, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the press just glossed over it if they found out that he was a Muslim. Just like liberals do constantly.

They will say, oh it wasn't because he was a Muslim. He is mentally ill. :lol: Well, aren't they ALL to an extent. Come on, anyone who prays to "Allah" six times a day isn't really playing with a full deck if you ask me. Muslims ARE extremists. It's an extreme religion . . . or "cult" as I like to refer to it. It's the biggest oldest cult in the world.

With respect to a plane crash such as this one, I would find it hard to believe that the press or the governments involved would hide whether or not this man was a Muslim and/or bent on downing the plane because of his religious beliefs. If that were the case, I believe the press would be all over it. I agree that it is too soon to say what his motives were, but it is clear to me that any claim (and I am not saying that you made such a claim) that he was a Muslim or that he did it out of anything other than his state of mind at the time is presumptuous, at best.

I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
With respect to a plane crash such as this one, I would find it hard to believe that the press or the governments involved would hide whether or not this man was a Muslim and/or bent on downing the plane because of his religious beliefs. If that were the case, I believe the press would be all over it. I agree that it is too soon to say what his motives were, but it is clear to me that any claim (and I am not saying that you made such a claim) that he was a Muslim or that he did it out of anything other than his state of mind at the time is presumptuous, at best.

I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.

Osama Bin Laden himself was an highly educated engineer, and very wealthy, worth a couple of hundred million dollars.

Complete 911 Timeline All Other 9 11 Hijackers
With respect to a plane crash such as this one, I would find it hard to believe that the press or the governments involved would hide whether or not this man was a Muslim and/or bent on downing the plane because of his religious beliefs. If that were the case, I believe the press would be all over it. I agree that it is too soon to say what his motives were, but it is clear to me that any claim (and I am not saying that you made such a claim) that he was a Muslim or that he did it out of anything other than his state of mind at the time is presumptuous, at best.

I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite
I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.

Osama Bin Laden himself was an highly educated engineer, and very wealthy, worth a couple of hundred million dollars.

Complete 911 Timeline All Other 9 11 Hijackers

Yeah? He wasn't one of the 9/11 hijackers. He was the coordinator. I think HE really was insane and he hated everyone from the "west," the Great Satans. :cuckoo: We are scapegoats too. The dictators steal the resources of their respective countries, are brutal and horrible to their people, let them starve, don't provide for them, and then they can just turn around and blame the Great Satans. That keeps the attention off the dictators, and they just give the people someone to hate and blame.
I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

Yeah, those are the exceptions. Unfortunately, there is always going to be some people who remain ignorant.
I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

Yeah, those are the exceptions. Unfortunately, there is always going to be some people who remain ignorant.

According to the late Frank Zappa:

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."
I don't think they would "hide" it, but I do think they would gloss over it, try to minimize it, perhaps try and blame it on his "mental illness" instead of on Islam.

If a person is mentally ill, and subscribes to the Islamic religion, that could tend to make them even MORE crazy and more bold, IMO. So if there is a component of Islam involved, it should not be glossed over. It needs to be acknowledged and faced head on. We need to stop making excuses for these people.

I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D
Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

Yeah, those are the exceptions. Unfortunately, there is always going to be some people who remain ignorant.

According to the late Frank Zappa:

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

:lol: Hey, that's pretty funny. I would like to believe that most people are not so ignorant though. If you spend too much time on these forums though, you begin to wonder.
I don't think a Muslim is any crazier than a Christian, a Jew, or anyone from any other religion. A crazy Christian is as dangerous as someone from another religion who has the same disease. Ask the families of the victims of the Anders Behring Breivik attack if this isn't true. And to be frank, I've seen no one making excuses for this German pilot. Have you?

Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function
Well you are wrong then. It's a simple as that. These people in the ME are a lot of times ignorant and uneducated and DIRT poor. Use your common sense and figure it out.

The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

People who are suffering from a mental illness a LOT of times turn to "religion" which can sometimes make their delusions even worse, and ISLAM is a violent cult with some very "middle ages" belief systems.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.
The hijackers on 9/11 were educated and from wealthy families. You figure it out.

Yes, sometimes they do. But that usually depends on how inclined to religious belief they are to begin with.

And Chris, every religion of Middle Eastern origin is an unfortunate throwback from the dark ages. Christianity is no exception.

That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.
That doesn't mean they haven't been brainwashed by their imams. Also, do you have a link that they were educated and from wealthy families? From what I gathered, their training was paid for by Al Qaeda operatives, not their own families. Ignorance is the reason why there are so many of these "problems" that stem from Islam, IMO. They can't ALL be crazy, so it has to be lack of education and lack of exposure to the modern world around them.

American Christians, for the most part, are part of the world around them, aware and educated, as that is a mandatory requirement in OUR country. Of course there are always exceptions.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.
.Based on what I read on this board, this statement is totally untrue; in fact, it is quite the opposite

You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.

no doubt----people are far more able to toss crap on a message board------then IN PERSON and certainly more able to do so on messageboards than at their places of employment. HOWEVER---what is tossed
about here that you consider evidence of "psychopathy"-----ie abnormal 'thnking' ???
You know, these types of forums attend to attract such people. :D

chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.

no doubt----people are far more able to toss crap on a message board------then IN PERSON and certainly more able to do so on messageboards than at their places of employment. HOWEVER---what is tossed
about here that you consider evidence of "psychopathy"-----ie abnormal 'thnking' ???

I don't believe I said that. I think it is based in ignorance.
chris dear----fellow chocolate chip ice cream lover------you are GENERALIZING----and doing it vaguely-----"what types"----nutty hyper-religious?------hyper religiosity is a dysfunc----tion of the right side of the brain---generally
temporo-parietal. We are both here----my right parietal lobe is ok but I do have a bit of
a problem with TOPOGRAPHY----which is
a right parietal lobe function

The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.

no doubt----people are far more able to toss crap on a message board------then IN PERSON and certainly more able to do so on messageboards than at their places of employment. HOWEVER---what is tossed
about here that you consider evidence of "psychopathy"-----ie abnormal 'thnking' ???

I don't believe I said that. I think it is based in ignorance.

oh----ok-----ignorance is amazingly prevalent-----
have you ever watched the JAY LENO SHOW?----
and the feature "JAY WALKS"
The super judgmental kind of people who seem to believe that because of their religion, they are better than others, or that other human beings are less deserving of common courtesy, like homosexuals and perhaps women. The ones who believe that they are somehow "perfect" and that if others make mistakes or bad judgments, they are "unworthy." There are tons of them running around on these forums.

I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.

no doubt----people are far more able to toss crap on a message board------then IN PERSON and certainly more able to do so on messageboards than at their places of employment. HOWEVER---what is tossed
about here that you consider evidence of "psychopathy"-----ie abnormal 'thnking' ???

I don't believe I said that. I think it is based in ignorance.

oh----ok-----ignorance is amazingly prevalent-----
have you ever watched the JAY LENO SHOW?----
and the feature "JAY WALKS"

I sure have, but let's not forget that they are only going to show the stupid people for laughs. :D Also, some people might just be camera shy and a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation and have a "brain fart" so to speak.
I have encountered such people but do not see them OUT OF PROPORTION with the general population on these boards.

Well, I seem to encounter them all the time on this board and not in my real life dealings with people. Perhaps it is just more comfortable when they are anonymous to say those kinds of things. I don't really know. But rarely in my real life do I hear the types of things said on these kinds of forums. So, anonymity could be a factor.

no doubt----people are far more able to toss crap on a message board------then IN PERSON and certainly more able to do so on messageboards than at their places of employment. HOWEVER---what is tossed
about here that you consider evidence of "psychopathy"-----ie abnormal 'thnking' ???

I don't believe I said that. I think it is based in ignorance.

oh----ok-----ignorance is amazingly prevalent-----
have you ever watched the JAY LENO SHOW?----
and the feature "JAY WALKS"

I sure have, but let's not forget that they are only going to show the stupid people for laughs. :D Also, some people might just be camera shy and a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation and have a "brain fart" so to speak.

so true----my very own brain suffers gas ----in public
As if you ever actually wondered about anything.

Look, every single ONE of your posts is pointless. POINTLESS and stupid.

Tell yourself what ever you need to get through the day.

Okay, you are an idiot.

Begs the question: Should white folks be allowed to fly airplanes?

Opinion In U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists -

CNN, a left wing government tool. They are the perfect example of those that try to minimize and gloss over Islamic terrorism which is a WORLD WIDE phenomenon with MULTIPLE murders every day based upon extreme religious beliefs.

It's much easier for some folks to talk about a foreign menace than it is to deal with home grown traitors.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times
Look, every single ONE of your posts is pointless. POINTLESS and stupid.

Tell yourself what ever you need to get through the day.

Okay, you are an idiot.

Begs the question: Should white folks be allowed to fly airplanes?

Opinion In U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists -

CNN, a left wing government tool. They are the perfect example of those that try to minimize and gloss over Islamic terrorism which is a WORLD WIDE phenomenon with MULTIPLE murders every day based upon extreme religious beliefs.

It's much easier for some folks to talk about a foreign menace than it is to deal with home grown traitors.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times
You mean like the home grown traitors in the Democratic Party? More specifically, the one in the White House?

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